Second clans Postage Paid Vpl. JLXXII. No. 14, 3 Sections, 22 Pages CRANFORQ, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1965 Cmntord, Mew Jersey 07016 TEN CENTfc" Clean-LTp Load Total of 2, Represents a Cost of$lMo Eirwan Seeks Reelection, Members of the public works departmeart hava^een removing an average of 23 loads Of debris a day in Ihg township's spring garden clean-up program, which will mean a total^jfappro^imately 230 loads Pringle His Running Mate for the project ending, this Saturday, JjCownship Engineer Patrick J. Grail reported yesterday. Collections will be mad| in. Election Districts IT and 1 On Local Republican Ticket morrow in Districts & and/it) -and Mayor H. Raymond Kirwan Saturday in Districts 2^md 14. Board Names of 3X1 Stoughton Ave. and Mal- Mr. Grail said the^pfoject repre- sented a total cost of $7,500, in- colm S. Pringle of 100 Severin cluding $3,50f>xlabor costs for iS New Coaches Ct. will file petitions today as men workijatgeight hours a day for Republican' candidates for the lOjiays of the clean-up cam- In Schools Town?hip Committee, it was juipment used has included Appointment of 20 faculty mem- learned yesterday. Terms of •Jive township trucks, representing bers to 29 coaching positions Mayor kirwan ' and i Public $2,000 at the rate of $5 an hour the three secondary schools : Works Commissioner Nelson each; two front-end loaders, $960 1905-66 was'made by the Board at the rate of $6 aiKhour, and one M, lightcap expire this year. of Education on Tuesday night. •The latter Announced earlier that chipper, $500 for 50 Tiours* usft, Merlyn Jones was named yarsity The engineer noted fhiat without he would not seek reelection. the. use of the chipper to; grind* up football coach succeeding Stanley ^JMayor Kirwrau and Mr; Pringle branches and twigs the * debris Qrayson. Other varsity coaches reeei'.«ed the ^^JKsssaat T||ps- total would have represented named are: Angelo Preite, soccer; day night at the Casino of a local about,. 60 additional loads. VB[lHiam Martin, basketball; Her- •GOP .screening cbmmittee cam- -"Photo 1>y "Berge^ studio '-Other costs in tfto-overall- -estl- bertyfarrell, wrestling? -I posed -at -representatives "of the ^ JLUTpE TO StIMMER SWIM —« Mayor HfRaymond 'Kirwan matejof $7,5<W. included- gasoline^ Republican Municipal ritt^ as he tossed first'earth §upervision7 paper worETand fele"- at "ground; breaking Ceremonies Monday for~£ranford's $4fl0,0j>8^municipal swimming pool, to >,e Belle, track. Mr. Belle replaces Cranford Republican Club .and phone service in answering calls k Young Republican Club. constructed on 11%-acre site off Orange Ave. adjacent to/Orange Avenue Junior High School. for Information and requests for Mr. Jones. \ Mayor Kirwan said contractors have assured 'him. worJe'wiU bfe completed by June 15 and the pool call-backs^ Kennth Sekel}& was appointed In making the announcement, will b£ r^ady for use by July 1. -Left to right in the^plcture arc: Charles Roberts, member of the as junior varsity football coach MALCOLM B. PRINGUE Mrs. H. A.-Giovier, GOP munici- The township sweeper alsa is H. RAYMOND KIRWAN pal chairman, said that at earlier Municipal Pool Committee; Harry J. Spies of Varfder Clute and Spies, architects for the- project; being used in cleaning the streets repla^ng ME. JonesrajiS Vincent Robert R." Shupin, recreation superintendent^Mayor Kirwan; Robert M. Crane, pool comnuttio- Dodino will serve as assistant var- meetings" of the screening corn^. after collections, but the cost of tnittee Mayor JS^wan had ex- chairrrtah, and Joseph Alesci of J. Alesci Construction Co., Elizabeth, general contractor. this was not included in the esti- sity football coach. At Orange Avenue Junior High School, Her- pressed a desire not to be a can- mate since the street sweeping is Kreger} Brass Democratic didate for reelection to Township k. hpi+ F-arrpll will serve as freshman ** football coach, and Warren Pinto, Committee this year, Mr. Grail said 95 percent of the assistant coach, while at Hillside Candidates for Committee tiecrwi uui$totidingf Hands Slate Totar residents have cooperated in put- "However," she continued, "it ting out their debris on the days Avenue Junior High School, H. Randall Kreger of 56 Livingston Ave., a former member of was Jfre unanimous opinion of George Kirn will be freshman foot- the Board of Education"," and Eyftot Bross of 4 Brown Ter., a "lawyer, representatives at" the meeting specified, but that the number of ball coach assisted by Johnny joe For Mewmm Day Parade For Annual call-backs by others have ex- will be Democratic candidates for Township Committee,, d, was an- that to successfully carry forward An outstaodingarray of .marching musical talent hajS been lined ceeded expectations. As a result, Other assignments are as fol- nounced last night by Richard Brand, Democratic' muhicrp'al chair- the many programs how underway, up for the annuakMemorial Day parade here on Monday, May 31, it he said, there may have to be ad- lows: Soccer — varsity, Angelo it would, be to the township's LWV Meeting man. Petitions for holh candidates will be filed the deadline at benefit-to retain a »an ^J was revpaled^m a meeting of the Memorial and Independence Day ditional collections by the depart' Pfeite; junior .varsity, Raymond 4 p,m, today, y A slate of officers- headed by ment next week, although every Ward; freshman, Charles Nelson. Comm.itteo-'fast, Wednesday' evening at the Municipal Building Mrs. Fiedenck W. Holly of 306 Mr. Brand said the tw6 fiandi- vlgof and deptti of ex- acts have been received from the Blessed Sacrament Golden effort Is'being made to complete Basketball — junior varsity, Mr. perience dn the governing t>ody. Lincoln Ave., E., for president, will > 1 Knights and the Blessed £acra- the project by the originally speci- Belle; Hillside freshman, Thomas "In 2tfr. Prtaglf, * sHe confinued, be acted upon at the annual meet- fied date pf this Saturday. Pugliese; Orange freshman, Glenn dates had been selected /Unani- • ment Squires Drum and Bugle ing of the League of .Women Vot- mously by the DentDcratic screen- "the Republicans hatas a candidate er*, to be held Monday night at In addition-to the extra .pickups, "whose ^ucationat, business ana business Tax ol JStewa,i-k. A fifteen piece the' call-backs also necessitate re- Wrestling — junior varsity, 1/ ing committee fallowing several civic back*rout*Jl will make him 'Fipe Band from the home of I Mrs. Julius Orgel of meetings liurihg" which a nfunbgr 301 Prospect 1 Ave. ^ visits of, the street sweeper, Jones; Orange freshman, Alfred an. outstanding: addition #> ,8ie /secured and donated to ffite engineer said. fConiirva<<t on Paqe 8) of namfes were proposed. ' i Township Conitrjittee.' Hera's a Filing Date Mrs. HollyV has been ittjjjtfng as Mr. Kreger, a • professor at busU in by the Young Democratic first vice-president „&£. JfiVpast ness administration and, forjne« year. \ . » --,' cfcan'in;jtiie School of Business Atfmift&fiattoii ^*«^!i«« «n»nBr ^ 1 -f Cranford High School Others on the slate to be srfb* "Atfift&fiatt£cnaol of Publti ^*«^c Jfccountirig * t te for business per- Marching Cougar Band, thejunior mittedf bjr "Mrs. B. Kott, Rutgers University, Newark, feesy- iax jffeturns has School'Band and Mo Ele- nominating \ committee, chairman, 'Double Session* Graduation ett on' the Board of Education jfo/ In accept «» serening com- Jjeetf chfcttgejj'froin May 1, tojj^ly mentary School Bands .also will include;. Fir$t vice-president, Mrs. three year$.' adttetflr dnttr »,# tor a third 1 for this y$ar*« and! future participate in the parade. \. Nathan Roiisfein; (currently serv- Graduation' exefcMs wllf Be~"sS&ffiii!^aTTd~appotnt®3 tKe"admin-1'~i ^ graduate of New term, Mayor1 Swaft fssued the returns nmoer-provisions o* As hcld in tw& oectio.13 In June •t3yis3=tive_«sup^v:3crf sts2 fcr the verai.ty schooShll or Ccommerce, Ac»- iioliowing sxaiemem: It was. announced thai Robert 1985-66 school year , with no sembly JEHJl; No., 8OT, -which Was 'William Van Fossanj directors, accommodate 'pbrertts* arid' guests counts *and Finance with a bache-* '"The business of operating mu- i, * l Shupfo. recreation; superintendent, Mrs, _Mfl£vinf Orcgnbftygf- —J a:te3_la-th<* Qaas lot el acl«ncfr-^degree-itt~ecottOBlicg signed 14St \SeeR pf the ^overffofT of 1S65,, JJh el$$ qla,ssq,,, eyey r to be vacancy caused by the resignation nicipal government is becoming and his staff are working on plans Mary Sullivan andi Mrs. Richard and finance, he also holds a toas- 'increasingly cample* and the If a taxpayer^ iaiW to file a-busi- for an all-day celebration to be Wagner, for two years, and Mrs. graduatedd d in the historhit y of ththe of t>£ Paul V, Buonaguro, coor- ter's degree in busuiess administra- ness personal property tax return, school. , dinator of special services, Reap- need for a continuity of policy and held 'at the Memorial Field on 'Anthony'Connor, forgone year, tion from the Graduate School ©f planning has become mor^'and under provfs|ons'-of> the new bill , Also> nominating committee, Dr. Clark W. McDefmith, super- pointment of health and office per- an assessor may value the taxable Monday, July 5. .There will be s-onnel and building service staff Business' Administration or" New more important. The township Mrs. John Lynes (chairman), Mrs. intendent of schools, revealed the York University. He is-.a graduate presently has underway several personal property of the taxpayer gatfSes, contests, races and other H. W. Ulsamer and JVIrs..William plans for the ceremonies at a meet- also was confirmed for -the next V: school year.' : ' of fhe American Institute~ojE Batik-' projects land jorogyajns whichJ--X-i at a value wwhic h he deemdss reason- activities.
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