ANNUAL MEETING OF CHUTE PARISH COUNCIL Thursday May 8th 2014 Present: Cllr Quirk Cllr Foxen Cllr Haines Cllr Hughes Cllr Sykes Mrs C Wall Clerk and RFO Cllr Taylor The meeting was attended by six members of the public. 1. ELECTION OF CHAIRMAN AND DECLARATION OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFICE Cllr Quirk was proposed by Cllr Sykes and seconded by Cllr Taylor. A vote was then taken which was unanimous Newly elected Chair presiding. 2. ELECTION OF VICE CHAIR Cllr Quirk proposed Cllr Haines which was seconded by Cllr Sykes 3. TO RECORD ANY APOLOGIES. Apologies were received from: Cllr Wheeler (Holiday) Wiltshire Police 4. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Members are reminded that, in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct, they must declare any personal and/or prejudicial interests and leave the meeting if appropriate. Cllr Taylor – Agenda number 16.2 and 314/04181/TCA Remove Ash Tree 19 Tibbs Meadow. Property Owner and neighbour 5. ALLOCATION OF ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES i. 3.1 Footpaths Cllr Haines ii. 3.2 Highways Cllr Sykes iii. 3.3 Village Hall Cllr Quirk iv. 3.4 King George Playing Field Cllr Quirk v. 3.5 Chute Fete Committee Cllr Foxen vi. 3.6 Community Emergency Volunteer Cllr Wheeler vii. 3.7 Chute in Need Relief Cllr Wheeler 6. TO APPROVE THE COUNCIL’S STANDING ORDERS (attached) Cllr Sykes 6.1noted that a date amendment should be made on item 6.1 The Standing Orders were otherwise approved and proposed by Cllr Foxen and Seconded by Cllr Sykes 7. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: To approve and sign, as a correct record, the Minutes of the 3rd April 2014. The minutes were agreed and approved as a true record. Proposed By Cllr Hughes Seconded By Cllr Haines 8. MATTERS ARISING: To discuss any matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting on 3rd April 2014 No Matters arising 9. TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM WILTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCILLOR AND WILTSHIRE POLICE Wiltshire Police (written report) Between 06/03/2014 and 08/05/2014 there were 2 incidents that required police attention in the Chute area (excluding Chute Forest). 25/04/2014 – Local Farm near Chute Causeway reported a suspicious white van on their property. We completed an area search but there was no trace. Please see below our further actions regarding Op Engage. 30/04/2014 – Chute Cadley – theft of a laptop from a dwelling – enquiries are ongoing. As discussed by PC Bunt at the recent APM, below are the results of Operation Engage. Our thanks to those involved from the Chute community. Operation Engage is an operation to tackle rural crime including the theft of fuel, theft of plant machinery and other equipment from farm and domestic premises and misuse of red diesel (untaxed HMRC and officers engaged in the operation stopped and checked 45 vehicles. • The tanks of 25 vehicles were dipped for red diesel and other illegal fuels. • Three breath tests were carried out all of which were negative. • Two Penalty notices for possession of controlled drugs were issued • A driver underwent a field impairment test suspected of driving under the influence of drugs, • 1 vehicle defect notice was issued. Sergeant Martin Phipps from the Tidworth Neighbourhood Policing Team said: “ I am delighted that we have so many members of the public who are keen to work with us to ensure that the area is not seen as an easy target for crime and have resolved to support their local police by being their “Eyes and Ears” on the ground. This enables us to cover larger areas and target criminals in a far more effective way. By working in conjunction with other agencies such as HMRC we can arrest these individuals and seize their vehicles if they are flouting the law by using untaxed or stolen fuels.” Anyone who has information regarding rural crime is asked to contact their local Neighbourhood Policing Team on 101. fuel). The operation involves officers from the Tidworth, Amesbury and Pewsey Neighbourhood Policing Teams, Wiltshire Roads Policing Unit, Wiltshire and Hampshire Special Constabularies, The Royal Military Police and Her Majesties Custom and Excise (HMRC) supported by volunteers from the community. The latest phase of the operation took place overnight on Sunday 27th and Monday 28th April 2014 and involved 45 people, 25 of whom were volunteers from the community. Operation Engage will be continued over the coming months and focuses on the area from Wylye and Tilshead to Andover and Hungerford in Hampshire and West Berkshire. Officers using 4 x 4’s and specialist Roads Policing vehicles were deployed in an effort to detect and prevent rural crimes. 10. General Public – Any questions Questions were deferred until after item 11 and 12 11. Cadley Pond and Green – Janna Purdie Ms Purdie requested item 11 as an agenda item but failed to attend the meeting. A member of the public requested that a tree that was planted on the northern side of the green to commemorate an unknown event was felled as was only supposed to grow to 20ft and is now topping 60ft. This backs on to the drains which are blocked with leaves during the autumn. No objection was made by the council and a planning application to be made. 12. Planning proposal (Longview) – Samantha Debenham Mrs Debenham advised that she had attended the meeting to make the council aware that she was proposing to submit a planning application to Wiltshire Council to build five small brick and flint slate roofed cottages at the top of the original drive to Long View of which 40% would be offered as affordable housing. Cllr Foxen requested if the new properties would require a new drive and Mrs Debenham confirmed that the cottages would be parallel to the road with front gardens and parking to the rear accessed by the former drive. Cllr Haines requested if neighbours have been consulted and Mrs Debenham replied that at this stage she had not done so but wanted to advise the council first. Mrs Debenham stated that all councillors would be very welcome to come and discuss individually. The meeting was adjourned at 7.50pm to attend a suspected fire in the Village Hall kitchen and re-adjourned at 8pm 13. Finance – i. Receive and approve Annual Return for 2013/2014 ii. Receive Internal Auditors comments on the accounts for year ended March 31st 2014 iii. Approve Statement Governance Statement for year ended 31st March 2014 The above items were recommended for approval and proposed by Cllr Sykes and Seconded by Cllr Hughes iv. Review risk assessment for 2014/2015 Cllr Sykes recommended that an action be made in the event of loss of the clerk. v. Appoint Mr Mike Chubb as Competent Internal Auditor for 2014/2014 vi. Approve Terms of Reference for Internal Auditor for 2014/2015 The Clerk advised that the terms of reference still required agreement with the internal auditor. vii. Note receipt of VAT repayment of £16.48 viii. Note the receipt of Precept of £6034.71 ix. Note RFO has submitted the end of year PAYE filing to HMRC 14. To approve expenditure i. Chute Village Hall Hiring Annual General Meeting 50% Cost April £10.00 ii. Chute Village Hall April and May Meeting £40 iii. WALC and NALC Annual Subscription £114.25 iv. Approve payment of £2683 to King George Field (129 properties at £20.80 per property) as agreed in the precept calculation v. Approve Payment too Zurich Insurance for 2014-15 Insurance Premium £346.90 vi. Approve Payment of £57.48 to the Clerk for 50% payment for Chute website(Domain Name £7.48 Hosting £50.25 Two year contract) vii. Approve Payment of Clerks Stationary Expenses £6.40 viii. Approve payment of £22 to Dekgraphics Printroom for Defibrillator flyers ix. Approve payment to Glasdon UK Limited for Dog Waste Bin (Note that donation of £50 CFPC and £82.65 FROM Dog Walkers will be received) The above payments were approved and Proposed by Cllr Sykes Seconded By Cllr Haines 15. Planning Applications To receive, consider and comment on Planning Applications as received from Wiltshire Council. - i. 14/03508/TCA Fell trees at Foxcote Upper Chute The Clerk advised that although the land owner had origionally stated that the application was made by her agent, she now realised that this was not the case and would receive the full facts from the applicant. ii. 14/04181/TCA Remove Ash Tree 19 Tibbs Meadow No objection to this application and Proposed by Cllr Foxen and Seconded by Cllr Sykes. iii. 14/03846/FUL Parsonage Farm Demolish existing building and lean to and erect portal framed building to store part straw and loose housing for beef cattle No objection was made to the above application and Proposed By Cllr Foxen Seconded By Cllr Hughes The meeting was adjourned at 8.20pm due to the arrival of Cllr Charles Howard (Wiltshire Council) Cllr Howard Wilshire Council Cllr Howard advised that he had telephoned the Planning Expectorate Office for an update on the planning application on land adjacent to Chute Forest Cottage as a decision has still not been made. He advised that he is still awaiting a response on the appeal date. A comprehensive report is available on the Collingbourne Ducis village website on actions by Wiltshire Council. At a meeting in Trowbridge, a reorganisation of youth services was announced which will no longer be controlled by Trowbridge, but will be run by area boards and will target needs and grants will be made available. These grants will support football and cricket clubs etc. as youth workers are no longer required as much of their work is now carried out at leisure centres.
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