1898. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 471 correct the 1·ecordof TheronR. Powell, of Orange County, N.Y.­ to organize a board of not less than three competent persons wb..ose to the Committee on Military Affairs. duty it shall be to inquire into and determine how much the hull, By Mr. OTJEN: Petition of M. Zolsman and 20 other citizens of machinery, and appurtenances of the U.S. revenue cutter Daniel Milwaukee, Wis., in opposition to the so-called anti-scalping bill or Manning, contracted for by the Department, cost the contractors any similar measure-to the Committee on Interstat9 and Foreign over and above the contract price, but stating the necessity of an Commerce. appropriation of $1,000 by Congress for the purpose; which was By Mr. PARKER of New. Jersey (by request): Petition of Bene­ ordered to lie on the table and to be printed. dictPrieth and 125othercitizens of Newark, N. J.,members of the Turner Bnnd, in opposition to the ''educational test" in tho Lodge S.A.LES OF INDIA.N L.A.:f\TDS. immigration bill-to the Committee on Immigration and N aturali­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ zation. tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a letter By Mr. RICHARDSON: Petition of William H. Huggins, of from the Auditor for the Interior Department upon the subject Dekalb County, Tenn., asking for a pension-to the Committee of liabilities of registers and receivers on their bondi for the pro­ on Invalid Pensions. ceeds arising from the sales of Indian lands, t>.nd recommending Also, petition of R. D. Warren and 110 other citizens of Lincoln immediate legislation for the security and protection of the inter­ County, Tenn., asking for a survey of Elk River and opening the ests of the United States and the Indians; which, with the accom­ same for navigation from Fayetteville to its mouth-to the Com­ panying paper, was referred to the Committee on Public Lands, mittee on Rivers and Harbors. and ordered to be printed. By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Resolutions adopted at a meet-· ing of citizens of Fort Wayne, Ind., remonstrating against any PETITIO:NS .A.ND MEMORIALS. treaty of alliance with England-to the Committee on Foreign Mr. :MILLS presented a memorial of sundry business firms of Affairs. Bonham, Tex., remonstrating against any change being made in By Mr. SPERRY (by request): Petition of railway postal clerks the present system of ticket brokerage; which was referred to the detailed as transfer clerks, for leave of absence, with pay, in each Committee on Interstate Commerce. year-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. Mr. ALLEN presented memorials of Gustav Belitz and sundry By Mr. STEELE: Petition of W. I. Leffel and other citizens of other citizens of Bancroft; of Rev. M. Winters, of Leigh; of D. Deedsville, Ind., asking a pension for Thomas Stevenson, father Kuhlman and sundry other citizens of Graft; of J. Anderson and of .James G. Stevenson-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. sundry other citizens of Hay Springs, and of Otto Siemers and sun­ dry other citizens of Dunbar, all in the State of Nebraska, remon­ strating against the enactment of legislation restricting immigra­ tion; which were ordered to lie on the table. SENATE. He also presented a petition of sundry labor unions and organi­ zations of San Francisco, Cal., praying that relief be granted from :MoNDAY, January 10, 1898. the competition of prison labor in that State; which was referred Prayer by Rev. STEPHEN M. MERRILL, D. D., of Chicago, Ill. to the Committee on Education and Labor. · The Journal of the proceedings of Friday last was read and He also pre3ented the affidavit of G. R. Turner, of Blue Springs, approved. Gage County, Nebr., in support of the bill (S. 2304) granting a THE CIVIL SERVICE. pension to G. R. Turner, of Blue Springs, Nebr.; which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ Mr. McMILLAN presented memorials of Longshoremen's Union tion from the Secretary of the Navy, transmitting, in response to No. 30, of Port Huron; of Detroit River Lodge, No. 2, Association the resolutions of the 18th ultimo, certain information as to the of Amalgamated Iron and Steel Workers, of Detroit; of Cigar appointive positions in his Depa1·tment which should, in his Makers' Union No. 184, of Bay City; of Retail Clerks' Union No. opinion, be excepted from the operation of the rules governing the 165, of Saginaw, and of Local Union No. 26, of Grand Rapids, all civil service or the rules established by the Civil ~en-ice Com­ in the Sta.te of Michigan, remonstrating against any change be­ mission, and stating that in the opinion of the Department the ing made in the present system of ticket brokerage; which were only amendment which its experienee suggests in the laws gov­ referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. erning the civil service or the rules established by th~ Civil Service Mr. FAIRBANKS presented the petitions of W. H. Martin and Commission relates to the rules; which was referred to the Com­ 27 other citizens of Dayton, Ohio; of Thomas Baldwin and 47 other mittee on Civil Service and Retrenchment, and ordered to be citizens of Colfax, lll.; of George L. Spinning and 40 other citi­ printed. zens of South Orange and Clarksburg, N.J.; of William Duffey He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Post­ and 48 other citizens of Hilton, Irvington, Newark, and Maple­ master-General, transmitting, in response to the resolutions of wood, all in the State of New J~rsey; of Charles Wiseand20other the 18th ultimo, certain information relative to what appointive citizens of North Industry, Howenstine, and Canton, in the State positions in his Department should, in his opinion, be excepted of Ohio; of Emery Yoder and 24 other citizens of North Industry from the operation of the laws governing the civil service or the and Battlesburg. in the State of Ohio, and of A. B. Gauze and 75 rules established by the Civil Service Commission, and recommend­ other citizens of Howenstine, North Industry, Bancroft, and Otter­ ing that certain positions should be excepted from the rules gov­ bein, in the State of Ohio, praying for the enactment of legislation erning the classified civil service in addition to those of private which will more effectually restrict immigration and prevent the secretary and confidential clerk to the Postmaster-General and admission of illiterate~ pauper, and criminal classes to the United unskilled laborers, which are now exempt; which was referred to States; which were ordered to lie on the table. the Committee on Civil Service and Reti·enchment, and ordered .M:r. McBRIDE presented the memorial of W. S. Cutler aJnd 20 to be printed. other citizens of Portland, Oreg., remonstrating against any He also laid before the Senate a communication from the Secre­ change being made in the present system of ticket brokerage; tary of the Interior, transmitting, in response to the resolutions of which was referred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. the 18th ultimo relative to appointive positions in his Department l\.fr. ALLISON presented a petition of sundry clergymen of to be excepted from the operation of the laws governing the civil Dubuque, Iowa, praying for the creation of a commission to in­ service, or the rules established by the Civil Service Commission, a vestigate the labor problem; which was referred to t#le Committee list of certain positions in his Department which should, in his on Education and Labor. opinion, be excepted; which was referred to the Committee on He also presented a petition of sundry letter carriers of Des Civil Service and Retrenchment, and ordered to be printed. Moines, Iowa, praying for the retention upon the statute books of PROTECTION OF FUR SEALS. the present law relating-to the civil service; which was referred The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ to the Committee on Civil Service and Retrenchment. tion from the Secretary of State, transmitting, in response to a He also presented a petition of sundry clergymen of Dubuque, resolution of May25, 1897, a complete and accurate copy of a note Iowa, praying for the enactment of legislation to limit absolute of instruction of April 21, 1897, from Lord Salisbury to Sir Julian divorces in the District of Columbia and the Territories; which Pauncefote in relation to the protection of fur seals in Bering Sea, was referred t-o the Committee on the District of Columbia. an important typewritten page of the copy heretofore submitted He also presented a petition of sundry clergymen of Dubuque, having been omitted; which, with the accompanying papers, was Iowa, praying for the enactment of a Sunday-rest law for the Dis­ referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, and ordered to be trict of Columbia; which was referred to the Committee on the printed. District of Columbia. He also presented a petition of sundry clergymen of Dubuque, REVENUE CUTTER DANIEL J1I.A.NNING. Iowa, praying for the enactment of legislation prohibiting the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ interstate ti·ansmission of lottery or other gambling messages by tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, in response to a resolution telegraph; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. of the 5th instant, expressing the willingness of the Department He also presented a petition of sundry clergymen of Dubuque, 472 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. JANUARY lOt Iowa, praying for the enactment of legislation prohibiting the sale Crawford and 51 other citizens ·of Philadelphia, and of W.
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