DIALSH 1.0010 VOL. 85, HO, 244 SSS RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 5, 1963 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE e To Pope John VATICAN CITV (AP)-The On hit head wai a golden, It may be interrupted for Sun- Pope John's successor Is Rome and the diplomats ac- everyday people so dear to bishop's niter, for the Pope it day and for the feast of Corpus whether to continue the Ecu- credited to the Vatican paid Pope John XXIII came by the both Bishop of Rome and su- Christi on June 13. The last menical Council which Pope homage at the Pope's bier yes- teas of thousands today to see preme pontiff of the world's three days will be marked by John convened last fall.• And terday in the papal apartment. their beloved pontiff in death. half billion Catholics. The Solemn Mass celebrated by the dead Pope brought new As dusk fell, the body was The mourners filed between miter- 'reminded Romans that Cardinals. Envoys from many pressure last night on his fu- carried In solemn procession •wooden barriers .through St. they had, lost their bishop in nations are expected to attend ture successor to guide the across the crowded square and Peter's Square where many losing their Pope. the final funeral services. council to a successful con- into the Basilica, where four times they had come to see the The body will lie in state for Informed sources in Washing- clusion. - noble guards stood a vigil smiling Pope at his window— public viewing until tomorrow ton said President Kennedy has L'Osservatore Romano, pre- through the night. and entered the cool Basilica night. After a private burial designated Vice President Lyn- sumably acting on previous in- Today the people of Some to move past his lifeless .figure. service tomorrow evening, it don B. Johnson to represent structions from Pope John, be- and of the world came to pray Nearly 100 persons waited will be placed in a crypt in a him. gan publishing previously un- before the bier. through the night in the square. niche in front of the tomb of As the faithful of Rome filed rejeased statements and writ- Women carried roses and car- By 8:07 am., when the central Pope Pius XI, in the right past the catafalque, the 50 or ings of the dead pontiff. nations. Men wore black ties. doors of the Basilica opened, a lateral nave of the grotto un- more members of the College Of the Ecumenical Council he Children were in their Sunday line 30 abreast stretched across der the main floor of the Ba- of Cardinals in foreign lands said: clothes. the immense square and far silica. set out for the Vatican to attend "Will He (God) allow me to There were tourists from down the Via Delia Concilia- There was no indication, how- the funeral rites and to begin see it through? Be He Messed. America, priests from Asia, zione.' • ever, that this would be the meeting between June 18 and Will Ha not? Then from heaven pilgrims from Europe, students Red Pontifical Robes final resting, place. June 21 to elect Pop* John's where I hope—am certain— from Africa. Pope John lay in red pon- Moaning Period successor. that divine mercy will taC4 me, It was in orderly crowd that tifical robes on a catafalque The official nine-day mourn- Major Decision I shall see its happy ending." moved slowly, without pressing. ing period will begin Friday. A major decision awaiting The 30 or so Cardinals in (See POPE, Page 2) POPE ON CATAFALQUE IN VAnCAN— Jhe bbo'y of Pope John XXIII, clad in red pontifical robe« and golden bishop's ,mif re, lies ,in. state on catafalque in the papal was serene, showing no mark apartment at the Vatican. Noble Guards stand at the head of the catafalque. of the four days of suffering that ended with his death Mon- County Tackles Problems (AP Wirephotol day night. ; Wide Range Of Opinion By Cardinals Sewers, Pollution NEW YORK (AP) - America's five Roman Catholic cardinals, who leave for Rome this week to'help elect a new Pope, repre- sent a wide range of opinion on religious and political issues. Study Is Sought None is considered a contend- er for Catholicism's highest post. FREEHOLD — k comprehen- study, the meeting was enlivened As an illustration, he recalled tle Silver system was approved - Church observers usually rank sive study by •£ professional by some criticisms and a mild that some years ago Little Silver and built, the regional plan three of them with the liberals sanitary engineer consultant is exchange between Mr. Irwin and went ahead with plans for a sew- would be delayed many more in the 82-member sacred College tin first need of Monmouth Long Branch Coundtwoman Lu- age disposal plant that would years, he added. of Cardinals. County in meeting growing prob- cy Wilson. empty, purified effluent into the "But H it eventually turns out Italy has the largest number lems of sewage disposal and wa Over-all Plan Shrewsbury River. But when the that the regional plan can't of cardinals in the college—29— terway pollution, the Board of Henry Labrecque, municipal plans were completed they were work, then the Little Silver proj- but election of a Pope requires Freeholders was toW last night engineer in Red Bank and Mid- rejected by the state Health De- ect would be approved," he a two-thirds majority. * More than 100 representatives dletown Township, and other partment. • added. Much To Be Done of most of the county's S3 TOU- places, said the state has been I don't think the borough Principal Question The new pontiff will decide Wdpalittes were on hand at a lacking in leadership. V» Health would have gone so far if it knew The state official also noted whether to continue the work in- meeting at the Hall of Records Department, he said, should in the beginning you were going tint the plans prepared (or local itiated by Pope John XXIII, in- called by (he freeholders to dis- adopt an over-all plan pointing to turn it down." sewer lines within little Silver cluding the second Vatican (ecu- PRAY W* tTBRNA^UBT — Womeri and;"children ^^ ^ cuss the twin problems.. up the areas where specific pro] Mr. Shaw said (he reason for would be useful whenever the menical) Council, tentative ap- Unanimous Support ects could be undertaken. rejection was that the state felt plant was buitt, even if on a regional basis. praches toward a modus vivendi home village in northern Italy, pray for Jrh^;Jat*> pontiff -during' SflJemn Rs«j«}em Mast Robert Shaw, assistant direc- We should be told what we the time was ripe tor creation can do and where w« can do it," of a regional sewer district in He said the principal question (See CARDINALS, Page 2) shortly after,jfcslMyfather's death;: W«i anno«nt«d» ^ ';-, :•,•;; (AP Wj) tor of the State Division of En- vironmental HefltlL. won unani Jwdeehwfd.. the area. If the independent Lit- (See STUDY, Page 2) mou* suft«ii^#;il*';ll when - at - the *lt«t study *nd «,«*&« p Road Dept. Involved in age disposal was basic to meeting George New Jones Target county problems in aH areas How son, both of Atlantic Highlands, said they had given Mr. By FRANK W. HARBOUR and for the next 25 years. , •LOWS BRANCH - One a day seems to cinerator a quarter; mile from the track. Jackson permission to remove the soil. • ' MIDDLETOWN — The township will have to issue orders ISie freeholders promised to it the pace Acting City Manager J. O. Jones And city police, on Jones' direct orders, set |or Its own employees to comply with zoning ordinance regu- Mr. Jackson said most of the soil was removed two years study (he proposal and act has set for himself In having public differ- up traffic checks at two key intersections lations governing excavation and soil removal, The Register ago, some of it last year; that it was used for various town- promptly. Freeholder Director ences with prominent city officials. leading to the track an hour before the first learned yesterday. ship jobs, such as filling road washouts and the like and that Joseph C. Irwin rejected the pos- Yesterday he added CouncUman-at-large race. the road-department helped "clean up" the Rt 36 tract in sibility of immediate action. But Walter George to a list, begun only last Fri- This fact came to light as a result of an investigation of the process. ' . ' Mayor McClintock and Councilman Unter- excavations along Rt. 36, between Atlantic Highlands and he said the board was unanimous- day, which includes Mayor Thomas L. Mc- meyer were critical in public statements. Highlands. He said Mr. Bowtell and Mr. Sorenson donated most of ly impressed and seemed favor Clintock, Councilman Milton F. Untermeyer, Mr. Jones retaliated, accusing them of in- the soil which township trucks removed. Police Chief Robert C. Gurley, and Detective '•.. The investigation was triggered by complaints of officials ably disposed to adopt it. • ' terfering in his duties as acting city manager. Capt. Joseph D. Purcell. ' ot both neighboring towns that Middletown has permitted The ordinance section regulating such removal reads; There were no estimates of Explaining the traffic check plan, he said Illegal digging and "scarring xof the earth" in this area. "No person shall excavate or otherwise remove any na- the costs, though one profession- Mr, George was not available for com- It had been recommended by Chief Gurley .'.- David Jackson, Middletown Township road supervisor, tural mineral deposit for sale or for use other than on the al engineer in the audience spec- ment.
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