CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 SERIES-20 TAMIL NADU PART Xln~A DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORY CHENGALPATTU A. P. MUTHUSWAMI of the Indian Administrative Service Director of Census Operations, Tamil Nadu Price: c c <:'. , .: PRINTED BY THE GOVERNMENt OF TAMIL NADU AND PRINTED BY THE DIRECTOR OF STATIONERY AND PRINTING AT THE GOVERNMENT BRANCH PRESS. CHOOLAI, MADRAS-I 12. CONTENTS Page Nos. Foreword v Preface vii Impr.rl ant Stat istics xi District Map Faci~g page xii Analytical Note (i) Census concepts-Rural and Urben areas, UI bnn Agglomeiation, Census households, Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, Literates, . Main Workers, Marginal Worker s, Non-Worker&, etc. (ii) Blief history of the Distlict Census Handbook, Scope of Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstlact. (iii) Brief History of the District, Pbysical Asp('cts, Forestly, Minerals and Mining, Electricity and POWeI, Land and Land use pattern, Tenancy, Agticulture, Animal Husbandry, Fishery, InduHIY, Trade and Commerc;, Transport, M~jor Social and Cultulal evems, Places of tourist importlO'.nce. Brkf analysis of the Village, Town Directory and Pl imalY 1-34 Census Abstract, etc. VILLAGE AND TOWN DIRECTORy SECTION I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY Note explaining the wdes used in ViUagJ Directory 37-38 1. GUMMIDIPUNDI TALUK Taluk Map .• Facing page 40 Alpbab..:tical list of villages 41--12 Village Directory statemenl 44-51 2. PONNERJ TALUK Taluk Map Facing page 54 Alpbabe icallist of villages 55-57 Villag\} Directory statemom 58-76 3. UTTUKKOTT AI SUB-TALUK Taluk Map .. Facing page 80 Alphabetical list of villages 81-82 Village Dtirtctory statement 84-93 11OC-3-B ii Page Nos. 4. TIRUvALLUR TALUK Taluk Map Facing rag'} 96 Alphlbetical list of villages 97-99 Village Directory statement 100--116- 5. PALLlPATTU SUB-TALUK Taluk Map Facing p3gc 118 Alphabetical list of villages 119 Village Directory stalement 120-125 6. TIRUTTANT TALUK TaJuk Map Facing page 128 Alphabetical list of villages 129 Village Dir~ctory statemenl 130-139 7. SRIPERUMBUDUR TALUK Taluk Map Facing page 142 Alphabetical list of villages 143-146 VilIag~ Directory statement 148-166 8. SATDAPET TALUK Taluk Map Facing page 168 Alphabetical list of Villages 169-170 Village Directory statement 172-]81 9. CHENGALPATTU TALUK Taluk Map Facing page 184 Alpha betical list of villages 185-]90 Vil1agi~ Dir;:ctory statement 192-231 10. KANCHIPURAM TALUK Taiuk Map Facing page 234 Aipbabeticallist of villages 235-238 Village Directory statement 2~-2S9 11. UTTIRAMERUR TALUK Taluk Map F~i ci:1g page 262 Alphah:tical list of villages 263 Village Directory statement 264-277 12. MADURAN1AKAM TALUK Page Nos. Taluk Map Facing p3ge 280 Alphabetical lis, of villag~s :!81·""'284 Village Directory statement 2&5-339 T,dJkwis~ A'J.;tract,)f EdJ~ational. M<:dical 340-342 and Other ameni ties. Appendix II Land utilisation data in respect of nOll­ 343-345 municipal towns. Appendix HI Talukwis~ list of v;Ilag~s where no amen:tics 345 ar.;; availabl'~. list of Villages according to the prop;)ftioll 3-+6-463 of SC;ledukd Castes and Seheduled Tri bes to the total popluation by ranges. SECTION II-TOWN DIRECTORY N0te explaining the codes used in the Town Directory 467-468 S,:,tCl11el1t I Status and Growth History 470-475 Statem,~nt II Physical Asp~cts and Location of Towns, 1979 476-479 Statement HI Municipal Finance, 1978-79 480--<485 Statement IV CiVIC an j oth0r ameniti·es, ]979 SLkm~ntIV-A Civic and oth~r am~1itj,~s in Ih)tifi,~d slums, [9H SLtc:\nent V !-.f.cdic:d, e.iucati.):1al, recreational and cultural 498-501 [acilities, 1979 SUtem.!nt VI Trade, Commi!rcc, Industry and Banking, 1979 508-513 ApPe-ndix Town~ shewing their outgrowths with p')pulation 514 R,,-,s.;J.)DSibility for th~ '::::!fteCtntSS ._'f j::.t(,:-~~:ll d-:tai!s ~l10wn in tl#~ "llars rests with t!l2 .publisher. FOREWORD Th;; District Census Handboc k (DeB), c(Jmpil~d ty the Cer.sus Olganisaticn en behalf of the State Government, is one of the mc'st valuable prodLCts of the Cem.us. The DCH is constan. tly refelred to by pI2.nneIs, administntcls, acac:err.ki<Is and rUe&lct(lS. It is int,"r alia used for ddimitation of constituencies, f(Jrmulation c.f kcalle.vd and rcgicnal plans and as an aid to District admini stration. Tho District C_!1.U;.s .Har.cJxok is the only publication which plOvides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data upN viUage level for the IUral area and wanlwise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in Villages and Towns, etc. The District Census Handbook series was initiated during" the 1951 Census. It containctl important Census tables and PCA for ea..::h village am: town of the district. During 1961 C(;~sUS the SC0P.: of til:: DCH was enlarged and it contained a cescriptivc account of the district, admi­ nistrative statistics, Census tubles and a village and town Jiiectcry, including PCA. The 1971 DCH s~ries W1S phO'l~d in three parts. Part-A re12.ted to village and town directory, Part-B to village: and town PCA ani Part-C. C0m;>' ised analytical report, administrative statL­ itc.i, di&trict cemu'i " tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in resp.:ct of village.; .. H0wcver, in some State.s it was confined to oistrict cem,us tables and in a few caSes alLgethJ given up c.ue to dtlay i,1 c0mpilation and plinting. Whi-le designing the format of lQ&l DCH series some new features along' with the restructuring cf the format of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power sup­ ply in the village haVe b.!en brought tcgether in the village directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the rdenent village the distance in broad ranges flcm Hie nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspe~t, patticvlaJly in relatIon to' amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in local area planning but regulating the provision of good" and services as well, so as to minimise the regional imb"llances in the process of development. A few neW items of information h':lVe aho been introduced to meet some of the r.:quirement of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Such new items c.f information as adult literacy centre8, primary health sub-centres, and community health worktrs. in the village haVe b_;en introduced in the village directory with this objective in mind. The neW item on apprvach to the village is to have an idea abJ1..t the villages in the dishict which are inaccessible. A new column, "total population and number cf h0useholds" has been introduced to examine the correlation of the amenities with the population and number of households they serVe. Addition of two more appendices, listing the villages W.lere no am~mtles are available and according to the proportion of Scheduled Caste ,and Scheduled Tribe population to the total population, has also been made with this view in mind .. Tne f~)rmats of the town directory have also been modified to meet the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new statement on civic and other amenities in slum;; in Clas3 I and Class II towns (Statement IV-A) has b~en introduc.;:d with this objective in mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk out programmes on provision of civic amenities for the improvement of slums. The columns on Scheduled Caste and Scheduled TIibe popUlation in litatement-IV relating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy classes/centres under educational facilities in Statement V are also added int<:r alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town in all the seVen stat@ments of the town directory. The infrastructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can be best an':l.lysed by taking the class of towns into consideration. The addition of the columns on civic administration statu'S and popUlation in a few statements also serves this purpose. llOC-3-C vj The fornut of the Pd'1lary C;.l5US Abstract for the villages and t)W,lS ;las been fonnulated in tile light of chang.;!s in the economic and orler q.l~stions clnVlssed through the Individual slip of 1981 Census. In orCs to avoid d!lay in fLlblication of 19S1 DCH s'!ri~s, it has b!en so d.!signej that Part - A of tn'! v')lum ~ c.)nt'lil'i viUag; and tow.} directJry and P 1rt - B t1~ peA of Villages and 10W,lS including the S;;hed'll.;:d Clstes and Schedul.;:d Trib.;:s peA upto Taluk/Town levels. At the b;ginning of tb.e DeH a d'!tail~d analytical note supported by a numb;r of inset tables based 00 peA and n.)l1-cenSUs d'lta in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its Vllile. Tae district and ta'uk bv;1 mlps, d::picting the boundarLs and oth;r impoltant featllres have been itl5erted at appropriate places to furth;( enhanCe the value of the PubliCation.
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