ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16 Punjab Agricultural University Ludhiana 2015·16 Dr G.S. Kalkat, Chairman, Punjab State Farmers' Commission, Inaugurating Dr Gurcharan Singh Kalkat laboratories at PAU . ANNUAL REPORT 2015-16 Punjab Agricultural University LUDHIANA This Annual Report covers the period from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016 Editor Photographs Sheetal Chawla Manjit Singh Printed and Published by Additional Director of Communication, for Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana in December 2016. E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.pau.edu We are also available at: lj Facebook: htlps://www.facebook.com/pauldhpunjab/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/PAU _ LDH II Youtube: htlps://www.youtube .com/channei/UCa3bxtjJAu3jUnUvV1 BxhXQ CRITICAL SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS OF ANNUAL REPORT ..... 5-9 RESEARCH ............................ ........................................ 10-21 Crop Improvement .. .. ....... 10 Biotechnology . .. .. 13 Seed Technology ....... .. ..................... 15 Crop Production Technologies .. .... 16 Crop Protection Technologies .... 17 Food Sc1ence and Technology ......... 18 Post-Harvest Technologies .................. 19 Subsidiary Occupations ................ ........................................................ 19 Farm Mechanization ................... .. ........................................................ 20 Agricultural Marketing ................ .. ........... ................................................... 20 Home Sc1ence ... ................................................................................................ 20 Commercialisation of Technologies ... .. .. 21 EDUCATION ..... .. ... 22-31 Admissions ......... 22 Examination Cell ... .. .......... 23 New Courses ... ........ .. .. .. 24 Students' Academic Accomplishments ..... 24 Scholarships and Financial Assistance .......... 25 Convocation ..... ................. 26 Students' Welfare Activities .................. 27 EXTENSION ........ .. .... 32-37 K1san Me/as ....... 32 Field Days ............................... 34 Adaptive Research Trials ...................... 34 On Farm Trials ......... .. .............. 34 Demonstrations .................... 35 Trainings/Exhibitions .... 35 Skill Development Courses ......... 36 Workshops ............ .. .. .... 36 Farmers' Organizations ............................ .. .. ....... 37 Plant ChnidTechnical Guidance PAU Dools .37 COMMUNICATION AND MEDIA 38 Communication through Mass Media ...... 38 Farm Publications .......................... .. 38 HUMAN RESOURCE, FINANCE AND INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT ........... 39-54 New Appointments , Promotions and Retirements ..... 39 Awards , Distinctions and Recognitions .. ... ............... .4 0 National and International Linkages . ..41 Important Events Orgamzed at PAU .... 47 F1nances .. 51 Estate Organization .... 52 Faculty PartiCipation 1n Nat1onal and International Events .... 52 New EqUipments Acquired ..... 53 New Laboratones and Infrastructure Created and Updated ........ 53 M.S. RANDHAWA LIBRARY ... 55 IMPACT ....... 56-58 ADMINISTRATION .59-63 Boa rd of Management .. .. ............ 59 Academic Council ................................ ........ .. ....... 61 Officers of the University ........ 61 Important Decisions of Board of Management ....... 62 Important Decis1ons of Academic Council .. .. ..... 63 Publications ......... 63 ANNEXURE - I (Estate Organization) .........64 ANNEXURE - II (Publications) ......... .. ........ 65-87 WWw.pau.edu CRITICAL SUMMARY AND HIGHLIGHTS OF ANNUAL REPORT OF PUNJAB AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY (July 2015 - June 2016) The Punjab Agricultural University (PAU) is Wheat PBW 677. PBW 725 and involved 1n research, teaching and extension HD 3086 activities 1n agriculture , agricultural engineering, Rice PR 126 basic sciences, home science and all1ed Desi cottan LD 949 disciplines. During the period July 2015 to June 2016, the Un1vers1ty made remarkable Khadf moong Ml 2056 contributions. Ray a RLC3 Sunflower PSH 1962 RESEARCH Napier Ba' ra PBN 346 With research being the major mandate of the Tomato Punjab Gaurav, Punjab University, its main focus is on developing new crop Sartaj and Punjab Red Cherry varieties and the1r production, protection and processing technologies for enhancing productiVIty Pea AP-3 and profitability. A greater thrust is also on Pumpkin PPH-1 and PPH-2 developing technologies to mitigate the effect of Brinjal PBHR-41, PBHR-42 and climate change, conserve natural resources and PBHL-4 enhance input use efficiency. The salient Garlic PG-18 achievements during the period under report are as Chrysanthemum Punjab Shyaml1 under Gladiolus Punjab Glad-2 Crop Improvement Sweet pea Punjab Sweet Pea·1, Punjab Sweet Pea·2, The University developed/recommended 26 Punjab Sweet Pea-3. varieties (9 of field crops, 10 of vegetable crops Punjab Sweet Pea-4 and and 7 of flower crops) of different crops at the state PunJab Sweet Pea-S level. (Potassium nitrate) enhanced the seed yield or Varieties identified at national level berseem. Four crop varieties, developed by PAU , have In frutts, bud forcing technique for early nursery also been recommended at national level. production of kinnow and a new propagation 'wedge grafting' technique in mango were Soybean SL955 developed. Summer moong SML 1115 Cotton LH 2256 In vegetables, application of paddy straw mulch Suaarcane CoPb 92 @ 25 q/acre in potato fields improved tuber yield and maintained soil health. Besides, , The University produced around 72,000 qraw application or biofertilizer + FYM (50% N) was seed (breeder, foundation and certified/TL) or round to be the best organic fertilizer, as it different field crops, out of which, 3,595 q seed resulted in significantly higher microbial was produced through public-private population and soil enzymatic activities, which partnership. consequently increased the NPK content of the • Wild wheat and wild rice germplasm, consisting soil and yield attributes of the potato crop. of 1400 and 1200 accessions, respectively, • The use of Consortium biofertilizer @ 500 were screened for major wheat and rice g/acre through seed treatment in maize diseases_ Accessions with high level of obtained htgher grain yield as well as better soil resistance to yellow rust in wheat and sheath health. blight in rice were crossed with elite cultivars for transferring these genes to cultivated Azorhizobium based biofertilizer was background. Heat tolerance QTL (quantitative recommended for the rice crop. trait loci) mapped in T.durum - Ae. speltoides In agro-forestry, wheat variety WH 11 OS was introgression lines are being transferred to identified for sowing in poplar plantations. stripe rust resistant elite bread . wheat lines using marker assisted selection (MAS). Crop Protection Technologies In rice, a novel brown plant hopper resistance Green manuring with 60 day old crop of gene from Oryza nivara has been mapped on marigold was recommended for the chromosome 4 and MAS ready markers have management of root knot nematode in net been developed. houses. Sugarcane transgenics for glucanase gene Based on weather prediction , a forewarning were evaluated for red rot resistance against model for yellow rust of wheat was developed isolate CF-08 and two plants were found to be for timely management of the disease. resistant. Micropropagation was optimized in three peppermint collections and new In fruits, fixing PAU fruit fly traps@ 16 traps/acre sugarcane variety CoPb 92. in second and third week of May provided eco­ friendly management of fruit flies in mango and Crop Production Technologies plum orchards . • The crop production technologies Recommendations also include application of recommended include need-based N Amistar Top 325SC (azoxystrobin 18.2% + scheduling using lear color chart (LCC) for difenoconazole 11.4% SC for management of basmati rice : and sowing of moongbean and sheath blight and blast of rice; treating wheat arhar (in medium to heavy textured soils) on seed with Raxil Easy (tebuconazole 6%)@ 13 beds spaced at 67.5 em (37.5 em bed top and ml/40kg seed or with Seedex 2DS @ 40 g per 30 em furrow). 40 kg seed for management of loose smut and flag smut; application of Mifpro-G and Application of two sprays of salicyclic acid @ Mahaveer-GR (fipronil)@ 6 kg/acre and Miftap 7.5 g/acre in 100 litres or water or KNO, 4% GR (cartap hydrochloride)@ 10 kg/acre for management of rice stem borer and leaf folder oil, were developed. in basmati rice: application of Ouinalmass 25EC Packaging of bnnJal fruits 1n paper moulded (qUinalphos)@ 800 mllacre for management of trays followed by wrapping w1th shnnk and cling rice planthoppers: application of Gold ban 20EC film improved their shelf life for one week. (chlorpyriphos)@ 350 mllacre for management Packag ing of tomatoes 1n paper moulded trays of black bug in sugarcane: application of followed by wrapping with shnnk and cling film Thompson 25WG (thiamethoxam)@ 40 g/acre extended thei r marketing pe riod for six days. in 150 litres of water for management of cotton Packag1ng of cabbage with shrinks and chng jassid: and application of Ulala 50WG film extended its retail marketing period w1th (flonicamid) @ 80 g/acre, Lano 10EC acceptable quality for 15 days. (pyriproxyfen)@ 500 mllacre and Craze 50WP (diafenthiuron) @ 200 g/acre in 150 lilres of Bacteriological Food Testing Kit, developed to water for management of cotton whitefly. detect nine pathogens in one go, was validated . In vegetables, paddy straw mulch @ 100 q/ha Sugarcane vi negar production by semi­ immediately after planting of
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