Featuring, this iuw: Library Corner ..........................* 2 Winning Programs ......................3 Best Sellers ............................ 4 Book Reviews ........................... 5 In the Key of HP ......................... 6 New HP-ILVideo Interface ............... 7 HP-IL Linear Interpolation ................ 8 Generating HP-41 Bar Code .............. 9 HP-IL Control Functions ................ 10 Routines, Techniques, Tips, Etc. ......... 11 Feedback .............................. 13 HEWLETT March-May 1982 Yo(. 6 No. 2 PACKARD ISINQ730-2037 HP Key Notes - Published Quarterly By Subscription: $5/yr. HP-41's Again For the last Columbia flight, near the end before they can discuss the problem with of last March, the two HP-41 computers Mission Control. Aboard Columbia were purchased over-the-counter by NASA The second HP-41 computer acts as an Unless you have been hiding in an igloo from a Houston, Texas, office-equipment electronic secretary for the astronauts- near the North Pole for the last year or so, store, and were tested rigorously before reminding them of daily chores with you know all about the space shuttle being approved for flight. They are iden- alarms and flashing messages. Each morn- Columbia, which we featured on the cover tical to the hundreds of thousands of ing, the astronauts programmed their of V5N1. And, because you read KEY HP-41's sold since 1979. computer with five to ten alarms. That way NOTES, you know that the astronauts use One HP-41 computer, dedicated to what they didn't have to write down on paper all our HP-41 handheld computers onboard NASA calls the acquisition-of-signal pro- their scheduled activities. In other words, Columbia for various flight-related, radio- gram, was the only convenient means the ) contact, and backup operations. And, no, shuttle crew had to estimate the time, their programs are not in the Users' location, and radio frequency of their next Library nor are they for sale. They contain contact with Earth. Also, if the astronauts NASA proprietary information and are for are awakened at night by an alarm, they We Get Letters.. use only on the space shuttle. can tell at a glance how long it will be . And we know that you are going to not only like this one but also use it for your purposes. There's a lot of emphasis on a lot of words in that opening sentence, but for good reasons, as you will soon learn. Take a very close look at the photograph repro- duced here; we'll bet you'll never suspect what it represents. Anyway, before you peek inside KEY NOTES, here's the letter we received from Mrs. Keith Olson of Cupertino, California. "Some time ago, my husband bought an HP-41. Soon thereafter he Wanted a safe, fhSid~Mfbk Astronaut Gordon Fullerton aboard Columbia on the last flight, using his HP-41. Notice that he is "sitting" in midair, in the "zero" gravity of outer spa'ce. (Photo courtesy of NASA.) Corvallis Library Corner age you to closely follow the Users'Library authors are well on their way toward Contributor's Guide for the HP-41, HP-67, earning enough Corvallis points to "pur- There are now over 4793 HP-67/97 and HP-97. Complete and orderly docu- chase" their favorite HP products. The programs and 1730.HP-41 programs mentation is essentjal to ensure the accep- point program is not retroactive. We can- in the Corvallis Users' Library, and we tance of a program into the Library. not exchange Library coupons for get more and more each and every day of We also encourage you to read the points, nor can we redeem "Users' Pro- the week. And, as much as we are grateful ongoing KEY NOTES column, "In the Key gram Library Europe" point certifi- for your excellent output, there are a few of HP." This column addresses some of the cates. subjects we'd like to see covered. For things we look for when we are reviewing example, Andrew N.C. Cruickshank, a programs that are submitted to the Users' THE CUSTOM KEYBOARD Town Planner and Economist who lives in Library. (Corvallis Only) London, England, recently wrote and asked Programs that are submitted to the Foremost on the list of requested items is if we had any programs in his field- Corvallis Library for the HP-67 or HP-97 programs such as population projection, the custom keyboard. Everyone wants one! must include magnetic cards, and HP-41 The keyboard (with the standard key property development, regional economic programs must include either magnetic analysis, etc. And we are often surprised configuration) is presently obtainable cards, reproducible bar code, or a data only from the Corvallis Library for one that there aren't more programs for mini-cassette for use with the new farmers. point, or in lieu of the 25% discount offered HP-82161A Digital Cassette Drive. (The on orders of 6 or more Corvallis Users' But one must admit that, all in all, you cassette will be returned to you.) It would are a very prolific and excellent society of Library programs. In other words, if you take far too long to check and review all the order 6 or more programs and do not take calculator programmers, and we congratu- many program submittals if we had to key late each and every author who has taken the 25% discount, you can request a custom them in line by line. Also, there is always keyboard in lieu of the discount. the time to share a program through the an increased chance of error when someone Library. keys in handwritten keystrokes. MINI-SOLUTIONS The management of the Coruallis Users' ORDERING PROGRAMS Library reserves the right to reject pro- HP-67/97 and HP-41 programs featured grams which, in its opinion, do not in KEY NOTES are available from both the represent a significant contribution, are not Library in Corvallis and the Library in clearly or sufficiently documented, or are. Geneva (except where stated otherwise). not otherwise appropriate for the Coruallis Readers in Europe should order from Library. Geneva (address on back cover) to get quicker service. Readers elsewhere should order from Corvallis. Each program includes documentation and prerecorded THE CORVALLIS CONTEST magnetic cards; HP-41 programs include The 1982 Corvallis Users' Library bar code. Submittal Contest is well under way. Mail your order and a check or money The ten winners for March have been order to the Corvallis or GENEVA address chosen and these winners are featured on the back cover of KEY NOTES. Don't elsewhere in this column. All of our authors forget to include your State or local taxes. are to be congratulated for the fine Or, in the U.S., you can place your order by contributions they have made to the calling toll-free: 800-547-3400, except from Corvallis Library. Alaska and Hawaii. (In Oregon call 503- There are 50 more prizes to be awarded in 758-1010,NOT TOLL FREE.) this contest! Last year, 50% of the total When ordering from outside the U.S., contest entries arrived during the last attach your payment to your order. month of the contest, so send your pro- Much time is wasted and orders are held up grams in early to increase your chances of trying to match checks and orders that are Our new Solutions Book, Time Module winning. This contest runs through Solutions 100041-90395, is in stock and is sent in separately. Your payment can be in August, 1982. the form of an International Money order, a being shipped. It greatly compliments the HP-82182A Time Module, and demon- Foreign Draft, or the equivalent. Any payment must be in U.S. dollars, drawn on strates just how versatile and indispensible a U.S. bank, otherwise it will be returned to your HP-41 is. Time Module Solutions I and you. Another option for payment is to use THE POINT PROGRAM all solutions books are now available such major credit cards as American (Corvallis Only) recorded. Magnetic cards are $20* per book; Express, VISA, or Mastercard. The Corvallis point program has been mini-data cassettes are $12* for the first Orders are usually shipped within 2 enthusiastically received by everyone. For Solutions Book requested and $6* for each working days after they are received in those who missed the announcement, the subsequent book recorded on the same Corvallis. However, if you need a program authors of all HP-67/97/41 programs, cassette. yesterday, call us today at 503-757-2000, currently accepted for the Corvallis extension 3371. Although we can't get it to Library, arc being issued point certificates, you yesterday, if you call before 12:00 noon, (one per accepted program). These points we'll get it in the mail today. are then redeemable, by the Corvallis MINI-SERVICES Library, for a vast array of HP products. A mini-cassette duplicating service is a Depending on the amount of points you new Corvallis Users' Library offering. Send SUBMITTING PROGRAMS have accummulated, you can choose from us a cassette with your favorite collection of (Corvallis) products that range from a Solutions Book programs, and we will copy it for you-in Programs submitted to the Corvallis or a custom keyboard (presently valued at any quantity. The cost for this service is Users' Library should be on Hewlett- one point) to an HP-85 Personal Computer $12* per cassette requested (that $12* Packard standard Library submittal forms, (presently valued at 100 points)! A complete includes the price of the cassette). This new or they should include at least the docu- list of the available merchandise can be service provides an ideal opportunity for mentation required by those forms.
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