PAGE 2 PAGE 6 PAGE 8 Grant funds Deacon builds FaithWorks new ministry relationships turning 20 TheTHE NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF TORONTO A A SECTION OF THE ANGnLICAN JOURNAL g l www.tiorontoc.anglican.ca n OCTOBER 2015 THAT WAY Tyler Hamilton (front row, middle) and John Stephenson (front row, third from right) join cyclists at the beginning of a bike-a-thon at All Saints, Sherbourne Street in Toronto. The riders are pointing to Kennisis Lake in the Haliburton Highlands, their destination. For story, see Page 10. PHOTO BY MICHAEL HUDSON Anglicans Tax cuts taking toll: speaker urged er,” he says. health care costs than at any time Canadians He says years of tax cuts from since the universal health care all levels of government and every system was created. to vote political stripe have taken too Tax cuts have also hobbled gov - need to much money out of the public cof - ernment’s ability to pay for new fers, undermining the country’s and existing infrastructure. “We BY RYAN WESTON ‘change the ability to maintain services and haven’t invested in infrastructure make investments for future gen - and we’re paying the price now,” CANADIANS go to the polls on Oct. erations. he says. “We’re standing on the 19 to elect Members of Parliament conversation’ For example, reductions in the shoulders of previous generations and choose the country’s next GST have taken $14 billion annu - who were more than willing to pay government, and Anglicans are BY STUART MANN ally out of the national treasury taxes. They made the investments being encouraged to reflect care - since the cuts were made in 2006 from which we benefit today. fully on how their values are be - ALEX Himelfarb, the keynote and 2007. Estimates have put the What are we paying forward?” ing addressed in the policy pro - speaker at the upcoming Out - total amount of all tax cuts made Shrinking treasuries are lead - posals of the various parties. reach and Advocacy Conference, at the federal level over the past ing to policies of austerity, he says, “I never tell people who to vote says tax cuts have eroded Cana - decade at about $300 billion. the consequences of which are for,” says Archbishop Colin John - da’s ability to pay for health care, Mr. Himelfarb says Canadians falling hardest on the most vulner - son, “but I do remind them that social programs and infrastruc - have accepted the cuts without able. “So we justify cutting out es - we have a duty, as Christians, to ture and have created a meaner asking what they have to give up sential health services for refugee vote. In Jeremiah, the prophet society. Alex Himelfarb in return. “If we decide we don’t claims; we shortchange rehab pro - calls us to pray for the cities in Mr. Himelfarb was the Clerk of want to pay taxes, then we better grams for prisoners; we don’t let which we live and to participate in the Privy Council and Secretary of “What concerns me most is that be clear about what we’re giving migrant workers pull out benefits, their wellbeing.” the Cabinet for three prime minis - our collective-action problems – up. We better stop pretending tax even though they pay into our sys - The Baptismal Covenant and ters. He is the director of the Glen - those problems we can only solve cuts are free.” tem; we don’t come near to reduc - the Five Marks of Mission similar - don School of Public and Interna - together such as climate change He says tax cuts have resulted ing child poverty, even though ly “indicate that we have a respon - tional Affairs and the Centre for and inequality – are probably in higher personal expenses on we’ve made a commitment to end sibility to work for justice, peace, Global Challenges at York Univer - more challenging than they have everything from home insurance it; fewer unemployed Canadians and the dignity of all,” he says. sity. He is the co-editor of the book ever been, but our collective tool to health care. For example, Cana - have access to employ ment insur - Continued on Page 12 Tax is Not a Four Letter Word . kit has probably never been weak - dians now pay more out-of-pocket Continued on Page 10 TAKING THE TOXIC TOUR – SEE PAGE 5 2 The Anglican N E W S October 2015 Church plants new ministry in complex Grant provides funding BY STUART MANN ments. About 15 people take part, with the number swelling to 25 for WHEN Wycliffe College student special occasions. Michelle Yeung started her sum - In addition to worship services, mer placement at St. Paul, the ministry organizes events L’Amoreaux in Scarborough, she and workshops for the local com - had no idea of the pleasant sur - munity, which is comprised of prise God had in store for her. “I about 1,000 people living in three think the opportunity that God apartment buildings and eight has given me is truly a blessed townhouses. Most of the resi - Michelle Yeung gives the sermon one,” she says. dents are immigrants from South at the Silversprings Chapel serv - Working with St. Paul’s incum - Asia, the Philippines, Ethiopia, ice. At right, Johannah Jayakumar bent and a faithful group of Kenya and mainland China. speaks to her brother, Joshua parishioners, Ms. Yeung has St. Paul’s has received a $60,000 Jayakumar, who plays the key - started a chapel ministry at Silver grant from the diocese’s Our board at the service. PHOTOS BY Springs Park, a large housing Faith-Our Hope campaign to fund MICHAEL HUDSON complex about a block away from Ms. Yeung’s work over the next the church. three years. The ministry is housed in a The ministry provides a vital OUR FAITH recreation room on the ground link between St. Paul’s and the floor of an apartment building in housing complex. The church is OUR HOPE the complex. A service of Evening one of the most multicultural Prayer is held every Sunday at parishes in the diocese, so its In this series, we look at how the 5:15 p.m., followed by refresh - members are able to welcome diocese’s Our Faith-Our Hope campaign is helping individuals ȱ and parishes re-imagine the 6W-2+1·6&(0(7(5< church. To date, the campaign has raised $41 million. $QJOLFDQ3DULVKRI6W-2+1·6&+85&+(DVW2UDQJHYLOOH ȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱdzȱ people of similar backgrounds start a homework club in October. hearts to this,” he says. and provide important assistance The Rev. Canon Dr. Dean Mer - The church is already thinking ȱȱȱ ¢ȱ¢ȱ ȱȱȱ such as translation. Residents al - cer, incumbent of St. Paul’s, says about planting similar chapel ȱȱŗŞŗŘǰȱǯȱ Ȃȱȱȱ¢ȱ so have access to St. Paul he is delighted with how quickly ministries in other nearby loca - ȱȱȱȱȱǰȱǰȱȱȱ L’Amoreaux Centre, one of the the ministry has taken root. “On tions. “We’re hoping that it can largest providers of care for sen - something like this we can never occur elsewhere because it ȱȱǯȱ ior citizens in Scarborough. see much more than three doesn’t cost much and it can be )25,1)250$7,213/($6(&217$&77+(&+85&+ The ministry also focuses on months down the road, but we’ve led by laity,” says Canon Mercer. +,*+:$<&$/('2121/.* youth. It held a basketball pro - had enough encouragement that “If it’s on the main transportation &!8 ANGLICAN BELLNETCAWWWSTJOHNSHWYCALEDONCA gram in the summer and plans to we’re full of optimism and hope lines, the central campus remains ȱ ȱ and really quite excited about the church and people are en - what has happened.” couraged to become involved in He credits not only Ms. Yeung the church as much as they see but the parishioners who have fit. My joke is that I want every - helped her get the ministry up one at St. Paul’s going to evening and running. “They’ve given their prayer all over Scarborough.” -ARY''RIFlTH"! -"! *$ -ACLAREN #ORLETT,,0 "ARRISTER3OLICITOR/NTARIO "LOOR3TREET%AST !TTORNEY#OUNSELOR AT ,AW.EW9ORK 3UITE 3OUTH4OWER 4ORONTO /.-72 7ILLS 4RUSTS%STATES "USINESS 2EAL%STATE 4EL &AX WWWMACLARENCORLETTCOM% MAILMGRIFlTH MACORLAWCOM 6W-RKQ·V'L[LH(%!$' "+" 6W-DPHV·(# ' 6W(-%R!K$Q'·V1%R&*UZ,D\ &H P H#W H(U \&, & &UH P#(%&")#DWRULXP & HP #H WH( U&, &\ &U H#(%&")#PDWRULXP & H P#H W(H U&, &\ &U H#(%&")#PDWRULXP 4HE&RIENDSOFTHE,IBRARY 4RINITY#OLLEGE .(,-+'XQGDV6WUH H W-,-(DVW +&$'3DUOLDPH Q(--+W6WUH H W- $(",-)().LQJVWRQ5RDG 0LVVLVVDXJD21/<%$,,$,,." 7)RU+R)Q(W-R)210;5 7)R+U)R(Q-W)R210/6 TH!NNUAL"OOK3ALE 3KRQH#)( 3#)(KRQH #)(3KRQH /CTOBERTO Z0Z0Z0V,W-M%R)K#Q(V,GL[$1LH$ FRP)' 0Z0Z0Z,V-%WMD'P H,VFDW-#KH GU+DO&R)Q(FD ZZ0Z0V0WMR,K-%Q)V#Q(R,UZ()D+\0FHP2H)W+H"U\FD 4HURSDAYNDNOONnPM &RIDAYRDAMnPM 3ATURDAYTHAMnPM 3UNDAYTHNOONnPM &&)!).+*+)* +-$ ,)!! + -ONTHAMnPM NOADMISSIONCHARGE&RI -ON CASHqCHEQUEqDEBITq!MEXq-ASTERCARDq6ISA &)("0$-#-# !)&&)0$(", +/$ , 3EELEY(ALLq4RINITY#OLLEGEq(OSKIN!VENUE -USEUM 3T'EORGE3UBWAY OR7ELLESLEY"USTOTHEDOOR WWWTRINITYUTORONTOCABOOKSALEqq #HARITABLEREGISTRATION22 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of As we celebrate John, do you love me more Thanksgiving and prepare than these?’ He said to him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that ourselves for the season of I love you.’ Jesus said to him, ‘Feed my lambs.’ Advent, please remember A second time he said to those in need with your him, ‘Simon son of John, gift to FaithWorks. do you love me?’ He said to him, ‘Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.’ Jesus said FaithWorks is the annual appeal of the to him, ‘Tend my sheep.’ Anglican Diocese of Toronto.
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