DIRECTORY.] OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. 2111 Nli. W CROSS WARD. WITHINGTON W ARD~ Alderman. Alderman. llWilliam Birkbeck, 70 North Porter street :j:Thomall Turnbull, 88 Mosley street Councillors. CauncIllorll. :l:Joseph Grime. 9 Albert square tStephen Edwards, 22 Alan road, Withington !John ThoUlas Jones, 2 Crescent grove, Levenshulme 0Harry Derwent Sirnpson. III ':it. Ann street • Arthur Ta) lor, 17 Hloom street tMiBB Margaret Ashton, 8 Kinnaird rd. Withington .Thom.... Wilson. 32 Corporation street Marked thus t retire in November l!lll tNathan Meadowcroft, 15 Oak street Marked thus" retire in November 1912 tThomas Robert Marr, 31 J;;ast avenue, Garden village, Burnage lane, Marked thus! retire in November 1913 Levensbulme Marked thus ~ retire in November 1!1l6 NEWTON HEATH WARD. Alderman not as~igned to a Ward-~Ohristopher Hornby, Lindum Alderman. House, Park road, Ashton·on Mersey UWilliam Trevor, 7 George street Quarterly Meetings of the Council for the Year 1911 :-Wednesdays, Councillors. 1st February, 3rd May, 2nd August· :l:Fredorlck Josepb West, Woningworth, Newton Heath 0Walter Butterworth, Barker street, Newton Heath tJoseph Arthur Moston, 83'1 Oldham rd. Newton Heath COMMITTEES OF THE COUNCIL. Appointed for the year 1910-1nl. OPENSHAW WARD. Alderman. ART GALLERY (fourteen members nominated by the Council)­ :j:JameB Filde~, Oak Lynn, South Downs road, Bowdon The Lord Mayor; Aldermen Carter, Goldschmidt and MOBS; Coun· Coui'l£ilwrs. cillors Abbott, Butterworth, J. W. Cook, HinchliIle, Lecomber, Litton, :j:George Frank Titt, 25 Cleveland avenue, Levenshulme Megson, Sir T. Thornhill Shann, Sirnpson and Todd; Marcus S. 0Tom Cook, Old Olough lane, Worsley Bles, 32 Ohorlton street: Professor S. H. Capper, 337 Moss lane East; tFras. Statham Fletcher, 497 & 499 Grey Mare la. Bradford, Manchester Prof. W. Boyd Dawkins, Fallowfield House, Fallowfield; John H. Hopkinson, Hulme hall, Victoria Park; Ernest A. Kolp, Moorlands, OXFORD W ABD, Didsbury; Edwin W. Marshall, Brighton Villa, Heaton Ohapel; Louis Schwabe, Hart hill, Pendleton Alderman. :Sir Bosdin Thnmall Leech, 7 Brazennose st BATHS AND W ASH-HOUSEs.-'fhe Lord Mayor; Councillors Allison, H. W. Billam, Bowie, Ohantler, J. E, Chapman, Ohesters, Edwards, Councillors. Fenn, Hamnett, Hibbert, Hinchlifl'e, Holden, Kemp, Kendall, Lowth, tWilliam Tattersall, 35 Examiner building, Strutt street MORton, Oddy, Pierce, Robertshaw, Stnrgess, Titt lmd Wilson .Charles Behrens, 36 Princess street CLEANSING,-The Lord Mayor; Altlermen Dixon, Hornby, Pogson, tAnthony Burgon, 7f> & 79 Sackville street Richard8 and Trevor; Councillors Bennett, H. W. Billarn, Hirley, Chestl'rs, Flanagan, Fletcher, Grime, Hinchcliffe, Holden, HeyIe, RUSHOLME WARD. Jennison, Johnson, Lowry, J. Tnrner, Wallwork Rnd Watmough Alderman. EDUCATION COMMITTEE-The Lord Mayor: Aldermen Box, Har­ IIHenry Plummer, 38 Fonntain st wood, Pogson ",nd Turnbull; Councillors Miss Margarct Ashton, Coundllors. Birley, Butterworth. Edwards, Fenn, Hailwood, Hibbert, Bowell, tJohn Dale Chantler, 274 Dickenson rd Lane-Scott, Marr, Meadowcroft. Porter, Jane Redford, Sir T. ·George Kerfoot A1!hton, Oldham rd. Station Thornbill Shann and Woollam.· Members A.ppointed from Outside.­ tWilliam Fitzmaurice Lane-Scott, 12 Birch Polygon, Dickenson rd. George F.Burditt,51 Parsonage road, Heaton Chapel; MissSaraAnnie Rusholme Burstall, 3 Raynbam avenue, Didsbury; Miss Mary Denrly, 13 Clarence road, Withington ; Frank M. S. Gmnt, Mereleigh, Chelford, Cheshire; ST. ANN'S WARD. ,Tames Heald, Oakwooo, AlIerton, Liverpool; Abel Reywood, 487 Alderman. Bury New road, Higher Brougbton j Vice-Chancellor Sir Alfred DArthur George Copeland, 70 & 72 Cross street Hopkinson, Fairfield, Victoria park, Manchester; Oharles Kean, Co U7tC;llors. 32 Egmont street, Greenhill, Cheetham hill, Manchester: Robert !John Burge&ll, Shaftesbury house, 3 Park rd. Cheadle Hulme Lakin, Windsor Mont, Olayton Bridge, Manchester; Very Rev. 0John George Litton, 42 Spring gRIdens Canon LynCh, 8t. Wilfred's Rectory, Bedford st. Hulme, Manchester; tAlexander Porter, 60 King st Alfred ReI', 15 Mauldeth road, Withington; Rev. Arthur William Taylor, St. Oswald's Rectory, Collyhurst, Manohester: The Right Rev. ST. CLEMENT'S W ABD. Bishop Welldon, Dean of Manchester, The Deanery, Higher Broughton Alderman. };]I,ECTIUCI1'Y.-The Lord Mayor; Aldermen Frowde, Jennlson. DThomas Hassall, Ducie street, Piccadilly Richards and Walker: Conncillors Allison, Ilreakell, Burgess, Burgon, Councillors. Clyne, Dagnall, Hailwood, Howarth, Ray, Lecomber, Meadowcroft, :tThomas Charles Abbott, 20 Pall mall Royse, SingleLon, West and H. Wood oJohn Harrop, 91 Piccadilly FINANCE.-The Lord Mayor; Aldermen Boyle, Carter, Cnpeland, tJames Birchby Langley, 49 Deansgate GibBon, Goldschmidt, Bolt, Plummer, Royle, Smethurst and Wain­ wright; Councillors Birley, Burf(On, J. T. Jones, Lane-Scott, Porter, ST.GEORGE'S WAUD. Royse, Smith, Tattersall and Thewlis Alderman. GAs.-The Lord Mayor; Aldermen Birkbeck, Bowl'S, Briggs, Bm"tles, tRobert Gibson, 37 Erskine st. Rulme Gibson, Hassall and JeniBon; Councillors G. K. Ashton, J. Billam, W. Chapman, T. Cook, Day, Harrison, Harrop, Johr13on, Ray, Lecomber, Councilwrs. Lowry, Meadowcroft, Smith, Todd and 'Watmough :j:Willi",m K",y, Standish House, Edge lane, Stretford GENERAL PURPOSES COMMITTI<;E consists of every member of the 0George Oddy, 16A Oharlotte street council tJarnes Henry Swales, Naval Brewery, Hulrne IMPROVEMENT AND BUILDINGs.-The Lord Mayor; Aldermen Tlox, ST. JAMES'S WARD. Hassall, Richards, Royle and Wilson; Councillors Barker, Breakcll, Alderman. Burgess, W. Chllopman, Grime, Howarth, Jac!<J,un, Johnston, Kenrlall. IIHermann JuliUll Goldschrnidt, :.lOO Wilmslow rd. Withington Lowry, Lowth, Makeague, Marr, Robertshaw. Swales and Woollam LIBRARIEs.-The Lord MlLyor; Aldermen Bnrtles, Goldschmidt. Sir Councillors. B. T Leech, Muss, Pll1IIlIIler, Rothwell and Ward; Cuuncillors Barker. tAlbert Henry Megson. 14 Mosley st Booth, Davy, Edwarrls, Fletcher, TJtum, Megson. Phillips, Porter, .Tane .Sir Thornall ThornLill Shann, The Hollies, Clifton rd. Heaton Moor Redford, Simpson, Swarbrick, Tattersall, Todd, V. S. Wood and Wynne- tsamuel Walter Royse, St. Andrew's cbambers, Albert square MARKETs.-The Lord Mayor; A.ldermen Birkbeck, Uixon, Frowde.. 8T. JOHN'S WARD. Hornby and McCabe; Councillors H. W. BiIlam, Cbantler, T. Cook Aldermfln. Davy, Flanagan, Greenall, Hamnett, Harrop, Hinchlifl'e, Kl'mp, tThomas Briggs, The Oedars, Langham rd. Bowdoll Langley, l{obertshllw, RowllLuds, Singleton, Titt and Watrnough PARKS & OEM~;TERIEs.-The Lord Mayor; Aldermen Birkbook Councillors. and Ward; Councillors G. K. Ashton, Margaret Ashtou, Burgell8. i1saac Hinchlifl'e, 52 Park road, Stretford Chesters, Olyne, Fox, Hague, Harrop, Hibbert, Hig"inson, Jennison, J. Harry Waters Billalll, 7 St. John street Junes, Mitchell, Oddy, O'Loughlin, Rowlands, Taylor, O. A. Wood, Ho. tThomall Watmough, 51 Hardman st Wood, V. S. Wood and Wynne ST. LUKE'S WARD. PAVING, SEWERING AND HIGHWAYs.-The Lord Mayor; Alderman, Turnbull; Oouncillors Batty, Bennett, J. Billam, J. E. CltapIIlan.. Alderman. Dob!'On, Fenn, Hailwqod, Hamnett, Harrison, Hinchclifl'e, J. Jones, RDanilll Boyle, Melvin, Alma park, Levenshulme Kemp, Morris, Pierce, Sturgess, Swales, TattersaIl, J. Turner, 'Vil80IL> Councillors. and O. A. Wood tJames Herbert Thewlis, Daisy mount, Daisy Bank rd. Victoria park RTVERS.-'I'he Lord Mayor; Aldermen Frowde, Harwood and Walker; iJames Johnson, Westlands, 165 Plymouth grove, Chorlton-on-Medlock Councillors Bowie, Chantler, Dagnall, Dobson, Greenall, Hague, Har­ tThomas Henry Hineheliffe, 54 John Dalton st greaves, Harper, J. J ones, J. T. Jonel, Langley. Litton, Morrill, Moston, O'Loughlin, Rowlands, Singleton, West and Wynne ST. MARK'S WARD. SANITARY.-The Lord Mayor; Aldermen Burtlts, Fildes, Pritehard Alderman. and Tnrnbull; Councillors Miss Margaret Ashtojl, Barker, Batty, :j:William Henry Wainwright, 5 Newton st Grime, Harper, HiggiJ,son, H6warlh, Hoyle, Jackson, JohnBton, Marr, Councillors. Morris, Oddy, O'Loughlin, Pierce, Jane Redford, Taylor, O. A. Wood lWilliam Chapman, 4 Milton st. Ohorlton-on Mlldlook and H. Wood Robert Turner, 49 King street TOWN HALL.-Tho Lord Mayor; Aldennen Box, Briggs, Gibson, tJohn Allison, 40 Hyde rd. Ardwick Sir B. T. Leech. Pritehard, Royle and Sir W. H. Vaudrey; Coun­ cillors Abbott, A. W. Chaprnan, T. Cook, Harper, Harrop. Lane-Seott, ST. MICHAEL'S WARD. Megson, Phillips, Royse, Sir T. T. Shann, Simpson, Taylor, Thewlis Alderman. and R. Turner :j:Daniel McCabe, 63 Spear st TRAMWAYs.-The Lord Mayor; Aldermen Bowes, Dixon, McCabe, Councillors. POg8on, Trevor &!ld Wil.on; CouncilloTII Allison, Bennett, J. Billam.. tAlfrlld Hibbert, 1 Rochdale road Booth, Bowie, A. W. Chapmll.ll, J. E. Chapman, W. Ohapnum, Dag-nail, • Thomas Hoyle, 424 Rochdale ruad Day, Dobson, Ilargreaves, J ennison, Mitchell, R. Turner, Wllollwork and! tOharlell Copley Singleton, 19 Brazennose st Wilson..
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