Serving The State University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City J!.~s....;t_ab.;..J....;Js....;h_ed....;_Ifi_I.;..868;..;;.---.:1<:....' I..;.v.;..e...:\,;;..:' e.;...n,;.;ts:....a::.....;C...;'o:;;py::...... ___-:- ______~--------------..:lI.:.;.le:;m.:.:.::.be:;r-o:;f~A::SS::::OCI.:: ':,:B.:;ted;.::...'..:..'r;.,:e;,:s::-.. - AI-' Leased Wi!! dna Phoro sernce Iowa City. la., WedneSitay, January 23, 1957 ew or a om er' 2 Missing Chicago Girls found Slain , CHICAGO (JI') - The nude and pierced bodies of the missing Grimes sisters were found Tue day - tossed Uke eordwood - in a scraggy NEW YORK IA'I -. The "Mad stretch of freshly thawed land along a highway southwest of Chicago. Bomber's" IS-year reign o[ terror The tragic end of what police once thoughl might have been an ad· was over Tu~ay , He was locked venturesome, but routine. runaway up in Bellevue Hospital so psychia. from home marked the Chicago trists can probe his warped mind. area's second multiple murder of "I'm glad I did it," George l\1et· children in 15 months. Police said Republicans ('sky, 54, told newsmen as he was the girls appeared to ha ve been brought to New York City, hand­ dead about two week~. cufred to two veteran detectives, Both horrible crimes are unsolved Pick Alcor.n from his Waterbury, Conn., home and Cook County Sherifr Joseph where he was arrested Monday Lohman said there are "marked As Chal·fman night. similarities" in the cases. Melesky signed a statement af· The Grimes girls, Barbara, 15, ter his arrest, saying he was the and Patricia. IS , disappeared from WASHINGTON I.fI - H. ltfeade elusive "Mad Bomber" who plant­ theIr South Side home Dec. 28 after Alcorn Jr., red-haired Hartford" ed 32 bombs in public gatherlng attending an ElVis Pre ley movie Conn ., lawyer and a subscriber to plac('s in New York City since 1940. they had seen several time . President Eisenhower'k "modern ' Several of them w~nt off and 15 At first. their disappearance persons we .. e Injured, none serlous· aroused IUlie officIal concern. But RepUblicanism," Tuesday was Iv. lie was qllotoo as soying he as thc days dragged on and one unanimously elected chairman of didn't intend to kill anyone. false lead after another crumbled, the Republican Nationai Commit· Even as he was arrested, Met­ • (AP Wlrepbolo) a vast police hunt was start d. tee. esky was nursing the explosive THIS 25·INCH rainbow trout 5till reflectl the surprise h. experienced And as time passed, fears grew tools fol' more dlallolical forays. when Thomas Hartmann, 11, co1ught him Tuesdav In a creek n,ar that the girls might have met the Shortly before the vote the Presi. "He could easily pass as your San Rafael, Calif. The boy saw the trout in shallow water, leaped in same fate that befell three Chicago dent told a subcommittee that AI· next door neighbor," said his court· and 5nlgged the 6·pound fi5h. schoolboys. corn was his choice. Once t~at appointed lawyer, Benjamin Schm­ The girls' JTlurders pres(Jmably word was given the full committee, ier. However, the lawyer called will go on lhis list. whatever support tilere was for him a pronounced mental case, un· Police were ordered to run down other candidates nevcl' materializ· able to teli right from Wrong in the Tornado's Kill Eleven one clue in the girls' slayings. They ed. intensity of his grudge against the sought for questioning a man who Some cons('rvotive members and Vlorld - in other words, legally in­ a week ago was questioned about a group preferring a Westerner bad san and not punishable under the the case. lie was seized after hoped the PresidenL would give the law Cor his misdeeds. In 3 Southern States stating in a tavern that the girls' cmnmiUee more leeway in making Metesky apparenUy was moUvat· GANS, Okla. IJI'I - Winter tornadoes, spawned by a cold front bodies could be found in Sanla Fe a choice by sayin" he would ap· ed by perverted principles, rather Park - a site a mile and a half era hing into unse1\sonally warm air, ripped into O~lahoma. Arkan· prove anv one of two or more mcn. than any desperate need for money. from where tbeir bodies were dis· sas and Louisiana Tuesday to kill al least 11 persons including 8 in As leader of the party, Mr. Eisen­ He felt he had bcen cheat~d out of this [arm community. covered. hower exercised hi s prerogative Qf monetary compensation for an old Three persons were killed and The bodies wc,re about· 10 feet expressing a preferonce. industrial injury. Howe,(er, Assist· from a two·lane blacktop highway ant District Attorney Karl Grebow four arc misisng after a tornado de· The Weather Alcorn will take over the chair· molished homes in two LouIsiana ncar the intersection or German said of him: Church and County Line roads in manship Feb. 1. He wilJ succced lAP Wlrepholo) .. At the present time he has $500 sawmill towns of Princeton and suburban Willow Springs. This is Leonard w.. Hall, New York, who MIL.D·MANNERED BACHELOR George Metesky, right, identifi.d as the "Mad Bomber" of N.w York Bellevue. in his pocket and has $11,000 in the some 16 miles southwest oC down­ formally resigned Tuesday. Hall holds a newspapu and smiles a. he arrives at police headquarters Tuesday. A N.w Yol'tt detective, bank." Anbther tornado latcr swept ovcr CIQudy lown Chicago and aboul 20 miles will go on a long vacation. Then I,ft, was part of the heavy pollc. guard escorting the CIIr that brought the 54.year-old man From Water­ The savings presumably were bury, Conn., where he Wll$ arrested. parl of Kennett, in the "bootheel" from Robinson Woods, Ule North· be is expected to llC given a Cederal part of an lnheritance from his of southeastern Missouri, destroy· and west Side forest preserve whel'e appointment. He also may run for father. Relatives said he was left ing some homes, uprooting treeS the boys' bodies were dumped. the GOP gubernatorial nominatJon some money. He had done little and tangling power lines. One in· Cold There was not a stitch of clothing in New York next year. Gover.nment Structure 1V0rk in the last 20 years. Jt!ry was reported. in the vicinity. Alcorn, 49, 11 turmer ell , Ie How~s 'That? ... In committing Melesk.y t9 Belle· A Kansas City Southern trein A storm buried the area under a track star, is a comparative new· vue, Magistrate Reuben Levy re­ speeding through Gans an eastern foot of snow Jan. 9 but this melted comer ' on the committee, He has More Comment About marked: l during a fast thaw Monday. Polic Oklahoma tclwn in the Cookson The weather sl!t!r says more of been a member only four years, Name than Ailment OK, Committee Say~ "The alleged acts are indicative Hills, at 6 a.m. with its whistle tbe climatic cold shoulder is in said the bodies apparently had been but his rise has been rapid. He of a deranged mind ." blowing Cull steam way have saved store for Iowa Citians loday. The in the area at least since the snow­ was made vice chairman of the OMAHA w..-When Decabooter DES MOINES 1m - A strong boost Cor the status quo in Iowa's Melesky was takl!n into court storm. stale government was presented to legislators Tuesday by the Govel"O' .many other from death or injllry. mercury is predicted to plunge to Committee on Arrangements for went to the hospital Tuesday his under a New York anti·bomb law about 10 degrces and stay in lhat Lohm!)n said there were these the party's' 1956 national conven­ mental Reorganizadon Study Committee. that carries • maximum 25 years It was reported than many sleep· similarities in the mulUple mur· name caused more comment than ing citizens were aroused by the vicinity aU day. tion. The committee, created by the 1955 Legislature, reported that with in prison upon convIction. He also In addition to temperatures cold ders: his ailment. a few minor exceptions, state gov· was charged with felonious assault whisUe, then saw the turbulent 1. The bodies overlapped, as If After the convention he was weather and headed for storm cel· pnough to . give geese goose made one of the four vice chalr· Decabooter, 3, made the trip ernment doesn't need reorganizing. and mal.icious mlscnie\. bumps, the weather wizard pre· they had been dumped or tossed Melesky was traced through reo lars. Four minutes later the tor· from a car or truck. men of the national committee to the hospital Cor removal of a The report is in strong contrast dicts that skies wiIJ be partly Ship Firms cords of the Con~olidated Edison nado struck. 2. The slayer or slayers stripped under Hall. The later is reported can opener kcy swallowed in a to reorganization recommendations cloudy. Snow flurries have also the bodies in both cases and dis. to recommended to moment of excitement when Co., the firm against which he Apparently Ule unidentified en· hav~ Alc~rn made. by Gov. Herschel Loveless been predicted for today. posed of the clothing elsewhere. Not th ~ White House for the chaIrman· watching a television cartool\- He nursed his ever·mounting grievance gineer saw the tornado and whis· Settle Dispute over long years. Both the com· tled a warning. a stitch of the boys' clothing ever ship. got the key from his mother last Thursday in his Inaurgural ad· when he asked if he could help dress.
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