55th Year. No. 25 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY. WASHINGTON, D.C. Friday. April 18. 1975 Abba Eban Reasserts Israeli Sovereignty in Middle East by Lisa S. Smith Inside Gaston Hall, the Balti­ Yom Kippur War and the memory the relationship between peace Competing against the vocal more-Washington Union of Jewish of those days "haunts and upsets and withdrawal, saying, "We'll protests of a small number of Students presented the Eban lee­ us still." But he contended that make progress as WE' enlarge the Arab sympathizers, former Israeli ture to celebrate the 27th anniver­ "good leadership means to take horizons of peace as seen 10 their foreign minister Abba Eban ad­ sary of the founding of Israel. from past experience to sustain us inter-relation with withdrawal." dressed 8 near-capacity crowd in Eban, who is currently a member in our journey." Eban explained that if the Arabs Gaston Hall last Wednesday even­ of the Knesset, the informal Eban emphasized that the would agree to 100 per cent ing. Outside in Healy Circle, the Israeli cabinet, was accompanied Middle East situation is totally peace, the Israelis.would agree to Arab sympathizers brandished the by the assistant to Ambassador unique in international relations. 100 per cent withdrawal. red, White, green and black Dennis, David Peleg and the first "This is not Pakistan and India or Eban was quick to criticize Palestinian flag while they chant­ secretary of the Israeli embassy, China and Russia-there is no intemational friendships that ed "Palestine lives" and "Long Ory Barner. doubt about their sovereignity." "wither away at the first wiff of live Palestine." They also carried Eban began his remarks by Eban was adamant that the Arab petroleum. Those who yield to signs reading "Self-determination defining his concept of leadership. states "must come to grips with extortionism only make it worse." for Palestine-No US aid" as they He explained that the people of the depth and tenacity of the He urged the United States and .Abba Eban demonstrated. Israel have not recovered from the roots of the Jewish people ... Europe to become independent of (Photo Mitch Davis, Courtesy The Vorce) There will never be a Middle East Middle East oil. "How does the ~~ concrete," Israel's are "invIsible." l.: ~" without a sovereign state of United States want to celebrate its Israel." He asserted that "Israel 200th birthday," he asked, "as a Nonetheless, Israel possesses will not die, disappear and re­ colony of Kuwait?" "moral vitality. social cohesion, nounce its tongue, its faith or its Eban distinguished between Jewish solidarity and dynamic technology," Eban described Is­ flag." Eban concluded that "The the balance of strength which is denial of Israel's particularism is primarily military and the more rael's history as bemg a confron­ just a modern version of anti­ general concept of balance of tation of the small against the semitism." power. He pointed out that while great. He saw Israel's situation as a At the same time, he stressed the Arab assets are "tangible and (Continued on page 51 Fr. HenleApproves Program KillingMandatory Insurance by Ann LoLordo Every student should have the Policy Committee had very good A revised proposal eliminatmg right to accept or reject insurance, intentions but they operated on the mandatory health insurance and now they have," he con­ minimum and erroneous informa­ program has been accepted by tinued. tion. Eighty per cent of the University President Rev. Robert Dr. Rueckel expressed satisfac­ student age group are 'uninsured. Henle according to Student Gov­ tion with the compromise. "I'm Medical treatment is extremely ernment President Dave Ralston. pleased with the compromise and expensive and if students art> not His signature should soon be with the fact· that it will be adequately insured. the University forthcoming. The revised proposal re-studied next year by the cannot be expected to foot the is seen as a compromise between Student Health Advisory Commit­ bills. Now that health insurance is both the student's and the Uni­ tee. In this way, we can truly no longer mandatory, the rates of versity's best interests. evaluate the effects of the com­ the University policy will most "The three-point measure is promise on the University." likely rise. If we did have basically the same in that students Dr. Rueckel's main objection mandatory insurance we could may take the University Insurance prevent this increase. Students Policy, or sign a waiver stating don't realize that a Blue Cross­ that they are already covered by Blue Shield policy costs two and a Arab sympathizers protest outside Healy building against former Israeli another insurance policy, or sign a half times as much as our student foreign minister Abba Eban who spoke in Gaston Hall Wednesday waiver stating that they (the policy." night. (Photo by Mark Habeeb) students) fully realize that they The proposal was submitted to are not insured and that their Fr. Henle on Friday, Apnl -1, by parents are fully liable for any Dr. Edward Finn of the Student expenses they incur. This last Life Policy Committee. According ~rabuatr Cltonstntator point is the important one. I was to Finn, Henle has 15 school days quite surprised that Henle ac­ to act on the proposal. If the cepted the proposal due to Dr. proposal isn't acted upon within Rueckel's (Vice President for that amount of time. the proposal This week's HOVA contains the latest edition of The Student Development) opposiuon goes into effect. If the Student Graduate Conservator: to it, OJ Ralston stated. Lift> Polley Commutee ., not The purpose of t he proposal satisfied With the cornprormse • candidates in GSO elections according to Ralston IS "to thev must resubmit a re\ rsed • Fellowship offered hammer home to both students proposal to Henle. and parents that the University "People must understand that •A letter "no place to go?" will not be liable for any bills the Student Life Pohcy Cornmu­ Rev. R. J. Henle, SJ • "An evening of Southern history incurred by students." tee IS an advisory commit tpl' W,' • Dr. Kirkpatrick on careers "It's a good compromise. We to the previous proposal was the act as an arm of t he Presrdent , WI' won our point in that the managerial problems stemmmg try to decide what', best for both University should not compel from the wording of the proposal. the University and 11\ ... tudents," students to take the insurance. "I believe that the Student Life Fmn said. Page 2 The HOYA Friday, April 18,1915 NEWS REVIEW Townhouse Loan in Final Stage The approval of the loan to other is a letter approving the Plans have already been made build student townhouses beside awarding of the contract to the with the contractor to insure Darnall Hall is in Its final stage 111 lowest bidder. It is the first one employment under the Equal the federal office of Housing and we are missing. We've been wait­ Opportunity regulations and the Urban Development. According to ing since the end of February and Washington Plan which sets tar­ william A. Miller. vice-president we are hopeful from day to day gets for minorities by trade for planning and physical plants, that it will arrive in time for categories. "We hope to get them to hurry completion of the dorms by Miller maintained that the the process by demonstrating that September, 1976," he concluded. recent rapid turnover rate in Business School Student Roseanne Flynn will intern for a chemical much utility and money will be Glen Construction Company personnel in HUn has caused the company in Germany as pan of a program aimed at providing students lost if the loan isn't quickly has been awarded the contract delays not only for the George­ with "contact with the real world" (Photo by Mark Habeeb) approved." which calls for the completion of town loan, but many others as A backlog of paper work in the construction in fifteen months. well. HUD legal office is responsible for Flynn Awarded SBA Internship the delay in construction. "We GU Joins Folger need two letters from If UD before The International Association renewed this year through the we can start," Miller stated. "One Georgetown has formally of Students in Economics and efforts of Pat Mangiapane is a letter approving the loan. The joined the Folger Institute of Business has chosen Roseanne (SLL'76). Along with Dean Chase, Renaissance and Eighteenth­ Flynn (SBA '76) to participate in the faculty advisor, Ms. Mangia­ Century Studies. According to an internship program in Darm­ pane formed a Board of Advisors Gordon Named Donald G. Herzberg, dean of the stadt, Germany. Interns will be which consisted of local business­ University President Rev. R.J. graduate school, which is sponsor­ employed by a chemical company men. This year the local business Henle, SJ has appointed Douglass ing University membership, where they will observe many supported the GU chapter but W. Gordon to the position of Georgetown graduate students aspects of the company's opera­ next year they will participate in Director of Community Relations. and faculty will now be eligible to tions. A special project is chosen seminars that will be sponsored by In his new position, Gordon will apply for admission to the pres­ by the company to match the the GU chapter. serve "as a catalyst for initiating tigious Folger seminars and for interns' special talents which coin­ The main purpose of this programs of mutual benefit to the two annual $1500 Institute cide with the company's needs. international association is to find both the University and the fellowships that are available to jobs in the Washington area for community, and as an official each fully-affiliated institution.
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