iOw-- ^J&£59&3I&© ^^ffssf^r^^^, * TBADEMAHKED BT THE SFOHTINO LIFE FITB. CO. ENTERED AT PHILA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTBB VOLUME 29, NO. 2. PHILADELPHIA, APRIL 3, 1897. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. SIR JAMES O©ROURKE SUCCEEDS NOW HAYE THEIR LEAGUE UPON WITH HIS PLAN. ITS FEET. Six Cities Secured to Hale up tlie A Six-dub Circuit Consisting ol Bay New Connecticut League, Which is City, Saginaw, Port Huron, Lansing, Built on the Lines ol the Delunct Jackson and Kaiamazoo Fully Or Naugatuck Valley League, ganized The Outlook Bright. Derby, Conn., March 29. At a meeting Saginaw, Mich., Marck 27. Editor "Sport- held in the club house of the Derby Street Ing Life:" The Michigan. State Base Ball Kniiway employes, Saturday morning, the League is now an assured fact. The. organ Connecticut State Base Ball League was ization starts off with, the best prospects formed and will include teaiiis rep of any minor league in the country. It resenting Daiibury, Torriugton, Bridge contains some of the ablest managers iu the port, Bristol, Merlclen and Derby. AVa- profession and is backed by some of the terbury, New Britain and New Haven failed to best business men in the State. When the send any representatives. The meeting- was pre League session closed last week, all of sided over by President Sturgis Wbitloek, and the details had been completed except tliere were present Arthur Krom, of Danbury; T. the schedule, which will be left over H. Graham and Lucius E. L«dd, of Torrington; for the next, meeting, Monday, March 29, at James H. O©Kotnke, of Bridgeport; John Plggott, Lansing. The meeting was attended by the of Bristol; S. B. Chapman, of Meriden. by let- following: President Walter II. Mmuby, Corunna.; ter, and Jerry Denny, of Dei by. After orgauiza- R. L. Gates and C. H. Gushmau, Jackson; A. L. ing the new League, the club adjourned to din Goble, Port Huron; Fred Popkay, Kalaniazoo; ner at the Bassett. The (oustitution of the old> Bert Bergdorf aiid John A. Muvphy, Bay City; Naugatuck League was adopted. Each club will John V. Peck, Lansing; W. F. Pierson. W. H. Sal- be represented on the Board of Directors and tonstall, .1. B. Pitchor and Geo. Black, .Saginaw; they will comprise Krora, O©llourke, Graham, Tom T. Farley, of Chicago. The latter, who repre Pigott, Chapman and B. \V. Porter. sented the Overman Wheel Company, is well known to the different mauagers, and received the contract for uniforms, supplies, etc. WHEELING©S WINNERS. The season is to open April liS, aud close Sep tember 12, and 126 regular championship games A Team of Sluggers Will Represent are to be played. Each visiting club is guaran teed $25, and in case of rain, $15. The salary the Nail City. limit is tixed at $600, exclusive o£ manager. The. Wheeling, W. Va.. March 30 Editor "Sporting guarantee of $200 for each club was deposited IJfe:" As the days of spring approach the im and the League will consist of the following pression grows that the Nailers will be a team six cities: Saginaw, Bay City, Fort Huron, that will make many a pitcher©s heart ache this Lansing, Jackson and Kaiamazoo. year. Almost every player has a batting average of at least, .?>OO, and a number of them came from good leagues, too. Should their fielding turn BURLINGTON BRIEFS. out. to be as good the West Virginia toys will cut a wide swathe among their fellows. While A Victory Over Toledo Before the manager Ooyle is making no great pretensions as National Board. to the future, doubtless believing that it is a good Burlington, la., March 28. Eidtor "Sporting thing to allow the team to speak for itself, nev Life:" By a decision of the Board of Arbitration ertheless all interested parties have the utmost HARRY C. PULL1AM, we have that fast outfielder. Hartzell, on our confidence in him and his partner, Mr. Harring- playing list. As I stated in these columns some ton. and believe that under their wise direction The New President of the Louisville League Club. time ago, we had first claim on him and would base ball will have a great ixxini this year and see it clear through, Toledo to the contrary. will be a success in every way. Manager Berryhlll has not shown up yet, but The club will play two frames in Pittsburg the SMITH IS READY. them Yeager, whom they drafted from the Paw is expected at any time now. You know what coming month, but according©to present arrange tucket team of last season. Portland, of the a young married man is and how he acts. This ments none will be played here. This will be a His Team Made up and His Spring Maine State League, appears here April 28 and is the case with Mr. Berryhill. We will all great disappointment, since the Pirates, with 30. April 24 is still open. Any manager de welcome the new benedict and his wife to our Dick Padden among them, are hot favorites here. Dates Filled. siring this date should consult John F. Smith, 434 midst in this "wild and wooly West." The Other exhibition games, however, have been ar Pawtucket, 11. I., March BO. Editor "Sport Lafayette street, Bristol, Pa. The players of players will soon commence to arrive and then, ranged for the home grounds, and the local peo ing Life:" President Michael Moy, Secretary the. Pawtucket team will report to Manager things will tske on. a, new lease of life in a base ple will have several opportunities to size up Henry Lynd, Treasurer William H. Dtiwsun, Smith at the Park House, Newark, N. J., April 3. ball way. the boys before the championship season opens. Advisory Committee, Henry C. Tiepke, Max A rooters© club was organized the other night Smith Whalley, our last season©s short stop, Natbanson. The above are the newly elected ZANESVILLE ZtiPHYRS. with Gus Scha.ef as president and he is one of has written a letter to a friend here, stating officers of tbe Pawtucket Base Ball Association, the dyed-in-the-wool cranks. C. W. Kirkpat- that he would be awfully pleased o play here and for hustling abilities they will equal the A Contest Between Ray and Somers rick, vice president; first, yell, John H. Gilles- this year, and there are hundreds of his friends officers of any base ball association in the laud. pie; second yell, O©ra H. Gould; Research Commit in this city who heartily reciprocate the wish. In all probability our team wil be selected For the Local Management. tee vedoo charms Toby Carpenter; Lucky signs Indeed, the probabilities are that he may yet )>e from the following material: News, Grafiin, Zanesville. O., March 29. Editor "Sporting and charms W. W. "Woollen. All are first-class seen in a Wheeling uniform. He has signed Mulhall. catchers; Leach, Wilder. Todd. Mullin, Life:" The Schedule Committee of the Ohio and "fans" and attended most of the games last with Paterson. but if i* turns out that they Doiiovan, Sagrus. pitchers; Bea,uuiont, first base; West Virginia League will meet this week to season, and will do so this vear. More of this can©t use him, he will be just Wheeling©s size©. Gilbert or stouch. second base; Oougalin, third put the finishing touches on their work, and club will be given later on. JAS. H. LLOYD. PICKWICK. base: Sweeney, short stop: Barton, Whiting and that will conclude the arranjj>ments for the Smith, in the outrield. Of the above News, season. Except for a little slowness on the Twin LOS ANGELAS LETTER. Leach. Wilder (not Welden, as your New York City©s part, everything is in good shape, and THE LEAGUE UMPIRES. correspondent, would have it). Beaumont, Cough - points to a profitable year. Gossip About Well Known Players lin. Barton, Whiting and Smith were with us Ill regard to the home team, arrangements Resident There. Sandy McDermott©s Appointment last season. have just been effecte-i by which John S. Ilay, Graflin comes from Hagerstown. Md.; Todd of Louisville. Ky., and Enoch Souiers, of this Ix>s Angeles, March 25. Editor "Sporting Completes the Staff. was our star pitcher in iSSM. but last season place, will pit their respective teams against Life:" George Decker left last week for Chicago he and the elu>b could not agree on terms, and each othere in this city the latter part of April, in excellent condition to put up good ball this he did not sign a contract. This season matters to decide which man shall have the management. season. He has been playing first-class ball have been straightened out and Frank will again Mr. Ray©s team is composed of players from here all winter, and hitting like a tiend. throw left-handed curves for the honor of Paw the Southern awl Texas Leagues, and it is his Bob Shaw, tlie colored pitcher who goes to the season as an umpire with the Western, At tucket. Mill ball and Mullin come from the intention to play exhibition games in some of Page Fence Giants, is complaining some of hia lantic and Virginia State Leagues. The umpires Salems. champions of the South Jersey League; the Southern cities before coming here. Mr. pitching arm. The last game he pitched he now appointed by President Young are Lynch, Sagrus played with independent teams in Massa Souiers© players are as ©ollows: Toft and Cans, won, but had but little speed. Kmslie, Sheridan. Hurst, O©Day, and MeDermott. chusetts; Gilbert comes highly recommended; catchers; Mcllvaine, Beadle, Cross and Iler- Milt Whitebead, at one time a crack player, This completes the staff and without doubt it is Sweeney also played with the Salem team in braud, pitchers; Myers, first base: Brandenburg, who played last season with Corning, N.
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