Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, April 10, 2003 Published Every Thursday Since 1890 OUR 113th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 31-113 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] FIFTY CENTS Candidates Vie for Four-Year Terms on WF Town Council By LAUREN S. PASS Specially Written for The Westfield Leader For Westfield Town Council: Four-Year Terms This November, Westfield will elect its council representatives to four- year terms for the first time. In the First Ward, incumbent Re- publican Peter Echausse will face off against newcomer Maureen Kehoe Rothfelder. After losing to Carl Salisbury, Coun- cilman Echausse was first appointed to the council in 2001 to fill the seat Peter Echausse Maureen Rothfelder Joanne Neylan David Owens vacated by Mayor Gregory (GOP), Ward 1 (DEM), Ward 1 (GOP), Ward 2 (DEM), Ward 2 McDermott. Previous to being on the council, Mr. Echausse served on the Recreation Commission. Councilman Echausse has been a credit analyst his entire career. He spent the first 10 years working in public finance for Standard and Poors and Merrill Lynch, where he analyzed municipal bonds backed by property Mark Ciarrocca David Haas James Foerst Susan Jacobson taxes. He is the current chairman of (GOP), Ward 3 (DEM), Ward 3 (GOP), Ward 4 (DEM), Ward 4 the Laws and Rules Committee. Councilman Echausse and his wife, their three children, Marissa, Alex She has volunteered as a CCD Colleen, have four children. and Claire. teacher and worked with the Inter- Ms. Rothfelder is an attorney in the In the Second Ward, veteran Coun- faith Council for the Homeless. practice of Public Utility and Tele- cilman Matthew Albano, who has Mr. Owens and his wife, Cathy, communications law with the firm of been serving on the council for eight have three sons. He is a trustee of the Bill Sheppard for The Westfield Leader Rothfelder Stern, L.L.C. in Westfield. years, will not be running for re-elec- Westfield Foundation, a member of RALLY OF SUPPORT…Members of the community gathered in Mindowaskin Park on Saturday afternoon in support of She has a Bachelors of Arts degree in tion. CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 the troops currently fighting in Iraq. Economics from the State University “It’s been both an honor and a privi- of New York at Buffalo, and earned lege to serve the residents of the Sec- her Juris Docterate from the Franklin ond Ward,” Councilman Albano told Pierce Law Center. The Westfield Leader. School Bd. Hopes Draft on Parking at WHS Ms. Rothfelder was previously In his place, newcomer Joanne employed as an Assistant Counsel to Neylan will face off against Demo- the Governor of New Jersey, and as a crat candidate David Owens, who ran staff attorney for the New Hampshire against Rafael Betancourt last year, Will Help Allay Distress of Pupils, Residents House of Representatives. but lost by 99 votes. By CHARLOTTE LEDERMAN fice buildings, as well as projected The draft charge also examined parking possibilities, allowing for Ms. Rothfelder is a member of the Councilman Albano stated that Mrs. Specially Written for The Westfield Leader high school enrollment growth for such a committee’s composition, in- “fair methods for reducing the pres- Unitarian Church in Summit, where Neylan will bring a fresh perspective Previous meetings of the Westfield 2003-2008 and concerns for safety cluding students, members of the town sure for parking (including limited she serves on the Children’s Reli- to the council. Board of Education have indicated and for fairness by homeowners in council and board of education, par- parking to high school seniors and gious Education Committee and the Currently a stay-at-home mom, that there is an “enormous pressure affected areas.” ents, and town officials. other methods); as well as ways to Safety Task Force. She is also an orga- Mrs. Neylan graduated from Brook- for parking near the high school.” And such were the sentiments ex- They will look at on and off-street CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 nizer of the benefit concert series lyn Law School with her Juris Doctor- This concern has been created by pressed in a statement by the board in Second Saturdays Coffee House. ate. She and her husband, Kevin, an “increasing interest by commuters part of the superintendent’s report on She and her husband, Martin, have moved to Westfield with their three and residents in parking near the train parking, the primary item on Tuesday lived in Westfield for six years with children in 1991. station and nearby professional of- night’s agenda. Citizens Fly Flags in WF Indeed, the board went to great lengths to hammer out the correct diction and syntax of the ‘Draft WF Council Approves Budget; Charge to Advisory Committee on Park In Support of Troops Parking.’ By BILL SHEPPARD had been placed on a loved one’s This draft, the board hopes, re- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader coffin. Others brought framed photos sponds to the needs and concerns of Despite the inclement weather last of their relatives, or friends on active WHS Parking to Be Reviewed students, commuters, and residents. Sunday and this Saturday, area resi- duty in the military like our own Ben Thus, “…the Board of Education dents assembled in Westfield’s Corbin from The Leader, who has By LAUREN S. PASS through the operating portion and that she was pleased that this year’s and the Town Council of Westfield Mindowaskin Park at the Gazebo to cousins and a friend currently de- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader did not see anything to cut. He added increase is less than last year’s and have agreed to establish an Advisory show their support for our troops de- CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 In Tuesday’s pre-meeting confer- that this year’s increase is 3.89 cents that she is happy that the finance Committee on Parking to help them ployed overseas. ence session Fourth Ward Democrat per $100 of assessed home value committee will be looking to cut costs develop a long-term, comprehensive As previously reported in The Councilwoman Susan Jacobson whereas last year’s increase was 4.1 for next year. plan to alleviate” the problem and Westfield Leader a small grassroots raised a question regarding the 2003 cents. Mayor Gregory McDermott pressures of student parking at the effort invited the public to assemble DEM and GOP budget, which was slated to be voted On the average assessed home of thanked the whole council for their high school. in the park with their own American on during the public portion of the $180,000 the tax increase will be work, stating that no one thought Superintendent of Schools Dr. Wil- flags to show support for the troops Primaries Set meeting. $69.50. politically, but worked hard to be liam Foley also spoke once again and to honor veterans of past wars. Councilwoman Jacobson stated Later in the meeting the budget more efficient with town money. about the projected increasing en- The noon assembly this past Satur- For 21st District that she thought that the council was was approved on first reading, it will The second reading and public rollment at the high school and the day had no sponsors, no speeches and going to further discuss the operating be voted on for final approval on hearing was held for an ordinance subsequent impact on the parking no bands. By LAUREN S. PASS portion of the budget which totals Tuesday, May 6 when the public is that allows no parking from 8 a.m. to situation. He noted that in the 2005- The eclectic group came from all Specially Written for The Westfield Leader $27,992,304. allowed to speak on the budget. 2 p.m. on school days for Edgar Road 2006 school year there will be an over our area, Westfield, Fanwood, Primaries abound for both Repub- Second Ward Republican Coun- Many of the council members from Rahway to Hyslip Avenues; on estimated 432 seniors, of which 280 Cranford, Bridgewater, Scotch Plains, licans and Democrats for the 21st cilman and Finance Committee Chair- thanked Councilman Albano for his Lynnwood Place, and on two sec- are expected to drive to school, while Edison, Garwood, the Painfields and District Assembly. man Matthew Albano stated he work on the budget. Councilman tions of the outer circle of Stoneleigh predicting that out of 472 juniors, beyond. Local businessmen, veter- Incumbents Jon Bramnick and Dr. thought the council had closed the Albano stated that no services will be Park. 157 will be driving. ans, moms and dads with kids in tow Eric Munoz will face Betty LaRosa, budget and questioned if there was reduced, but that some would actu- Mayor McDermott informed the stood side by side with seniors and Helen Ryan, and former Assembly- anything in particular Council- ally be added. residents that the Board of Education Three Seats For Union young folks clasping their flags. man James Barry, Jr. woman Jacobson wanted to go over. Though Third Ward Democrat and Council Liaison Committee met County Freeholder: The cold damp weather hadn’t dis- Assemblyman She responded that there were some Councilman Dave Haas voted in fa- approximately two weeks ago and couraged this patriotic bunch from Bramnick is a items that Town Administrator James vor of the budget, he stated that he has agreed that it is not good to go through Three-Year Terms showing up. All brought the Stars and Westfield resident Gildea was going to get information “reservations” regarding the 40 per- the area around Westfield High School Democrats Stripes, a few had the infamous black and an attorney with on.
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