PAGE EIGHTEEM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2S. 19fl» iHandfTBtTr lEtiTtting IfTraUi The Herald Wishes a Merry Christmas to Its Readers A bou t Tow n Daihr Nat PMaa i , Zion Bvanc^llcal Lutheran Herald Cookbook Delayed CSnirch will have a Youth The Weather Christmas Service tonight 'at The Herald’s traditional Christmas present to its subscribeiB, the cookbook— “ From Your Neififhbor’s Fair and quite cote nadglii 7 :S0 at the church. » . with lows zero to id aixrve- Kitchen”—will be delivered a little late this year. 15,880 Christmas Day dawn* lunny be­ St. Mary’s Episcopal Church coming cloudy with che»ww o f will have a Festive Christmas Difficulties in printing and binding ^ v e delayed City o f ViBrnam Chmrm this year’s edition and it will not be delivered until Ught enow. Eve Serve for Children tomor­ VOL. LXEXIX, NO.'72 row at 4:30 p.m. at the church. the week of Jan. 5. (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN^ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1949 Advsrtleteg an Page 91) PRICE TEN CENTS The cookbook, which has been given to Herald Manchester Country Club vrlll have a New Year’s Eve party subscribera for the last ten years, is a ctdlection o f for members and guests from the recipes that appeared in the weekly “ Frmn Your 9 p.m. to 3 a.m. at the club­ Neighbor’s Kitchen” column during the year. P O W s B rin g house. A buffet will be served at midnight. Reservations may Herald co-publishers Thomas F. and Walter R. It Begins to Look be made by contacting the club Ferguson and their families wish you a happy holi­ Families Joy manager. day season and offer the hope that the joyful peace of Christmas may remain with us all through the ’The Al-Anon Family Oroup coming year. In Letters will provide speakers on coping A Lot Like .... with alcoholism at St. Bri^d’s i h b AaaoexATED f b b s b By THE AggOCIATKD PRESS U X Weather Bureau fixaeasl Church, EUmwood, tonight at ics at MH8. A resident of New Otola or letters from lai ■now for the Northmot. Th* bu­ 8:30 p.m. ’There will be no reg­ MUltoia of persona aitxBtd the School Board Britain, he will receive his BS American priaoneis of war fai reau also aald thara waa mow be ular Al-Anon meetings this world made last-minute propar- from Central Connecticut State North Vietnam have brought the Pacific Northwest, nn««i— n week. College in June. Salary, $6,800, •tlan* today to oelebrate Christ- Grants Leave, Jot In homea around the mea. OallfomU and hriand to UtSh pro-rated effective Jan. 20. nation. Some familiea ^tanifui and the Rockies, Marine Sgt. David J. Lyons, Miss Margery Greensteln to ior the first time that their men Although the meoaage of the The Vietnam ISondorinm son of Mrs. Robert Lyons of 88 Fills Posts teach Grade 6 at BenUey wars alive and weU. Idrth of JaouB esviot ia ’’Peace Oommlttee took note of tha hath Ooodwin St., is home for a 16- School. She will receive a B8 The four children o f MaJ. Don­ <m Barth,’’ the wars the world day them* of paaca and aehsto day hoUday leave from the El By a 7-1 vote, the Board of from Boston University this ald Odell had gone out Cbriat- had wMh U Uat year raaudnad uled a aartea of Chriatmaa B aa. ’Toro Marine Air Base, Calif., Education granted a sabbati­ month. She is a resident of East maa oaroUng in Mount Clemoiw, in Vietnam and Nigaria. The vigils .The otaaarvano* to NSir where he has been stationed cal leave of absence without Hartford. Salary, $6,800, pro­ Mich., Tueadhy but quU because Mldaaet situation remained un- York Inchidea a oaadtolight since his return from his tour setUad. pay, from Feb. 1 through June rated effective Jan. 12. Which MIchnIs TKisire ChestlliniioBl will loii give nipirn Ion iip Qrictiii? M the bitter odd. nun came prooaerion to Ctatrwl Park wMh of duty in Vietnam. word that their father, «-g Ihrse loud expUstona rstUed Mayor John V. Lindsay and Slh- 1970 to Mrs. Mildred L. 'Tbg, Mrs. Judith Morganroth to windows today tai BaUMlehm, Buckley School Grade 6 teach­ teach English at Illlng Junior for 36 months, was reported *r poUtleal lendais acihaduUd to Airman 1. C. Robert O. the blrthpUoe of CSirist On* Is- er, to observe flexible grouping High School. A resident of East aUve and weU. participate. Oamache, son of Mr. and Mrs. reaU ofdciai aald they could Hairbford, she will receive a BS "After tboee Ude got the In Buropa, tha iaativa saasrii Anthony J. Oamache of 102 at the intermediate level, and hasa boon caused by eupeisonlo from Central Connecticut State newi^ there was no stopping waa anaeay with fins but In M l Eldridge St., is serving as a independent study techniques alm sfL College this month. Salary, $6,- them," said their jubUant »»vnEh- awing: French fbdianiian fS t communications equipment re­ being used at selected Ameri­ CREDIT TO YOUNQ ADULTS 800, pro-rated effective Dec. 22. er, Mrs. ShlrUy Odell. "They're It Is the hilltop city’ s third SS,ow tons of o y te ts on Eh pairman with a unit of the can and British Schools. Mrs. SSlalne Somers to teax:h i JEWEURS-Slj^ERSMlTH^.powiiiown Manchester, 868 Main 8trea$ bade in the odd, tellfag the CSiriatmaa under IsraaU ruU market A merchant tn Want 3180th Communications Squad­ She will conduct the study in Spanish at Bennet Junior High neighbors their dad’e aU rl|$rt, and in th* ahad* of th* Church Qaacaaay padtoad gold-plBlad ron at Ciampino Airport, Italy. conjunction with her husband’s School. She received a BA from ■higing their hearts out up and of th* Nativity acorea of lotsali aU bhaWnga ItaltoBa b a tIM leave from the University of Wheaton College in June, and down the blodk." oacurUy ogenU mlngiad wHh atriboa and traffio Jama. Bhbh Army Spec. 6 OrvUle W. Connecticut School of Educa­ is a resident of Manchester. It had been 18 mnnl.he Nlnee th* Chriatmaa pUgrtma. One **- n d d ill iCfMUIMd €Hl s i Freymuth, son of Mr. and Mrs. tion. Salary, $6,800, pro-rated effec­ Air Force 2nd Lt. T. tlmate aald more than 1,000 th* country by tha ’Hiomas R. Creegan of 1 Oos- Dr. Walter Schardt approved tive Jan. 22. Bums, 26, sraa toA down over troops and polio* tear* on duty In Paris, tot C lee Dr., recently was promoted in the town. waa dawling in whtto the leave but voted negaUvely 'Two previous actions were re­ North Vietnam, and his parents to his present rating while serv­ because of the stipulation that in Warsaw, Ind., knew nothing In Vtatnam, the alllad oom- a dapartmant star* ing with the 269th Aviation Bat­ scinded and corrected: A leave mohda and th* Viat O o t a ob- it be given without remunera­ of aibeence to Mrs. Lorraine J. except that he had been seen giant HMon on Ita roof. talion near Cu Chi, Vietnam. aarved oaaae-flisa. Fighting twd Loat-mbaite biiyin tion. Barber, Bentley School Grade aaXely, l \ / l a g 1*1 a v o i s i bean at a low tevsl for aavaral dwps tn Oarmany Resignations of two Nathan 6 teacher, etfertive Jan. 6 was Then Ua name appeared on Army Chaplain (Capt.) Carl waaks, and alter Uia true* be­ grumbling that Hale School teachers were ac­ changed to Jan. 12; and the the Uat made publle Tuesday by A. Kulo, son of Mrs. Sophia A. gan it dropped off even more. Oarman Cbriobnas la _ cepted, both effective Jan. 16: appointment of Patrick Mur­ two women leaders o f the anti­ Xulo of 46 Lilac St., is a mem­ Radio Hanoi began broodoaot- oommaroUhaad. Dialnra Cary M. Stitt, Grade 6, and phy as custodian should have war movement* Just back from ber of the Advisory Team 06, ing raoorded meosagea horn *d bualnaaa waa up 10 to 68 par Norman Rivard Jr., Grade 6. road Patrick Humphrey. Norlti Vietnam. advising a Vietnamese Army "I couldn’t think of anything Amarioaui prloonere of war lo oant over laot yaar. unit. These appointments were ap­ ’Thomas McCann was appoint­ ... magnificent G I F T S we’d Uke better than tbia,’’ aaU their tamlUee, oa it has A*** in Italy oaamod to be faelhg Eto proved for the remainder of the ed to the custodial schedule at bis father, John B. Bum*. "This peat yaais. biaakaat Chriatmaa ia toatosm Lutz Junior Museum will be school year: Mrs. Joan Bourque a salsiry cd $6,616, pro-rated ef­ la the time of year for tblnga fioldieis in Vietnam and at Buropa. Strikm left lUftam closed tomorrow and ’Thursday to teach art at Manchester High fective Dec. 1; and Raymond like lUa to happen." othar UA. military InatelUUoiw with laaa money la thatr poahobi for the Christmas holiday. School. She received a BA from ’Twlble to the painters' schedule m Wadtingten, a Pentagon In Ih* FUr Bast, Europe and Um and few Chriatmaa bonnaaa. Fa- at a salary of $$,$p6, pro-rated of lasting pleasure! United States gave Chriatmea the University of Miami in 1969, opokeoman said hU but four of UUcal unraot oaot a pallapto effective Dec. 1. the nameo had appeared on parUas for chUdren at orphan- mant* (aparhUng wina) oalas and taught tluree years in New ogM and hospitals.
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