^ ■ ' Bruce of Trinity Place INTERVIEWS: Lori Shannon, Armistead Maupin ALSO: About Wakefield Poole’s "TAKE ONE SHOWTIME STEPPING OUT Ivkeii dickmi . ■'1 JunelO DEADLINE m o n d a » Jim e6| King and T", "L ittle Me" and "Bye, Bye NEXT ISi ■ix' Birdie. " Functional scenery that is f £ é r ^ idual states to maintain sexually re­ the earlier meetings. " eats another man's sperm. Sperm is simple, yet extremely colorful and Who’s on First pressive legislation. Describing that Specifically, NGTF urges lediians to the most concentrated form of blood. theatricaL decision as a federal precent that will get in touch with their state's IWY The homosexual is eating life. That's I wish Bibi Osteiwald had a funnier The crucial date for gays in Dade why God calls homosexuality an ab- part than that of Butler's aide, Dolly County, Fla, , is now June 7, On that adversely affect the lives of Gay peo­ coordinating committee (call or write ple for years to come, the May 21 Gay Jean for information if you can't track on^ation. " Taffe, but seeing her in person is great date a referendum will be held to de­ Asked whether heterosexual females for me. Art Lund as Buffalo Bill is very cide the fate of Miami's gay rights Action Coalition chose Saturday, May it down through other channels) and 21, to mark with outrage the first then (1) if possible become part of the who engage in oral sexual activities subtle in bringing more character to law passed by the County Commission are g u l^ of an abomination, Byrant in January, anniversary of the Court's ruling. committee, (2) arrange for outreach the showman, and you see Bill just a A Accordingly, demonstrators assembled to the local lesbian community, (3) said "absolutely". T^e same applied bit tipsy at times. Gavin MacLeod The law was passed in January pro­ to lesbians, she said. hibiting discrimination on the basis of in the nation's capital at noon before form a lesbian caucus within the state (Murray of Mary Tyler Moore) as man­ sexual preference, and immediately the U. S. Justice Department, Then group, (4) educate and raise conscious­ ager Charlie Davenport shows that he ran into opposition led by Anita Biyant they marched by a desigpaited route to ness through workshops, whether ones de­ Nudist Victory can do more than make cracks at Sue and an organiiation titled "Save Our the Supreme Court for a demonstra­ voted entirely to lesbian issues or with­ Ann Nevins. tion. After that, they recessed to the in those organized around other topics, By now, it seems certain most free Children" . Bryant and SOC co llected beach goers in California, have heard Harve Presnell as Frank Butler sings Capitol lawns across from the Court (5) work for the election of lesbians as he's a "Bad, Bad Man" with a twinkle almost 40, 000 more petitions than the of the John Stull bill SB22, to stop for a Celebration of Gay Love, to representatives to the.Nadonal Confer­ in his eye. With his height, he towers 10, 030 necessary to force the Dade any nude bathing in State Parks and j'County Commission to either repeal which individuals were invited to share ence, apd (6) introduce and work for over all. Preaiell has one of the better the law or call for the referendum. food, music, crafts, street theatre the passage of pro-gay resolutions by Beaches. Thanks to the hard work of leading man voices in theatre and its and poetry, the state conference, such free beach groups as The Sun a joy to hear him sing "The Girl That Neither the Dade County Coalition for DATFTINF» C O P ^ A G E N Human Rights representing the gay "The Celebration was a public affir­ O'Leary recommends concentrating, at Coral, The Nude Beaches Committee I Many" and in a newly staged "M y‘ mation of Lesbian and Gay Male sex­ least at first, on resolutions explicitly and Beachfront U. S. A., the bill was This will be my last column reporting Defenses Are Down" that is typical of community nor SOC is happy abotit focused on the civil rights issue, name­ on the theatre scene in San Francisco holding the election, expected to cort uality and lifestyle" said one of the killed on the floor of the Senate's the new life that Champion has brought ly: (1) passage of laws prohibiting dis­ for quite a while, I have been fortun­ taxpayers $313, 000,00, But both re­ Gay Action Coalition coordinators. Natural Resources and Life Division. to ANNIE. COLORFUL CAST OT "ANNIE GET YOUR GUN" "We want to tell the world that Vre , crimination oh the basis of sexual or About 1,000 letters were written to ate enough to be sponsored -round trip- A lot of people were very skeptical cognize its importance. affectional preference in employment, to Copenhagen, Denmark where I hope Bob Brake, an organizer of Save Our are Gay, proud, and unashamed of California Governor Jerry Brown and about seeing Debbie Reynolds as Annie. housing, etc,, and (2) repeal of laws to stay for as long as possible. While CJtildren, said, "It is crucial for the our beauty." variow state officials opposing such a She is new to S. F. audiences, but governing private sexual behavior bet­ in Europe 1 will be travelling exten­ other side. If they (gays) can't win Spokesperson Joyce Hunter of the bill, plus a dozen free beach leaders when the curtain comes down, Reynolds GAC said, "Despite what the Supreme ween consenting adults. "Any other went to Sacramento and spoke out sively- you only live once, ya know- has captured the audience's heart for in Dade Cotuity--'as liberal a commun­ pro-lesbian resolutions you want to and will be doing a European column ity as this is-- then they can't win Court may say, gay people will not against such a measure. Sen. Ralph life. She is simply great. Whether allow any government, political party, push for are fine, " she comments, "but Dills, said, "We in the Legislature for KALENDAR to let S.F. know exact­ sitting on a trapeze riiooting revolving it elsewhere, " these two should be the first priority. or religious institution control our sex­ have enough to do without having to ly what is going on across the Continent, stars, or becoming enamoured with "This will be a very strong precursor Not only are these reforms most im­ of what may happen elsewhere, " ual behavior or deprive us of our basic take from the Depsutment of Parks and I intend to personally check out the gay tiiow biz and Frank, or being a back- human rights," mediately needed, but such a civil life there and inform you on the dif­ woods girl "Doin' What Come Naturally", agreed Bob Basker, executive director rights approach will go over best and Recreation some of its functions. " The press release) vote was 2-5 agsdnst the bill. Had ferences and the compatabUty of their or one in a pink dress, Debbie is Annie for the Coalition. "This will send be most easily integrated into this kind, such a bill passed, nude sunbathing on ways and ours. One highlight will be and gives to the role a quality that is ripples across the counhy either way-- of conference. " California *s 2l7 miles of state-owned attending the European Motorcycle Run not normally seen. And when she and if diis is defeated, we're looking at a (press release) witch hunt against gay^'. Marital Status Laws beaches would have been banned in­ in Hamburg in August, cha, cha, cha! ' Presnell and cast do a rip-roaring dance cluding Torrey Pines State Park Beach While I'm away, Wally Rutherford Gay activist groups, which earlier had Some states and municipalities that to "Old Fashion Wedding", the audience pledged to underwrite the cost of the in San Diego, now serving the over­ and Vem Becker will be doing the re­ can't stop applauding. lack a law or ordinance barring dis­ Pro-Gay Study flow of nudist from Black Beach. views on theatrical events in the Bay .election, now say that they will de­ crimination on the basis of sexual or A qjecial note to the guys and gals of vote their funds to the campaign, BOSTCNj Mass. .. The National Area, the dancing ensemble and chorus. A affectlonal preference have neverthe­ Conference of CathoUc Bidiop« has I have been writing this column for "We don't feel it's proper that the less officially barred discrimination more beautiful group of gypsies hasn't victims of discrimination drould have decided to "study** the liberalizing almost 5 years and want to thank Den­ been seen in this town for a long time. on the basis of marital status. nis Charles for the freedom he has to pay to win their rights, " Basker While the intend may be to benefit proposals—including five "pro-gay" And they are all obviously in love with said. About $30,000 has been reised resolutions—made at last fall's Call given me in writing and presenting it. what they are doing in AI^IE. They heterosexual singles and unmarried June 26 I enjoy writing and KALENDAR has so far in a nationwide appeal end more couples, such statutes can be made to to Action Conference. The Call to generate their own brand of excitement funds are being solicited for a major Action, hfeld in Detroit in November, " Gay Frontiers: Past, Present, and helped tremendously in improving it.
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