Saturday, 19, PAGE 12 DKTROIT EVENING TIMES (PHOSE CHERRY SHOO) December 1942 Gas Rationing SAILOR TAKES IT, BUT DISHES IT OUT, TOO Sportsmen Back Pass Up Fighter Bill Maxwell, Spartan Star in' Three Sports, Can't Get in Service Because of Bad Ear \ May ™ Idea to Curb Tracks i r ¦. W., 3k’MyiLlSv-! Kill ifi»V--&?*!>'¦/ W -¦. 4M/£ EAST LANSING, Dec. 14.—This sports. For the Jast two years ha is not a campaign to expand the has won the all-college turkey-trpt, Dog Stealing a four-mile cross-country run Yk £ armed forces to the extent of one In Florida each Thanksgiving. This year' man, but some branch of the serv- regular performer wit DON also was a MIAMI. Fla.. Pee. 19 (UP).— By GILLIES ice is passing up a hardy physical the varsity cross-country team and specimen Rigid ' gasoline restrictions levied The American Sportsman and in the person, of Bill has a pair of varsity tennis letters. Maxwell, all - around Michigan . Dog After being turned down by all by the Office of Price Administra- mmsMmmwm y Owners’ Association of De- State * athlete. : > the Maxwell remained < services. to x -A announced last night at their Jn tion threatened today kill win- troit Maxwell, who holds the 136- the jurisdiction of his Tulsa ter racing in Florida, but the ban annual meeting and election of pound national collegiate wrestling (Okla.) draft board. His presefjt probablv w illnot affect the Orange 1943 officers that they would spon- championship, has been turned renders him unfit for game. down by the army, navy, marines, [Classification Raw) football sor an amendment to the present active duty, but his status may ftc in nearby Coral \ ' coast guard—in fact, every organi- changed Tropical Park Hil requiring dogs before January 1. Cables will open on Monday “if tattoo law be valued zation except the WAACs and Although Coach Fendley Collins humanly possible Harry L. at SSO or more to be eligible for WAVES. And all because he has a would like to have the Tulsan, who Straus, president of the Cable* this identification. ruptured eardrum caused from a has some- Cherokee MootT irrT)ls ’• mastoid in chftdhood. Racing Association, predicted. "The reason for this change, lineage, on the squad next •season, Price Ovrf I.PO r* Michigan State has three na- he’s Fred Miller, re-elected quick to express his opinion statement that the ban may he president tional champions in its wrestling about Maxwell’s ability. lifted by midnight tomorrow of- of the club, explained, **ls be- fold, the other two being the Jen- “If I were fighting. ~ I'd want fered some hope for the track. cause the present law defines as amga twine. Merle and Burl. But Mm On my *I(Te7r The • Boston College - Alabama theft of out of this trio Maxwell shines Meanwhile, Maxwell, a foreign petty larceny property with versatility. having a value up to language major in Spanish and SSO. wresting alert, will go on New Years Day "In the caae of hunting dogs, In he is quick, Portuguese, is preparing himself or rugged and performs with whether gasoline is available prosecuting attorneys have dif- almost for diplomatic —if tk# ( 'scar Jr., president perfect in two service rot Dooley of ficulty In establishing the value co-ordination other armed forces still don't want him. association, stated The the Bowl of stolen dogs to the satisfaction Orange Bowl can he reached by B IS| of the Judge and Jury. several bus lines and is within “As the law stands today, any Fair Grounds Entries walking distance of downtown have hls Lew Walter's one may dog tattooed FOB GTI HIM) Miami. Dooley pointed out. Thirty! , regardless of Its value by mak- FIRST RACE—JftoO, cleaning. 2 y*er- thousand tickets have been, olde, 6 furlong*; already ing application to the Michigan laLaelma Boy fold . Hn lift *xcVrntur* Olrl HIT I I Department of Agriculture upon Best Bets 2 Greenock. Flameim bxArer 707 The Hollywood, Fla. Kennel 3xbMarcella K. 112 lOcNovember fyg the payment of the $1 registra- * about 15 miles north of Leienu 107 Ugßlerk Eire 10.1 Cluh. tion fee,” Miller said. ftbDog Show Review joh to dog races CHARLES TOWN Velding H 2 12 Miami, planned hold Dog experts are of the opinion 6 Dieco lift l3xßu«**ll lift “until the fans stop coming" Ger- 1—TBCO TACK. Brown Caree Dolly. 7x*El Pekero lift h Hinging Run m that if the law were amended to 2 Blablah Grand Lady. a-Lacim* Stable end W Gilil* entry. ald MeCurry, president of the B J ¦Hk 3 SIR KID. class dog theft as a felony Sn»/i> Brrw>tn- b-Mr* I. H. Nimkoff and h. Metsena track said. thieves -4 REAL BOY, Residue Bullet R. Stahl* entry might be more inclined to think 5 PILOT BOAT. YVeathente, Roman •'-'•.rand Thom and Mr*. G. C. Wlnfrr* twice, especially if the dog stolen Boy 6 OVERLIN, HandmMnwn, Ruckle 1 possessed tattoo marks, Dow n SECOND RACE !«'•(). claiming, 3-yeer- which T—H “ld-1 and up, 4 fur: easily identify IG H STANDARD, Lack*-* anna, laAfghanUian W hip Fans him. Tim* Plav | 119 PxLtnzer On tiff Uncle Wgiter Miller read a letter from Harry S- HONEY i HIKE, Court Blenheim, 2 124 Ift L.tit»om* in i.lxSum Houston 114 UxaValdlna R. -Gaines, secretary Guar dim an t Michigan executive of 9—CASTINE Dun* Canierup. Sweet 112 Bi-hop iff3 the Michigan United Sportsmen's BEST—CAW. 'H# Hubble lit 12xC"mjr*nce- 4 an I*lav Clubs in which he oxVaidln* Hoet 114 rrent 77 3 stated that this TxOj.cmel t?ft 13»«C unt Chat Ui organization planned to offer a bill FAIR GROUNDS ft No Court) in i'AGLIONE OF 11. S. NAVY TAKES PUNCH FROM 808 BOLKEY OF ADRIAN IN OLMFIA RING •-Mr* C C Winter* entry. DAN at the forthcoming session of the _ t-VALDINA DISCO, Dog Ph.»w. No- THIRD fTftft . flip ... Back t.nimirg. 2-year- . hut thr sailor iron fipht, ove Ift at annual Good fellow Fund show legislature Santa of tu'flfth that any person steal- \*mt>*r. old*, mil* y«r.l* A end 7ft 2—V A LOIN HOST. Optimal, Vaidina i ing a dog worth $25 or more could p. lxßu* V 2. lu I vfr A:4 fans 2 H:«h Ml wp, Detroit hockey will be be charged with grand 3 Rl's V. Z « utn*h*w, larceny. T DO*» La ly, J black Thiu*h lie asked to score a goal for the nav> Other 4—DUTY FIRST C««o t Ma uaHa r Graoa officers elected last night 8—VALDINA SOL. Rozun’e tomorrow night by contributing Short Life ift Heal Gem 111 n Curnshaw To|»ki(*k in Ring, Too included Thomas H. Linn, vice *—RICHMOND. Jack Twitike, Happy *•' 4 tobacco, cigarets, or any gifts of president: Not* Tup Straw in Beau Jack Takes George C. Burger, sec- EOURTH 44).. I'Vir.lr.r. Western Betty ! race yagr- Proves T—ARMOR 3 Wings’ BEARER. lttka. j 1 their choosing at the Red retary and treasurer. Directors B*H»t>y. "M* and Hi., 1 1-14' UiiJ**. Lcs Canadiens at Sgt.-Major Robinson of Canadian *—SPRING Sidonta, |lxTtny Bit 112 OxPeggy'j Advlca Jn7 battle with Army Steals elected were W. K. Terry DRIFT. Lumler* Duty Olympia. Clark. 9 BLOODHOUND, Chl*f Bud. Mad I'i Flret 114 1-xA-ra c veil lOF Shepler, A. G. Newbill and Wil- Bunny. 13 Convlll# I*o 11x<’* j,-- t lift Navy Mothers Show by Victory in Goodfellow Bouts iTxVirtory The Dearborn Fight liam R. Biggers. BEST- BLOODHOUND. ixomr lift March 17S Superiority 3xVY**low 1-rv 11 ne Crown K*. Advice 114 Club and Miss Navy, Geraldine Swim 4 R*auzar lift nxJutr.p Bi j m a By CLAYTON HEPLER h,<; jj Marcoux. are sponsoring (Continued from 7xVald:na Opal 1"7 l*xOr a v 7 First Sport Page) ' SsNUtnaky ha 14 wn‘»rn mas party for the bluejackets at Maj. Burgess of (Continued from First Sport Page) Charles Town Results 117 fcating mainly Sgt. Kenneth Robinson of the Brewster Recrea- FIFTH RACE - |9oft, 4l|n»anr*», 2-yegr- Dearborn Naval ’iiiumrifc, . Krygoski because Selfridge Schedules the Army is typical prescribed by 4 furlong*. he managed is turns better. the Canadian a .tion Center. rounds as the New FIRST RACE—2-year-old*, about 454 '¦ld* Tion. December 29. at which time It furl- rig* l**Prtno* Uurg 712 4 S’ -t Life diving, event in topkirk. ready, willing and able to state boxing commission. ¦ gifts will be presented. The In the an which RUBBER MATCH York 0 >mph (Scocoa> 300 ?60 7*o 2xVaidina bol 119 5aP >r¦»*•* 11T the notoriously lick any man in his company. 2d Stella'* Sun (Kirk) 3 80 2 60 3 Chlnemir.k 117 4 Okghe a 1H Western has been weak was another at of » The third free- Game , Mr* men will he on duty Christmas U. M. (Murphy) H P B nn*r e-Ts fall. of Denhy rang The rock-jawed veteran dis- Few’ in the audience knew they Glorana 3 00 Day. which would prevent any all Gene Becco swinging affair, with both boys Selfridge Field and the Univer- Time 81. off 1 20 H. SIXTH RACE—BI 2'iO added, had met on two previous occa- Gay Amplify * l.yiir-eMi up a first over teammate George played his capability completely Plavar. Witch Circle and »nd up, .ftij fmh.:.ga.
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