J)DWNGRADED AT 3 YEAR INT£R¥Al.Sf DfCJ..ASSIFIED AFTER 12 YfARS JlOO .DlR 5200JQ From: Conmanding Officer, u.s.s. LAKE CHAM?LAIN (CVA-39) To: Chief of Naval Operations Via: (1) Commander Task Force SEVENTY SEVEN (2) Commander SEVENTH Fleet (3) Commander Naval Forces FAR EAST (4) Commander in Chief, U. s. Pacit'ic Fleet Subj: Action Report for the period 11 June througn 29 June 19.5.3 Ref: (a) OPNAV INSTRUCTION .3480.4 of July 19.51 Encl: ( 1) Carrier Air Group FOUR Action Report· ~. J 1J 1. In compliance With reference (a) the action report of the U.S.S. LAKE CHAMPLAIN (CVA-.39} and Carrier Air Gro~p FOUR for the period 11 June through 29 June 195.3 is submitted herewith. PARr I C~POSITION OF Ot~'N FORCES The U.s.s. LAKE CHAKPLAlN (CVA-.39) conmanded by.CAFr G. T. }l.iUNDORFF, USN with RADM 1i. D. JOHNSON, USN, Commander Carrier Division ONE, and Carrier Air Group FOUR embarked, joined Task Force 3EVI!lJ'TY SEVEN in accordance with CTF 77 091305Z of June 1953. Those units of Task Force SEVENTY SEVEN present when joined by the u.s.s. LAKE CHJ.r.'J.PLAIN (CVA•39), were the u.s.s. BOXEit (CVA-21), U.S.S. PRINCETON, (CVA-37}, U.S.S. PHILIPPINE SEA (CVA-4.7), u.s.s. hANCHESTER (CL-83), and various ships of the screening force. MISSION The mission of thie force in general tenns is to conduct air ani surface operations otf the coast of Korea in -order to support u.s. Forces in Korea, and to support ~he polic,y of the United States in the Far East. 1 I 2~ Apru 1m: Underway from Norfolk, Virginia for Yokosuka 1 Japan in accordance with Commander Air Force, Atlantic Fleet EmPla.r­ ment Schedule-and COmmander Carrier Division SIX Operation Order S-S3 with supplementar.y instructions dated 2 Apr 1953. 2 June 19~: At 1437 moored to buoy HU, in Yokosuka Harbor, Yokosuka.t Japan. Received orders to report to COJIIII8.Ilder Task Force SEVENTY SEVEN 1n combat area as soon ae possible and ready' for sea. Comnericed replenishment mediately and reported ready for sea at ll0400I. lQ J\lne 19~J! At lJ30 relieved the USS VALLEY FORGE (C.VA 44). Latter vee-, sel underway CONLUS. At 15.3.3 alongsicle Piedmont Pier, Yokoo­ suka, Japan. Embarked RADM w. D. JOHNOON, Commander O!lrrier Division ONE, ~ staff• · gFORTING PEfUOP ·. ll J\me 195l: Underway :tor Korean operating area tre111 Yokosuka, Japan at 03S9I in accordance with instructions contained in Colllmander Task Force SEVENTY SEVEN confidential dispatch 09130SZ with COilllll&llder Carrier Division ONE and Carrier Air Group FOtm 8lllr' barked, At 1000 recovered 16 VF-44 aircraft which had been : temporarill' based ashore at tbe Naval Air station, Atsugi1 ~ape.n. Enroute trom. Yokosuka, Japan to join Task Force SEVENTY SEVEN. ConduC\Gd air operation$ for training pt.U'pOses with 119 sor­ ties flown. At UOS entered combat area and rendeavoused wi~h tihe USS CUSHING (DD 797) at ll.lO eN"OUte to join. force. ~ l3 June lCZ~: Joined Task Force ~ SEVEN in area SUGAR at l30S22I. Ships in canpaey when joined by the USS LAKE CHA.MPLAIN (CVA ,)9) were: US$ PHILIPPINE SEA (OVA 47) 1 (Commander Carrier Division THREE and Officer in Tacti~ Command embarked), USS BOXER ~ (OVA 21), uss PRINCE'l'ON (OVA .37) and units or the screening force as follows: USS CAPERTON (DD 6S6), USS o•BANNON (PDE 450~ USS DASHIELL (DD 659) 1 USS Rl~DFORD (DDE 446) 1 USS GATLING : (DD_ 671), USS CUSHING (Dl) 797) 1 USS DORTCH (DD 670), USS OWEN (DD ·;,36), and USS CARPENTER (DDE 82S) • At lllS RADM W. D, . JOHNSON, Cotmni':mder Carrie-r Divtsion ONE, departed the ship: .via helicopter, to attend a conference aboard the USS PHILIPPINE SEA (OVA 4 7) • At 1229 the USS BREMERTON ( CA lJO) 1 fiagahip ot CCllllttla.nder Cruiser Division THREE, joined the formation_, and at 1230 the USS MANCHES'l'ER (CL 83} was dete.ehed. Air operations \ were conducted with 113 sort.iea flown. Sho~ a.!ter the J..s.gt. l' landing VF-22 F2H-2 BUNO 123377 inadvei-tentl,J' rounds ot 20MM ~nition into two parked vr-62 , 12.3333 and 123328• Both aircraft burst into tlamee and re­ ceived strike damage. 14 June 19~: At 0641 RADM w. D. JOHNSON Commander Carrier Division ONE in USS J:,.ti!CE CFL\MPLAIN ( CVA 39~ relieved Rfi.DM R. E. BLICK, Commandei­ Ca.rrier Division THREE as OTC and Commander Task Force SEVENTl SEVEN. Conducted a.ir operations with 110 sorties tlown. At • 2105 began refueling !rom USS CIM..JmON (AO 22) a.nd completed at 2300. Transferred cargo to USS CAPERTON (DD 650)1 commencing at 2005 and completed a.t 00.30. · lS June l95j: Conducted air operations with 147 sorties flown. At 2117 begap repleni.ehing e.mmuni.tion .from USS RAINJER (.tiE 5) and com.pl.et.ed ·. at 2310. At 2242 received freight trom uss c:JJERTON (DD 635) f completed at 2301. · 16 Jwe 1953 t Air operations Were conducted with 126 sorties nown. r..t 043~, HUDSON, Belvin (n)., 'Z'/8 18 10, AD3, USN, ot VF~ tell over-: . board and was lost a.t ta.t. 3<JOo4.3JtN and Long. 129°22"E in line ot duty and wa~ not recovered. l ..t 1515 Rf-~.DM J. M. C.J.RSON, Commander Fleet Air Japan, c!3lne aboard via helicopter to condv.ct annua.l inspection of Supply Departm.ent. At 2001 began repJ.en.r ishing· tuel from USS CHIKASKIA (AO 54) and completed at 21.17. At 2020 received the USS RUPERTUS (DD 851) al.ongside :for traDJS• ~er ot personnel, completed at 20.30. U Jupe 1953: l;S June l;95J: Air operations cancelled due to inclement weather. At 0941 RADM J. M. C.:JlSON, Commander Fleet Air Japan lett the ship via helicopter• Supply Depa.rl.ment. inspection .oompl.et.ed. OtCLASS\F\EO . i9 .Jyne 1953: Air operations were conducted untill:JOO with 101 nown. At 0300 the starboard cata.pll.t 'WaS rendered 1tlC:>\*l'a tive due to a runaway shot• At a~~~'"JlG(rt.!OO tt.;E. BREWER, USNR, .394429/1.325, of VA-4S piloting an AJ:>4N, BUNO l32263 wa.s shot down in combat. Aircraft crashed on land at Lat. 38~6.N1 Long. l27°36.E. At 1728 the USS BOXER (CVA 21) lett the formation. 20 June 195l: 4\ir operations were cancelled due to inclement weather. At 0615 went alongside USS CIMARRON (AO 22) for replenishment of fuel and completed a.t OBOJ.. At 0000 the USS t:JCE CHAMPLAIN . (CVA 39) lost steering control and conducted emergenc,y break- away procedures. At 0910 having repaired steering casualty, went alongside the uss MOUrT BAKER (AE 4) for replenishment of aJJilmlnition and completed a.t W.S. !..t l307 the USS CAPERTON (DD 6.50) came alongside to embark CAPT E. J. SULLIVAN 1 Commandfr Destroyer Squadron SID'EEN, via high line for conference. Air operations cancelled due to inclement weather. LTJG D. E. BRI!MER1 USNR, 494429/1325, of VA-1;+5 declared missing in action by Ww-45 in dieps.teh 212240Z. Seven planes returned from JC-18 having been grounded there by inclement weather. 'l'hree tJ>t s included 1.n above total landed aboard the USS PRINCETON ( CVA 37) because of reduced visibility. At 0941 the US& STEM.BEL (DD 644) came alongside for transfer ot personnel. Notified by NLO JOQ Korea that LTJG B~, was kUled instantly on impact whUe attempting low altitude parachute exit on 19 June after his air­ craft had been hit by enemy anti-aircraft tire. 22 June 1253: Because of inclement weather, air operations consisted of 2comPa.t sorties only and the return of .3 AD 1 s .from the USS PRINCETON , (CVA .37) • At 0955 V:1.DM J. J. CL:Jl.K, Cofi)r.lallder SEVENTH Fleet a.&d. RADH R. E. BLICK, Commander Carrier Division THREE came on boa:t'd via helicopter. At 1.300 RAIJ.r R. E. BLICK, Commander Carrier , Division THREE lett the ship via. helicopter. At 1,320 Vlu:JI J. ¥• CLARK, Commander SEVENTH Fleet departed via. helicopter. At 171.9 the USS DdSHIELL (DD 659) came alongside for transfer of supercargo. 23 June 195l: Air operations were cancelled due to inclement weather. At 013.3 the USS CUSHING (OD ?97) came alongside tor transfer ot:, guard maU. Ship secured tor heavy weather • ' 24 June 1953: Air Operations oonduc~d. A. t.()t.a]. oC 90 sorties were fiown. 4 gs iune 1.953: Air operations were conducted. At 0245 the port ca.tap.l].t wa.s rendere:a inoperative and an AD4N BUNO 1.26937 was lost overboard as the reault of a 1'\Ulawra.y shot. The erew .. consisted of LT A..F. KEOWN, USNR, 47106l/l315, PELOQUIN, · A. E. 1 ALC1 666 10 64 1 USN and NAULT, R. ()., A'l'3 1 2l.O 10· 69, \ USN and ~were rescued by the USS MOALE (DD 693). At 2029,. went alongside the USS RAINIER (AE 5), tor replen1s~nt ot ~ ammunition and oompleted at 21:37. At 2107 the USS GATLIMJ I of superea.rgo. At I {DD 671) came alongside tor transfer 2241, tre~ alongside the USS KASKASKI/, (AO :t/) tor refuel­ ing and completed at 0020.
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