Under the Same Sky.Pdf

Under the Same Sky.Pdf

τᇂޚၙ Under the same sky Ĉࢶപ͇͛έۍ΍āā నࢍᄦүĈࡔ።ѣࢨ̳Φ ચཌڇ߹ۏعĈࢶപ߆הОāā ۍܐ͡!āāѨĈ3124!ѐ!4ۍ ઼ᅫ३ཱིĈ978-962-02-0402-9 ࢶപ͇͛έ 3124 Hong Kong Observatory 2013 ТຍĂ̙଀ϡЇң͞ёԨ᝚ܜᝋٙѣĄώ३Їңొ̶ĂтϏགྷࢶപ͇͛έέۍ ᖙОĄٕ All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior permission of the Director of the Hong Kong Observatory. ώ३̰ट৷ᛳү۰࣎ˠຍ֍Ă̙΃ܑώέϲಞĄ All the articles compiled by authors do not represent the Observatory's point of view. Ӱک ѐд˝ᐷыՒ׬˘࣎ЩࠎņғႬ಴̋Ň 2994 ٺࢶപ͇͛έ ૯˯јϲĂд࿅Ν 241 ѐࠎࢶപξϔ׶Чࠧ೩ֻ͇ঈă̋̈۞ ચĂ̙ᕝᄃॡ֭ซăჟৈՐჟĄ༊̚ڇந׶׎΁۞ۏಡॡăг஧ ׶૞ຽ۞ჟهܫĂҭԧࣇ۞݈ዅͽિላ۞ܥᔵ൒˵གྷ።˞̙͌ࢲ ĄܜৠĂҹႽ̎ЇĂֹ͇͛έ̙ᕝࡼӴј ـԧԓ୕ᖣ඾ᇉৡ͇͛έ 241 ׹ѐ̝ᅫĂΞͽᄃЧҜаᜪ࿅ խĂ໢߇҃ۢາĂдБ஧ঈ࣏ត̼Ξਕ૲ֽՀк͇۞זഅགྷዎ࿃ ໂბ͇ঈ۞ᔌ๕˭Ă̙Ԟઇр֨խഴխ̍ү۞ࢦࢋّĄТॡĂԧ ଂТְ׶ူҡ۞˾̚ăඊ˭׶ࠡෳ໰ͯٙएए྽ֽקࣇϺΞͽа ͛έᕇႍ׶˘ֱᔿࠎˠۢ۞߇ְĂֹ఺ֱะវаጸΞͽ็͇ٚ۞ ˭ΝĄ iii Ăҭдˠᙷ።Ϋ۞߸߹ܜޝѺˬ˩ѐ࠹၆ˠ۞˘Ϡ࠻Ҭ˘ ˘ਕ౅࿅ࢶപ͇͛έ఺ضᇉޝĂΪߏ໦ঔ˘ඒĄ൒҃Ăԧࣇ̚ ٚፉ۞ТְĂкѐֽᄃ̙ТٺĶඒķĂ๗ჸ˞˘঱·႕ሤྕ׶೷ ϲ˞։р۞ူҡᙯܼ׶எݓ̓ኖĄ̂छޙ޺̶۰ăጯ۰׶ТҖ۞ ˠมĈѣቡ࠹ܥТྮĂ఺ϒрणϯ˞ώ३۞͹ᗟĮࢲܥ੓ࢲ˘ ˘˧ચѣ̫͟۞јಶĂ၁ѣᏥிˠٙ;΍۞ӅڇჸįĄ͇͛έ۞ ᕇ˘ႍ௢᎕҃јĄனᖰᖣѩ፟ົਾ͕ຏᔁЧҜĂ֭ԓ୕ᄃ̂छᚶ ᜈᛸ͘ЪүĂࠎࢶപͽҌ͵ࠧՀ࡚р۞Ϗֽү΍Հ̂Ӆ˧Ċ ࢶപ͇͛έέܜ ځԏം 3124 ѐ͵ࠧঈ෪͟ iv Foreword The Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) was established in 1883 on a small hill named “Mount Elgin” in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. Throughout the past 130 years, the Observatory provides services in weather, time, geophysics and other areas, always evolving with time and striving for excellence. Although there were stormy times, the Observatory has continuously grown strong, thanks to the professionalism, perseverance and commitment of our predecessors. While celebrating the 130th anniversary of the Observatory, I hope we could all take a moment to look back on the weather disasters in the past and reflect on how we could learn from history. With the probable trend of more frequent extreme weather brought by global climate change, we should not forget the importance of disaster prevention and mitigation work. At the same time, through the valuable reminiscences and memorable photographs of our colleagues and partners, previously untold stories and bits and pieces of the Observatory could be recollected, and such collective memories could be preserved for the future generations. 130 years is not short compared with a human lifetime, but from the perspective of human history, it is just a drop in the ocean. We are glad that through this “drop” of the Observatory, many generations of colleagues with passion and commitment have come together and built up good partnership and friendship with stakeholders, scholars and counterparts. Together we have worked hand in hand through rain or shine, thus the theme v of this book – “Weathering the Storms : Under the Same Sky”. The Observatory could not have grown and developed to what it is today without the cumulative efforts. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to everyone, and I look forward to continuing to work together with you in the years to come for the betterment of Hong Kong and the world. Shun Chi-ming Director of the Hong Kong Observatory World Meteorological Day 2013 vi ͌፣ ݈֏ iii Foreword v ΃Ϸچࠓ Collaborations in Storm and Rain ៍͇ࠎϔѺѐ!!᜕ҦϔϠ྽ᅈ ዑ઼Ѝ 3 Zheng Guo-guang Air Traffi c Control Operations Under ᘲૣ͛ 7 Adverse Weather Situations Lo Shung-man, Norman Years of Partnering for Slope Safety ೆ՗ֽ 11 35 Pang Pui-loi, Richard The Observatory and the Government රϖሄ 19 Flying Service - a Partnership in Aviation Hud Vowell Services ࢲܥТҖ ధϖ⻪ 25 Xu Yong-ke The Pilot’s Viewpoint ៀ༱֧ 29 Brian Greeves ѣĂ֍ᙋ ঈ෪۞ ฾༄ᝋ 43זҋજăଂ൑זଂ͘જ ൴ण Fong Soi-kun ͛АϠ Ղ઼អ 46ޜ૞ణႢຽ݈ࠧዅ!.!ݹ Lee Kwok-lun ͛࢑͛ʤ Friends and Advisors ԧણᄃ۞ࢶപ͇͛έૈ੊ିጯ ˚˘๗! 51 Ding Yi-hui 59 ۾ࢶപଐቡ ͳ̖ Wang Cai-fang My Close-to-Four-Decades Association ౘЅ։ 65 with the Observatory Chan Chung-leung, Johnny The Vampire Proposal of 1995 Neil Gordon 71 Glimpses of My Interactions with the ᆒฮౢ 75 Observatory in the Past Decades Lau Ngar-cheung Air Ventilation Assessment at ӓाᏉ 85 Tseung Kwan O Ng Yan-yung, Edward םʌ̯̎ Observatory Now and Then The Hong Kong Observatory and its ԏߦ 91 World-Class Weather Services Sham Pak, Patrick ᕃⳍ 103ڒ ͛έᕇႍ͇ Lam Hung-kwan ෹ࡻ 113ڒ ͛έᗔጸ͇ Lam Chiu-ying নরҾҹů 3119 ѐົᛉаጸ Ղώㅤ 118 Lee Boon-ying 123 ځࢶപ͇͛έ።Ϋ ԏംקॡЍࣆ߹ 241 ѐ!ė!௟ ᕇႍ Shun Chi-ming۞ Peterson’s Nose Peter Peterson 133 ቷ 137ڸ㈜ڒDr. P.C. Chin’s Snapshots of the Royal ӕϖ૵ă Observatory Lui Wing-hong, Lam Kwong Si-lin, Hilda What Did We Do after Duty? ㈜໵ૈ 143 Kwong Woon-pui, Louis 151 ۆĶѦ Tjsķ.!͇͛έд઼ᅫঔ߶ঈ࣏̍ү۞ ంᇉ ҁ࣯̂ Mok Hing-yim аᜪ ୖӖჇ 155 Leung Kwan-shek ԧд͇͛έ۞α˩ѐϠ୾ ໢ఎ 159 Wan Bui ̍ү̝γ ໅ᚶᎸ 165 Yeung Kai-hing Must be Born that Way ૺ͛ᚡ 169 Chang Wen-lam 174 ځ␐ņ૟࢕Ň۞ыһ ᙌ Tam Cheuk-ming 178 ځ␐ˠϠα؞ ᙌ Tam Cheuk-ming 183 ڠ૾ᔷт֔ᶃ!!!ࡌͪӣརິ ୖၷ Leung Wing-mo ྋඍߤྙ۞ຍγќᒔ ᅀ͋ጏ 189 Chiu Hung-yu ࢲ஧Г੓۞̄͟ ጌчᇇ 193 Lai Sau-tak, Edwin 197 ځঈ࿰ಡϠ୾۞ᕇႍ ዑ຾͇ Cheng Cho-ming ຑăछलᄃ̍үВᏉ ӓౘܛ঴ 203 Ng Chan Kam-chu, Mirinna 209 ځ࣎ౌ̙ਕ͌ " Ղ୿˘ Lee Shuk-ming, Olivia ԧд͇͛έ۞ॠ඀ . ฟؕ Ղᆂሪ 215 Lee Fung-ying າ֖ᖞྫ Φवຏा 218 Seto Kam-yan, Constance ͇͛έຑ͕ཌྷ̍ฤ ౘ᎖ࠞăӓౘܛ঴ă 223 ၐᇊබă׹Ԡિ Chan Wing-shan, Angel, Ng Chan Kam-chu, Liu Wai-ping, Chow Chi-kin ݡˬ݋ ͇͛έ̝̓ 229̈ Friends of the Observatory ୀᅕࠓඔ Weather and Records Three Tropical Cyclones & a Rainstorm ᆒԠธ 237 Lau Chi-kwan, Robert 245 ۆTyphoon 1874 ӕϖ૵ăంᇉ Lui Wing-hong, Mok Hing-yim ࢲᇷሗĈ1874-2100 เϖᇇ 251 Wong Wing-tak Hong Kong Weather රᇇ೻ 255 Refl ections of an Old Timer Dan Waters Historical Weather Observations in ӕϖ૵ 268 Hong Kong Lui Wing-hong “Hong Kong Had Turned to Ice”: Record ӕϖ૵ 276 of Lowest Temperature in January 1893 Lui Wing-hong Broadcasting Tropical Cyclone Warnings ѯӖޜ 285 in Hong Kong - a Historical Perspective Kong Kwan-yin ᏬडႾീᄃ჊फ८ְ߇ ੺ઈϔ 289 Ma Wai-man ͟੃˘݋ ࡧԈܷ 293 Woo Wang-chun ቷ 299ڸ㈜ڒ ੠ᖸሤ૲ࢲᇷՆᛂ᱕ Lam Kwong Si-lin, Hilda Ԟ̙˞۞ࢮ഑প! ԏಱே 305 Sham Fu-cheung ΃Ϸ &ROODERUDWLRQVLQVWRUPDQGUDLQچࠓ ᜮʨݯ̵ϛαᙶЇ̵́༞Ⴉ ՚α ̎ۺ൓ࠗಋʨʼ̎ू ዑ઼ЍĂ઼̚ঈ෪ԊԊܜ [ifoh!Hvp.hvboh-!Benjojtusbups!pg! Dijob!Nfufpspmphjdbm!Benjojtusbujpo Dr. Zheng Guo-guang, Administrator of China Meteorological Administration (CMA), congratulates the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) on its 130th anniversary. He witnesses the developments and achievements of the Observatory, building on its culture of science, service and innovation. What Dr. Zheng cherishes most is the long- term co-operation between CMA and HKO in a wide range of areas, including exchange of meteorological information, meteorological research and technologies, climate change as well as training and experience sharing. He looks forward to further enhancing the mutual cooperation between CMA and HKO in areas like public weather services, disaster prevention and mitigation, for the betterment of the society and the well- being of the public. 3 έ 241 ׹ѐ̝ᅫĂԧᖰ΃઼ܑ̚ঈ෪Ԋܑϯޙдࢶപ͇͛έ Ϥਾ۞ৡ჊Ċ 241 ѐϥ̄዇аĂᓟͫ࠹็ć241 ѐ߽྿͇෪ĂࠎപࠎϔĄ న࡚рޙࢶപ͇͛έೀ΃ঈ෪Т̥ۧٚņͽࡊጯܲᅪ̂ிщБĂ ฟֽĂѺкѐֽĂـĂᚶܥĂፘϲ͵ࠧሀቑŇ۞நຐĂ՚ࢲᑯົۤ ၁֍ᙋ˞໽̄̋˭ăჯкӀֲപ۞ঈ෪༱˼Ăࢲำត͑Ąم ϫീ׶ᖎࢩ៍ീր۞ܐѐ۞ࢶപ͇͛έĂଂ౵ 2994 ٺჹؕ ᖬᄏঔౙ۩۞к჌ன΃̼៍ീ߱͘ćଂ่ѣ۞ᖎಏঈז௚Ă൴ण ೀҜ۞ܐચវրćଂ੓ڇࠧᅳА۞࿰ಡ࿰ᛋ׶͵ז෪࿰ಡĂ൴ण ೀѺዶˠ۞ࡊԫჟࡻဥฤĂࢶപ͇͛έ֕࿅˞Ѝז౹ຽ۰Ă൴ण ၷͷ̙π˲۞።඀Ąࢶപ͇͛έೀ΃ঈ෪Т̥௛ॲࡊጯăະຽฟ Ăه٤Ăд͇ঈঈ࣏ă଱ॡăгዩăঔ߶׶͇͛ඈᅳા̙ᕝ౹າந ચ̳ிĂдݱξঈ෪խच࿰ಡ࿰ᛋᅳા፾ፘ˘ᆽĂдᇴࣃ࿰ಡڇ ચࠎڇሀёฟ൴ᑕϡඈ͞ࢬ۞ຽᒻΞ઻ΞᕇĂপҾߏͽ̳Вঈ෪ Ă̷၁ፉګચඈᅳાฟ౹Аڇăംᇊঈ෪ཱིܫᅳĂдঈ෪࿰ᛋ͔ ચŇ۞ֹ׻Ąڇ࢑੓˞ņ೩ֻ၁ϡ׶ѣड़۞ঈ෪ ѐֽĂࢶപ͇͛έᑓ֖ࠡෳ۞ঈ෪ྤफ़ࠎ઼̚˜ҌБ஧ 241 ચ׶ࡊጯࡁտ೩ֻໂѣᆊࣃ۞੒ᚥĄҡᐌ඾ࢶപଂڇঈ෪࿰ಡ۞ ႢՅ൴णࠎ̚Ҙおපăк̮ВᏉă߿˧መു۞઼ᅫ̂ౌ̈۞͟ټ ౹າăᐹኳϠ߿Ňٺă݌פ෸ă᎕ໂซמă੠ՐٸĂдņҋϤฟົ ฟځԛј۞ņฟ҃ځࢶപݱξ͛ٺࢶപ८͕ᆊࣃ៍௚ᅳ˭Ăॲങ ᇃৈŇ۞ޥăк̮ЪүăะפăՐৌՐາăະຽሄຽăី߿ซٸ ĂϺјࠎࢶപ̼͛Ѝ֊ሮᒘă̙Ξٕ৿۞௡هܫࢶപঈ෪ˠჟৠ јొ̶Ąࢶപ͇͛έ่̙дБ஧ঈ෪ࡊጯᅳા፾ᅳ˘ᆽĂ҃ͷд ன΃ܕඈ͞ࢬՀ׍পҒĂࠎࢶപهચநڇ᎝ᘹఙăޙ̼͛็ٚă ࡊጯ̼͛൴णซ඀᎕௢˞ᚗෳੑಱĄ 4 ΃Ϸ &ROODERUDWLRQVLQVWRUPDQGUDLQچࠓ য়઼̰гᄃࢶപгቡღዐăঔౙ̂ঈ࠹఼Ă׌гঈ෪Т̥д ચ׶ঈ෪֨խഴխඈᅳાٙࢬᓜ۞યᗟ׶߄ጼ࠹ҬĄڇВঈ෪̳ ϲΔִ . ࢶപঈ෪࿪ྮăϒёϹೱঈ෪ྤफ़ͽֽĂޙҋ 2:86 ѐ ઼̚ঈ෪Ԋᄃࢶപ͇͛έАޢᘪཌ˞Įঈ෪ࡊԫܜഇЪүኗྋ౯ ᛉĂдঈ෪ଣീăঈ෪םഇЪүщଵįඈܜԞᐂįăĮঈ෪ࡊԫ ચăঈ࣏ត̼ăˠ̢ࣶణăࡊጯࡁڇă͇ঈ࿰ಡᛋಡăঈ෪ܫ఼ ঈޙϹ߹ЪүĂВھտ׶ࡊጯྏរăିֈᄃૈ੊ඈᅳાฟण˞ᇃ ෪៍ീ৭შăВϡঈ෪ଣീྤफ़ăВፉ͇ঈ࿰ಡ࿰ᛋ̝యĂВથ ᑕ၆ঈ࣏ត̼̝ඉĄԧࣇౌ̙ົԞ੃Ă̰гᄃࢶപ۞ঈ෪ࡊԫˠ నඈޙચăപ঴፫̂፜ڇચă˯ঔ͵౾ঈ෪ڇࣶдΔִ๸ྻঈ෪ ͵ચ̚۞૜̷ЪүĄԧࣇౌ̙ົԞ੃Ă̰гᄃࢶപдણᄃڇঈ෪ ࣶົĞJQDDğăᅵ؎ܝมঈ࣏ត̼૞عࠧঈ෪௡ᖐĞXNPğă߆ ࢲ؎ࣶົඈ઼ᅫ׶ડાЪү࿅඀̚Ă࠹̢͚೯ă࠹̢੨ЪĂᓑЪ ൴೭˞᎕ໂүϡĄаᜪ̰г׶ࢶപঈ෪ְຽϹ߹Ъүăᐹ๕̢ྃă ᇐᄃҋᄹĄڟВТ൴ण۞።ΫĂԧࣇТຏ Π˘*д3118ѐ4 ( ځԏംܜ׶͇͛έέ*̚(ܜዑ઼ЍԊ ચშ໤ຽચྻҖᆇёڇ͹޺ֲ߷ડਝ۩ঈ෪͡ 5 ˘۞˯ࢶപ͇͛έјϲ 241 ׹ѐĂ˵ߏ઼̚ঈ෪ְຽ൴णΫ Іְ̂ĄणனࢶപѺѐঈ෪ࡊԫซՎдݱξ൴ण̚۞ࢦࢋүϡĂ ચăঈ෪֨խഴխ׶ᑕ၆ঈ࣏ត̼ඈ͞ࢬڇणϯࢶപд̳Вঈ෪ Ăण୕ࢶപᄃ̰гঈ෪Ϲ߹Ъү۞࡚р݈ഀĂهАซԫఙ׶ந۞ ඾ڻĂ̰г׶ࢶപঈ෪ࠧυ૟ᚶᜈܫѣυࢋĂᇆᜩஎᅈĄԧஎޝ ᐹ๕̢ྃăЪүᗕᛏăВТ൴ण۞͞ШĂ̙ᕝஎ̼Б͞Ҝăкᆸ ચă֨խഴխăڇঈ෪Ϲ߹ЪүĂซ˘Վ൴೭̳В۞̼טѨă፟ ᜕ҦϔϠ۞ࢦࢋүϡĂซ˘Վᆧซ׌гˠϔВТ჊ࡅĄৡࢶപ͇ ՀрĊົ͇ځ঴ࢶപ۞ځ͞ڌĊৡځ͛έว׶͞੓Ă݈౉Ѝ 6 ΃Ϸ &ROODERUDWLRQVLQVWRUPDQGUDLQچࠓ Air Traffi c Control Operations Under Adverse Weather Situations ᘲૣ͛Ăϔਝ఍఍ܜ Mp!Tivoh.nbo-!Opsnbo-!Ejsfdups.Hfofsbm!pg! Djwjm!Bwjbujpo! ͇ঈன෪т࿩ᇷăാ߹ăࢲ̷ត̈́຋˭ᑝᇷ߹ඈ၆ࢳҖ ঐٕᖼࢳ׎΁г͞ĄפщБၹјᇆᜩĄᅵࢲഇมĂਝ঱̂к 3123ѐ8͡34͟᝚ ٺд͛̚ୃࢗૻᅵࢲࢮ഑পܜᘲૣ͛఍ ፟ಞྻүĂՀ̈́ט૲ֽ۞ೋК͇ঈтңᇆᜩਝ۩Ϲ఼გޢപ ྎࢗϔਝ఍дਝგ͞ࢬ۞ᑕ၆ନ߉Ąࢲ̷ត׶ാ߹࿰ᛋր௚ ൴΍۞࿰ᛋ၆ࢳҖщБ൴೭˞ࢦࢋ۞үϡĄ͇͛έ۞໤ቁਝ ࢶപࢳҖଐಡٺચĂࠎϔਝ఍ڇঈ෪࿰ീăΞያ׶੼ኳ৵۩ ચү΍˞̙Ξٕ৿۞͚೯Ąڇטડ̰೩ֻ۞ਝ۩Ϲ఼გ 7 Weather testifi es the power of nature to mankind. Weather phenomena such as thunderstorms, turbulence, windshear and microbursts etc. can induce significant safety impacts to air traffi c control (ATC), airport and airline operations. Accurate meteorological forecasts and timely delivery of weather information to aviation organizations and pilots by the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) are essential in assisting the Civil Aviation Department (CAD) in the provision of safe and effi cient ATC service to aircraft in fl ight and to ensure fl ight safety for the travelling public. CAD provides ATC service to all flights operating within the Hong Kong Flight Information Region (HKFIR) including flights departing from and arriving at Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) and overfl ights transiting our airspace.

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