GURR (KARL). - Die desinfizierende Wirkung von Amphotensiden auf Salmonellen. [Th.] [A.d. Inet. f. Tierärztliche Lebensmittelkunde u. Milchhygiene d. Tierärztlichen Hochschule Hannover.] Hannover, 1965. Vet. Lib. GURA (VIKTOR VASILIEPICH). pouaxa, I9I7-I929. --- PoMaH vr peBoAtouxx; nyTx coseTcxoro Mocxsa, I973. .891734209 Gur. X{YI3Hb x TBOpneCTBO M. A. IIIo,noxosa. 143A. 2oe, yrcnpaBr. H AonorH. Mocxsa, I960. .8917342 Shol. Gur. GURADZE (HEINZ). - Die Europäische Menschenrechtskonvention; Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten nebst Zusatzprotokollen. Kommentar von H.G. Berlin, 1968. C.E.G.S. .JALTE R GURAI.NICK (WhATHR C.). - ed. Textbook of oral surgery. By 26 authors. Lond. [1968.] Dentistry Lib. GURALINIK (U.A.). - NEOPOKOEVA (I.G.), etc. Hay( - eds. M3 ucTOpxx .nHTepaTypHbnc csx3eñ XIX aexa. [AxaA. C. C. C. P. LIHCT. MHp. JIvrT. LSM. A. M. I'opBxoro] MocxBa, I962. .809G Gur. GURCK (HIERON MUS , Bp. of). See BALBI (G.) Bp. GURD (FRANK ROSS NEWMAN). - ed. Chemical specificity in biological interactions. [Harvard Univ. Univ. Lab. of Phys. Chem. Related to Med. and Pub. Health, Mem. No. 3.] New York, 1954. C.M.L. ADDITIONS GURA ( vITIbR vASIL ' EVICH ) . - KaK co3Aabaia$ TIQI[Ä .710H; TBOpI'e('K+3.K LIc'TopY1Ji poxsaa M. IIIOJtOXONh. MocxPa, I980. .8917343. Shol. Gur. - and ABRAMOV (FSDOR ALIICBASDROVICH). - M.A. IIIonozoB; cemmRapla. YI3J1. 2-oe, AononH. JIexxxrpauc, I962. .8917342 Shol. Gur. GURALNICK (ELEANOR). - Composition of some narrative reliefs from Khorsabad. See ASSUH. Vol. 1 (5). GURALNICK (STANLEY M.). - Science and the ante- bellua Ambrican college. [Amer. Philos. Soc. Mem. Vol. 109.] Philadelphia, 1975. .5(735 -6) Gur. GURAL'NIK (U.A.). - ed. P31CCxall JiYYelaTyja 7i se 3apy6eZHiie xpxrxxx; c6opHxx cTaTeíá. [Axa. Hap( C. C. C. P. HHCT. M[pOBOI7I JIJCT. ] MOCxBa, 1974. .891709H Gur. GURD (FRASER BAILLIE). - - Infection, immunity and inflammation; a study of the phenomena of hypersensitiveness and tolerance, and their relationship to the clinical study, prophylaxis and treatment of disease. Lond., 1924. Dentistry Lib. GURDJIEFF (GEORGES IVANOVITCH). - -- See USPENSKIY (PETR DEMTYANOVICH). The fourth way; a record of talks and answers to questions based on the teaching of G.I.G. GURDON (BERTRAM FRANCIS) Baron Cranworth. See CRANWORTH (BERTRAM FRANCIS GURDON, 2nd Baron). GURDON (BR.AMTPON). - -- The pretended difficulties in natural or revealed religion no excuse for infidelity. Sixteen sermons preached ... at the Lecture founded by ... R. Boyle. [Letsome and Nicholl, A. defence of natural and revealed religion, III.] Lond., 1739. Bound in *D.16.39. GURDON (Lady EVELINE CAMILLA). - -- Suffolk. Coll. and ed. by the Lady Eveline Camilla Gurdon. With introd. by E. Clodd. [Folk -Lore Soc. 37; County Folk -Lore Vol. 1, Printed Extracts, No. 2.] Lond., 1893. L.A.B. .39806 F.L.S. *** Lord Abercromby Bequest. GURDON (JOHN BERTRAND). - -- The control of gene expression in animal development. Oxford, 1974. K.B.L. - -- Another copy K.B.L. - -- Another copy. Mol. Biol. Lib. GURDON (P.R.T.). - -- The Khasis. With an introd. by Sir C. Lyall. Publ. under the orders of the government of Eastern Bengal and Assam. Lond., 1907. .572(541) Gur. * ** Stevenson Bequest, 1955. - -- 2nd ed. Lond., 1914. 572(541) Gur. * ** Stevenson Bequest, 1955. ADDITIONS GURD (J.R.). - See WALKER (BURNHAM SABLE), G. (J.R.) and DRAWN (E.A.) GURDJIEFF (GEORGES IVANOVITCH). --- See MOORE (JAMES) Writer. G. and Mansfield. - -- See WEBB (JAMES) Writer on the Occult. The harmonious circle; the lives and works of G.I.G., P.D. Ouspensky and their followers. GURDON (JOHN BERTRAND) - The control of gene expression in animal development. Oxford, 1971. Zool. Lib. - Gene expression during cell differentiation. [Oxford Biol. Readers, 25.] Lond. [1973.] K.B.L. --- Repr. Lond., 1977. K.B.L. - 2nd rev. ed. [Carolina Biol. Readers, 25.] Lond., 1978. K.B.L. GURDON (THORNHAGH). --- The history of the High Court of Parliament ... and of Court Baron and Court Leet ... 2 vols. Lond., 1731. Q.17.56 -57. GURtEVA (T.). --- writer of text. A.ieKce14 l,ivlxavtJIOBN4 JiariTen. See LAPTEV (ALEKSEY MIKHAYLOVICH). GUREVICH (M.M.). - -- See BYKOVA (T.A.) and G.(M.M.) GUREVICH (MAKSIM ISIDOROVICH). - -- [Teoriya strue idealtnoe zhidkosit.] Theory of jets in ideal fluids. Tr. ... by R.L. Street and K. Zagustin. New York, 1965. JCM Lib. GURFINKEL (GERMAN). - -- See KHACHATURIAN (NARBEY) and G.(G.) GURGANI (AL -). - -- See WIS 0 RÁMÍN, a romance of ancient Persia: translated from the Pahlawi and rendered into verse. By Fakhr al -Din, Astad al- Astarabadi, al- Fakhri, al- Gurgani. GURGENY (HUGO). -- See BREARLEY (M.). H.G.: prisoner of the Lisbon Inquisition. GURGIN ( ). - -- [Dokhtar-e Rahsti.] [Pers.] [Tehran, 1961.] .891551 Gur. GURIAN (WALDEMAR). - -- ed. The Soviet Union; background, ideology, reality; a symposium. By W.G., M. Kaxpovich .. [Notre Dame Univ. Comm. on Int. Rel. Publ.] Notre Dame, Indiana, 1951. .9(17084)01 Gur. ADDITIONS GURE`TITCH (MICAAFL). - See CURRAN (JAMES), G.(M.) and WOOL1 COTT (J.). - -- joint- author. Culture, society and the media. See CUL'T'Utth, society and the media. GUREWITCH (MORTON). - Comedy; the irrational vision. Ithaca, 1975. .8087 Gur. GURIN (ARNOLD). -- See PERLMAN (ROBERT) and G.(A.) GURIN (GERALD). - -- See CAMPBELL (ANGUS) of the University of Michigan, G.(G.) and MILLER (W.E.) GURIN ( PATRICIA). - -- See KATZ (IRWIN) and G.(P.) GURINA (N.N.). - -- OJlexeoCTpoBCxvlvi MOrI/IJIHI/Ix. Co BCTynL7MeJIbHO;%i cTaTbei B.N. PaBA oHVIx ac a. [U.S.S.R. Acad. of Sci. Inst. for the Hist. of Mat. Cult. MaT. 14 1/1CCJIezOBaHl/i.fí no ApOxeoJi. C. C. C. P. Y1o. 47.] lJlocxBa., I956. 913(47) uni. GURJARARASAVALI. See THAKORE iBALVANTRAI KALLIANRAI), DESAI (MOHANLAL DALICHAND) and MODI (M.C.) eds. Gurjarasavali ... GURJAS. - -- See MARTYRIUM GURIAE, SAMONAE ET ABIBI. GURLAND (ARCADIUS RUDOLPH LANG). - -- Political science in Western Germany ... See LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Washington. EUROPEAN AFFAIRS DIVISION. GURLEY (JOHN GREY). - -- and SHAW (EDWARD STONE). - -- Money in a theory of finance. With a mathematical appendix by A.C. Enthoven. Washington, 1960. .33201 Gur. - Two other copies. Econ. Lib. ADDITIONS GURIN (ARNOLD). - Community organization curriculum in graduate social work education; report and recommendations. By A.G. in collaboration with J. Ecklein [and others]. [Counc. on Soc. Work Educ. Community Organization Curriculum Development Project, Publ.] New York [1970.] .361(73 )07 Gear. - -- Another copy. .361(73)07 Gur. - -- See HARTWAGNER (SIEGFRIED). Der Dom zu Gurk. GURLAND (ROBERT). - - and MACLEAN (ANTHONY). - The Common Market; a commonsense guide for Americans. Lond. [1974.] C.E.G.S. GURLEY (JOHN E.). - The evolution of professional ethics in dentistry; report of the historian. St. Louis, 1961. Dentistry Lib. GURLEY (JOHN GREY). -- China's economy and the Maoist strategy. New York [1976.] .33(51) Gur. GÜRLITT (CORNELIUS). - -- Die Baukunst Frankreichs. 200 pls. (in 8 pts.) Dresden [1896 -1900.] EE.1.31-38. - -- Geschichte der Kunst. 2 Bde. Stuttgart, 1902. v* 9.10 -11. - -- Kirchen. [Hdb. der Architektur, Ti. iv, Hlb. -Bd. 8, Hft. 1.] Stuttgart, 1906. RI.14. - -- Die Lutherstadt Wittenberg. [Die Kunst, 2.] L t ryc Z. Berlin, - " S/S 7(it" )C'[.- GURLITT (LUDWIG). - -- Die Briefe Cicero's an M. Brutus. In Bezug auf ihre Echtheit geprüft von L.G. [Philologus, Suppl. -Bd. IV, 5.] Goettingen, 1884. Per. .47 Phi. -- Der Deutsche und sein Vaterland; politisch-paedagogische Betrachtungen eines Modernen. 8. Tausend. Berlin, 1906. .37(43:42) Gur. - -- Der Deutsche und seine Schule. 2te Aufl. Berlin, 1906. .37(4308) Gur. - -- Drei Suasoriae in Briefform (Ciceronis Ep. ad M. Brutum 1. 15 0-11, 16, 17). [Philologus, Suppl. -Bd. V, 4.] Göttingen, 1889. Per. .47 Phi. GURLITT (WILIBALD). - -- Hugo Riemann, 1849 -1919. [Akad. d. Wiss. u. d. Lit. Abhdl. der Geistes- und Sozialwiss. Klasse, Jhrg. 1950, Nr. 25.] Mainz, 1951. .06(4341) Aka. - --Zur Bedeutungsgeschichte von musicus und cantor bei Isidor von Sevilla. [Akad. d. Wiss. u. d. Lit. Abhdl. der Geistes - und Sozialwiss. Klasse, Jhrg. 1950, Nr. 7.] Mainz, 1950. P .78(401) Gur. GURLITZ ( JOHANN GOTTFRIED). -- Nova explicatio loci nobilis de c.TtoxapaSox6a tir10 HTLGEWC Rom. viii. xomm. 18 -25, qua se ... J.G. Gurlitto ... amici quidam commendabant ... Signed Beck, Burckhardt ... (Lipsiae, 1778.) X.21.3017. GURLT (ERNST FRIEDRICH). - -- Anatomy of the horse ... Tr. ... by I. Willimott. Pt. 1. Lond., 1833. H* 27.25. *** Plates wanting. No more published. [Continued overleaf.] ADD LIMNS GURLITT (WILIBALD). - -- ed. Bericht über die Freiburger Tagung für Deutsche Orgelkunst ... See FREIBURGER TAGUNG FUR DEUTSCHE ORGELKUNST, Freiburg im Breisgau, 1926. GURLT (ERNST). - -- Geschichte der Chirurgie und ihrer Ausübung; Volkschirurgie, Alterthum, Mittelalter, Renaissance. 3 Bde. -3. Berlin, 1898. Nq.2.251 - -- Handbuch der Lehre von den Knochenbrüchen. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1862 -65. F* 1.19 -20. GURLT (ERNPT FRIEDRICH) [continued. - - De venarum deformitatibus ... commentatio. Vratislaviae, 1819. H* 2516/1. - - Lehrbuch der pathologischen Anatomie der Haus- Säugethiere ... 2 Thle. (in 1). Berlin, 1831 -32. H.21.38. te - -- Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Physiologie der Haus- Säugethiere. 2 Berlin, 1847. H* 15/2.33. --- Ueber thierische Missgeburten; ein Beitrag zur pathologischen Anatomie und Entwickelungs- Geschichte. Berlin, 1877. H* 15/1.38. - -- Atlas. Window III.1.23. --- and HERTWIG (CARL HEINRICH. - -- Vergleichende Untersuchungen über die Haut des Menschen und der Haus - Oäugethiere, und
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