O >J 3 { m o < Z ''J </3 < C -H rn T) < THE 33 rn :i> < DENVER ARCHDIOCESAN EDITION Thursday, May 30, 1948 VC UNES ' zigzags, 1 m en d s, ind fa n c y a c h m e n ts . y m e n fs o f 1041 First Grants Approved fsigns. All ibie party 3f $5.06 o r Under Poverty Program tch d a rn s lo n h o le s Three grants totaling $30,000 have tion office to do so, he indicated it would • $10,000 for the "program for finan­ w ith o u l been approved to fund the first proJects ssu m e 3 function insofar as possible with existing cial aid to seasonal and agricultural • $10,00 authorized in the archdiocese’s $1 million, or proposed community proJects. workers,” migrants who frequently need three-year anti-poverty program an­ The first three grants include: short-term emergency loans for the neces­ nounced April 13 by Archbishop James c o n d i- • $15,000 for Operation S.E.R. sities of life. <ing, all V. Casey. (Service, Employment, Redevelopment), a 4 pay- Archbishop Casey approved the first federally subsidized but private effort ARCHBISHOP CASEY said the ev­ 0 c a s h . three grants on the recommendation of aimed at upgrading employment oppor­ aluation committee, headed by Larry the 21-member "evaluating committee” he tunity for Spanish-surnamed citizens. DeBell, senior vice president of the First MER appointed to screen applications for as­ • $5,000 for the Labor Education National Bank of Denver, considered the D sistance under the program. Advancement Program (LEAP) of the initial grants to be "of urgent necessity.” TYPES When the Archbishop announced the iK CON- Urban League of Colorado — an emer­ program, pledging at lea.st $1 million to gency fund to provide loans for young The ArchbishoD and the committee • the effort and postponing indefinitely con­ rT oldT men "in the process of qualifying for ap­ explained the grants further: c a b l e . struction of a needed central administra- prenticeship training with trade unions.” "The S.E.R. organization had received 9 desires 1 Denver a grant of $555,000 from the federal government for a Job training course to benefit 300 unemployed or under employ­ 2nd Parish Formed; ed persons in Colorado. However, it was necessary that funds be made available to prepare the school facilities. Boundaries Defined "A classroom near West Denver high school is being renovated with the $15,- Archbishop James V. Casey announced 000 grant. In order that the half-million this week the establishment of another dollar grant from the Federal Govern­ Getting His Credentials new parish and the appointment of an­ ment would be made available to the J. other founding pastor. community, the $15,000 wa.s granted Kay Beaulieu of All Saints parish affixes a special pin on Doug Ander­ tio n The parish, as yet to be named, is in immediately to S.E.R ... son of Holy Trinity parish. The pin is one of those given by Archbishop South Aurora, and the new pastor is James V. Casey to each of the more than 1,000 altar boys who will assist "The grant to LEAP is made in the = R Father Frank McCullough, O.M.l. with the Pentecost Sunday adult CouHrmation ceremony June 2. form of a loan and it is expected that the The Archbishop also confirmed the money will eventually be returned to the appointment of Father Warren Heidgen, Archdiocese of Denver. O.S.B., as pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus "The purpose of the third grant is to Confirmation Sunday— parish in Boulder, and the naming of two offer financial relief in the form of loans new assistant pastors at the same parish: to help migrant and seasonal workers Father Bernard Gervais, O.S.B . and Fa­ obtain the daily necessities of life while ther Thomas Trujillo, O.S.B. waiting for full employment. The loan Year of Faith Climax A new assistant pastor has been will be overseen by interested members of named to assist Father Charles Forsyth, the St. W'illiam's parish Credit Union of Adults receiving the Sacrament of urged to bring interested friends with O.S.B., at St. Thomas Aquinas student Fort Lupton.” Confirmation June 2 at the City Audito­ them to the June 2 confirmation. chapel in Boulder. The new curate is rium — climax of the Year of Faith in SOLEMN BENEDICTION of the Father Louis Kirby, O.S.B. THE EVALUATING committee re­ the Archdiocese — will number 1,100. Blessed Sacrament — not Mass — will ported receiving "a great number” of re­ nearly double the number originally ex­ follow the administration of the Sacra­ FATHER McCu l l o u g h , a member Why r. quests for aid. All applicants have been pected. ment and ministers for Benediction are of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, be­ a n d ;■ Fr. Frank McCullough, O.M.l. mailed information sheets to be .submitted b o o k , I. The candidates will be confirnibd by listed as: Celebrant, Monsignor Gregory gins his assignment as founding pastor with the requests, available at 1536 Lo­ c a n y , . four Bishops; Archbishop James V. Casey, d in g , ‘ Smith; deacon. Father Francis Syrianey; with a wealth of experience in parish- McCook. While in McCook he also served gan street for future applications. who planned the ceremony as a fitting subdeacon. Father Richard Ling; master work. Ordained by the late Cardinal as superior of the O.M.l. community. The committee also drew up a set of riose to the "Year of Faith” celebration; of ceremonies, Father Michael Chamber- Francis Spellman in Washington, D.C., in The St. Patrick’s plant included a guidelines to govern all future grants. and Bishop Hubert Newell, Cheyenne; lain. 1940, the young Oblate was missioned to grade school and two missions. The guidelines follow: Bishop Victor J. Reed, Oklahoma City- Each of the four Bishops who will be parochial work in the Seattle diocese, Tulsa; and Bishop David Maloney, Wichi- confirming is assigned a "squad" of min­ where he worked for 13 years. (Turn to Page 2) (Turn to Page 2) ta. isters, including two masters of ceremo­ Father McCullough served as curate Thosr to be confirmed and their spon­ nies, two priests to call off the names of and as pastor there, and also "beach sors will number 2,112, and will fill the the confirmandi, and two priests to assist headed” — filled in — for pastors who seating capacity on the fioor of the arena in the confirmation ceremony itself. Each were called to wartime chaplaincies dur­ Annunciation Closes as. planned for the ceremony. Bishop also has two chaplains. ing the second World War. Those who are to receive the Sacra­ Olficials have expressed a hope that The 65-year-old priest was born in ment of Confirmation must see their pas­ parish delegates attending the services Lincoln, Neb., and he returned to his na­ tor before the ceremony in order to pick will participate in them — with prayer tive diocese fifteen years ago to assume High School; Grade up their name card-admission ticket; the responses and singing. pastoral duties at St. Patrick’s parish, sacrament will not be administered with­ out this card and admission to the main ■ floor of the auditorium cannot be had School To Move In without this card. Annunciation high school is closing school faculty will teach at St. Joseph’s FRIENDS and fellow parishioners are with the end of the 1967-68 school term. next year, under the agreement between expected to fill the balcony area of the The 17-year-old building will house An­ the schools. arena, and officials are planning for an nunciation elementary school and high over-flow crov/d. Capacity for the upp>er school students will be bused to classes at A MEETING to explain the move to level is about 5,000. St. Joseph’s high school, W. 6th avenue Annunciation students and their parents Those who are planning to attend the and Galapago street. is scheduled at St. Joseph’s high school 2:30 ceremony are asked to allow plenty The decision was announced last week­ gym June 5, at 7:30 p.m. Monsignor Wil­ of time for travel and parking .because end by Monsignor Thomas Barry. Annun­ liam H. Jones, superintendent of schools, the parking facilities at the auditorium ciation pastor, as a solution to the prob­ and other officials will be present. will be crowded, and confirmation candi­ lem created with the Easter decision to The high school merger provided a dates and their sponsors should arrive at raze the old Annunciation grade school new home for Annunciation elementary, the auditorium by 2 p.m. building. one of the archdiocese’s historic school sys­ Ceremonial directions will be given at A formal announcement said: tems. The grade school was closed abrupt­ the auditorium to those who are taking ly the weekend of Easter, April 14, by part; because of the numbers and dis­ "At a joint meeting of the pastors and Mensignor Barry, acting on the advice of tances involved, it was not possible to principals of Annunciation high school a private inspection of the 80-year-old and St, Joseph’s high school, a decision have a Joint practice with those to be building by an architect. was reached to combine the student body confirmed. Since then, children in the first three of Annunciation high school and St.
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