Illinois State University ISU ReD: Research and eData School of Music Programs Music Spring 4-25-2019 University Band Symphonic Band Marykatheryne E. Kuhne Conductor Illinois State University Zachary A. Taylor Conductor Illinois State University Doug Morin Conductor Illinois State University Follow this and additional works at: https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/somp Part of the Music Performance Commons Recommended Citation Kuhne, Marykatheryne E. Conductor; Taylor, Zachary A. Conductor; and Morin, Doug Conductor, "University Band Symphonic Band" (2019). School of Music Programs. 3891. https://ir.library.illinoisstate.edu/somp/3891 This Concert Program is brought to you for free and open access by the Music at ISU ReD: Research and eData. It has been accepted for inclusion in School of Music Programs by an authorized administrator of ISU ReD: Research and eData. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THANKYOU Illinois State University College of Fine Arts Illinois State University College of Fine Ans School of Music J can i\ lillcr, dttm Sara Semonis, asso,iat, dttm of m,arch a11d plm111i1t~ Janet Tulley, assista11t d,,111 oft1cadm1ic programs ,md sfl1dmt affi1irs Nick Benson, coordi11ator, Center for Performing Arts i\lolly i\lcDonal<l, dimtor of d,v,lop111t11/ Steve Parsons, dimtor, School of Music Janet \XliJson, dirrctor, School of Theatre an<l Dance .; l\lichacl Wille, dimtor, School of Art ,\arnn Paolucci, dirrffor, ,\ rts Technolob'Y l'rob,ram • Kendra Paitz, dimtor a11d chief mmtor, University Galleries Stephanie Kohl Ringle, business co111111u11imtio11s associate Eric Y cager, dirrctor, Cf'1\ 1T Ilh"nois State University School ofMusic A. Oforiwaa Aduonum, Eth11on111sicology i\lnric Labonville, M111icolo!!J Allison ,\!corn, Afosicolo!!J Katherine J. Lewis, Viola Vniversity <Band Debbie Aurelius-Muir, Music Ed11catio11 Ro)' D. Magnuson, Theory a11d Compositio11 Debra Austin, Voia Anthony i\larincllo Ill, Dimtorof Ba11ds Marykatheryne E. Kuhne, co11d11ctor Mark Babbitt, Tro111bo11e Thomas i\Iarko, Dimtor ofJa'-'-St11dies Zachary A. Taylor, co11d11ctor Emily Hcinborn, Mmic Therapy Rose Mnrshnck, M11sic Busi11ess a11d Arts Tech11ology Glenn Block, Orchestra a11d Co11ducti11g Joseph i\lntson, Musicology Karyl K. Carlson, Dirrctor of Choral Actiz•itm Doug i\Iorin, Asso,. Dim/or of Ba11ds/ Dimtor of BRMM Renee Chernick, Gro11p Pia110 Paul Nolen, StL,.-opho11, Alex Clay, Flute Lauren Palmer, O.ffia Adn1i11islrator Symplionic <Band David Collier, Pem1ssio11 a11d Associate Dim/or Stephen B. Parsons, Dim1or • Andrea Crimmins, M11sic Thm,PJ' ,\<lrinna Ransom, Cello/Sfli11g Project/CSA Doug Morin, co11d11ctor Pegi,,y Dehaven, Office Support Spmalist/ Kim Risinger, Flute Sched11l111g Cindy Ropp, Music Therapy Andy Rummel, E11phomi1111/T11bt1 • Anne Dcrvin, Clari11et a11d Gweral Ed11mtio11 Gina Dew, 1Husic Educatio11 Advisor Tim Schnchtschnei<lcr, Fmilities Mm1t1ger Judith Dicker, Oboe Carl Schimmel, Theory 1111d Composilio11 i\lichael Dicker, Btmoo11 Daniel Peter Schuetz, Voice Geoffrey Duce, Pia110 Ly<lia Sheehan, Ba11ds Office Ad111i11istm/or Ellen Elrick, M11sic Educatio11 Anne Shelley, Milner l.ibr,m,111 Tom Faux, Et!J11omusitology i\lntthcw Smith, Arts T,dJ11ology Angelo Fnvis, Guitar ,md Grad11at, Coordi11ator David Snyder, Music Ed11calio11 Tim Frcdstrom, Choral M11sic Ed11catio11 Ben Stiers, Perc11ssio11/ Asst. Dimtor ofAthletic Ba11ds Sarah Gentry, I .,1oli11 ·1110mns Stu<lcbnkcr, Voice ,\my Gilreath, Tmmp,t Erik Swanson, ]aZ!i. G11itt1r David Gresham, C/ari11et Elizabeth Thompson, Voice Mark Grizzard, Theory and Choral 1'11mc Tuycn Tonnu, Pia110 Christine Hansen, Lad Amdtmic Advisor Rick Valentin, Arts Tecb11olo!!J Kevin Hart, ]a::;:;_ Pia110 a11d Theory Justin Vickers, Voice Phillip Hash, Al!tsic Ed11caho11 i\lichcllc Vought, I ?oic, Megan Hildcnbrandt, M11sic Thm,py Roger Znre, Theory a11d Co11,positio11 Rachel Hackenbery, Hom Martha Horst, Thto,y a11d Compositio11 Mona Hubbard, Office Ma11ag,r Ba11d Grad11t1te Teachi11g Assist,111/s: , Center for the Performing Ans John Michael Koch, 1 'ocal Arts Coordmalor l\lnrvKate Kuhne, Senn Breast, • April 25, 2019 William Kochler, Stri11g Bass a11d M11sic Ed11catio11 Joy~c Choi, Adriana Sosa, Zachary Taylor; and Thursday Evening Joseph Tiemann Qnzz) • 8:00 pm This is the one hundred and eighty-third program of the 2018-2019 season. University Band University Band Program Notes Please silence all electronic devices for the duration of the concert. Thank you. Charles Caner is known throughout the United States and abroad as a composer of significant pieces for school and community bands. In 1996 he retired from the faculty at Florida State University after Symphonic Overture (1%3) Charles Caner teaching music classes and writing hundrcds of arrangements for the FSU bands over a period of 43 (1926-1999) years. He holds degrees from 'lbc Ohio State University and the Eastman School of l\lus1c where he studicd composition with Kent Kennan and Bernard Rq,,crs. Earth Song (2012) FrankTich. ,ymphonic Overture is in an AB,\ form with a lively first section and a slow second section based (born 19. n a theme introduced by the first flute. At the return of the first section, the first theme is treated as a fugue, building to great heights after all four entrances arc achieved. As the restatement of the first - theme concludes, the contrapuntal texture 1,>ives way to a homophonic quality which closes the piece. Mini-Suite for Band (1%8) Morton Gould The interesting melodic lines and carefully conceived counterpoint found in this overture arc typical (1913-1996) of Charles Carter's works for band. I. Birthda}' !\larch II. A Tender Wal tz Frank Ticheli (born January 21, 1958) 1s an American born composer. Hts works arc diverse and Ill. Bell Carol include pieces for concert band, orchestra, chorus, and various chamber groups. Tichcli graduated high school from L.V. Bcrkncr High School in Richardson, Texas. Upon 1,.,-aduating high school, he attended Southern l\lcthodist University in University Park, Texas. Herc he studied with Donald Cedar Canyon Sketches (2014) Carol Brittin Chambers Erb and Jack Waldcnmater and earned his Bachelor of l\lusic in Composition. Tichcli then studicd with William Albright, Leslie Bassett, William Balcom, and Gcori,,c Wilson at the University of l\lichigan, where he earned both his illastcr and Doctorate dei,.,-ecs m Composition. Chasing Sunlight (2016) Cai t Nishimura With sweeping mclo<l1c lines and intense dynamic contrast, Frank Ticheli captures the gamut of (born 1991) emotion with this beautiful transcription for band. Ori1,>inally composed for unaccompanied voices with his own text as inspiration and sampled works such as Sa11ct/1(11y, Earth 501,g unites the power of words and ima1,,cs wtth melody, harmony, and dynamics to blend this work into a tonal analoi,'1.lc of Prelude, Siciliano and Rondo (1963/1979) Malcolm Arnold emotive life. The following is an excerpt from Tichcli's original text: (1921-2006) I. Prelude arranged by Paynter But music a11d si1,gi11g haut bem II!)' r,fuy , II. Siciliano A11d music ""d si1,gi1,g shall be ll(Y light. Ill. Rondo A light of so,,g, shiui1,g slrrn,g. Thro1,gh dark11ess a11d pai11 a11d strife, I'll m,g, be, live, m ... Symphonic Band • •Comrmss1oncd by and dedicated to the Faubion Middle School Band for its pcrfonnance at the 2012 Rise ofthe Firebird (2001) Steven Reineke l\lidwcst Clinic. (born 1970) Born in Richmond Hill, New York, on IO December 1913, Morton Gould was rccob'llizcd early on as a child prodigy with the ability to improvise and compose. 1\t the age of six he had his first Night Light (2011) Cait Nishimura composition published. He studicd at the Institute of illusical Art (now the J uilliard School), but his (born 199 1) most important teachers were :\bby Whiteside (piano) and Vincent Jones (composition). In addition to his Pulitzer Pri7c and Kennedy Center Honor, he was 1\1"s1ml An1erir"'s 1994 Composer-of-the-Year.,\ long-time member of the American Society of Composers, Authors, and Diamond Tide (2015) Viet Cuong (born 1990) Publishers, Gould was elected president of ,\SC. \P in 1986, a post he held until 1994, 1n 1986 he was elected to the American 1\cadcmy and lnsotutc of Arts and Letters. He also served on the board of the American Symphony Orchestra League and on the National Endowment for the Arts mustc panel. The Crusader's March (1889) John Philip Sousa (1854- 1932) These pieces arc intended for the young player, the older player who still remembers being young, and the old player who would like to feel young ai,,:un. They arc adaptations from a scncs of piano pieces 1 wrote for my daughters Abby and Deborah on each of their birthdays during their pre-teen years. 1 ASSISTED LISTENING DEVICES • hought some of these appropriate for the band medium, and selected Birfhrl'!J i\1"rrh, /I Te11der /7altz, and Bell C"rol to form this Mini-Suite. They arc obviously purposefully simple in construction Thank you for 1oming us for to<l•J 's pcrfonnancc of the Illmms St:1tc Unh·crsu)"s Um,·crs1ty Band and Symp • Band. \Vic hope that you wtll cn1oy our concert, and that you jom us ag.un for future pcrformanCL'S here 31 the IS and texture, but hopefully will stimulate the young player and please the listener regardless of his age. School of Mustc. Please \ "IS11 http://www.banJ,.illinoisstotc.cJu for more information. Thank you for your support! Carol Brittin Chambers is an J\mencan composer, cductor and arran1,,cr. Ms. Chambers received a The Center for the Pcrformmg Arts is equipped with an infrared audio amplification system for assisted listening. Bachelor of l\lusic Education from Texas Tech University and a Master of l\lusic in Trumpet Hc:odse1> and receh·cr packs arc ovatlable, free of charge, at the Box Office or by checking with the House Monagcr. Performance from Northwestern University.
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