
ILWU Recommends No 7 on 3 Reapportion Plans The ILWU’s Political Action Com- • Barbara Marumoto (R) and Fred Rohlf­ mittee has recommended that voters ing (R). on Oahu reject a ll three proposed 9th Dist. (St. Louis-Maunalanl Heights) — •Ted Morioka (D) and •Calvin Say (D). city charter amendments on reap- 10th Dist. (Kaimuki-Kapahulu) - •Ken portionment of City Council seats be­ Kiyabu (D) and •Bertrand Kobayashi. cause the union says that issue 11th Dist. (Ala Moana-Waikiki) - No en- should be handled by the 1981 Char­ dorsement. ter Review Commission. 12th D ist. (McCully-M oliliili — •Dave Hagino (D) and Mazie Hirono. One of the reapportionment m e a s- 13th Dist. (Makiki-Manoa) - •Gerald de- ures was initiated by Mayor Frank Heer (D), •Carol Fukunaga (D) and Brian Fasi. Taniguchi (D). The state’s other major labor 14th Dist. (Kakaako-Punchbowl)— ©Rus­ union - the H aw aii G overnment sell Blair (D) and ©Kate Stanley (D). Employees Association - has made 15th. Dist. (Pauoa-Alewa Heights) - ©Byron Baker (D) and ©Richard “ Ike" a similar recommendation. Sutton (R). Concerning other county charter 16th D ist. (Kalihi Valley-Kamehameha amendments, the Maui ILWU Divi- Heights) - Ted Yap (D) and Dennis sion’s Political Action Committee Nakasato (D). recommended a no vote on all of the 17th Dist. (Kalihi Kai-Salt Lake) — Gene 17 Maui County charter amend- Albano (D) and John Waihee (D). ments. 18th Dist. ( Aiea-Moanalua) - Tom Oka- mura (D) and Connie Chun (P ). The ILWU also recommended that 19th D ist. (Pearl Ridge-Peari City) — voters' adopt all the state constitu­ •Clarice Hashimoto (D) and Eloise Tung- tional amendments which will be on palan. the ballot next week. The amend- 20th Dist. (Ewa-Walpahu) - • D aniel ments deal with special legislative Kihano (D) and •Mitsuo Shito (D). sessions and ratification procedures 21st Dist. (Waianae-Ewa Beach) - for future constitutional amend- •James Aki (D) and •Henry Peters (D). ments. 22nd Dist. (Wahiawa-Haleiwa) - Yoshiro Nakamura.(D) and Gerald The union also endorsed the re- • Hagino (D). election of President Carter and Sen- 23rd Dist. (Hauula-Heeia) - •Charles To- ate President Richard S.H. Wong. guchi (D). Here are the general election 24th D ist. (Kaneohe-Maunawili)— ©Mar­ candidates endorsed by the ILWU shall Ige (D) and Jimmy Wong (R). Incumbents are denoted by (•); 25th Dist. (Aikahi-Enchanted Lake) — •Whitney Anderson (R) and •John Medei- VS. PRESIDENT r os • Jimmy Carter (D). 26th Dist: (Keolu Hills-Waimanalo) - U.S. VICE PRESIDENT •Russell Sakamoto (D). •Walter Mondale (D). 27th Dist. (Kauai-Niihau) - •Richard Ka- U.S. SENATE wakami (D), • Tony Kunimura (D) and • Daniel K. Inouye (D). •Dennis Yamada (D) . vs: HOUSE HONOLULU COUNTY • Cecil Heftel (D), 1st D ist. (Urban Oahu); Mayor- Eileen Anderson (D). and •Daniel Akaka (D), 2nd Dist. (Rural Prosecutor — Lee Spencer (D) Oahu-Neighbor Islands). HAWAII COUNTY. STATE SENATE Mayor - •Herbert Matayoshi (D). 1st Dist. (Hawaii), - No endorsement. Prosecutor- •J on Ono (D) 2nd Dist. (M aui)— •Gerald Machida (D), Council - • Tom io Fujii (D ), • Takashi special election; and • Mamoru Yama­ Domingo (D), Thomas Toguchi • ( D ) . saki (D), four-year term. Spencer Schutte (D); •Merle Lai (D). 3rd Dist. (Windward Oahu) - •M a ry •Stephen Yamashiro (D) and Frank De George (R) and Jack Morse (D ) Luz III (D). 4th Dist. (Leeward Oahu-North Shore) - MAUI COUNTY •Norman Mizuguchi (P.) and ©Patsy C ou n cil - •Goro Hokama (D) and Young (D). •Mariano Acoba (D). 5th Dist. W est Honolulu) - Milton H olt KAUAI COUNTY (D) and ©Richard S.H. Wong (D). Mayor — ©Eduardo Malapit (D). 6th Dist; (Manoa-Waikiii) - Clifford Prosecutor - No endorsement." Uwaine (D) and Ann Kobayashi (R). Council - •Stanley Baptiste (D), •Je- 7th Dist. (Kaimuki-Hawaii K ai ) - •Den- rome Hew (D), •Robert Yotsuda (D) and nis O’Connor (D) and •W. Buddy S oa res. •Eddie Sarita (R). (R). OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS STATE HOUSE Hawaii — John C. Kekua. 1st Dist. (Ka’u-Puna-South Hilo) , - Andy BOARD OF EDUCATION Levin (D) At Large - • Darrow Aiona, •Hubert . 2nd Dist. (South Hilo), — • Herbert Sega- M inn, • Marion Saunders, •H ir o s h i wa (D) and Richard Matsuura (D). Yamashita, William Woods and Noboru 3rd Dist. (North Hilo-Kohala) - • Yoshito Yonamine. Takamine (D). Honolulu and Windward Oahu - Richard 4th Dist. (South Kohala-South Kona) - Turbin and John Penebacker. • Minoru Inaba (D). Hawaii — ©William Waters. 5th Dist. (East Maul) - •Chris Crozier Kauai - J ohn Duarte. (D) 6th Dist. (West Maui-Molokal-Lanal) - • Herbert Honda (D). 7th Dist- (Hawaii Kai-A!aa Haina) - • Robert Dods (D) and •Do nna Ikeda ( R). 8th Dist. (Diamond Head-Aina Haina) - *Access to articles restricted to University of Hawai'i affiliates only. Items in eVols are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. ILWU Recommends 'No' on 3 Reapportion Plans. (n.d.). Honolulu Star-Bulletin, pp. D-2. Association of Hawaiian Civic BULL, 10/31 PG A -C Clubs Declines Picks for OHA The Association of Hawaiian Civic 2nd Dist. (Maui) — •Mamoni Yamasaki Clubs has decided against endorsing (D). four-year term. any of the candidates r u n n ing for the 4th Dist. (Leeward Oahu-North Shore) - newly created nine-member board of • Norman Mizuguchi (D) and •P atsy Young (D). trustees of the Office of Hawaiian 5th D ist. (West Honolulu) - •Richard Affairs. S.H. Wong (D) and Milton Holt (D). Here are the general election STATE HOUSE candidates endorsed by the associa­ 1st Dist. (Ka'u-Puna-South Hilo) ˉ Andy tion, which is a statewide organiza­ Levin (D). tion; 2nd Dist. (South Hilo) - •Herbert Sega­ wa (D) and Piilani Desha (R). Incumbents are denoted by ( •). 3rd Dist. (North Hilo-Kohala) - •Yoshito , U.S. SENATE Takam ine (D). •Daniel K. Inouye (D). 5th Dist. (East Maui) ˉ •Chris Crozier U.S. HOUSE . (D) . •Cecil Heftel (D) and •Daniel Akaka (D ) 9th Dist. (St. Louis- Maunalani Heights) — STATE SENATE •Ted Morioka (D) and •Calvin Say (D). 1st Dist. (Hawaii) — • Dante Carpenter 10th Dist. (Kaimuki-Kapahulu) ˉ •Ken (D) Kiyabu (D). 101th Dist. (Ala Moana-Waikiki) ˉ •Kina' u. Kamali'i (R). 1 4th Dist. (Kakaako-Punchbowl) ˉ •Rus­ sell Blair (D). 17th Dist. (Kalihi Kai-Salt Lake) ˉ John Waihee (D). 18th Dist. (Aiea-Moanalua) - Tom Oka- mura (D). 19th D ist. (Pearl Ridge-Pearl C ity) — Eloise Tungpalan. (D) 20th D ist. (E w a -W a ip ahu) - •Daniel Kihano (D) and •Mitsuo Shito (D). 21st Dist. (Waianae-Ewa Beach) - •James Aki (D) and •Henry Peters (D). 25th Dist. (Aikahi- Enchanted Lake)- •Whitney Anderson (R). 27th Dist. (Kaua'i-Ni'ihau) - •Richard Ka- wakami (D). •Tony Kunimurn (D) and • Dennis Y a m ada (D). *Access to articles restricted to University of Hawai'i affiliates only. Items in eVols are protected by copyright, with all rights reserved, unless otherwise indicated. Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Declines Picks for OHA. (n.d.). Honolulu Star- Bulletin, pp. A-6. Hotel Workers Union for Marsland nis O'Connor (D) and • W. Buddy Soares. 20th Dist. (Ewa-Waipahu) - • Daniel The Hotel, Restaurant Employees (R) Kihano (D) and • Mitsuo Shito (D) and Bartenders Union, Local 5, A F L- STATE HOUSE 21st Dist.- (Waianae-Ewa Beach) — CIO, is standing by its, earlier en- 4th Dist. (South Kohala-South Kona) - • James Aki (D) and • Henry Peters (D). dorsement of Charles P. Marsland • Minoru Inaba (D) 22nd Dist. (Wahiawa- Haleiwa) — •Yoshiro Nakamura (D) and Gerald for city prosecutor and remaining 6th Dist., (West Maui- Molokai- Lanai) Hagino (D). neutral in the Honolulu mayoral •Herbert Honda (D) and • Anthony Takitani (D). 23rd Dist. (Hauula- Heeia) • Charles To- ride in the general election, guchi (D). After polling its membership be- 7th Dist. (Hawaii Kai -Aina Haina) - • Robert Dods (D) and • Donna Ikeda (R). 24th Dist. (Kaneohe- Maunawili)- • M a r - fore the primary election on those 8th Dist. (Diamond Head- Aina Haina) — shall Ige (D). two contests, the 10,000 member Fred Rohlfing (R) and • Barbara C. 25th Dist. (Aikahi-Enchanted Lake) — union found that the m embers Marumoto •Whitney Anderson (R) and • John Medei- favored Marsland, a Republican, for 9th Dist. (St. Louis- Maunalani Heights)- r o s 26th Dist. (Keolu Hills-Waimanalo) - prosecutor arid the re-election of • Ted Morioka (D) and • Calvin Say (D) 10th Dist. (Kaimuki-Kapahulu)- • Ken • Russell Sakamoto (D) . Mayor Frank Fasi, a Democrat. (Incumbents are denoted by •): Kiyabu (D) and • Bertrand Kobayashi. 27th Dist. (Kauai- Niihau)- • Richard Ka- Marsland won the Republican U.S. PRESIDENT wakami (D) . • Tony Kunimura (D) and d omination for prosecutor, but F a si 1 1 th Dist. (Ala Moana-Waikiki)- • Kina'u •J immy Carter (D) Boyd Kamali'i (R) • Dennis Yamada (D). lo st in the mayoral prim ary race • U.S. VICE PRESIDENT 12th District (McCully-.Moi l i i l i ) - • Dave HONOLULU COUNTY t he union has again thrown i t s • W a l t e r Mondale (D) . Hagino (D) and Mazie Hirono (D). U.S. SENATE Prosecutor - Charles F. Marsland (R) . support t o Marsland in the Nov. 4 13th Dist. (Makiki- Manoa) • Carol • Daniel K. Inouye (D). general e lection. Fukunaga (D) and Brian Taniguchl (D) . HAWAII COUNT Y Frances McCallum, Local 5 presi- 14th Dist. (Kakaako-Punchbowl) - • Rus­ U•Cecil .S.Heftel (D) andH • Daniel ouse Akaka (D) Council - • Stephen Yamashiro (D). d ent, said endorsements for re-elec- STATE SENATE sell Blair (D) and • Kate Stanley (D). 15th Dist. (Pauoa- Alewa H eights) - tion of President Carter and. Vice 2nd Dist. (Maui ) - • Gerald Machida (D) MAUI COUNTY • Byron Baker (D) and• Richard "Ike" President Mondale, Sen. Daniel K. special election. Council - Howard, Kihune (D). • Rick Sutton ( R ) Inouye and Reps.
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