ASFACTS 2011 FEBRUARY “T EENAGE DREAM /P OKER FACE ” L OVE ISSUE day, April 2, in Buchanan Hall of the ENMU Music Building. The screenings are free and open to the public. REDWALL AUTHOR DIES British author Brian Jacques died February 5, fol- lowing emergency surgery for an aortic aneurysm. He was 71 years old. ENMU WILLIAMSON LECTURESHIP Jacques published his juvenile novel Redwall , about a collection of anthropomorphic mice, badgers, voles SCHEDULED FOR FRIDAY , A PRIL 1 and other creatures, in 1986. Jacques followed Redwall The 35th annual Jack Williamson Lectureship will with an additional 20 volumes in the series, including be held Friday, April 1, at Eastern New Mexico Univer- The Rogue Crew , which is scheduled to be released later sity in Portales, NM. The theme of this year’s event is this year. “Six Minutes into the Future: SF in Film and TV.” Spe- The series was adapted into a popular animated cial guests for 2011 are Michael Cassutt and Melinda series as well as an opera. In addition to the Redwall se- Snodgrass, with Connie Willis serving as Mistress of ries, Jacques also wrote three volumes in his Flying Ceremonies. Events include a luncheon and various Dutchman series, beginning in 2001. And Jacques pub- panel discussions in the afternoon. lished two collections of short stories, and a couple of A campus tradition since 1977, the Williamson picture books. Lectureship annually draws well-known authors to visit Jacques was born in June 1939, and grew up near the ENMU campus and discuss the interactions of sci- the Liverpool docks. He dropped out of school when he ence and the humanities. was 15 to become a merchant seaman. Other careers, as The Lectureship honors Williamson, long-time sci- a policeman and dockworker followed. In the 1960s, he ence-fiction author and professor of English who passed formed a band in Liverpool with his brothers. away in 2006. Williamson’s novella, “The Ultimate Jacques’s interest in writing started at a young age Earth,” captured a Hugo Award in 2001, and his last novel, The Stonehenge Gate , was released by Tor in UPCOMING ASFS M EETINGS 2005. • Tonight: A visit from time-traveling author Diana The Lectureship starts informally on March 31 Gabaldon, plus the release of this ASFacts ... when various writers read at 6:00 pm in the Jack Wil- • March 11: Time for the traditional ASFS Auction liamson Liberal Arts Building. with author Robert Vardeman at the helm. Please The luncheon takes place 11:45 am Friday, April 1, look for 2-6 items to donate for the club’s cause, in the Campus Union Ballroom, and costs a mere $8.00 and some cash to spend. (payable at the door). Reservations are needed, however, • March 25: Bubonicon 44 Guest nominations meet- by Friday, March 25. Call Patrice Caldwell at (505) 562- ing, most likely in Page One’s community room. 2315 or email her at [email protected]. • April 8: Local authors Daniel Abraham and Ty The SF/Fantasy panel discussions take place 3:30- Franck visit to talk about James S.A. Corey’s Le- 6:00 pm in the Williamson Special Collections Room of viathan Wakes. Also, the Spring issue of ASFacts Golden Library, and are free of charge. Exact panel top- will be out (deadline Sun, April 3). ics still are pending. • May 13: Engagement Party for Kevin Hewett and The High Plains Film Festival, being held the same Randi Tinkham. Cake and punch. Details to come. weekend, plans to acknowledge the Lectureship with a Location TBD. screening of Universe in 1/10 of an Hour on Friday, and • June 10: Program unknown at present. Probably screenings of SF-themed films 1:00-3:00 pm on Satur- an author visit... Craig Chrissinger, normal editor. Darth Vader, guest editor each December. Please Send All Correspondence to — PO Box 37257, Albuquerque, NM 87176-7257. Contact: (505) 266-8905 or via [email protected]. ASFACTS published February, April, July & October for the Albuq SF Society. SITH FACTS out each December. NEXT DEADLINE : Sun, April 3. Club Officers: Kevin Hewett & Craig Chrissinger, co-Zec Secs (505) 266-8905. Jessica Coyle, Moderator. Harriet Engle, Alternator. Cupid, Holiday Host. Bubonicon Co-Chairs: Kristen Dorland (505) 459-8734 & Craig Chrissinger. and when he was ten, he was caned by a teacher who -eyed alien interlopers, plays at 4:15 and 8:15 pm. As couldn’t believe that he could write the story he had usual, cash only. The Guild Cinema is located on Central turned in. He hosted a long-running radio show about Avenue NE in the Nob Hill area. authorial concerns, Jakestown , on BBC Radio Mersey- + S ATURDAY & S UNDAY , M ARCH 26-27: A David side. Cronenberg Weird Science Weekend at the Guild Cin- ema, co-presented by Bubonicon 43. The Fly , with Jeff Goldblum and Geena Davis in the remake of a SF clas- ALBUQ SF S IGNINGS /E VENTS SET sic, screens at 3:00 and 7:00 pm. Videodrome , the direc- FOR FEBRUARY & M ARCH tor’s very odd film with James Woods and Deborah Harry, plays at 5:00 and 9:00 pm. The Guild Cinema is Several signings by New Mexico authors and SF- located in the Nob Hill area on Central Avenue NE. related events have been set up for February and March right here in Albuquerque. So, please stop by these 2010 P HILIP K. D ICK AWARD NOMINEES events and say howdy to your favorite writer or film pre- senter – you might even purchase something while In mid-January, Locus Online reported that the you’re at it! Events coming up include: 2010 Philip K. Dick Award nominees have been an- + S ATURDAY , F EBRUARY 12, 2:00 PM : Part-time nounced: Santa Fe author Diana Gabaldon will talk about and sign Yarn by Jon Armstrong, Chill by Elizabeth Bear, An Echo in the Bone and The Exile: An Outlander The Reapers Are the Angels by Alden Bell, Song of Graphic Novel at Page One Bookstore (southwest corner Scarabaeus by Sara Creasy, The Strange Affair of Spring of Montgomery and Juan Tabo NE). Heeled Jack by Mark Hodder, Harmony, Project Itoh + F RIDAY , F EBRUARY 25, 7:00 PM : ASFS member translated by Alexander O. Smith, and State of Decay by Bradford Lyau talks about and signs his first non-fiction James Knapp. book, The Anticipation Novelists of the 1950s French The Awards are presented annually to a distin- Science Fiction: Stepchildren of Voltaire (released as guished work of science fiction published in paperback volume 24 of Critical Explorations in Science Fiction original form in the United States. and Fantasy ), at Page One Bookstore on Montgomery The winner and any special citations will be an- NE. nounced April 22 at Norwescon 34 in SeaTac WA. + S ATURDAY , M ARCH 5, 2:30 PM : Several New Mexico authors will talk about and sign the anthology Golden Reflections and the solo novel Deep State . Par- AUTHOR /C OLLECTOR PASSES AWAY ticipating are editors Joan Saberhagen and Robert Varde- Author, bookseller and collector Jerry Weist died man, plus Daniel Abraham, Jane Lindskold, John January 7, after a long struggle with cancer. He was 61 Maddox Roberts and Walter Jon Williams. This mass years old, reports Locus Online. event takes place at Page One Bookstore on Montgom- Weist wrote the Hugo Award-nominated Ray ery NE. Bradbury: An Illustrated Life (2002) and The 100 Great- + S ATURDAY , M ARCH 12, 2:30 PM : Albuquerque- est Comic Books (2004). He was an art expert with an area authors Pati Nagle and M.J. Locke (Laura J. Mixon) emphasis on comic book, pulp, and science fiction art, will discuss and sign their SF/fantasy novels, Heart of and wrote two editions of The Comic Art Price Guide , the Exiled and Up Against It , respectively, at Page One with a third edition completed shortly before his death Bookstore. and forthcoming. + S ATURDAY & Born September 16, 1949, Weist grew up in Wich- SUNDAY , M ARCH 19 ita KS. He began producing his own fanzines in 1962 -20: A John Carpen- with Nightmare and Movieland Monsters , and later ed- ter Weird Science ited and published E.C. Comics fanzine Squa Tront Weekend at the (1967-1983). He moved to New York in 1972 as an art- Guild Cinema, co- ist, with work featured in one-man shows and galleries. presented by Bu- He relocated to Boston, where he opened early bonicon 43. Star- comic book store The Million Year Picnic in 1974. After man , with Jeff a decade as a bookseller he moved back to New York, Bridges and Karen where he spent 10 years as a consultant with Sotheby’s Allen, screens at auction house, organizing their first major comic book 2:00 and 6:00 pm. and comic art auction in 1991. He is survived by his wife They Live , with and two children. Roddy Piper and bug Page 2 ASFACTS , February 2011 BOOK GROUP KEEPS READING BUBONICON 43 WANTS INPUT , The Droids & Dragons SF Book Group meets at RATES GO UP THIS MONTH 7:30 pm Monday, February 21 (unless a change is re- quired due to the Presidents’ Day holiday), in the DVD/ by Craig Chrissinger, con co-chair gift area of Page One to discuss Julian Comstock: A We’re a month and a half into 2011 now, believe it Story of 22 nd -Century America by Robert Charles Wilson or not, and the Bubonicon 43 train is warming up! Mem- (Tor Books 2009), nominated for a Hugo last year.
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