Volume 8 Number 1 Spring 2013 Customer service Contractor-led vehicle MRO BUMPY REFRESHING UPS AND ROAD AHEAD ACTIVITIES DOWNS Logistics truck procurement Asian support vessels Climate control technology www.mil-log.com Lookin to review your Supply Chain stratey because of chanin A&D demands? Need a solution that interates seamlessly with your existin enterprise solution? IFS CPM LITE KEEPS YOUR A&D SUPPLY CHAIN OPERATIONS FULLY CONNECTED AND PROVIDES YOU WITH PLUg & PLAY BI IFS, the independently reconized leadin provider of ... MORE THAN BI—AND WITH RAPID DEPLOYMENT interated enterprise asset manaement solutions to the CPMLiteisdesignedtogivebusinessesaplug-and-play lobal Aerospace & Defense (A&D) market, has launched mechanism to monitor and execute on their supply chain CPM Lite, a pre-confiured corporate performance manae- initiatives.Thisisasolutionwhichcanbeinstalledin ment solution which optimizes the A&D supply chain. days to deliver rapid value return to organizations. AsGrahamGrose,theIFSGlobalA&DIndustry IFS CPM Lite consolidates data from existing BI technol- Directorcomments,“WhetheryouareaMilitaryorgani- ogies and enterprise solutions in order to manage change, zation,aCommercialAviationMROcompanyoraPBL reduce costs and continuously improve customer service provider,CPMLitehasbeendesignedspecificallywith levels throughout an organization’s supply chain disci- the defense industry in mind. It provides a mechanism to plines, resulting in more efficient supply chain execution. supportthesupplychain,achievegrowthandimprove profitability,andofferssupplychainexecutivesinthe KEY DIFFERENTIATORS A&Dsectorthevisibilitytomakekeydecisionspromptly • Pre-configured,industrystandardKPIs(usingthe andaccurately,aswellasexecutingthosedecisionswith Supply Chain Council Operating Reference model safe and correct levels of authorization. Even if you (SCOR)) alreadyhaveBItoolsinplace,thisveryquicklytakes • DesignedspecificallyforAerospaceandDefense thedatafromtheBIreportinglayerandenablesyouto • Cockpitdisplaysforfullusercontrol makemoresenseoftheresultspresentedtoyou.” • Noinformationsilos,butintegratedbusiness CPMLiteenablesexecutivestogainacomplete intelligence understanding of the inter-relationships across the enter- • Performancemanagementliveindays,notmonths prise—identify the functions that deliver real customer value,thosethatarelesseffective,andthosewhichwaste REASONS TO MOVE TO CPM LITE IN A&D AHEAD OF THE MARKET bothtimeandresources,aswellashowtheyinteract.In Forsometime,BusinessIntelligence(BI)toolshavenot thisway,enterprisescanoptimizeoperationaleffective- beensufficienttosupportthedemandsoftheA&D ness and through-life costs, deliver increased agility, and industry. Information—transactional, technical and perfor- reinforce corporate strategy execution across the enter- mancedata—isoften‘locked-in’tomultipleapplications prise. thataresupportingspecificfunctions,makingitdifficult toobtainaholisticviewofthecompleteenterprise.CPM www.IFSDEFENCE .com Liteprovidesyouwiththetoolsyouneedtoviewthe email: [email protected] performanceofyourbusiness,givingyouindustrystan- dardkeyperformanceindicatorsinaBIsolutionthat canbeimplementedinjustafewdays. USER-DEFINED—YOU MEASURE WHAT YOU NEED CPMLiteoffersauser-defined‘cockpit’displaywhere keyperformanceindicatorscanbeviewedandmeasured usingeasy-to-readdisplays,anduserscanviewmetrics specific to different management roles including opera- tions,customer,supplier,procurement,andbuyer.It worksthroughaportalinterfacewhichdrawsdatafrom applicationsanddatawarehousestoprovideend-to-end visibilityacrosstheentiresupplychain. Lookin to review your Supply Chain stratey because of chanin A&D demands? Need a solution that interates seamlessly with your existin enterprise solution? IFS CPM LITE KEEPS YOUR A&D SUPPLY CHAIN OPERATIONS FULLY CONNECTED AND PROVIDES YOU WITH PLUg & PLAY BI IFS, the independently reconized leadin provider of ... MORE THAN BI—AND WITH RAPID DEPLOYMENT interated enterprise asset manaement solutions to the CPMLiteisdesignedtogivebusinessesaplug-and-play lobal Aerospace & Defense (A&D) market, has launched mechanism to monitor and execute on their supply chain CPM Lite, a pre-confiured corporate performance manae- initiatives.Thisisasolutionwhichcanbeinstalledin ment solution which optimizes the A&D supply chain. days to deliver rapid value return to organizations. AsGrahamGrose,theIFSGlobalA&DIndustry IFS CPM Lite consolidates data from existing BI technol- Directorcomments,“WhetheryouareaMilitaryorgani- ogies and enterprise solutions in order to manage change, zation,aCommercialAviationMROcompanyoraPBL reduce costs and continuously improve customer service provider,CPMLitehasbeendesignedspecificallywith levels throughout an organization’s supply chain disci- the defense industry in mind. It provides a mechanism to plines, resulting in more efficient supply chain execution. supportthesupplychain,achievegrowthandimprove profitability,andofferssupplychainexecutivesinthe KEY DIFFERENTIATORS A&Dsectorthevisibilitytomakekeydecisionspromptly • Pre-configured,industrystandardKPIs(usingthe andaccurately,aswellasexecutingthosedecisionswith Supply Chain Council Operating Reference model safe and correct levels of authorization. Even if you (SCOR)) alreadyhaveBItoolsinplace,thisveryquicklytakes • DesignedspecificallyforAerospaceandDefense thedatafromtheBIreportinglayerandenablesyouto • Cockpitdisplaysforfullusercontrol makemoresenseoftheresultspresentedtoyou.” • Noinformationsilos,butintegratedbusiness CPMLiteenablesexecutivestogainacomplete intelligence understanding of the inter-relationships across the enter- • Performancemanagementliveindays,notmonths prise—identify the functions that deliver real customer value,thosethatarelesseffective,andthosewhichwaste REASONS TO MOVE TO CPM LITE IN A&D AHEAD OF THE MARKET bothtimeandresources,aswellashowtheyinteract.In Forsometime,BusinessIntelligence(BI)toolshavenot thisway,enterprisescanoptimizeoperationaleffective- beensufficienttosupportthedemandsoftheA&D ness and through-life costs, deliver increased agility, and industry. Information—transactional, technical and perfor- reinforce corporate strategy execution across the enter- mancedata—isoften‘locked-in’tomultipleapplications prise. thataresupportingspecificfunctions,makingitdifficult toobtainaholisticviewofthecompleteenterprise.CPM www.IFSDEFENCE .com Liteprovidesyouwiththetoolsyouneedtoviewthe email: [email protected] performanceofyourbusiness,givingyouindustrystan- dardkeyperformanceindicatorsinaBIsolutionthat canbeimplementedinjustafewdays. USER-DEFINED—YOU MEASURE WHAT YOU NEED CPMLiteoffersauser-defined‘cockpit’displaywhere keyperformanceindicatorscanbeviewedandmeasured usingeasy-to-readdisplays,anduserscanviewmetrics specific to different management roles including opera- tions,customer,supplier,procurement,andbuyer.It worksthroughaportalinterfacewhichdrawsdatafrom applicationsanddatawarehousestoprovideend-to-end visibilityacrosstheentiresupplychain. CONTENTS Front cover: KMW personnel work alongside German Army troops on vehicle MRO. (Photo: KMW) Editor Darren Lake [email protected] Deputy Editor Tim Fish [email protected] North America Editor Scott R Gourley [email protected] Tel: +1 (707) 822 7204 European Editor Ian Kemp 3 EDITORIAL COMMENT [email protected] Malian malaise Staf Reporters 17 Beth Stevenson Jonathan Tringham 4 NEWS Deence Analyst Joyce de Thouars • RAAF operational with MRTT Contributors • Dewey Electronics to expand military generator Claire Apthorp, Angus Batey, Christopher F Foss, Richard Scott, oerings Matthew Smith • Aghan Air Force welcomes cancellation o Production Manager C-27 contract David Hurst [email protected] Sub-editor 6 END OF THE LINE? Adam Wakeling To ensure that vehicles remain in service and Commercial Manager Jackie Hall operational, militaries must provide an extensive [email protected] support network, comprising specialist MRO Tel: +44 (0)1753 727009 companies, OEMs and logistics units, nds Advertising Sales Executive Brian Millan Tim Fish. [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)1753 727005 21 THE LONG JOURNEY Editor-in-Chie 11 BELOW DECKS Oten the unsung hero o the logistics chain, pallets Tony Skinner Logistics systems or some classes o naval vessel and cases are vital or the sae transportation o Managing Director Darren Lake are becoming more automated to drive down equipment.Claire Apthorp explores the latest Chairman costs, but others rely on legacy systems or products that ensure items are undamaged when Nick Prest traditional methods to keep ship stores moving, they reach the theatre o operations. Subscriptions Beth Stevenson discovers. CDS Global, Tower House, Lathkill St, 26 UPS AND DOWNS Sovereign Park, Market Harborough, Leics LE16 9EF, UK 14 BUMPY ROAD AHEAD Recent operational experiences have led to a Paid subscription contacts: Contemporary threats have driven the ‘simple’ booming demand or climate control systems that Tel: +44 1858 438879 truck rom modern military operations. Faced with can both heat and cool deployed inrastructure and Fax: +44 1858 461739 Email: [email protected] shrinking budgets, some armies are adopting a high- vehicles. Scott R Gourley examines some innovative Military Logistics International is low mix to modernise their eets, reports Ian Kemp. solutions that also look to save energy. published our times per year by The Shephard Press Ltd, 268 Bath Road, Slough, Berks, SL1 4DX, UK. Subscription rates start at 17 REFRESHING ACTIVITIES
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