E2074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 5, 2006 for his expertise in program management; he TRIBUTE TO MAYOR SHEILA outstanding leader and I hope my colleagues has achieved membership in the DoD Acquisi- YOUNG will join me in recognizing his impressive ac- tion Corps and is certified in multiple acquisi- complishments. tion career fields. HON. FORTNEY PETE STARK During the course of history there have been a select few people known as vision- OF CALIFORNIA Throughout his career Mr. Horrell has distin- aries. Mr. Burton is one these visionaries that IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES guished himself and earned the respect of his view our world not as it necessarily is, but as subordinates, peers, and superiors. His con- Tuesday, December 5, 2006 it can be. tributions have been recognized through the Mr. STARK. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay Alton A. Burton was a U.S. Air Force lieu- award of both the Navy Meritorious Civilian tribute to the Honorable Sheila Young upon tenant, serving as bombardier, navigator, and Service Medal, two awards, and the Navy Su- her retirement as Mayor of the City of San pilot during World War II. After distinguished perior Civilian Service Medal, two awards. He Leandro, California. Mayor Young has served service in our Armed Forces as a Tuskegee has been a loyal and dedicated civil servant from 1998 to 2006 and is the only female Airman, Mr. Burton pursued the power of who has contributed unselfishly and with pride mayor in the city’s 135-year history to serve ideas through higher education by obtaining a to the defense of our Nation. It is my pleasure two complete terms of office. Bachelor of Science and Masters Degrees in to acknowledge his distinguished career. Mayor Young’s distinguished public service Civil Engineering. He also obtained a license as a Professional Engineer, PE, in the State of is noteworthy. She served two terms as Chair New York. Soon after receiving his degrees f of the Women Mayors of America within the and license, Alton A. Burton, PE, joined the U.S. Conference of Mayors Caucus, has rep- staff of the Port Authority of New York and HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DR. JOHN resented all of the cities in Alameda County as WITHERS New Jersey in design engineering. Mr. Bur- a Director/Commissioner with the Metropolitan ton’s assignments included contract plans for Transportation Commission and the Bay Area various facilities, including marine terminals. HON. CHRIS VAN HOLLEN Air Quality Management District, and has Little did Mr. Burton know that he was being served as President of the Alameda County positioned by the hand of destiny for some- OF MARYLAND Mayors Conference. In June 2006, she re- thing more. During the 1950s and 60s, Mr. ceived the Distinguished Service Award from IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Burton toiled in the eye of the storm of civil the U.S. Conference of Mayors. and political unrest, a time of cultural, human Tuesday, December 5, 2006 As the first elected Co-Chair of the Oakland and civil rights crisis. Against all odds, Alton A. Airport Noise Forum, Mayor Young served for Burton was able to understand the situation Mr. VAN HOLLEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today 8 years and is currently Ambassador to the and conditions of a racially charged environ- in recognition of a venerable public servant Forum working nationwide on issues of impor- ment and era that would have been deemed and retired veteran, Dr. John L. Withers, born tance in aviation and community involvement. impossible. In 1962, the late Governor Nelson on September 18, 1916, in Greensboro, North Mayor Young is actively involved as a A. Rockefeller of New York, appointed Mr. Carolina and now living in my congressional speaker and expert in disaster preparedness Burton the Chief Civil Engineer in charge of district. for Alameda County. She is a charter member the planning phase of the multi-billion dollar Dr. Withers served as a first lieutenant dur- of Sundance Summit, a Mayor’s Gathering on project known as the World Trade Center. Climate Protection, and was a participant in ing World War II, commanding a segregated In the minds of most Americans, the deeply the 2003 Jerusalem Conference of Mayors in African-American quartermaster company, and disturbing images of the inferno that engulfed Israel. received an honorable discharge in 1947. De- the Twin Towers and then the crumbling to the Her other accomplishments during her ex- spite strict Army regulations and the difficulties ground after being hit by two hijacked com- emplary tenure as mayor included the creation imposed by segregation, Dr. Withers always mercial airliners 5 years ago on 9–11–01, will of the Mayor’s Community Fund in San never be forgotten. Most of us are unaware performed bravely and with the highest moral Leandro to assist nonprofit organizations as that over 40 years ago, Chief Civil Engineer and ethical standards. Indeed, during the war, well as her oversight over the largest building Alton A. Burton designed and fortified the in- Dr. Withers courageously rescued two Polish period in the history of the city of San frastructure, which accounted for the reliability Jewish orphan boys from the Dachau con- Leandro, including the development of the of the Twin Tower structures to withstand tre- centration camp. Thanks to his heroic efforts, new Marina Auto Mall, the rebirth and rebuild- mendous force, including that of an earth- one of those boys became a successful busi- ing of Bayfair Center, the creation of the new quake. Chief Civil Engineer Alton A. Burton nessman in Connecticut. Dr. Withers stayed in U.S. Postal Service Distribution Center, as and his team of civil engineers had no idea touch with that young man all of his life. well as an increase in new quality housing. that some 40 or so years later, terrorists would After serving as a professor at Wayne State Mayor Young has received numerous fly jets into the towers. Because of the for- University in Detroit, Dr. Withers devoted his awards and certificates for her outstanding tification of the infrastructure, due to Mr. Bur- life to international development efforts. He contributions locally, statewide and nationally. ton’s vision and preparation for the unex- was stationed in Laos, Thailand and Burma She is engaged in a host of community and pected, the towers as damaged as they were, before serving with the United States Agency civic activities and is active on the speaker cir- managed to hold—giving our first responders, for International Development (USAID) in cuit sharing her knowledge about city govern- EMS, NYPD, FDNY and other emergency Seoul, Korea in 1960. Later, he worked as a ment, environmental and transportation issues units a grace period to do what they do best, USAID representative in India before becom- and public policy. save lives. If not for Chief Civil Engineer Alton ing Director of USAID’s regional services of- A retirement event will be held in the May- A. Burton’s vision of a fortified infrastructure, fice in Nairobi, Kenya. His primary responsi- or’s honor on January 19, 2007. I join the city, the World Trade Center’s Twin Towers would bility included supporting the operations of var- her friends, colleagues and admirers in thank- have immediately toppled to the streets below. ious USAID missions in nine African countries, ing Sheila Young for her dedication and com- With steel beams heating to over 3000 de- including Sudan, Ethiopia and Somalia. His mitment. She leaves an indelible mark of posi- grees F, the infrastructure still managed to en- last duty before retiring was to serve as tive change. dure. The North Tower held for 1 hour 42 min- USAID Mission Director for Ethiopia. f utes and the South Tower for 56 minutes be- fore the total collapse. We note with regret Dr. Withers recently celebrated his 90th A TRIBUTE TO ALTON A. BURTON, that approximately 3,000 lives were lost that birthday with his devoted wife Daisy and his PE infamous day and we offer our sincere condo- sons John Jr. and Gregory. I urge my col- lences to their families. However, keeping in leagues in the U.S. House of Representatives HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS mind Mr. Burton’s efforts to fortify the infra- to join with me in honoring Dr. Withers on this OF NEW YORK structure with the best materials known to ar- wonderful occasion and to recognize him as a IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES chitectural and civil engineering at that time, man of good deeds, a sharp wit, gentle sense between 10,000 and 20,000 individuals were Tuesday, December 5, 2006 of humor and outstanding accomplishments. I safely evacuated from the towers and sur- am delighted to wish Dr. Withers a year of Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in rounding areas, so many more lives were good health and happiness and to thank him recognition of Alton A. Burton, PE, a distin- saved. for his extraordinary contributions to our coun- guished member of the New York City com- Chief Alton A. Burton’s prolific civil engineer- try. munity. It behooves us to pay tribute to this ing work carries with it profound moral and VerDate Aug 31 2005 07:00 Dec 06, 2006 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A05DE8.024 E05DEPT1 jcorcoran on PRODPC62 with REMARKS December 5, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2075 philosophical insight, possessing power with- practice of law and advocacy. Most recently, ness to those members of our community who out arrogance, bringing redemptive clarity in 2005, he launched The Leonard Group to are less fortunate.
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