Municipality of Tobias Fornier

Municipality of Tobias Fornier

PHILIPPINE STATISTICS AUTHORITY Antique Provincial Statistical Office No. 6, Series of 2017 Highlights on 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015) MUNICIPALITY OF TOBIAS FORNIER The population of the Municipality of Tobias Fornier, Antique as of August 1, 2015 was 33,046 based on the 2015 Census of Population (POPCEN 2015). The 2015 population is higher by 2,377 compared with the population of 30,669 in 2010, and higher by 3,274 and 5,715 compared with 2007 and 2000, respectively. Refer to Table 1. Table 1. Population of the Municipality of Tobias Fornier Census Year Census Reference Date Population 2000 May 1, 2000 27,331 2007 August 1, 2007 29,772 2010 May 1, 2010 30,669 2015 August 1, 2015 33,046 The Municipality of Tobias Fornier population increased by 1.43 percent annually, on average, during the period 2010 to 2015. By comparison, this growth rate is faster than at which the municipality grew during the period 2000 to 2010 and from 2007 to 2010 at a rate of 1.16 percent and 1.08 percent, respectively. See Table 2. Table 2. Annual Population Growth Rate of Tobias Fornier (Based on the 2000, 2007, 2010 and 2015 Censuses) Reference Period Annual Population Growth Rate (in percent) 2010-2015 1.43 2007-2010 1.08 2000-2010 1.16 2000-2007 1.19 Of the municipality’s 50 barangays, Abaca had the biggest population in 2015 with 1,888 persons. The other top four barangays include Poblacion Norte (1,683), Villaflor (1,480), Igdalaguit (1,445) and Poblacion Sur (1,352). The combined population of these five (5) barangays accounted for almost 23.8 percent of Tobias Fornier’s population in 2015. See Table 3. Table 3. Population and Rank of the Barangays: 2015 Barangay Population Rank Abaca 1,888 1 Poblacion Norte 1,683 2 Villaflor 1,480 3 Igdalaguit 1,445 4 Poblacion Sur 1,352 5 Fatima 1,295 6 Cato-ogan 1,174 7 Masayo 1,124 8 Aras-Asan 1,120 9 Paciencia 1,099 10 Igcado 941 11 Atabay 892 12 Igdanlog 872 13 Nasuli-A (San Ramon) 818 14 Santo Tomas 725 15 Ysulat 716 16 Diclum 711 17 Barasanan A 659 18 Opsan (San Jose) 624 19 Danawan 612 20 Igbangcal-B 577 21 Balud 565 22 Arobo 556 23 Igdurarog 553 24 Balloscas 523 25 Igcalawagan 520 26 Camandagan 515 27 Barasanan B 512 28 Bagumbayan 506 29 Igbalogo 493 30 Gamad (Igdamacio) 490 31 Atiotes 481 32 Igbangcal-A 475 33 Philippine Statistics Authority- Antique Page 2 Igcadac 456 34 Igtugas 410 35 Salamague (Santa Maria) 395 36 Lindero 385 37 Quezon 338 38 Tene 334 39 Igbangcal-C 320 40 Barasanan C 301 41 Manaling (Cata-an) 287 42 Lawigan 275 43 Nagsubuan 272 44 Igcabuad 243 45 Igcasicad (San Pedro) 239 46 Portillo 212 47 Tacbuyan 204 48 Igcapuyas 200 49 Bariri 179 50 Bariri was the smallest barangay in terms of population size with 179 persons. Four other barangays at the bottom five, namely Igcapuyas (200), Tacbuyan (204), Portillo (212) and Igcasicad (San Pedro) (239). The barangay of Igcabuad was the fastest growing barangay with an average annual population growth rate (PGR) of 6.92 percent. The second fastest growing barangay with an average annual population growth rate at 6.07 percent from 2010 to 2015 was Santo Tomas, followed by Igdurarog at 5.23 percent, Igbangcal-B at 5.11 percent and Danawan at 4.32 percent. See Table 4. Table 4. Population and Growth Rates by Municipality and Barangays: 2010-2015 POPULATION TOTAL POPULATION MUNICIPALITY/BARANGAYS GROWTH RATE 1-May-10 1-Aug-15 2010-2015 Tobias Fornier 30,669 33,046 1.43 Abaca 1,817 1,888 0.73 Aras-Asan 924 1,120 3.73 Arobo 524 556 1.13 Atabay 784 892 2.49 Atiotes 455 481 1.06 Bagumbayan 442 506 2.61 Balloscas 483 523 1.53 Balud 704 565 -4.10 Barasanan A 579 659 2.49 Philippine Statistics Authority- Antique Page 3 Barasanan B 501 512 0.41 Barasanan C 281 301 1.32 Bariri 170 179 0.99 Camandagan 481 515 1.31 Cato-ogan 1,097 1,174 1.30 Danawan 490 612 4.32 Diclum 664 711 1.31 Fatima 1,257 1,295 0.57 Gamad (Igdamacio) 478 490 0.47 Igbalogo 490 493 0.12 Igbangcal-A 471 475 0.16 Igbangcal-B 444 577 5.11 Igbangcal-C 313 320 0.42 Igcabuad 171 243 6.92 Igcado 838 941 2.23 Igcalawagan 437 520 3.36 Igcapuyas 179 200 2.13 Igcasicad (San Pedro) 228 239 0.90 Igdalaguit 1,250 1,445 2.80 Igdanlog 843 872 0.65 Igdurarog 423 553 5.23 Igtugas 384 410 1.25 Lawigan 270 275 0.35 Manaling (Cata-an) 264 287 1.60 Masayo 1,247 1,124 -1.96 Nagsubuan 261 272 0.79 Paciencia 914 1,099 3.57 Poblacion Norte 1,611 1,683 0.84 Poblacion Sur 1,298 1,352 0.78 Portillo 203 212 0.83 Quezon 301 338 2.23 Opsan (San Jose) 591 624 1.04 Nasuli-A (San Ramon) 894 818 -1.68 Salamague (Santa Maria) 332 395 3.36 Santo Tomas 532 725 6.07 Tacbuyan 185 204 1.88 Tene 339 334 -0.28 Villaflor 1,445 1,480 0.46 Ysulat 620 716 2.78 Igcadac 419 456 1.62 Lindero 341 385 2.34 Tobias Fornier has a population density of 295 persons in every square kilometer. This is higher by 21 persons per square kilometer in 2010 with population density of 274 with a percent change of 7.8 percent from 2010-2015. Philippine Statistics Authority- Antique Page 4 The population of Tobias Fornier in 2015 which was 33,046 is 5.68 percent of the total population of Antique which was 582,012 in the same year. Table 5. Total Population and Annual Population Growth Rates, Tobias Fornier 1990- 2015 Total Population Annual Population Growth Rate Province/City/Municip Census Years 1-May- ality/Barangay 1-Sep-95 1-May-00 1-Aug-07 1-May-10 1-Aug-15 1990- 1995- 2000- 2007- 2010- 90 1995 2000 2007 2010 2015 TOBIAS FORNIER 25,816 26,155 27,331 29,772 30,669 33,046 0.24 0.95 1.19 1.08 1.43 Abaca 964 1,235 1,404 1,685 1,817 1,888 4.75 2.79 2.55 2.78 0.73 Aras-Asan 802 810 835 898 924 1,120 0.19 0.65 1.01 1.04 3.73 Arobo 466 444 422 599 524 556 -0.90 -1.08 4.95 -4.75 1.13 Atabay 628 623 648 852 784 892 -0.15 0.85 3.84 -2.98 2.49 Atiotes 370 460 433 440 455 481 4.16 -1.29 0.22 1.23 1.06 Bagumbayan 431 394 409 463 442 506 -1.67 0.80 1.72 -1.67 2.61 Balloscas 383 389 479 478 483 523 0.29 4.56 -0.03 0.38 1.53 Balud 392 400 438 437 704 565 0.38 1.96 -0.03 18.93 -4.10 Barasanan A 443 473 499 468 579 659 1.23 1.15 -0.88 8.04 2.49 Barasanan B 584 510 566 529 501 512 -2.51 2.26 -0.93 -1.96 0.41 Barasanan C 195 193 230 223 281 301 -0.19 3.83 -0.43 8.77 1.32 Bariri 187 222 198 210 170 179 3.27 -2.42 0.81 -7.39 0.99 Camandagan 361 395 407 395 481 515 1.70 0.64 -0.41 7.42 1.31 Cato-ogan 948 904 880 1,091 1,097 1,174 -0.89 -0.57 3.01 0.20 1.30 Danawan 449 477 340 423 490 612 1.14 -7.00 3.06 5.49 4.32 Diclum 476 502 523 683 664 711 1.00 0.88 3.75 -1.02 1.31 Fatima 1,076 1,165 1,052 1,217 1,257 1,295 1.50 -2.16 2.03 1.18 0.57 Gamad (Igdamacio) 322 388 373 440 478 490 3.55 -0.84 2.30 3.06 0.47 Igbalogo 514 482 563 484 490 493 -1.20 3.38 -2.06 0.45 0.12 Igbangcal-A 359 381 438 454 471 475 1.12 3.03 0.50 1.35 0.16 Igbangcal-B 550 476 479 579 444 577 -2.67 0.13 2.65 -9.20 5.11 Igbangcal-C 259 242 291 269 313 320 -1.26 4.03 -1.08 5.66 0.42 Igcabuad 179 186 258 201 171 243 0.72 7.26 -3.38 -5.71 6.92 Igcado 683 719 843 838 838 941 0.97 3.47 -0.08 0.00 2.23 Igcalawagan 346 331 386 377 437 520 -0.83 3.35 -0.32 5.52 3.36 Igcapuyas 155 134 177 184 179 200 -2.69 6.14 0.54 -1.00 2.13 Igcasicad (San Pedro) 204 217 229 222 228 239 1.16 1.16 -0.43 0.97 0.90 Igdalaguit 968 1,047 944 1,144 1,250 1,445 1.48 -2.19 2.68 3.27 2.80 Igdanlog 629 636 695 845 843 872 0.21 1.92 2.73 -0.09 0.65 Igdurarog 596 455 558 517 423 553 -4.93 4.47 -1.05 -7.04 5.23 Igtugas 446 419 349 315 384 410 -1.16 -3.84 -1.40 7.47 1.25 Lawigan 302 295 414 331 270 275 -0.44 7.53 -3.04 -7.14 0.35 Manaling (Cata-an) 297 265 287 285 264 287 -2.11 1.72 -0.10 -2.74 1.60 Masayo 649 736 725 920 1,247 1,124 2.38 -0.32 3.34 11.69 -1.96 Nagsubuan 284 269 270 274 261 272 -1.01 0.08 0.20 -1.75 0.79 Paciencia 734 800 807 1,018 914 1,099 1.63 0.19 3.25 -3.84 3.57 Poblacion Norte 1,198 1,230 1,477 1,569 1,611 1,683 0.49 4.00 0.84 0.96 0.84 Poblacion Sur 1,105 1,218 1,254 1,171 1,298 1,352 1.84 0.63 -0.94 3.81 0.78 Portillo 181 197 223 243 203 212 1.60 2.69 1.19 -6.33 0.83 Quezon 258 264 285 291 301 338 0.43 1.65 0.29 1.24 2.23 Opsan (San Jose) 528 512 519 621 591 624 -0.57 0.29 2.50 -1.78 1.04 Nasuli-A (San Ramon) 728 769 658 782 894 818 1.03 -3.28 2.41 4.99 -1.68 Salamague (Santa Maria) 297 370 343 380 332 395 4.20 -1.61 1.42 -4.79 3.36 Santo Tomas 527 538 484 521 532 725 0.39 -2.24 1.02 0.76 6.07 Philippine Statistics Authority- Antique Page 5 Tacbuyan 190 188 226 222 185 204 -0.20 4.02 -0.25 -6.41 1.88 Tene 347 263 286 265 339 334 -5.06 1.81 -1.05 9.37 -0.28 Villaflor 1,549 1,252 1,448 1,473 1,445 1,480 -3.91 3.16 0.24 -0.70 0.46 Ysulat 594 592 619 611 620 716 -0.06 0.96 -0.18 0.53 2.78 Igcadac 432 403 408 495 419 456 -1.29 0.26 2.70 -5.88 1.62 Lindero 251 285 252 340 341 385 2.41 -2.60 4.21 0.11 2.34 The POPCEN was undertaken by the Philippine Statistics Authority in August 2015 pursuant to Republic Act No.

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