-THE- SVA HANDBOOK 20 21 2022 CONTENTS President’s Letter 2 The College 3 Academic Information 9 Student Information 23 Faculty Information 45 General Information 56 Standards, Procedures, Policies and Regulations 70 SVA Essentials 95 2021–2022 Academic Calendar 115 Index 121 SVA.EDU 1 THE SVA HANDBOOK provides faculty, students and administrative staff with information about the College, its administration, services and processes. In addition, the Handbook contains policies mandated by federal and state regulations, which all faculty, students and administrative staff need to be aware of. In this regard, I would especially like to call your attention to the sections on attendance (pages 12 and 47), the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (page 86), Helping a Student in Distress (page 75), Title IX procedures and the SVA policy on alcohol and drugs (page 71). We look forward to the 2021–2022 academic year. Our students, this year from 48 states, one U.S. territory and 64 countries, will once again pursue their studies with the focused guidance of our renowned professional faculty. DAVID RHODES President July 2021 2 SVA HANDBOOK THE COLLEGE Board of Directors 4 Accreditation 4 SVA Mission Statement 5 SVA Core Values 5 History of SVA 5 Academic Freedom 6 First Amendment Rights 6 SVA Student Profile 7 SVA.EDU 3 BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Interior Design program leading to the Lawrence Rodman, chair Bachelor of Fine Arts in Interior Design is ac- Brian Palmer credited by the Council for Interior Design Joseph F. Patterson Accreditation (accredit-id.org), 206 Grand- Anthony P. Rhodes ville Avenue, Suite 350, Grand Rapids, MI David Rhodes 49503-4014. Nisha Atre Richardson Eileen Hedy Schultz The School of Visual Arts’ Department of Art Education is currently pursuing accreditation ACCREDITATION of its educator preparation programs by the The School of Visual Arts has been authorized Association for Advancing Quality in Educa- by the New York State Board of Regents (www tor Preparation (AAQEP). Pursuant to Section .highered.nysed.gov) to confer the degree of 52.21 of the Regulations of the Commissioner Bachelor of Fine Arts on graduates of programs of Education, the educator preparation program in Advertising; Animation; Cartooning; Com- offered by the School of Visual Arts is consid- puter Art, Computer Animation and Visual ered to be continuously accredited for purposes Effects; Design; Film; Fine Arts; Illustration; of meeting the New York State requirement that Interior Design; Photography and Video; Visual all such programs maintain continuous ac- and Critical Studies; and to confer the degree of creditation. The School of Visual Arts’ Master of Master of Arts on graduates of programs in Art Arts in Teaching in Art Education program was Education; Curatorial Practice; Design Research, previously accredited by the Council for the Ac- Writing and Criticism; and to confer the degree creditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). of Master of Arts in Teaching on graduates of the program in Art Education; and to confer The Master of Professional Studies in Art Ther- the degree of Master of Fine Arts on graduates apy program is approved by the American Art of programs in Art Practice; Computer Arts; Therapy Association, Inc., and as such meets Design; Design for Social Innovation; Fine Arts; the education standards of the art therapy Illustration as Visual Essay; Interaction Design; profession. Photography, Video and Related Media; Prod- ucts of Design; Social Documentary Film; Visual Narrative; and to confer the degree of Master of Professional Studies on graduates of programs in Art Therapy; Branding; Digital Photography; Directing; Fashion Photography. The School of Visual Arts is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (msche.org), 3624 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104, 267.284.5000. The Commission on Higher Education is an institutional accredit- ing agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council on Higher Education Accreditation. 4 SVA HANDBOOK SVA MISSION STATEMENT HISTORY OF SVA The mission of the College is to educate future The School of Visual Arts was founded in generations of global creative citizens to foster 1947 as a single-purpose trade school with 35 cultural and social change that promotes our students and three instructors. Known as the core values through the pursuit and achieve- Cartoonists and Illustrators School, it offered ment of their professional goals. instruction in the techniques essential to the pursuit of careers in cartooning and illustration. SVA CORE VALUES Since that time, it has seen continual growth. PARTICIPATION IN THE GLOBAL The advertising and graphic design depart- CREATIVE COMMUNITY ments were added first, followed in the 1960s Creative citizenship extends far beyond the by fine arts, photography, art history, humani- borders of any one country. We believe citizen- ties and film. There are now more than 1,100 on ship demands participating in the exchange of the faculty. ideas with integrity in one’s community and the world at large. We must recognize our common In 1972, the New York State Board of Regents humanity, listen to our fellow global citizens, authorized the School of Visual Arts to confer respect a multiplicity of perspectives and expe- the degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) on riences, and we must have the clarity of purpose graduates of four-year programs in Film, Fine to speak out against injustice. At SVA, creative Arts, Media Arts and Photography. The Col- citizens then encompass all of these ideals lege now offers BFA programs in Animation; through their artistic practice. Computer Art, Computer Animation and Visual Effects; Interior Design; and Visual and Critical DIVERSITY AND INCLUSION Studies. We are a diverse community that voices a deep commitment to equality and accessibility. We In the 1980s, SVA began its Master of Fine Arts strive to create an atmosphere of openness and (MFA) degree programs in Computer Arts, Fine inclusion. Arts, Illustration as Visual Essay and Photog- raphy, Video and Related Media. The success FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION of these programs and the need for unique and The College has always protected the rights of innovative advanced studies has led to MFA members of its community to share their views programs in Art Practice, Design, Design for in a receptive space and to enjoy the autonomy Social Innovation, Interaction Design, Products necessary for risk-taking and innovation. SVA of Design, Social Documentary Film and Visual provides an environment where both new Narrative. The College also offers the Master of ideas and contested ideas are welcomed and Arts in Teaching (MAT) in Art Education, and explored. the Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Art Therapy, Branding, Digital Photography, Direct- PROFESSIONALISM AND INTEGRITY ing and Fashion Photography. A Master of Arts SVA’s faculty of working professionals are (MA) in Curatorial Practice and a Master of Arts actively engaged in the fields that they teach. (MA) in Design Research, Writing and Criticism They hold students to a professional standard began in fall 2014. in terms of their craft, focus and general com- portment; the curriculum of each major is built A major reason for this continued growth is on a foundation of specialization and expertise. our belief that “today’s art college must meet Professionalism at SVA encompasses not just today’s needs.” Remaining a vital institution excellence, but also accountability, intellectual dedicated to helping students become artists rigor, leadership and, above all, integrity. capable of facing the increasingly rapid changes in their lives, their careers and society as a whole is what SVA is all about. SVA.EDU 5 The College has consistently engaged a faculty programs and activities. The discussion of of renowned artists, critics, designers, histori- ideas, which some may find distasteful or offen- ans and writers who are active and respected sive, is protected if the discussion is germane to in their fields. Students are thereby exposed to the subject matter being taught. excellence while being introduced to and chal- lenged by the professional standards they will The College will take very seriously any action be expected to uphold later in life. that infringes on the free speech of others, or that harasses individuals because of their ideas ACADEMIC FREEDOM or beliefs. Harassment of any kind will not be The School of Visual Arts supports the right of tolerated, and those who violate the freedom each faculty member to pursue research and of speech and expression of another may face teaching without interference, subject only to severe penalties. the constraints of law and the pursuit of truth. No policy, regulation or member of the staff may The College cannot censor or restrict “public” interfere with this basic tenet of the institu- speech that may offend or cause discomfort tion’s philosophy. Any infringement of academic to others in the community, either by accident freedom will be immediately and vigorously or by intent. Comments or language used in addressed and corrected. public situations that may be termed “hate speech” are certainly an abhorrence to the Col- FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS lege community, even though they technically “Congress shall make no law respecting an es- may be protected by law. However, even when tablishment of religion, or prohibiting the free First Amendment rights protect the expression exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of of opinions that some may consider deroga- speech, or of the press; or the right of the people tory, the College can take steps to denounce peaceably to assemble; and to petition the gov- those opinions and ensure that opposing views ernment for a redress of grievances.” are heard. Therefore, it is absolutely essential that we all work to maintain an atmosphere of The first 10 amendments of the United States respect for every individual who exercises free- Constitution—the Bill of Rights, ratified more dom of speech in a responsible way, and without than 200 years ago—were intended to protect intent to harm or defame others.
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