The Confraternity of Priest Adorers of the Eucharistic Face of Jesus Why a new confraternity for priests? he confraternity of Priest Adorers of the Eucha- ristic Face of Jesus responds to the need and desire of many priests, young and old, to unite among themselves specifically for the adoration of the Most Blessed Sacra- Tment, and to support one another in persevering in prayer. Its charter, so to speak, is the Priestly Are not such confraternities Prayer of Jesus at the Last Supper in already in existence? th the Cenacle, given in the 17 chapter he 19th and 20th centuries saw, of Saint John’s Gospel. Therein, Jesus in fact, the birth of a number of the Eternal High Priest lifts His eyes to movements for the promotion heaven and prays to His Father, firstly, T of Eucharistic adoration, reparation, for Himself; secondly, for His Apostles; and priestly holiness. The best known and thirdly, for all those who, through of these is, without doubt, the Asso- the word of His Apostles, will come to † ciation of Priest-Adorers of the Blessed believe in Him. Sacrament, founded by St Peter Julian The Confraternity is a response to Eymard (1811-1869), and canonically the invitation of Jesus: Come to Me, all erected in Rome on 16 June 1887. you that labour, and are burdened, and The second half of the last century (Matt. 11:28), and to I will refresh you saw many of these fine movements fall His sorrowful reproach in the Garden of into decline, leaving a void in the spiri- Gethsemani: What, could you not watch tual life of new generations of priests. (Matt. 26:40). The one hour with Me? The Year of the Eucharist proclaimed Priest Adorers draw further inspiration by Blessed John Paul II in 2004, and from the words of the Lord Jesus: I say to the Year of the Priesthood proclaimed you, that if two of you shall consent upon by Pope Benedict XVI in 2009 were earth, concerning any thing whatsoever an invitation to rediscover and refresh they shall ask, it shall be done to them by the benefits that accrue to priests who my Father who is in heaven. For where commit themselves to prayer for and there are two or three gathered together in with one another, and in particular, to my Name, there am I in the midst of them (Matt. 18:20). Eucharistic adoration. The crisis that in recent years has so Why the Eucharistic Face of Jesus? shaken the Church and burdened the n his encyclical letter of Holy hearts of priests with sorrow and uncer- Thursday, 17 April 2003, Ecclesia tainty, requires a powerful spiritual anti- de Eucharistia, Blessed John Paul dote. Our Lord is calling His priests to I II drew the eyes of the Church to the tarry in His presence. He invites them Face of Christ in the Most Holy Eu- to abide in the radiance of His Eucharis- charist. He coined a new phrase, one tic Face, close to His Heart. There they not encountered before in his writings will recover the joy of their youth and or in the teachings of his predecessors: the certainty of being loved by Christ The Eucharistic Face of Christ. Thus did with an everlasting love. the Pope share with the Church his own experience of seeking, finding, and ador- † See Benedict XVI, General Audience, 25 Jan. 2012, on the high priestly prayer of Jesus in the ing the Face of Christ in the Most Holy Cenacle. Sacrament of the Altar. The human face is a mysterious icon most convenient for him, between the of the heart. It signifies, among other Feasts of Corpus Christi and the Sacred things, a personal presence open to Heart of Jesus. relationship with another. In the Sacra- A priest may renew his pledge pri- ment of His Love, the Face of Christ, vately in the presence of one witness; or the Human Face of God, is turned together with the priests of his Cenacle; towards those who seek Him, ready or publicly before the faithful in his par- to draw them into a healing and life- ish church. giving communion of love with His To remain active in the Confrater- Sacred Heart. nity, the annual pledge of membership must be signed, dated, and returned Who may belong? to Silverstream Priory, Stamullen, Co. he Confraternity is open to all Meath, Ireland, no later than July 1st Catholic bishops, priests, dea- every year. cons, and seminarians. T Does the Confraternity have any What are the obligations of a particular patron saints? Priest Adorer? he patrons of the Confrater- here is but one essential obliga- nity are, first of all, Our Lady of tion: one continuous hour of Knock (feast, 17 Aug.), together adoration each day. This obliga- Twith St Joseph, Spouse of the Mother tionT does not bind under pain of sin; it of God (feast, 19 Mar.), and St John the is, nonetheless, a serious engagement, Apostle and Evangelist (feast, 27 Dec.); and one not to be put aside lightly. then, St Thérèse of the Child Jesus and In times of sickness, the offering of of the Holy Face, Virgin and Doctor one’s weakness and suffering, in union of the Church (feast, 1 Oct.); St Peter with the immolation of the Lamb, is Julian Eymard, Priest (feast, 2 Aug.); itself an act of adoration, reparation, and St Gaetano Catanoso, Priest (feast, 20 fruitful intercession for one’s brother Sept.); Bl. Columba Marmion, Priest priests. and Abbot (feast, 3 Oct.); Fr William The hour of adoration may be made Doyle, sj, Priest (†16 Aug. 1917); and before the Blessed Sacrament concealed the Venerable Fulton J. Sheen, Bishop in the tabernacle, simply exposed in the (†9 Dec. 1979). ciborium, or solemnly exposed in the monstrance. Are there meetings? One may join the Confraternity at herever possible, the Priest any time. Upon joining, and once a year Adorers of a particular re- thereafter, the Priest Adorer solemnly gion will want to gather once Wa month, preferably on a Thursday—the pledges to make daily one continuous hour of Eucharistic adoration. He re- day of the institution of the Eucharist news his pledge every June on the date and of the Priesthood—for a Cenacle, that is, one hour of Eucharistic adora- will share in the Masses, Divine Office, tion together, an opportunity for Con- Eucharistic adoration, and other prayers fession, and a time of spiritual support and works of the Benedictine Monks of and fellowship. Silverstream Priory, under the patronage of Our Lady of the Cenacle. What support will the Confrater- nity offer its members? May layfolk & religious particpate embers of the Confraternity in the Confraternity? will receive a monthly letter ayfolk and religious may unite M from Silverstream Priory con- themselves to the Confraternity of taining a text suitable for meditation in Priest Adorers of the Eucharistic the presence of the Most Blessed Sacra- L Face of Jesus by becoming Associate ment. They will be remembered in Holy Adorers, and by renewing their mem- Mass on the First Thursday of every bership yearly in June, on the date month in Silverstream Priory. By virtue most convenient for them, between the of membership in the Confraternity, Feasts of Corpus Christi and the Sacred Priest Adorers and Associate Adorers Heart of Jesus. • The centrality of the Eucharist should be apparent not only in the worthy celebration of the Sacrifice, but also in the proper adoration of the Sacrament, so that the priest might be the model for the faithful also in devote attention and diligent medita- tion—whenever possible—done in the pres- ence of our Lord in the tabernacle. It is hoped that the priests entrusted with the guidance of communities dedicate long periods of time for communal adoration and reserve the greatest attention and honour for the Most Blessed Sacrament of the altar, also outside of Holy Mass, over any other rite or gesture. Faith and love for the Eucharist will not allow Christ to remain alone in his presence in the tab- ernacle.—Congregation for the Clergy, Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests (31 January 1994) The Confraternity of Priest Adorers of the Eucharistic Face of Jesus Silverstream Priory • Stamullen, Co. Meath • Ireland http://www.cenacleosb.org/confraternity On the cover & back: St John and Christ at the Last Supper, detail from a window by Sir Ninian Comper (1864–1960), All Saints’ Convent Chapel, Oxford. Photograph by Fr Lawrence Lew, op (used with permission)..
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