LAND WEST OF JUNCTION 7, A1(M) ELECTRIC FORECOURT ®, STEVENAGE PROPOSED ELECTRIC FORECOURT ® STEVENAGE. LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT APPRAISAL on behalf of GRIDSERVE April 2021 Enplan, Gloucester House, 399 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 2AH Offices also at Tunbridge Wells Directors: PG Russell-Vick DipLA CMLI • MA Carpenter BA(Hons) MRTPI • RJ Hodgetts BA(Hons) DipLA CMLI 01908 303701 [email protected] www.enplan.net Enplan is the trading name of Enplan UK Limited. Registered in England & Wales with Company Number 4608553. A list of directors is available at the registered office; Preston Park House, South Road, Brighton, BN1 6SB. THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 2 | Enplan ref 05-899 Gridserve, Stevenage Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal April 2021 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................. 5 2.0 LANDSCAPE RELATED PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT .................................. 7 National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF, February 2019): ............................. 7 Stevenage Local Plan (Adopted May 2019) .......................................................... 8 3.0 LANDSCAPE CONTEXT .................................................................................... 13 Landscape Character .......................................................................................... 13 National Context ................................................................................................. 13 Regional .............................................................................................................. 15 Site Context and Landscape Character .............................................................. 20 Visual Receptors/ Views ..................................................................................... 21 Potential Receptors: Recreational Receptors .......................................................................... 22 Potential Receptors: Road Users/ Users of Hotel/ Commercial Premisses, ............................ 22 4.0 LANDSCAPE AND VISUAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT ....................................... 23 Visual Impact Assessment .................................................................................. 23 Viewpoint 1: Access Gate layby to Knebworth Estate on the Spur road (See Figure 11) ....... 23 Viewpoint 2: Novotel Hotel Car Park (See Figure 12) .............................................................. 24 Viewpoint 3: Access Road to Knebworth Estate (See Figure 13) ............................................ 24 Viewpoint 4: Public Right of Way ref no 45 (See Figure 14) .................................................... 24 Viewpoint 5: Public Right of Way ref no 45 (See Figure 15) .................................................... 25 Viewpoint 6: Public Right of Way ref no 45 (See Figure 16) .................................................... 25 Viewpoint 7: Slip Road off the A1 and Commercial Units (See Figure 17) .............................. 26 Summary of Visual Impact Assessment .............................................................. 26 Landscape Character Effects .............................................................................. 26 Green Belt ........................................................................................................... 28 5.0 LANDSCAPE STRATEGY ................................................................................. 30 6.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................. 31 Figures 1 Site Context (Location of Wider Viewpoints) 2 Topography Plan 3 Designation Plan 4 Zone of Theoretical Visibility (with buffers) | 3 5 Landscape and Visual (Location of Viewpoints and Site Appraisal Views) 6 Landscape Character Areas 7 Views A and B 8 Views C and D 9 Views E and F 10 View G 11 Viewpoint 1 12 Viewpoint 2 13 Viewpoint 3 14 Viewpoint 4 15 Viewpoint 5 16 Viewpoint 6 17 Viewpoint 7 18 Landscape Strategy Plan Appendices Appendix A Landscape and Visual Appraisal Methodology Appendix B Natural Character Area Profile (NCA) 110 Chilterns Appendix C North Hearts Landscape Study: Area 208 Knebworth Parkland Appendix D Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment Table Appendix E Landscape Supporting Graphics 4 | Enplan ref 05-899 Gridserve, Stevenage Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal April 2021 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Enplan is a multi-disciplinary practice of planners, landscape architects and environmental consultants. Enplan were appointed instructed by GRIDSERVE to produce a Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal for the erection of electric vehicle charging station with ancillary uses at first floor level to include retail and food and drink with associated electrical infrastructure, car parking and landscaping at Land to the north west of Junction 7 of the A1(M), Knebworth Park, Stevenage, SG1 2AX. 1.2 This report sets out a preliminary assessment of the potential landscape and visual effects of developing a new Electric Forecourt ® Stevenage. The report defines the existing landscape conditions, assesses the character and quality of the landscape and analyses the visual and landscape effects of the proposal. 1.3 The baseline position against which this assessment has been undertaken is as per the current position on the ground. There are no extant planning permissions for the land. The site is located within the Metropolitan Green Belt. 1.4 The Study Area for this assessment has been defined to incorporate all parts of the landscape that potentially may have a view of the proposals 1.5 Assessments undertaken within this appraisal have been undertaken in accordance with the 3rd Edition of ‘Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (GLVIA3). The assessment and landscape design work has been led by Richard Hodgetts BA Hons DipLA CMLI, Landscape Director of Enplan and a Chartered Landscape Architect with over 27 years’ experience. 1.6 The proposal is to provide an Electric Forecourt® Stevenage filling station designed to meet the demands of the electric vehicle market. It will offer reliable, predominantly ultra- rapid EV charging supported by a range of ancillary services, designed to maximise the experience of charging and optimise the use of the associated dwell-time. Vehicle charging will be available at ultra-rapid (150kW+) as well as fast (22kW) speeds and will accommodate wherever possible all vehicle types; hatchback through to Heavy Goods Vehicles. 1.7 Users will be both general members of the public as well as fleet vehicle operators and the entire functionality of the Electric Forecourt® Stevenage has been designed around the customer experience. The Electric Forecourt® Stevenage will include scope to book a charging space at a particular time, organise a car valet to coincide with your charge, engage with electric vehicle retailers and, in a dedicated ‘Lounge’ area relax and optimise your dwell-time. This could be simply logging onto browse the internet, working at a hot desk or perhaps using a variety of available concessions covering retail convenience, food and beverage. The external environment is pedestrian focused and | 5 full of green infrastructure. In addition, an external picnic area is proposed. The proposed illustrative plans have been prepared by Bowman Riley Architects and the Landscape Strategy by Enplan. 6 | Enplan ref 05-899 Gridserve, Stevenage Landscape and Visual Impact Appraisal April 2021 2.0 LANDSCAPE RELATED PLANNING POLICY CONTEXT 2.1 This section describes the background of relevant national and local planning policies, in so far as they relate to landscape matters, against which the development proposals will be determined. See Figure 2. National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF, February 2019): 2.2 The revised NPPF (the Framework) 2019 is a material consideration in the determination of planning applications. The core message of the NPPF is the presumption in favour of sustainable development. 2.3 Paragraph 11 establishes the presumption in favour of sustainable development which for decision taking means approving development proposals that accord with the development plan without delay. 2.4 Paragraph 20 identifies that strategic policies should set out an overall strategy and make sufficient provision for development including employment development. Paragraph 23 requires that allocations and their related strategic policies should bring land forward at a sufficient rate to address objectively assessed needs over the plan period in line with the presumption in favour of sustainable development. 2.5 Paragraph 119 states that local planning authorities should take a proactive role in identifying and helping to bring forward land that may be suitable for meeting development needs 2.6 Specific to landscape within Section 15 “Conserving and enhancing the natural environment”, paragraph 170 requires that the planning policies and decisions contribute to and enhance the natural and local environment by, inter alia, “protecting and enhancing valued landscapes….” and by “recognising the intrinsic character and beauty of the countryside”. The revised Framework, therefore, seeks the protection and enhancement of landscapes/countryside whether designated, valued or otherwise but distinguishes those that are “valued”, from those that are not, and attaches greater weight to those that are designated. 2.7 Paragraph 170 states at part a) that planning policies and decisions should protect and enhance valued landscapes and
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