t~itr{li.Gnrally f nr QHnnr tGnrul Qlnurragr Serving c:lhe Central Penquis 7lrea Vol. 6, No. 30 · Thursday, August 3, 1967 Ten Cents Tournament Winners Tee-off time for the Twilight League tourney was 1 p. m. Sat- A table by the clubh9!JS@ pisplayed the trophies to be won. urday. Story on Page 12 (Photos by Mike Brigham) I Page 2 THE TOWN CRIER THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursqay evening by the TOWN CRIER PUBLICATIONS. e!ommunitlf We hope to be of help to th/3 citizens of the·towus in our coverage through NEWS, INFORMATION, ;J.l.o~ pit al AND LOWER PRICED ADVERTISING. We accept no financial r esponsibility for errors Receptionists are: Friday, Hilda Brown; Saturday, Effie in advertising but will gladly print correc.tj.ons. Hamlin and Pearl Day; Sunday , Adelia Leonard and Eva Le­ Copies ~f most photos appearing in THE TOWN gacy; Mopday, June Dasha; Tuesday, Carla Hamlin; Wednes­ CRIERmav be obtained through our office. day, Grace Doble; . Thursday, Frances Hamlin. If you have news or available photos of any sort ADMISSIONS WEEK OF JULY 24TH: we urge you to call an editor or drop in. Dead­ MILO: BROWNVILLE: line will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate Alyce Hoskins Mae Price copy received earlier in the week. Classified, ads 50 cent minimum including up to Michael Walker Alton Knox 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Dis­ Katherine Wibberley Deborah Coburn play ad space by the column inch. Stella Sprio Ida Watson Olive Phiibrook Isabella Miller EDITOR- Joanne Brigham Brenda Jenkins Axel Carlson Milo 943-7384 William Paul Chester Bragg Sr. Elizabeth McLaughlin NORTH WINDHAM: BRADFORD: Kathleen Kelly SANGERVILLE WOMAN Carol Rhodes SEBEC STATION: If you want to BUY, SELL, HONORED ON 85TH NO. BRADFORD: Gertrude Packard RENT or SWAP, try "Town BIRTHDAY ANNIVERSARY . Barbara Dugan SEBEC: Crier" Classified. Mrs. Bert Farrar was bon- CHARLESTON: Sandra Holt ored at a party given at her Muriel Day PASSADUMKEAG: FOR SALE home July 18th by Mrs. Mil- MILLINOCKET: Wilmot Waltz Tractor manure spreader on dred White, the occasion being Sheryl Coie HOPKINTON, MASS. rubber, extra good, not power Mrs. Farrar's 85th birthday Bessie Grey take-off. $125. 00 or trade. anniversary. Refreshments DISCHARGES: Bradford - Tele. 327-4594. featuring a birthday cake with MILO: BROWNVILLE: candles were served by Mrs. Walter Patterson FOR SALE Dale Stubbs White. Mrs. Farrar received Katherine Wibberley Ida Weston Combination gas & oil range. many cards and gifts. Those L~:~cy Peavey Stuart Hilton Cash or weekly payments. present besides the guest of Michael Walker Nina Davis Mrs. Delia Estes, Brownville honor and hostess were Mr. William Paul Eleanor Berg Jet., Maine. Phone 965-3725 and Mrs. HazenPoole of Mon- MILLINOCKET: Mae Price FOR SALE son, Mrs. Doris Stewart, Mrs. Carol !Ulodes Axel Carlson Birch kitchen cabinets, pic­ Ralph Porter, Miss Marlene Sheryl Cole Alton Knox ture windows. Mill Work. Poole, Mrs. Nazier Clukey and Deborah Coburn John Hoskins, Knowles Ave. Barbara, and Linda White. SEBEC: HOPKINTON, MASS: Milo Sandra Holt Bessie Grey BABYSITTING WORCESTER, MASS. EL JOBEAN, FLA: COTTAGE FOR RENT Will take care of one or two Susan Clark James Babkirk Schoodic Lake cottage avail­ children for working mother TRANSFERRED: Fred Hanson, Bradford and William Buckley, able after August 19th. $35. 00 in my home. Call 943-2042 Milo to Eastern Maine General Hospital; Gertrude Packard, a week. Call or write to Roger Mrs. Shirley Farrar Sebec Station to St. Joseph's Hospital, Bangor. Parlin, 3 Birch St. Winthrop , 28 Pleasant St. , Milo Maine . Tel. 337-8034. PICIIPS I CAMPERS ':ButterJiela'6 9ce lOW OPEl! 8 Ply 815 I 15 TUBELESS TIRES eream ~arm "Drive in - t ry our t25 .08 IICh OWN MADE Ice Cream, M any Delicious flavors" ~ DRIVE IN PLEASE -DRIVE OUT PLEASED! TRIJNGLE SERVIEE Guilford, Guilford Road Dover-Foxcroft Maine THE TOWN CRIE'R Page 3 The Percolator Club of Do­ ver-Foxcroft held their ann- ual Antique & Hobby show 2 Fox croft Hobb weeks ago at the Acaderoy's Gym. Photos on this page by F rank Knaut show rug dis - plays, some of the tl"any an­ tique dishes and ceraroics , furniture, larops and other antiques that were on display during the two day show. The Guilford Kiwanis Auction will take place on August 10,11 and 14 at 6 P.M. The Milo Jaycees are spons­ oring Amateur Boxing on Aug­ ust 26 a.t the Milo Town Hall. IT'S WORT H A CLOSE INSPECTION .. .. TO MAKE SURE YOU GET PICK FOR YOURSELF THE SAFEST FOOD ... BRING BOXES FOR YOUR FAMILY! (Signs on Route 43 toward Hudson) Our Past£urized & Homog­ NATHAN HILL -EastCorinth enized Milk provides abso­ lute SAFETY! IS YOUR AD MISSING FROM THIS SPOT? ~a~~rnooa~ ©~aoow REMEMBER -IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE! Phone 943-2260 Milo 1=-- Page 4 'I'HE TOWN CRI-ER --------·-------------------------------------------------~ CHARLES R. CUDDY CHOSEN AS COORDINATOR FOR THE CITY AND TOWN MANAGERS TO GATHER AT U OF M PISCATAQUIS COUNTY OFFICE OF ECON. OPPORTUNITY New England city and town managers v.>ill gather at the Uni­ At a special meeting of the Central Community Council held versity of Maine Orono campus: Wednesday through Friday, in Dover-Foxcroft on July 31st at 7:30p.m., Mr. C. R. Cuddy August 23 to 25, for the twenty-second annual managers' iti.­ was chosen as coor dinatOr. sti tute and discussions of regional approaches to problem-solving He has previously served in a similar position in a rural area and management-employee relations. in California carrying on projects very much the same as those Henry D. Harral, director of the Fels Institute of Local and now in operation in Piscataquis County. State Government at the University of Pennsylvania, will give Mr. Cuddy has been active in various civic affairs and is well the keynote address on regional approaches to problem- solving recommended. He is married and has Lhree children. Mr. Cuddy at 9:15 a.m. in 130 Little Hall. will move .his family to this area and assume his duties early Two speakers, WilUam ~.MacDonald, consllltan.tfor the State in September. Mr. Rozelle, the present coordinator, will con­ of Maine and former coordin9-tor of the State Planning Project, tinue to work with Mr. Cuddy for a short time. and Richard C. Hartman, director of the national service to re­ Mr. Cuddy was born in Maine and expressed his eagerness to gional councils, National League of Cities and National Associa­ return to his native state. tion of Counties, will p1·esent state and regional concepts of planning at the· afternoon session. MAINE CIVIL DEFENSE AND PUBLIC SAFETY NEWS Dr. Stephen B. Sweeney, director emeritus of the Fels Insti­ Courses for training in Disaster Action are in preparation for tute, will analyze and evaluate regional approaches at the con­ Augustpresentationin four Maine areas by the Maine Civil De­ cluding session on problem-solving. fen.Se and Public Safety Agency, acting in conjunction with the Officials of the International City Managers' Association will AmericanRedCross, according to State CD Director Leslie H. speak at an evening session at 7:30p.m. in Little Hall. Speak­ Stanley. ers will be David D. Rowlands, Tacoma, Wash. , ICMA pr esi­ The course offive hours duration will have as ins tructor Miss dent; Woodbury E. Brackett, Auburn, ICMA past president ; Gay Guthrie, caseworker supervisor of ARC Disaster Services, Richard H. Custer, West Hartford, Con.'l., and Corwin E-lwell, Alexandria, Va. , and is open to general public attendance, al­ Brattleboro, Vt., both ICMA vice presidents; and Mark Keene, though it is particularly geared for members of Police and Fire executive secretary of the association. departments, Health and Welfare personnel, Red Cross Offi­ CityMa.nagerDavid D. Rowlands of Tacoma, wash., will give cials and volunteers and Civil Defense workers. The programs the keynote address on management-employee relations Thurs­ are being arranged by Mrs. Jackie Vaughn, Maine Red Cross day (August 24). Employee attitudes will be described by Peter field representative, Mrs. Bernice Rideout, CD Communities M. Damborg, executive secretary of the Maine State Employees Service officer, and Farnham Folsom, CD Health Service officer. Association; Robert C. Violette, city manager, Portsmouth, The one-day classes will be held at the CD Emergency Oper­ N.H. ; and Barnett I. Shur, corporation counsel, Portland. ating Center, State Office Buil<:fing, Augusta, August 8 and 9; . Afternoon speakers will be Miss Marion E. Martin, Maine Red Cross headquarters, Bangor, August 10; CumberlandCoun­ commissioner of labor and industry, and Prof. Edward T. Dow­ ty, CDandPublicSafety Agency, Windham, August 15; Andros­ ling, Institute of Public Service, University of Conn. coggin County CD and Public Safety Control Center, Auburn, Friday morning speakers will be Merle F. Goff, Bangor city Augusta 17. manager, anq John w. Church, New England regional manager Subjects to be presented during each day of the series will in­ of the American Arbitration Association. cludeEffectsofDisaster, Red Cross and Government responsi­ Joseph R. Coupal, Jr., former Bangor city manager and now bilities, how a Disaster Operation is organized, and Meeting executive director of the Iowa State Highway Department, wi.ll Emergency Needs. be the luncheon speaker at the closing session on Fri.day. Advance registrations, preferably before August 18, may be sent to the U. M. Bureau of Public Administration, 29 North RENTS AVAilABlE? Stevens Hall. INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT YOUR TELEPHONE Superintendent Richard Sawyer of S.A.D. No. 41 has re­ The standard telephone contains 62 different materials wl>..ich quested that locai cltizen.s who now have, or will have a ·­ come from all parts of the world. They range from the most vailable in the fall, rooms and/or apartments for rent to valued --- gold ---to the most ordinary ---·paper.
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