NOVEMBER '963 o CZ rlp O4 U) ri e) .. 2 s q x DN ASSIGNMENT IN INDIA, AN UNUSUAL DIVORCE TRIAL OTAPE AT THE N.Y HI-FI SHOW FIFTY CENTS Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllll IIIIIIIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIII III IIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIII Illlllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllll''= for magnificent sound 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 'i111111111111111111111111111 TARZIAN TAPE engineered for highest fidelity Check these Given great sound in the first place, Tarzian Tape will keep it for you, and give it back undiminished and undistorted. outstanding It is a tape of truly professional fidelity, worthy of your characteristics most valued recordings, at a price that lets you use it for all your work (or play). High Output-can accept signals with The proof is in the listening... of course. But you can see dynamic range to realize the full potential the smooth, tightly bonded oxide surface that doesn't flake, of even the finest professional equipment. that does run smoothly without abrasion and without con- Wide -Range Response-virtually flat tributing to wow or flutter. Hold a reel to the light. You response for all recording frequencies. can see that Tarzian Tape is wound on the reel at perfect Low Distortion-distortion is less than tension. You'll find a written replacement guarantee in 21/2% at maximum record level as meas- every box. The box is well made, with ample identification ured by Navy Specification W -T-0061. space. You'll see that the tape is factory sealed in a plastic bag, with labels and a tape -end clip included. High Uniformity-uniformity within a Try Tarzian Tape...let it speak for itself. Choose from 1200 -foot reel is within plus or minus % db. 11/2 and 1 mil acetate, and 1 and 1/2 -mil Mylar*. Available A new oxide formula and special selec- on 3-, 31/ -, 5-, and 7 -inch reels plus professional lengths on tivity of oxides protect recording heads from wear and prevent abrasion. reels or hubs. If your dealer cannot supply you from stock, send us his name and we will promptly satisfy your require- Humidity and Temperature Protec- ments. tion-special coating, priming, and bind- Write today for Tarzian's free 32 -page illustrated book- ing techniques help keep Tarzian tape in new condition longer in ordinary good let, "Lower the Cost of Fun With Tape Recording." tape storage conditions. *DuPont trademark SARKES TARZIANInc. World's Leading Manufacturers of TV andFMTuners Closed Circuit TV Systems Broadcast Equipment Air Trimmers FM Radios Magnetic Recording Tape Semiconductor Devices MAGNETIC TAPE DIVISION BLOOMINGTON, INDIANA Export: Ad Auriema, Inc., N.Y. Canada:E. J.PiggottEnterprises Lid.,Toronto,Ont NEW! A tape reel that threadsitself! (even in the dark!) Just lay recording tape inside this new reel and start your write -on labels and snap -tight plastic collar that seals reel recorder. This exclusive newSCOTCH® BRANDSelf -Threading edges against dust, makes reel self -storing without a box. Reel holds tape firmly, but gently, as recorder starts-actually SPECIAL OFFER SAVES $1.11!Now, you can have one threads up automatically. No hooks, no slots, no attachments of these new "SCOTCH" Self -Threading reels ($1.50 value) as a -no tape fumbles. This reel does away with thread -up prob- take-up reel for only 39¢ with the purchase of three regular 7" lems. (You wouldn't really need the light of a match to use itl) reels of a wide variety of"SCOTCH"BRAND Recording Tape. Now, this reel is offered as a take-up reel for only 39¢ in a Ask your dealer for the special package, shown below. And special offer from the granddaddy of all tape -makers, 3M. for an expandable, gold-plated tape rack ($4.95 value) that New reel threads up with all tape thicknesses or with leader holds up to 40 reels, send the tabs from three "SCOTCH" tape. Tape rewinds off reel freely and easily. Solid sides pro- Recording Tapes, together with $2.50, to 3M Magnetic Prod- tect tape against dust and damage. Reel comes complete witwith ucts Division, Dept. MDF-113, St. Paul 19, Minn. magnetic Products3nriProducts Division COMPANY CORK. CANADA. LONDON. ONTARIO. ®"96,. 3M EWro. Lay in tape start recorder . _ watch -ee, thread itself! TAPE RECORDING, NOVEMBER 1963 1 contents NOVEMBER, 1963 VOLUME 10 NUMBER 12 DONALD E. GIBBONS Feature Articles President and Publisher DR. JOHN N. HOFFMAN An Adventure in Tapeland 8 Exec. V. President and Editor By Barbara S. Cool,' MARY C. HEIZER Replace That Worn Head 10 Assistant Editor By Richard B. Fordc Associate Editors CLIFFORD L. PARODY My Most Unusual Divorce Trial 13 ROBERT BENSON F. NORMAN WEST By _JI. Fleming GEORGE A. HEISCH On Assignment in India 15 JOHN C. CRADDOCK Art Director By Hare .Shivatiandaii JEAN K. SHERIER Human Interest in Hi -Fi 19 Production Manager By Erie 11 alllccu GARY GODDMAN Production Assistant Tape Recorders at New York Hi -Fi Show 22 JAN EVERHART Circulation .1Mali Report Departments ANTHONY J. MORIN Sales Manager New Tapes 3 O. W. McBEE New Products 24 Advertising Coordinator Sound Advice 25 ADVERTISING OFFICES Robert S. Houts, Western Representative Crosstalk 27 175 West Jackson Blvd., Chicago 4,III. WAbash 2-8026 Tapespondents Wanted 28 Douglas H. Boynton, Central District Manager 19509 Wickfield Ave., Cleveland 22, Ohio "Win A Tape" Contest 30 (216) 921-3716 J -V Associates Tape Club News 32 274 Madison Ave., New York 16, N.Y. ORegon 9-0030 Letters to the Editor 34 Duncan A. Scott & Company 1901 W. 8thStreet, Los Angeles, Calif. HUbbard 3-6211 Shop or Swap 36 Duncan A. Scott & Company 85 Post Street, San Francisco, Calif. Advertisers' Index 36 GArfield 1-7950 Our Cover A stereo parent must become adept at TAPE RECORDING is published monthly at 10 McGovern splicing and editing broken tape. Junior - Ave.,Lancaster,Pa., by Mechanization,Inc.,1077 W. GlebeRoad,Alexandria,Va.22305.Copyright1963. sized hi-fi fan, Richard Van Patten of Trademark registered. Subscriptions, U.S. and Possessions, Everett, Washington, drags this classical Canada and Mexico, $3.75 per year.Allothers $4.75. Mail plates to Alexandria, Va. Ship inserts to TAPE RE- recording around the house, into the CORDING c/o Business Press,10 McGovern Ave., Lan- yard and back through the front door. caster, Pa. Second class postage paid at Lancaster, Pa. 2 TAPE RECORDING, NOVEMBER 1963 *- fair**-good 411new tapes ***-very good ****- excellent Classical-Robert E. Benson Popular-F. Norman West Jazz-George A. Heisch CLASSICAL but then in an actual performance breakcomingbeforethefourth WAGNER: SIEGFRIED (complete one isn't sitting in the middle of the movement. Tape processing isfine, orchestra, which is the effect achieved although there are some faint traces opera) here, with a very close orchestra and of cross -talk on the second track. Wolfgang Windgassen (Sieg- very distant singers. This is particu- It is unlikely this performance or fried) ;BirgitNilsson(Brunn- larly noticeable during the final duet. recording will be equalled for years hilde) ;Hans Hotter(Wotan) ; Regardless of its shortcomings, this to come, and this tape should be in- Gerhard Stolze( Mime) ;Gustav is a wonderful set and is highly rec- vestigated by everyclassicaltape Neidlinger (Alberich (; Kurt ommended. You may be certain there collector. Bohme (Fafner) ; Marga Hoffgen won't be a competing version for IErda); and Joan Sutherland as years to come. TCHAIKOVSKY: Piano Concerto the Forest Bird with the Vienna No. 1 in B Flat Minor, Op. 23 Philharmonic Orchestra conducted Philippe Entremont, pianist; New by Georg Solti MAHLER: Symphony No. 2 in C York Philharmonic conducted by Minor "Resurrection"Elisabeth Leonard Bernstein Music Schwarzkopf, soprano and Hilde Performance Rossl-Majdan, mezzo-soprano, Music Fidelity with the Philharmonia Orchestra **** Stereo Effect Performance ** and Chorus conducted by Otto Fidelity ** LONDON LOY 90062 Klemperer Stereo Effect *** hrs., 56 min., 4 track, 74ips., 3 Music **** COLUMBIA MQ553 $33.95 Performance**** 4 track, 74 ips., 41 min., $7.95 Here is another monumental op- Fidelity **** Stereo Effect CRIEG:PianoConcertoinA eraticreleaseon Londontapes, **** Minor, Op. 16 Wagner's complete SIEGFRIED, the ANGELZB3634 RACHMANINOFF: Rhapsody on third music -drama in the Ring cycle, 4 track, 74ips., 80min. a Theme of Paganini, Op. 43 Phi- complete on three reels of tape, with Mahler's Symphony No. 2 is one lippe Entremont, pianist; Philadel- each act requiring one reel. ofhislargest and most powerful phia Orchestra conducted by Eu- London has assembled a generally works. The first movement is a gi- gene Ormandy admirable cast with only one serious gantic funeral march, the second, a Music weakness.WolfgangWindgassen's **** pleasant Landler in welcome con- Performance interpretation of the title role lacks trast to the tragic nature of the first. *** the virility and vocal freshness neces- Fidelity ** The third movement is an orchestral Stereo Effect sary, and he is no match for the scherzo, and the fourth a mezzo- ** superb Brunnhilde of Birgit Nilsson soprano solo based on one of Mahler's COLUMBIA MQ 526 in the third act duet. The real star songs from "Des Knaben Wunder - 4 track, 74ips.,50 min., $7.95 of this recording is the Vienna Phil- horn." The vast chorale finale ends The young French pianist Philippe harmonic,particularlytheirbrass with a triumphant statement of Klop- Entremont has had an extraordinary section, with Roland Berger, principal stock's Resurrection Ode. opportunity afforded to him to re- first horn receiving justly deserved This new tape is extraordinary in cord with two of the finest American mention in the booklet accompanying every way. It presents a magnificent orchestras. The Grieg-Rachmaninoff the album. interpretation by the venerable Otto tape is the most successful, with a The opera itself is not as interest- Klemperer, whose drive and vitality big -scale approach to these popular ing as any of the other three operas are remarkable when one considers romantic concertos.
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