June 25, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H7401 Salazar Slaughter Van Hollen The result of the vote was announced Mr. MANZULLO, Illinois Sa´ nchez, Linda Smith (WA) Vela´ zquez as above recorded. Mr. STEARNS, Florida T. Snyder Visclosky Sanchez, Loretta Space Walz A motion to reconsider was laid on Mr. BROWN, South Carolina Sarbanes Speier Wasserman the table. Mrs. MILLER, Michigan Schakowsky Spratt Schultz f f Schauer Stark Waters Schiff Stupak Watson Schrader Sutton RECESS APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO Watt Schwartz Tanner Waxman The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- BRITISH-AMERICAN INTER- Scott (GA) Tauscher Weiner PARLIAMENTARY GROUP Scott (VA) Teague ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Serrano Thompson (CA) Welch declares the House in recess subject to The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Sestak Thompson (MS) Wexler the call of the Chair. Wilson (OH) ant to 22 U.S.C. 276d, clause 10 of rule Shea-Porter Tierney Accordingly (at 5 o’clock and 50 min- Sherman Titus Woolsey I, and the order of the House of Janu- Shimkus Tonko Wu utes p.m.), the House stood in recess ary 6, 2009, the Chair announces the Sires Towns Yarmuth subject to the call of the Chair. Speaker’s appointment of the following Skelton Tsongas f Members of the House to the British- NAYS—184 American Interparliamentary Group: b 2100 Aderholt Gallegly Moran (KS) Mr. CHANDLER, Kentucky, Chairman Akin Garrett (NJ) Murphy (NY) AFTER RECESS Mr. SIRES, New Jersey, Vice Chair- Alexander Gingrey (GA) Murphy, Tim man Austria Gohmert Myrick The recess having expired, the House Bachmann Goodlatte Neugebauer was called to order by the Speaker pro Mr. CLYBURN, South Carolina Bachus Granger Nunes tempore (Ms. KOSMAS) at 9 p.m. Mr. ETHERIDGE, North Carolina Barrett (SC) Graves Nye Mrs. DAVIS, California Bartlett Guthrie f Olson Mr. BISHOP, New York Barton (TX) Hall (TX) Paul ILLER Biggert Harper Paulsen RESIGNATION AS MEMBER AND Mr. M , North Carolina Bilbray Hastings (WA) Pence APPOINTMENT OF MEMBER TO Mr. PETRI, Wisconsin Bilirakis Heller Perriello PERMANENT SELECT COM- Mr. BOOZMAN, Arkansas Bishop (UT) Hensarling Petri Blackburn Herger MITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE Mr. CRENSHAW, Florida Pitts Blunt Hill Mr. ADERHOLT, Alabama Platts The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Boehner Hoekstra Mr. LATTA, Ohio Bonner Hunter Poe (TX) fore the House the following resigna- Bono Mack Inglis Posey tion as a member of the Permanent Se- f Boozman Issa Price (GA) lect Committee on Intelligence: Boustany Jenkins Putnam GENERAL LEAVE Brady (TX) Johnson (IL) Radanovich CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES, Bright Johnson, Sam Rehberg HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, Mr. DICKS. Madam Speaker, I ask Broun (GA) Jones Roe (TN) Washington, DC, June 23, 2009. unanimous consent that all Members Brown (SC) Jordan (OH) Rogers (AL) Hon. NANCY PELOSI, have 5 legislative days in which to re- Brown-Waite, King (IA) Rogers (KY) Speaker of the House, House of Representatives, Rogers (MI) vise and extend their remarks and in- Ginny King (NY) U.S. Capitol, Washington, DC. Buchanan Kingston Rohrabacher clude extraneous material on H.R. 2996, Burgess Kirk Rooney DEAR SPEAKER PELOSI: This letter serves and that I may include tabular mate- as my intent to resign from the House Per- Burton (IN) Kirkpatrick (AZ) Ros-Lehtinen rial on the same. Buyer Kline (MN) Roskam manent Select Committee on Intelligence, Calvert Lamborn Royce effective today. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Camp Lance Ryan (WI) Sincerely, objection to the request of the gen- Campbell Latham Scalise JOHN KLINE, tleman from Washington? Cantor LaTourette Schmidt Member of Congress. There was no objection. Cao Latta Schock Capito Lee (NY) Sensenbrenner The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without f Carter Lewis (CA) Sessions objection, the resignation is accepted. Cassidy Linder Shadegg There was no objection. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, Castle LoBiondo Shuler Chaffetz Lucas The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- ENVIRONMENT, AND RELATED Shuster AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS Childers Luetkemeyer Simpson ant to clause 11 of rule X, clause 11 of Coble Lummis Smith (NE) rule I, and the order of the House of ACT, 2010 Coffman (CO) Lungren, Daniel Smith (NJ) Cole E. January 6, 2009, the Chair announces The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Smith (TX) Conaway Mack Souder the Speaker’s appointment of the fol- ant to House Resolution 578 and rule Crenshaw Manzullo Stearns lowing Member of the House to the XVIII, the Chair declares the House in Culberson Marchant Davis (KY) McCarthy (CA) Taylor Permanent Select Committee on Intel- the Committee of the Whole House on Deal (GA) McCaul Terry ligence to fill the existing vacancy the state of the Union for the consider- Dent McClintock Thompson (PA) thereon: ation of the bill, H.R. 2996. Diaz-Balart, L. McCotter Thornberry Mr. KING, New York Diaz-Balart, M. McHenry Tiberi b 2105 Dreier McHugh Turner f Duncan McKeon Upton IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Ehlers McMorris Walden APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS TO Accordingly, the House resolved Emerson Rodgers Wamp CANADA-UNITED STATES INTER- Fallin Melancon Westmoreland itself into the Committee of the Whole Fleming Mica Whitfield PARLIAMENTARY GROUP House on the State of the Union for the Forbes Miller (FL) Wilson (SC) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- consideration of the bill (H.R. 2996) Fortenberry Miller (MI) Wittman Foxx Miller, Gary Wolf ant to 22 U.S.C. 276d, clause 10 of rule making appropriations for the Depart- Franks (AZ) Minnick Young (AK) I, and the order of the House of Janu- ment of the Interior, environment, and Frelinghuysen Mitchell Young (FL) ary 6, 2009, the Chair announces the related agencies for the fiscal year end- NOT VOTING—11 Speaker’s appointment of the following ing September 30, 2010, and for other Flake Kosmas Reichert Members of the House to the Canada- purposes, with Mr. CONNOLLY of Vir- Gerlach Lewis (GA) Sullivan United States Interparliamentary ginia in the chair. Hastings (FL) Miller, George Tiahrt Group: The Clerk read the title of the bill. Kennedy Polis (CO) Mr. OBERSTAR, Minnesota, Chairman The CHAIR. Pursuant to the rule, the ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Mr. MEEKS, New York, Vice Chair- bill is considered read the first time. The SPEAKER pro tempore (during man The gentleman from Washington (Mr. the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- Ms. SLAUGHTER, New York DICKS) and the gentleman from Idaho ing in this vote. Mr. STUPAK, Michigan (Mr. SIMPSON) each will control 30 min- Ms. KILPATRICK, Michigan utes. b 1750 Mr. HODES, New Hampshire The Chair recognizes the gentleman So the resolution was agreed to. Mr. WELCH, Vermont from Washington. VerDate Nov 24 2008 06:30 Jun 26, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00149 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JN7.122 H25JNPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE H7402 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE June 25, 2009 Mr. DICKS. Mr. Chairman, I yield But let me be clear. This bill is not In response to testimony received at myself such time as I may consume. all increases. We had to make difficult a number of hearings, we also rec- It is my privilege and pleasure to choices. Through hearings and brief- ommend a $611 million investment in present the fiscal year 2010 Interior, ings, we carefully reviewed the pro- hazardous fuels reduction. It is clear Environment and Related Agencies Ap- posed budget and have recommended a that focused fuels reduction is impor- propriations bill to you today. This number of reductions and termi- tant if we hope to reduce the number very fine bill is the product of many nations. Some of these were the result and severity of wildfires in the future hours of hearings and briefings, always of recommendations made by the GAO and protect communities and water- with bipartisan input and excellent and the Inspector General. In total, we sheds. participation. I am particularly recommend program reductions or ter- The bill provides a $198 million in- pleased to present the bill with my minations of over $320 million from the crease above 2009 for the National Park friend, MIKE SIMPSON. 2009 levels and $300 million from the Service to invest in the iconic lands The bill before us provides historic budget request. and infrastructure that comprise our increases for the environment, natural The bill before us today provides his- national heritage. I am also particu- resources, and Native American pro- toric increases and focused funding to larly proud of our efforts to improve grams, especially Indian health. It also protect the environment. Clean water the National Wildlife Refuge System. includes significant allocations to pro- and drinking water infrastructure re- We have provided $503 million, a $40 tect our public lands, invest in science, ceived $3.9 billion, enough to provide million increase over 2009, for the ref- and support important cultural agen- assistance to more than 1,500 commu- uge system to reduce critical staffing cies. nities. shortages, implement climate change At a total of $32.3 billion, this bill is We included authority for subsidized strategies, and improve conservation an increase of 17 percent above last assistance to those cities and towns efforts. year. Chairman OBEY recognizes that which cannot afford conventional The bill also supports land manage- the programs funded through this bill loans. These funds would provide ment, State assistance, and science have been chronically underfunded and drinking water that meets public programs at the Forest Service by in- provided the allocation necessary to re- health standards and clean water to re- creasing nonfire programs by $160 mil- verse that trend. store important ecosystems. The bill lion above 2009. The bill provides $100 From 2001 through 2009, when ad- invests $667 million to restore major million for the Legacy Road and Trail justed for inflation, the budget request American lakes, estuaries, and bays.
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