VM.w* ia-*-* -ta*** THE LETHBRIDGE NEWS# VOL. XV. LETHBRIDGE, ALBERT A, N. W. T., THURSDAY, APRIL 12. 1900. NO. 20 MUSIC. last night, He wore a white stand-up LOST ON THE PRAIRIE. collar, was neatly dressed, and al­ JV1RU . NEALE, teacher of Music. HUDSON'S BAY though a little lame, walked with a Such was the Fate of a Prorni straight and stately bearing, and seem­ Children's Wagons nent Local Barrister. ed so nice in every way. He talked to "The Excelsior." COMPANY, me quite a while, and Irom what, he i said he must be either a literary man, Others may boast of whal they will do, but my ambition"iH to do good work and please my T A Story Full ot e lniiiiii- Incidents— a lawyer, or be engaged in religious Wandered over the Prairie \earJy customers. AH a result, my patronage Is In­ work of some kind, and has such a creasing every week. I hope to merit the con* nil Night The Barking ola Dog Base Ball Goods. tinueil patronage of my many customers. N A Lead*. Him to Stirling. pleasing manner that 1 am really sorry JAMES HALL, 1 acted like I did last night." Tonsorial Artist. KATHEU ARfUSlIfG I'l I'lSI-Mow The young man remaining at the All the Latest Periodicals •I t lii: «»\ THE I'KUPLF. Bishop's house, whom the stranger and Magazines. CITY RESTAURANT wanted to see, was interviewed hy C. BEGIN, Prop. From a Hpeci.il oot respondent. your correspondent and made the fol­ ) j Stirling wonld prohahly he consider* lowing statement: "The party you G. W. Robinson & Co. Tablet supplied with the best. INCORPORATED 1670 Tea Pot! ed hy a non-resident as a quiet, insig­ refer to is an acquaintance of mine, Also choice Confectionery, Pastry and Fresh and a prominent lawyer in Lethhridge, Fruits. nificant and uneventful little town. who was merely out enjoying a day's Imported and Domestic Cigars. That such a belief is far from the truth AN ERROR. has heen well illustrated during the duck-shooting at Ffteen Mile Lake. WAR NEWS. last week, and, although Stirling may According to his own story be had H. HUTCHINSON, JUST ARRIVED, The sensation was caus­ yet he in its infancy, it is rapidly com­ ridden on his bicycle, with gun strap­ ing prominently to the front, Just, at ped on shoulder, from Lethbridge dur­ Brabant's Force at Wep- ed by the aromatic fumes present the large lake, a short distance ing the early part of the day. He enen Surrounded, but I of the to the north, in which thousands of arrived at the lake, but, had to ruu in ducks and geese are always to he so many different directions to get a Holding Out. LETHBRIDGE. found, makes it a very popular place shot at the ducks that he got complete­ for lovers of sport. Dashing young ly turned around. He eventually tired Bulier Believed to be Crossing tbe CAR Drakensbergs. Baden-Powell engineers with their assistants, from of the fruitless chase and concluded to OB^ BOWMAN, the Canadian Northwest Irrigation go home even though his game hag was Reported Oead. Fire Insurance Company, have added life and pleas­ empty. Tired, footsore and sad, he 4 MID began what he thought was a home­ London April D.—An engagement and Real Estate Agent. antness to our streets during tin* last HUDSON'S BAY two weeks, while an occasional travel­ ward course. What seemed mile after took place today at Wepener. The ler, pedler or insurance agent finds mile was traversed, but still the dreary Boers Viekers-Maxim did considerable Several Good Houses for Sale at reason­ Stirling a very good place in which to prairie was all his eagle-like eye could execution at first but the British guns able figures. spend a day or night. see. Finally lie fancied he saw houses soon got the range and made great Lots for Sale in all parts of the town. Many peculiar incidents occur in our looming up away in the distance, and havoc. The Rouxville commando have with unbounded gladness he headed in gone to Wepener this evening. The House and Lot for Sale at No. 3 Shaft. progressive little towu, but, undoubt­ edly, none have caused a greater sens­ that direction, but,-' unfortunately, all lighting at Wepener was severe and Fire Insurance.—Now is the time to ation than one which happened during signs of these mysteriously disappeared lasted all day long. The Boers received Insure your House and Furniture. sold at the the week. Hardly anything else has and only the vast open prairie could he a check. The casualties were rather Talse no clicnices. heen discussed since it occurred. It all seen. Courageously he plodded on his heavy on both sides. Another com­ NOTE OUR PRICES. originated at such an unseasonable way, the craving of an empty stomach mando is advancing towards Wepener Oflice in Robinson's Bookstore. hour and appeared so mysterious to becoming more weaking with each from Dewettsdorp. GO-OP. eye-witnesses, that if the party had step, a heavy heart more burdensome' Aliwal North April 10.—Heavy fight­ said he had descended from above in and darkness beginning to spread bei ing continues at Wepener this morn­ Patent order to warn our residents of an in­ wings over him with an overcoming ing. Result unknown. Three Boer vasion of the fenians along the narrow- disheartening effect, he finally became commandos are attacking the town. gauge, they actually would have be­ convinced that he was lost on fhe London, April 10.—It is believed that W. A. OTT, Prop. lieved him. As far as 1 have been able prairie. Discouraged at heart and Bulier is crossing the Orakensburg Newly Equipped Throughout. to learn from the parties with whom physically tired out he at last put passes. Three Chairs in Operation. the visitor conversed, the facts are aside his wheel and lay flat on the London, April 11.—A despatch to Experienced Artists in Charge. about as follows: ground, with head buried in his hands, the Daily Mail from Brandfort ..by in deep meditation of what terrible fate MEATS. About 3 o'clock on Thursday morn* way of Loronzo Marques says: "'Yes­ might await him. Being almost ex­ ing a man knocked at the door of a terday Gen. Devvett engaged the Brit­ hausted it was but a few minutes until Tobaccos and Cigars. Strong Baker's north-end resident, requesting that he ish lor the third time within a week the scene was changed by peaceful I have also a nice stock of •'W. D." SAUSAGES, might be gtapn lodging for the night. at Meerkatzfontein, killing and wound­ sleep coming to his relief, and in his and "H.O." Wills' imported Tobaccos As is the usual custom he was sent to ing 000. He captured 900 with 12 wag­ and. Domestic and Imported Cigars, dreams he was enjoying the scenes of the home ol onr good Bishop, who is ons, losing five Boers killed and nine Bologna. his boyhood days, when he used to A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF noted for his kind hospitality to wounded." romp about his mother's knee, followed strangers. The party went there, and The Daily Mail publishes the follow­ Weiner. by the pleasant school and college days wiwms. in reply to a continuous ringing of the ing dated Tuesday April 10, from Lor­ ASK TO SEE THEM. and on to the success which has crown­ door-hell, the housekeeper eventually enzo Marques; "The Netherlands rail­ ed his earnest and eloquent pleadings opened the door. She was speechless way professes to have received a tele­ JUST RECEIVED, on behalf of his clients. But it was Finnan Haddie. as she gazed ou the form before her, gram reporting a Boer victory near only a few minutes until he was arous­ hut her heart melted somewhat as she Kroonstadt, the Bners capturing 000 ed by aching limbs, cold and with an A Mi ol conieciionery. listened to his sad story. Leaning British." uncomfortable stiffness, making it We claim to have received the big/jest con­ Maple Syrup. heavily on his bicycle, the watei drip­ The Durban correspondent of the plain that he must find a more healthy signment of Confectionery ever received by a ping in small drops from his drenched Daily Telegraph, under date of April retail dealer in Lethbiidge.~|Our goods are bed. Suffering severe pain and stiffer fresh and price** low. Call and examine them. clothes down over his boots to the 10, says our naval guns have commenc­ than ever he again commenced his ALSO floor, forming small pools, aud, while ed bombarding the Boer position be­ Swiss Cheese. groping about in the dark and wand­ his knees weakened and his teeth tween Sunday River and the Drakens- Oranges, Bananas, ered about he knew not where, until, chattered with cold, he told a story of berg. as if a God-send, the bark of a dog is and Apples. hardship endured while on the prairie, Ottawa, April 10.—Lord Strathcona's heard in the distance—Who, agaiu will Julicacies. MacLaren's —how he was lost, had nothing to eat, generosity and foresight are seemingly curse the dog that barks in the night:*' ICE-COLD SODA WATER. or no-where to sleep—that would bring boundless. To-night he cabled the Knowing that this must he at a camp For the hot weather we are Cheese. sympathy from the coldest heart Minister of Militia asking thai fifty GIVE US A CALL.
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