CMB & Fundamental Physics Dick Bond PhenomenologyPhenomenology of of CMB+LSS CMB+LSS as as high high precision precisionteststests of of Primordial Primordial SpectraSpectra & & Statistics Statistics (scalar (scalar curvat curvature,ure, subdominant subdominant isocurvature, isocurvature, tensor).tensor). Contents Contents of of U U & & its its properties properties (baryons,dark (baryons,dark matter/energy),matter/energy), modified modified gravity,gravity, … … Be Be AwareAware of of assumedassumed priorprior probabilitiesprobabilities CMBCMB datadata & & expts: expts: L-spaceL-space anomaliesanomalies (low,(low, high) high) – – new new physics physics or or old; old; systematics?systematics? Using Using LSS LSS data data (weak (weak lens, lens, z-surveys, z-surveys, clusters) clusters) “weakly“weakly or or radically radically br brokenoken scale scale invariance”? invariance”? darkdark energy energy “equation “equation of of state” state” – – status status & & prospects prospects CMBCMB Polarization Polarization DASI DASI 02 02, ,WMAP WMAP 03, 03, CBI, CBI, BOOM2K BOOM2K, ,QUEST, QUEST, BICEP BICEP, , Pique/CAPmap,Pique/CAPmap, Polarbear, Polarbear, AMiBA, AMiBA, B-machine, B-machine, Planck, Planck, CMBpol CMBpol : :break break degeneraciesdegeneracies of of cosmic cosmic parameters parameters Khor(t)=Ha :: : : KNL(t) λphys = 21πat()/ k , a= now Cosmic Spatial Length Scale (unwrinkled) MomentumMomentum SpaceSpace PROBESPROBES 1 Khor(t)=Ha :: : : KNL(t) λphys = 21πat()/ k , a= now Cosmic Spatial Length Scale (unwrinkled) MomentumMomentum SpaceSpace PROBESPROBES Khor(t)=Ha Khor(t)=Ha :: : : KNL(t) λphys = 21πat()/ k , a= now Cosmic Spatial Length Scale (unwrinkled) CosmicCosmic MomentumMomentum SpaceSpace PROBESPROBES CMB expts & their phenomenology as high precision tests of Fundamental Physics (“weakly or radically broken scale invariance”? dark energy “equation of state”? gravity waves? gravity beyond Einstein): Boomerang 98/03, CBI 00-03, Acbar 01-03, WMAP 01/02/03, Planck (ESA/NASA + CdnSA 07), … ACT/SPT…CMBPol nonlinearnonlinear Gas Gas & & Dark Dark Matter Matter Structure Structure in in the theCosmicCosmic Web Web thethe cluster/cluster/gpgp web web “now” “now”,, the the g galaxy/dwarfalaxy/dwarf s systemystem “then” “then” 2 Khor(t)=Ha :: : : KNL(t) Curved?Curved? No. No. DarkDark Energy! Energy! WhatWhat is is it? it? DarkDark Matter! Matter! WhatWhat is is it? it? Inflation/BraneInflation/Brane probesprobes nonlinearnonlinear Cosmic Cosmic Web Web Khor(t)=Ha :: : : KNL(t) PROBESPROBES calibratedcalibrated candles:candles: SN1a + SN1a + λphys = 21πat()/ k , a= now Cosmic Spatial Length Scale (unwrinkled) ULSS+VLSS+LSS: CMB, primary & secondary (nonlinear) LSS (some VLSS): z-surveys (spectrum shape, clustering evolution, weak nonlinearity, nonG measures) - bias weak lensing – systematics at required precision level? abundances (& distribution) of “rare events” – cluster system (high-z, radio galaxies, quasars, etal.) - SZ+Lens+optical+X + hope (gas) streaming & pair velocities: rehabilitated? SSS: Lyman alpha forest, high-z (1st stars) but gas+NL+feedback 3 VLSSVLSS && z-surveysz-surveys (SDSS, (SDSS, 2dFRS) 2dFRS) LSSLSS probesprobes currentcurrent data data Weak-lens,Weak-lens, CMB, CMB, SZ, SZ, clustersclusters (X-ray, (X-ray, optical): optical): cf.cf. Broad-bandBroad-band power power :: : good-fitgood-fit : ΛΛCDMCDM modelmodel CMBCMB relative relative to to good good fit fit models, models, brokenbroken scale scale invariance? invariance? 4 Cosmic Background Imager (CBI) BOOMERANG ACBAR GrandUnifiedSpectrumGrandUnifiedSpectrum pre-WMAPpre-WMAP cf.cf. post-WMAPpost-WMAP onon Boomerang/CBI Boomerang/CBI bands bands 5 VLSSVLSS && z-surveysz-surveys (2dFRS, (2dFRS, SDSS) SDSS) LSSLSS probesprobes Jan03Jan03 datadata Weak-lens,Weak-lens, CMB, CMB, SZ, SZ, clustersclusters (X-ray, (X-ray, optical): optical): Broad-bandBroad-band power power cf.cf. good-fitgood-fit ΛΛCDMCDM modelmodel CMBCMB VLSSVLSS && z-surveysz-surveys (SDSS, (SDSS, 2dFRS) 2dFRS) LSSLSS probesprobes currentcurrent data data Weak-lens,Weak-lens, CMB, CMB, SZ, SZ, clustersclusters (X-ray, (X-ray, optical): optical): cf.cf. Broad-bandBroad-band power power :: : good-fitgood-fit : ΛΛCDMCDM modelmodel CMBCMB relative relative to to good good fit fit models, models, brokenbroken scale scale invariance? invariance? 6 Jan00Jan00 Jan02Jan02 Jun02Jun02 Jan03Jan03 Mar03Mar03 Boom-NABoom-NA B98_1.8%B98_1.8% CBICBI CBI-2yrCBI-2yr WMAPWMAP TocoToco VSA-extVSA-ext DASIDASI VSAVSA CBI-2yr-calCBI-2yr-cal QMAPQMAP Acbar Acbar VSA-ext-calVSA-ext-cal ViperViper Maxima B98_1.8% Maxima B98_1.8% B98_2.9% PythonPython B98_2.9% AcbarAcbar SuZIESuZIE COBECOBE DASIDASI Archeops Archeops B98_2.9%B98_2.9% Ovro-22,7Ovro-22,7 Other Jan00 Other Jan00 MaximaMaxima DASIDASI DASI CatCat DASI Maxima BAMBAM COBECOBE Maxima MaximaMaxima SK95SK95 COBE Other Jan00 COBE OtherOther Jan00 Jan00 SP94SP94 Other Jan00 OtherOther Jan00 Jan00 ArgoArgo WhiteDishWhiteDish MSAMMSAM cf.cf. WMAPextWMAPext = = MAX MAX WMAP+cbi-1yrWMAP+cbi-1yr TenerifeTenerife +acbar+acbar FIRSFIRS SP91SP91 (&(& calibration calibration X X 2!) 2!) COBECOBE 7 Absolute Calibration WMAP: 94 GHz BOOM/98: 150 GHz --> Primary calibration for BOOM/03 is with WMAP calibrated BOOM/98 structures 8 Khor(t)=Ha :: : : KNL(t) 200 TE from WMAP TE popular model EE popular model EE from DASI ) 2 100 100 K 100 µ ( π /2 L 0 L(L+1)c -100 0 200 400 600 multipole L “The Seven Pillars” of the CMB (of inflationary adiabatic fluctuations) ¾Large Scale Gravitational Potential Minimal Anisotropies (COBE/FIRS) Inflationary parameter ¾Acoustic Peaks/Dips (Boom/CBI/WMAP) set ¾Damping Tail (CBI/Acbar) ¾Gaussianity (COBE/Boom/WMAP) 9Polarization, TE correlation (DASI/WMAP .. CBI/B2K) Quintessence •Cosmic Web Secondary Anisotropies (CBI/Acbar/BIMA) Gravity Waves •Gravity Waves, B-type polarization Broken Scale Invariance neutrino mass, decaying particles, nonGaussian statistics, Isocurvature modes (subdominant, defects), beyond Einstein gravity (JBD), … 9 <~ 2 sigma indication of [dn /dlnk] <0 in <~ 2 sigma indication of [dnss/dlnk] <0 in Mar03Mar03 datadata wQ<-0.7 @2sigma is stable – database or MCMC. Need CMB+SN1 not CMB+HST-h Tensor/Scalar <~ 0.7 @ 2 sigma VeryVery goodgood agreementagreement MCMCMCMC cf.cf. fixedfixed gridgrid ττcc prior prior on on TT TT mimics mimics τ τcc constraint constraint from from the the TE TE OK OK Khor(t)=Ha :: : : KNL(t) Curved?Curved? No. No. DarkDark Energy! Energy! WhatWhat is is it? it? DarkDark Matter! Matter! WhatWhat is is it? it? Inflation/BraneInflation/Brane probesprobes nonlinearnonlinear Cosmic Cosmic Web Web 10 VLSSVLSS && z-surveysz-surveys (SDSS, (SDSS, 2dFRS) 2dFRS) LSSLSS probesprobes currentcurrent data data Weak-lens,Weak-lens, CMB, CMB, SZ, SZ, clustersclusters (X-ray, (X-ray, optical): optical): cf.cf. Broad-bandBroad-band power power :: : good-fitgood-fit : ΛΛCDMCDM modelmodel CMBCMB relative relative to to good good fit fit models, models, brokenbroken scale scale invariance? invariance? 11 Red-sequence Cluster Survey (RCS): Data taken with CFHT and CTIO. 53 square degrees analysed. Measured > 2x106 galaxy shapes down to R=24. VIRMOS-DESCART: Data taken with CFHT 11 square degrees analysed 5 Measured > 8x10 galaxy shapes down to IAB=24.5 Deep Lens Survey 28 square degrees (ongoing) CFHT Legacy Survey 140 square degrees (started) RCS2 1000 square degrees (started) LSST > 104 square degrees (>2008) Pan-STARRS > 104 square degrees (>2012) SNAP (space) few 100 square degrees (>2011) 12 160 000 galaxies Virmos field F14 dark matter map – preliminary VirmosV F14 galaxy surface density -- preliminary 13 weak lensing breaks some CMB partial degeneracies Contaldi, Hoekstra & Lewis (2003) CMB + LSS (lens/clusters/wea k-shape from z- surveys) flat+weak-h prior cf. CHL 03 RCS (90 sq deg survey, 53 sq deg applied to weak lensing, Hoekstra, Gladders & Yee) +WMAP+CBI1 yr+Acbar Broad-bandpower @ ~ k Broad-bandpower @ ~ kNLNL 14 2dFRS (analysis on 147K galaxies Percival etal. 2001) VLSSVLSS && z-surveysz-surveys (2dFRS, (2dFRS, SDSS) SDSS) LSSLSS probesprobes Jan03Jan03 datadata Weak-lens,Weak-lens, CMB, CMB, SZ, SZ, clustersclusters (X-ray, (X-ray, optical): optical): Broad-bandBroad-band power power cf.cf. good-fitgood-fit ΛΛCDMCDM modelmodel CMBCMB 15 SDSS (analysis on 205K galaxies Tegmark etal 2003) SDSS (analysis on 205K galaxies Tegmark etal 2003) 16 z-surveysz-surveys (SDSS, (SDSS, 2dFRS) 2dFRS) Weak-lens,Weak-lens, CMB, CMB, SZ, SZ, clustersclusters (X-ray, (X-ray, optical): optical): Broad-bandBroad-band power power :: :: CMBCMB relative relative to to good good fit fit models, models, brokenbroken scale scale invariance? invariance? SDSS 17 Khor(t)=Ha :: : : KNL(t) λphys = 21πat()/ k , a= now Cosmic Spatial Length Scale (unwrinkled) RelationRelation to to CMB CMB multipoles: multipoles: k = ((L+1/2)22/R 22 + k22)1/2,1/2, k~L/(10000 h-1-1Mpc) ΛCDM k = ((L+1/2) /Rdecdec + k||||) k~L/(10000 h Mpc) ΛCDM RelationRelation to to the the Cosmic Cosmic Web Web & & Large Large Scale Scale Structure Structure k = Γ / (5 h-1-1 Mpc), Γ=Ω h/(Ω h22)1/21/2 , Γ=0.206 +- .006, Γ ~ 0.18 k hor,eqhor,eq= Γ / (5 h Mpc), Γ=Ωmmh/(Ωererh ) , Γ=0.206 +- .006, Γeffeff~ 0.18 SDSSSDSS σ =0.86 +- .05 but depends on dn/dlnk 0.96 +- .08 σ88 =0.86 +- .05 but depends on dn/dlnk 0.96 +- .08 Anomalies: Systematics, Statistics, AstroPhysics or Fundamental Physics? “anomalies” @ low L 2,3; ~20-30; check@200, > 600? Issues: L=2,3 how low is the probability? Glitches? non-WMAP data e.g. Acbar/CBI calibration CBI anomalous
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