ALL MERCHANDISE ADVER. WEATiHER TISED IN THE TRIBUNE Fair to-day and to-morrow. Little IS GUARANTEED change in temperature. Moderate north and northwwt winds. l*ull on 15 First to Last.the Truth: News Editorials . Advertisements.riïrane Report Pa*« No. [Copyright 1018. V^ LXXVII 26,061 The Tribune Ass'nl MARCH SUNDAY, 24, 1918-SEVEN PARTS-SIXTY PAGES far FIVE CENTS A?»City Germans Drive British Back 12 Miles: Paris Is Strangely Shelled by Big Guns of EVOLUTION in Germana is "verholen" for the Hope R duration of the war. It is therefore impossible. Heavy Firing Foe Captures Germán Socialists at heart arc monarchists. Head Wm. Follows Aero Victory C. Drcher's article on page 11. 25,000 Men, Lies in Raid on Paris 400 Cannon Hoover Asks Trans-siberian Guns America Located 74 Miles Use of Wheat Held Away, Is One Report "Considerable Part of the Railway From France British The Fate of Human Rights Army Beaten," Be Cut in Half Germans Says Berlin Depends on How Swiftly By Rifled Shells She Can Make Her New Puzzle Effective Regulations Called Capture of Irkutsk by War Experts Advance in Strength Against Farm¬ Masses, An Enemy Who Now Is "MilitaryNecessity"; Prisoners Gives Them ers Warned to Attack the First Daylight Ignoring Losses Winning Not Hoard Control | Air Raid on French [Staff Correspondence] By Adachi Kinnosuke Capital Kaiser and Hindenburg Di¬ How the Germans Have Antici¬ WASHINGTON, March 23..Herbert Control of the C. Hoover Trnnssibcrian R'ail- This to-day asked the American way is in German hands. That is the recting Drive From pated Country's Widely people to reduce their wheat con¬ The bombardment of flour meaning of the news that German war Paris by a Ger¬ Over - Advertised Aircraft sumption 50 per cent until the next 'prisoners in Siberia -80,000 of them, man long-range gun an incrediblö harvest, in order that an available sur¬ Spa, Belgium organized into two divisions of distance away suddenly Begin¬ plus may be created to meet the de¬ 40,000 developed Programme.France each.have captured the of Ir- as the mands of our army and the of city yesterday greatest mystery to Understand peoples kutsk. The official of this in- of war. ning Her, Allied countries. In addition to report the the cident has reached the of A retreat by the British armies to "Associate".The more stringent conservation Ministry The first news came in a brief dis¬ American voluntary Foreign Affairs at to the Somme appears to be in prog¬ rules, the food administration in¬ Tokio, according patch from Paris shortly after 1 to a cable report dated March 23. ress over a large part of the front Ordeal Yet Come creased to 25 per cent the o'clock yesterday an offi¬ quantity Irkutsk, capital of the province of carrying attacked by the Germans. Lon¬ of substitutes to be used in commer¬ cial statement that Paris had been the same name, stands on the River don last night was cial baking operations. bombarded by the Germans. As non-committal, The revised wheat flour ¡Angara. The province of Irkutsk con¬ except to report tremendous light¬ By Caspar Whitney regulations tains within it what is to be the shortest distance from the Ger¬ issued to-day were characterized reputed ing and withdrawals in some The Neio by the richest field in all Siberia. man front to the French is Special Correspondent of the food administration as gold capital sectors. "a military About York Tribune in Europe necessity." They will reduce the seventy miles from the city about sixty-two miles.over twice Berlin declares that the Kaiser's there is a coal mine at which a as far as the 'CopfTlitrr. 1218, by The Tribuno Association) monthly consumotion of wheat flour in large greatest gun range troops are drawing near number of the war prisoners of the ever known before.the statement Bapaume Paris, March 20. the United States from 42,000,000 and Peronne and are Central Powers were being employed. advancing bushels to 21,000.000 bushels. was received here with amazement from of FIRST I shall try to give you a According to The Associated Press everywhere south the The food administration's statement and in Washington with skepti¬ to below La Fere. feeling of the will and spirit follows: Peking dispatch of February 1, last, cism, Scarpe the mine was wrecked the radical - Berlin officially announced yester¬ of France. "If we are to furnish the Allies with by Later stated that the mis¬ i .r-=- g-¦-» the Reds and the damage caused thereby dispatches day that 25.000 prisoners, 400 The will is articulated by Premier necessary proportion of wheat to siles were 9-inch rifled was estimated at 10.000,000 rubles. shells, The heavy line shows the front when the offensive the broken line the new guns and 300 machine had maintain their war bread from now as "northeast began, front defined by Berlin guns GemenceKU in the immemorial words: This founded in 1651 a hand- by propulsion fron* a cannon. of Bapaume. Peronne and Ham." The Germans also seem to have crossed the Somme River and canal until trie next harvest, and this is a city, by near Ham and to have taken this been taken. ful of adventurous Cossacks and which Cabled details of the air village. Further south forces crossed the Crozat Canal and pushed west, Berlin fWe shall carry it on to military necessity, we must reduce our daylight stated. Field Marshal Haig reported ¡ih d^ to holds to-daj its 130,000 inhabitants raids over Paris yesterday sug- To the north the British line ran an hour. monthly consumption 21,000,000 and in the Saturday morning roughly through St. Leger, Morchies, Beaumetz, Hermies fensive positions had been pierced the Usât quarter of bushels a month, as against our normal within a few square miles of its that the shells have Havrincourt direction of Roisel. The troops on the northern half of the battlefront were to fall of about gested might back conformably to the retirement further south. A most obstinate obliged west of St. Quentin, but the Brit- arc to ivin in consumption 42,000,000 bush¬ crowded area, stands in the heart of been shot from cannon mounted on struggle took place at Mory, which changed We going els, or 50 per cent of our normal con¬ hands several time«a. U .....'¦-> ish were falling back in good order Siberia. It is 1.800 miles from the across the that last an sumption. giant airplanes flying to prepared positions in the rear. quarter of "Reserving a margin for distribution Urals and 1,040 miles west of Vladi¬ at intervals. Addi¬ to the army and for special cases, vostok. city regular Haig in his second statement yester¬ hour." leaves for tions to the news of the air raids, general consumption ap¬ On Main Line of Siberian Railway. Foe Launches day evening said the Brititsh were The spirit is to see and to feel. I proximately l1,. pounds of wheat however, made it dear that the Drive Is Final on with the per person. of commerce Capital, heavily engaged enemy products weekly Many The of the East.of the bombardment was con¬ :-ensed it in the recent night raids upon our consumers are dependent upon Pacific provinces, the valley of the Lena long-range in new positions south and west Ptris by the Boche aeroplane?. bakers' bread. Such bread must be and of Manchuria--must pass through tinuing simultaneously. GasAttack on of St. Quentin. Further north, he durable and therefore requires a it. Also the commerce of the West German Watches to intensify the mystery, a Effort, Edge, the of wheat Finally, said, enemy had attacked with Three larger proportion products east-bound to the Far East must pass Sons than cereal breads baked in the house¬ through it. It is directly on the main dispatch was received from Paris the "utmost determination and re¬ hold. Our army and navy require a line of the Siberian the the raid of Friday night, full allowance. Railway. late last night affirming that American Line Press Tide of gardless of losses," but the British ] During The Bolsheviki, brigands, ex-con¬ German had been Declares Battle while I stood in a darkened street Sacrifices Required victs, all made for the city as soon as astonishing gun had maintained their positions on "The well-to-do in our population the Kerensky government at Petrograd located 74V2 miles from the city the greater part of this front. under a porte cochere, thte concierge fell. Fire started in the on De¬ can make greater sacrifices in the con¬ city and about a dozen miles beyond Town Northwest of Toul Kaiser The enemy seems to have gained "¦'hose peace sentiments I sounded re¬ sumption of wheat products than can cember 23, 1917. On the last day of Will Win If He Holds Anxiety Apparent as Break the poor. In addition, our the year it was still burning, according the French battlefront. about twelve miles from the for¬ plied: I have three sons at population Is "Monsieur, in the agricultural districts where the to the report published in the "Hochi" Bombarded at on a Short Time, at St. Quentin Is mer front at the point of maxi¬ the front, and I would rather lose them other cereals are abundant, are more of Tokio. The streets were heaped skilled in the preparation of breads high with murdered men at that time, Guns74h2Miles Night mum penetration. lil than t a have peace now, which would from these other cereals than the according to the same report.
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