' ...... ~~,',.~ ",_,,~.:::..~ _",.~~;.;..., ,~.~ • •••••• _ , .. _. :4•.: "- ,c.• . .. .. *1932* TIle SlIIIIeIIts' Voice for 0.. 51 Yean *1987* » ·VoI. MNo•• ......Colle., CUNY Febnauy 3, 1987 ··~AN·.··-· .' .' .. " . _._~.- ~~_.~_ -_.~, ~ Chancellor ....- . NEW .......- ..~ ~ ..... .~.. ~ ~iGNs-.AFrER· Holds CUNY .~BBNG:'DE-NIED" EVENING Student Media . J' .• '. -..DN.1JBE DIRECTOR Press Conference .,CAn'UN MOlLISON HIRED By UNDA ZUECR . ~ . J.RObert ··Colemali~··fo~ Dr. Joseph S.· Murphy; as~e~:oreccountancy, By JORGE MARTINEZ chancellor ofthe Citj Uliivrity Of quit: -....: re"~,te-,be ,~ded New yor-k, ......&-ty:.. tenure, 8COOJlfiDg;:tQ;.ftudS •.CoD­ The position of Evening and with the cuNY:.s1u rtf"¥.. ~t:2.:;}-; ~~:: Day, .deD oftJe~·OfBusiness· Graduate Students Activities Direc- Dec. 10,' t98fi1O-iili::.' '~~'-~"'. ~'., aDd Public AdIaiDistration. tor vacant since last May when 1987/88ChatM.i':"-~.·· .. ,)~.~~:~.:; " AccoIcJio&, ·to ··.·.Mertin Bents, Charles Lyles was relieved of h is quest and _othfs ~.i _."~·~4~~:~·:·~··_i ~ c:hIiirm8D or the depart­ duties, has been filled. the C~-COBiIe~~~.,>,: ': '. ·_;~~c :.-:~/- '. meilt. Cok'Mnwas turned down by MUrphy' lriahlighted . ~.: the SChooIof Business Personnel The new director. Carol Rob- future' plans for an increase in and Bud8et C'ornJnittee ,nth a vote bins, a native of Illinois, is describ- capital construction to deal with the .of·. in ,.~ aDd tiv.e opposed·to ed by Ronald Aaron, associate problem of inadequate space and _-o~teDure. This commit- ............,_ ••.•• r"" "!II. deon ofstudents, as being "creative 0 also some new programs which are and ,.~etic." "I think she's tb!ft., .~ the.secaod- of a number wlUch --0 - nDbe!d 'at jJi6iiiOtiDs --the~ AilS· of voce-OIl t.atare. to pro- ~=======================I right person for the Iob," .CUNY students. Both of these . ... 26t11 Street Elev·ator Robbins, appointed Dec. 9, 1986, areas are major probIemsia many ,, -... - bas begJm work on a new agenda of tbc:CUNY scboo.Is and aJarae VioIatioa.-Correetions :~~.:~~i~~~~~:o~~·· ~an:.=-~:~~~a:: 'N t y'et Docu·-----·~ Bv exercise program called 't:xc:rcise at two problems. .- _0 ~ ~. OJ Five," and for the first time"basic Legislation was enacted this past .............t of __&1....... skills testing iD'1he~will be yearwhichwillziveCUNYbondiRB Depa.~ .......-~ aaiJa81e ..My ....... -.1 is_~e. eUtboritYto- rm."ll_.3.·bi11kJn-~or '-. -'-- --_··---,-.ic~"· 7' ----: ...•..~:~~.: .0·· '.~. >.:"~. ~ ..;..~.·: t·&!,t.*~ .., ~:-e:8asitaI·cc.~JtIC.tiG,,~:·~I l.·~ -·,;..i,ie_ .... -.. ('~-:e-,o:-,'···... .. ~.- .~.'... ~~.,."·W.~~~.'-;;""'~"-"-~:B.;"'. .. -~lI:.~.: . 0 Sii;~i.:~~~i':¥~'''~§...';'~~.r: . •. • . h..;dod· "~:~''''''''''.nn... .' .. ''-Jr---.C'~~aar --.~.,!~·"'·iii - .. -,,:..•""- .. >-..,.;. .-....:..:. 1 "'~""";-"""~~"".' _. ::S;:l!i..'~.~:~-~~:Y~""~j/"'~t"':.:.:· ~.-:.T· L.~i '~.:-a~-II ~ii ·.·~·~.,,_t'.··4 -~' . .. ,.',-au J.1l'C,,~~..• .c_, ..........~,......iIl:IiI..ii.!lIi"-.-...........-.~~':.. ..........: .....z;.--- '. .it-.&..;...·~,~._---e""'..•·."... .•kL.·,II!P."~-<'tiDt.•.._~ ,,~.-..·.•.£:-.- .......:...-....; _ Elevator vid1ations in. ~.-:~ - '. I~~ fiU4Rl<A:lftS-i:8I1 ....,. ..~ ~ ". ':...•..~ . -- ". ~-;~ .' . "'of" ~~~», ..-:.._..:•..; -:. .-....... .. _. -~ .""-""'1...;- -.,- - Iff---=~-' -- . owners of the ""opaly. CUshman- . spector ._ .' _ cor- she w8kefieJd Inc. accordiug to dbec- rected. Said~·__, uThe,bvildioais said. tors at th; offi~ of Campus Plan-- slated for anode iDspection in Other admties beiog deYeIopetI Ding and .Facilities. The violations February, and the illSf'eClOr will by Robbins include: a radio show ,_ were noted during city inspections determine what work has been dOne targeted specifically at ev.eniril' and included an elevator controller and what, if any, work sblJ needs to students that should, according to .. by the Ie. • t' It Cd ........drCt and main machine in need of repair, be done." Robbin, reach the airwaves .....I·re·., -.a-•••' 'q. middteof Februaty; and, later this oil leaks, excessive lubritation on the Much of the elevator problems semester nighttime career hoist ropes, thrust bearing in need of stem from a lack of information and fessors,is comprised of the business workshops. depaitment beadsat Baruch, stated adjustment, a complete cleaning of correspondence between Cushman­ "I want my office to be viewed as. '. Bellis. the motor room and an elevator Wakefield and Baruch. Said zator­ a place to initiate new programs or . Coleman said that he would have commutator which had been listed as ski, uIt's a very strange situation. exchange ideas. Students are en­ -had to leave by SePt. 1, 1987. in need of repair since september, We [the college) rent the spaces from couraged to come in and talk," said but that he "was very unhappy so 1985. McCrory Corp. They rent the spaces Robbins who mentioned that her' (he) left DOW." The assistant director of Campus from Cushman-Wakefield, who own office hours are Monday through According to Connelly, three re­ Planning and Facilities, A.T. Zator- the building and are responsible for Friday in Room 527,46 E. 26th St. quirements must be met in order to ski said, "After the violations were its maintenance. We never get to see In between the firing of Charles obtain tenure: teaching excellence, brought to OUT attention by The the results of city inspections because Lyles in May and the subsequent scholarly excellence (public¢ons), Ticker, we contacted the owners of they go to Cushman-Wakefield, who hiring of Carol Robbins in and service to the school. CanneDy the building, Cushman-Wakefield, have not been sending them to us. December, most of the duties ofthe stated-that Coleman did not meet at Inc., about the problems. They have We are trying to correct this situa­ Director of Evening and Graduate least one of these requirements, told us that the repairs have now tion and have been in discussions Students Activities were taken over although he refused to specify been completed, and as far as we with 'Cushman-Wakefield regarding by Assistant Director Marie Spergel. which one. know, at this point all violations the matter. We want Cushman­ Dr. Ju.,Pi s, ,f'.... '. • .:.if." ......' Coleman said, "Martin Benis did have been corrected." Wakefield to notify us of all infor­ Asked why there was-such a long "~lW"."""~ . ~ not indicate the reason to me, but I mation and correspondence in con­ delay in hiring a new director, .ctDO~d· Daniel Kaufman, also aD assis­ Murphy that later found out that it's because I nection with our elevators. So far we Ronald Aaron, associate deaa of tant director of Campos Planning students said, uWe wanted to find Baruch basoneof·tfte Iia.·..-:e don't Write enough. WeJl, I·ve writ­ don't have a written agreem~t from .problems.ofall the CONY.~'. aod Facilities, added, uCushman­ the best rerson suitable for the job ten a areal deal." Wakefield ftooded the jobs that Cushman-Wakefield, but we feel He .. that tNC. alIj·-tW pr0­ to has not not just the first warm body to.app­ According Coleman, he needed to be done with repairman there should be any problem in blem should be saheci bllIIrach's donea tax update.for the American getting the necessary information." Iy." He added that "I believe Carol and the wOrk was completed when will work out fine.'~ c-.•.J.... ..... 4' icta·-wiIl Institute of Certified' Public Ac­ Cushman-Wakefield has said they ~ ~~ ~'~-~.~.~,~~.,. they replaced electric eyes (for the '_"".. - • .. .~.• " ~ ... ~. ..• .--.- . ,-;0 ........~ •.._' • '.,i ~ •••••.•• " countants for five consecutive years eelvators] two weeks ago [first week will cooperate fully with the school's and bas .mtten a column for ten of January]." request for results ofinspections and years which appears on the front . Records at the Department of work records. Said George Carr, Pale or 71Ie New York lAw Jour­ Di~ Cushman-Wakefield manager and nal•. said be' took part in two Buildings Elevator do not .superintendent .of'46 E. 26th ',", He reflect the recent repair work. John New York University Taxation In­ Ryan, an administrator at the Street, "Whatner they fCampus -. stitute seminars which publish their Planning and FaCIlities) want me to department. stated, "'We have not proceedings, wrote one article each received documentation which do, I'n do." in the Nov. 1986 TQXQlion For Ac­ would cause us to cross those viola­ Anyone with a complaint about cOIInla"tAlld the Sept. 1984 JAP'­ tions off our records. That ."doesn't any of the school's eleYatOl:S is asked nill of TUlltioll . and to call (212) SOS-S914, where co-authored with t'J'Ofessor Samuel mean that the repairs haven't been the.,· done. It is quite possible we haven't :~ ficeof Campus Planning. and ~aa1i-." A. Dyckman of the Baruch ofailSilda.~· ~ got around to processing them yet." ties keeps a record . accountill8 ....twent. a book .. ::C.·:, •.~.:: ''!(s . (ContiniI«J 011 Pee 6. Col. J) .......'~ 1.-....:. • •• ~' .:.. ., -' ", • .j""..- '=." ,.. ~~:.',,-.:-~:~~: ':.':"~ ~,~~~~~ - , •• M "::" :.:•• ..... * . :'-" .' ..... - . --.' Fe"~ur'~Yel-; .j J"._. g .... :.~ .~ . "ED'.- .... - E.DITORIAL OP··ED OP. ,-. ...... .- . The LaaJaer e> IIEISIfaJIE5_ Father Freud Miehael Laahiuky ....1ffJftUr Publish Or Perish fJI'INIfJN. ••' ~/ .BLOOM COUNTY \ By NEERAJ VOHRA Native The question of tenure is a long-debated one. In the past, The Ticker has In 1927, with the printing of not be disproven, why shouldn't repeatedly voiced its concern regarding teachers who abuse the position "The Future of an Illusion,"
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