By LesMann Of the Herald Waynt< School Board' members' reopened the school building issue , duringtheirineetirig Tuesday and candidlydiscussedtheprocess which may result in another bond issue vote.' . A new sieering committee is be· ing organized .to restudy the'build­ ing needs of the district and make recommelldations f\lr bOard action. A simil8r citizen committee formed \lver .a year ago, reco)1lmended a $9.4 million building project The boardpared1hatpropOsal down to a $7.9 million. bond. issue proposal wbicb voters rejectel!. by-an SO-vote margin in December, Oy Clara Osten Today, we' have seven'full-time most of wh.at, was happening in wc' have kids 'stealing Cbris1)1l8S Of the Herald officers, tWO parHime officersl. Qtherparts of the country, For the , deCQratiofisjust (orl11e fun ofit. l!i,:ce flIlh,inie police dispatchers mosi part, Wayne has always been Tbis is something that didn't liap- AflOr 30 years as Wayne Police and four part-time dispatchers," said a.preUy quiet town," he'said. pen 30 years ago," saii;lFaircbild. ~iSsue: 1 sectiOJ:l, 12 pages - Single COpy<~cents. Chief, Vern.Fairchiid will raJ!.c ef· Fairchild. "It also s/;'ems. th.at the young "When I [(rst came hcre. there FAIRCHfLD is also proud of people are more qlltln: with thi!lgs '1bOuahtforthe day: fective August 13, as annoullcbd 'at Tuesday's city council meeting. were a lot of college swdenLs here the fac.t that in the time he bas been .. like drinking: It used 10 be that they Man h"as cOlwuered almost every dangerous Fairchild has .had a long CilfCer in because they didn't want to go to m Wayne, the elty has not had. a would get someone 10 buy for them thing in 1Wture except human nature." law enforcC'ment, having. served Vietnam. At thm time, it was pos· pedestrian fatality. "The last time a and lben go out m the cQUntry and , with 'lhe Plallsinoutb Police Dc· sible to get a draft deferment by pedestrian was killed in Wayne was drink. Now, we find that the kids partment, the Nebraska State Patrol going to college. These people in April of 1965, just before Lcl\!lle . gel their alcohol and drive up.and Suppqrtgroup tomeet. and as Chief of Police in LouiSVIlle did,,'t want to go to college and here, n he. said. down Main Street. That, and the WAYNE - the Support Group [or the Visually Impaired will prior to Goming to'Wayne·inI965. seemed to get into trouble regu· Fairchild feels that today's young fact that we have more offiGers on meet Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 1:30 p.m. in the fellowship hliil!ofthe larly," he S<lid. peopleMve less respect (or people's the street has ied to a lot more First Presbyterian Church, Third and lincoln, Wayne. Please .use the "Wl;IEN I CAME. to Wayne' "We had a few sit-in and sit· property and someti'lles vandalize west door. -. '. there we~ four officers on, the force. downs but we managed 10 escape for lhe sake ofvandallzing. "TOday, S~eFAiRCHILD, Page 2 Guestspeaker will be the coordinator of the Uiliversity of Nebraska Law Vision Center. The topic will be technology to help the visual· Iy·impaired. " The public is welcome. New commissioner enjoys the jo1;J Tobeclosed By Stai:Y' Schallcc stiLUents .. Take, for insUlnce, the heavy equipment and business WAYNE COUNTY ~li!;I:liIl\v;111\,~lm'~!j il For tl1¢ Herald men respon~ible for the alloe'llion management, Dangberg is well . The Wayne County Co.uri­ j)1J(1i/ !Ji.\'; of county. funds and the mainte· qualified "to oversee allocations of house will be closed on I i I I I I J11\:vl II I 1111\ i j I , II)} I \ As the elections draw to close nance 'of the county:::> W(lds: the rhe countis funds'androad mainte· Monday, Feb. 20 for Presi­ a 'and the new year becomeS old hat, County Commissioners.. nance. dents'Day, Weather most voters fQl'get the people they DangbCrg, raised on a farm three . Emily SJ.ndetar, 8 .. DENNIS D,mgberg, the new miles east:pf Winside, graduated Winside voltd [or and. go on with their Ii.ves. The issues that were once front Commissioner {or District 3, is from Winside Public School. After Benefitheld Extended Weather Forecast DIXON ...... Approximate, page news can now be found only juse such timan. Tall but that he obtaim;d degrees from Iy 600 atiended an apprecia­ Sunday through Tuesday; dry, mild in the archives, and the names of unimposing, Dungh\lrg quietly does WayneSlale·ani\ the ULiniverstly·of ti.on, dimier for Euni.e Die, temperati!res; highs, 50s; lows, one-time poiitical celebriti.es are his job dIe best he knows how. NebrJSka at Omaha diker. It was held Sunday; ranging from mid·20s to lower-30s. now forgotten. Knowing how, however.. is nOl a Feb. 12 at tht< Dixon Audi· '- -'-_-'- -,..-1 Voters, take fo~ granted the of· difficult problem for Dangberg. HE CONTINUED to live and tttium: SouP., sandwiches:desserts, relishes and drinks were served.- ficials who quietly serve their con- With 20 years e~periellce with work in Nebraska until 1975, when Eunie is recuperating from recent surgery and the benefit was sport­ he moved to California. During his !ast two years in California, pang­ sore<iby friends. and neighbors. Matcl\irig funds were given by five Deon! Dangberg . AALbrancbes. ' Dec~ssary berg split his ,time between Denver No apology and California, maintaining his real from where.he. grew up. PMCco-sponsoringscreening'tests say~ eSlate business. .. Now asCounly Commissioll\!f, theschoolboard After. 15 yellI'S of California, Dangberg m;tiiltams the roads m the 'lNA'\'NE - Pro~Jdence Medi~a1 Center and the Wayne County , " Dangberg decided he !leeded a By LesMann Brenna, HanCOGk, Hoskios, and Chapter of theAnlericimHeanAssociation will be sponsoring a chO: change and returned to the more Of the Herald Chapen precincts, and represeots lesterolllJU;i blood pre$Sure screening program on Tuesday, Feb. 21 comfortable paGe of rural life. He and Th~y,F~b. 23 between 7 and II a.m. moved back to Winside and boughl B100dpressure testirtg is provided free of charge. The fee for th~ an acreage right acr,Oss the. road See DANGBERG, Page 3 eh0lesterolscreen is $8. Personsshould·not ingest food for 12 hours, prior to testing aDd shOUld abstain from any alcoholic beverages for 24 hours. Water i!Jiakeis unIimiied and regu!arlyscbcduled medica- Planners hold hearin.g tions Shoul4 be taken. • , I I 'lbeWayne Herald, Friday, Feb.Ji'uary 17,1995 record' 300 Block of IOtll street. 5:41 p.m,.~Accidelit on ISl11l1l1 Shen:nan Street ' '6:25 p,m.--Theft in 800 Block ofNebraska Street. 7:06 p.m.··Deliver message in 600 BloCk ofLogan Stteel. 7:40 p,m.•·Theft. 8:3I p.\n.··Unlock vebicle at FirstBankcant Center Paddng Lot. ' FEB.7 i'2:01a.m.--Suspicious vehicle in100 Block of Blaine Street 7:04 a.m.··Pickup with trailer with no Slow Moving Vehicle Sign on East Highway 35. 1:34 p.m.--RC!;kIess pickup at 6th and Wayside Streets. 7:41 p.m...Dog at large at Hard· 008. II:45 p.m.--Car blocldng drive· way in 300 Block of Lincoln Street. FEB,8 6:18 a.m.--Unlock vebicle ai Super 8. 10: 10 a.m.--Parking complaint at 12th and Pearl Streets. 10:26 a.m.--Criminal miscbief in 100 Block of SOllth Douglas. 11:18 a.m.--Unlock vehicle at 7­ 11. 4:17 p.m.• ~Clear lor at Hardees. 9:16 p.m.··Clear lout Hardees. DonaldFrink 10:28 p.m.--Suspeious activity Donald Frink. 72 ofCarr011 died Tbursday evening. Feb. 16. 1995·at the in' 100 Block of West 10th Street Luthetan Community. Hospital in Norfolk. ' FEB. 9 Services Will be held Monday, Feb. 20 at 1 p.m..at the Bethany WAYNE POLICE CI1Ief'l\'ern F;tirchild announces hisre· 2:10 a.m.··Disturbance at Presbyterian Cburch,lllI'ld C:ir:roIL Visitation will be held Sunday; Feb. 19 tirement to be effective, Aug. 13 of this year at the City Woebler T~~ Court. from? a.m•. to 9 p.m. af the Schumacher Funeral Home in Wayne: Council meeting last Tuesday. 6;50a.11l.~.Dog at large III 700 Burial wW be.inthe Bethany Churcb Cemetery with. th~ Scbumacher ~ Block ofLoganSa:eet. Funeral·H9ffie.in charge ofarrangements.' , 11 :03 a.m.--Traffic control for Fairchild...,...------- .funeral at6th !Ucld MaiD streets. 3:47 p:ni:--Accident at, Middle Dixon COWlty continued from Page 1 and his wife plan to travel around . School. , ' ", ' !be counlJY. "There are lots of place 4:55 p.m.--Clear lor at Hardees., PropertyTr~ers;"",..-.........".,__...- Minor in Possession cases," he in North America that I haven't said. seen and a lot of fishing holes I we'" ast~n'lDisineommon.S1/2.SWI/4 WAYNE HAS been fortunate haven't sunk my fishing \,ole in. ayne·· .,OWlty , of See'. 13 :\lid the SE1/4 SE1/4 of to not be falling'some of the crimes 'My wife enjoys fishing also so we . ' Sec. 14. all iiJ28N,~, .revenue th'lt,are prevalent on 'the east and pl,1II to check out lots of fishing :P:roperty. ~ansft.. ers ~iilIUPs.$77."· we$(. coasts. "We are isolated areas.Wealsowould:liketospcnd ----......--~ :~idE.andWiloJadeneMallU· somewhat from )\Ihat happens iln mor<:..Lime with o\lr,fau\ily/he" berg Jpi J;ilbll E., ~lI:lmberg;. the coastsbullhis does not mean said. '. ,"",;' , , 'Jail: 25.:t.eslie 0. DOescher aild WaYlle COYllty, Nebraska.
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