i-. i r i d f t E u i ihd^AT, ItM. AVEBAOB DAILY CSHODLA'nOM t h e w e a t h u tor tbs Month ot Oseember, IMS During the storm yesterday after­ The Professional Women’s ohib of Forecast of u. a. Weettwr Bofssa, noon an alarm offirc was turned In Center church held a meeting on Hartford ABOUT TOWN from Box 61, located opposite the Tuesday evening at the Manebester east mill of the Rogers' Paper Manu­ Y. M. C. A Bowling was en­ Green Trsdlag 5,852 Light snow tonight, eleeriag Sim- facturing company. The call brought joyed, followed by a short business JANUARY ' Bloaiber of Um Aadit lay morning; ollghtly colder Sna- • Itoilor and Senior choirt of Stamps Given anrljpaipr Supntng Ifpralb lay. out Companies 3 and 4 of the South session and refreshments were Bnresn of Obenlstlona I FoIUli National church will re- Manchester fire department for served by the hostess committee, IB AO MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE CHARlVl tonlght at 6:30 and 7:30 what proved to be a chimney fire In Miss Gertrude and Miss Helen Car­ Xrely. the home of Robert McKeown of 224 rier. Miss Gertrude Carrier bowled Oepartmenta HALE'S VOL. LV., NO. 87. (O sseMed AdvsstMag ea Page IS.) (TWELVE PAGES) jf'S ------ Charter Oak street. The fire was high score for the evening.. The MANCHESTER, CONN„ SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1936. PRICE THREE CEI '■■■% Suadagr will be veterans' day with soon extinguished and the recall next meeting will be held January J ' Sta Salvation Army. Officers living sounded. 21, when the club will visit the V iQ town who are retired from active Bond Bread company plant in Hart­ tvork, will take charge both at the ford. Itaomlng and afternoon services, and The bowling tram of the Young ^terestlng meetings arc assured. People's society of the Concordia Lutheran church will play Its first ; The Ladles' Aid society of the match after the holidays tonight at f3uanyvillo Methodist church near 8 o'clock at the Y. M. C. A. alleys. TONY CATALANO’S Bolton Lake will conduct a food The bowlers are requested to meet at the church at 7:.in. BARBER SHOP COURT HEARS HAUPTMANN PLE aale tomorrow from 10 o'clock on at 304 Main Street, Near Plnehursl the J. W. Halo Company's store. ■*They expect to have for sale n sup­ 2 Barbers Every Night ply of home baked beans, brown and And All Day Saturday, Principals of Famous Legral Battle ■Wheat bread, rolls, cakes and pies. RAPIDOL SECRECY MARKS V rs . Mary Nichols Is chairman of 4be commitee In charge of the sale. HAIR DYE Quick, Wonderful Result*. SENATE BONUS Guaranteed Not Harmful. CLEARANCE OF ARREST OF DR. CONDON Have Your ARTHUR DRUG STORE L. T. Wood Co. DRESSES NEGATIONS Windows 51 BisseU St. Tel. 4496 A brand new shipment DRESS COATS just in time for Satur­ In Two Money Saving Price Statement On Result of Cleaned By AGENT Groups: IS ASKED BY GOVERNOI Experts LIVE BAIT FOR day. Leaders Parley Is Prom­ While the Weather Is Mild! For Ice Fishing! Perch and Pickerel Size. Regular $29.75 ised for Monday; Payment Manchester QPPERS Mrs. Hauptmann Sees New Jersey Executive Window Cleaning Co. JAMES $3.98 in 1938 May Be Basis. Phone 7614 OKE $2 0 -0 0 Husband as a Martyr Washington, Jan. 11.— (A P) — ROLSTON Smart new styles In Makes Surprise Mov( a Senate leader* were negotiating In 29 Hazel Street Phone .u707 Cash strictest secrecy today In an ef­ Trenton, N. J.. Jan. 11.— (A P ) —«pear personally before the Court of new print combinations Mrs. Bruno Richard Hauptmann Pardons. Price Regular $39.50 fort to work out a substitute for and solid colors including said today her husband would be a "He felt they would better under­ HoRman Asserts Magazine Article Written by “Jalm " APRON Ton Ladies’ Pure Silk 69c the cash bonus bill that swept "martyr" whatever the outcome of stand his Innocence If he could ex­ black, navy, Royal blue, through the House yesterday. Their his plea to the Court, of Pardons. plain it". Mrs. Hauptmann said, de­ M. K. M. aim was a measure that President "I think Richard will make every­ scribing her husband as smiling and Purports to Offer New Details of Case Including I DANCE Full Fashioned green and raspberry. Roosevelt might sign. one take a fairer attitude toward confident. J . S A L A Little hint of the trend of the other persons In the future", she She added that yesterday he gave $30-00 said. ’ more thought to the welfare of his That Bmno Had Confederate— Attorney General r j Saturday Night, January 11 negotiations came from the Ups ot All Kinds of Furni­ those involved, but the promise of a At first the whole world was two-year-old man Mannfried, than 7:30 to 12:00 (P aock against us. Without knowing the to his own cose. statement Monday Indicated that facts, everybody seemed to want to "He was very distressed to learn entz Says He Will Not “ Anticipate What Governor TURN HALL ture Reupholstered HOSE an agreement was not far off. condemn Richard. Now they are BIELAK'S ORCHESTRA Sheer chiffon. Five thread A Few Sport Coats that a silver fork and spoon given and Refinished Chips in the game of give and changing their minds. Mannfried at his Christening bad She lady with the prettiest apron chiffon. Seven thread service. take were the nine votes by which Do”—Cnrions Crowds Gather as Conrt of Par will win a prize. Sizes 8',4 to 10'.4. Wonted Regular $19.75 "The truth will come out some­ disappeared", she said. Compare Our Prices! MILLINERY the Senate last year sustained time, and then Richard will be a Mrs. Hauptmann said her husband Admission 25c. shades. President Roosevelt's veto of the All Work Guaranteed. Grouped Into Three Prices For Quick Clearance martyr." expressed great Interest In how his Begins Secret Session — Expect Decision Late TodaJ Patman cash bonus bill. Adminis­ Hauptmann, convicted slayer ot No Deposit Necessary. tration leaders were using those the Lindbergh Baby, wanted to ap- (Continued on Page Five) votes to force some concessions In 83 ChMtnnt Street $14.00 Trenton, N. J.. Jan. 11— (A P) — imuNo's PRISON cH uir the fiat cash payment bill which the C pair Governor Harold G. Hoffman today Phone 7842 or 4406 House passed yesterday 336-S9. STARTS DAY WITH SOF Read The Herald A d r i 5 0 c-* 1 00-* 1.50 Work For Overriding The long legal battle of Bruno sought the arrest "for questioning" Chancellor Luther A. Campbell of the Lindbergh murder case's Trenton, N. J., Jan. 11,— ( i On the other hand, bonus leaders Richard Hauptmann (center) were trying to negotiate an ar­ (right) is a member of the JAFSIE, DAUGHTER SAIL famous "Jafate"—Dr. John F. Con­ —The man whose duty It NON-SKID be to give the signals for SNOW, SKI OR rangement which would win over to avoid the electric chair for New Jer.sey Court of Pardons. don—as the Court of Pardons went Spot Pad Trasses Drug Specials enough of those Senators to pass execution of Bruno Hauptn LADY PEPPERELL the kidnap-murder o f th e in­ Into session to hear Bruno Richard next Friday night begins the i The Perfect Rnptare HeMerst SOc PhllUp's o A HIKING SUITS B A B Y SHO P a bill over the President's veto. If Gov. Harold G. Hoffman (left) WAIT AND WATCH fant son of the Charles A. Lind­ ON SO. AMERICAN TRIP Hauptmann'a plea to escape the with a song. consul.TATinn »■) a d v ic b Milk o t Msgnenia .... 0 4 C Our entire stock reduced. Our bis consent to something In the is also a member of the -rRKK or ciiAnoE.” electric chair. Col. Hark Klmberllng, 60c California a f \ regular two-piece plaid top suits. nature of a cash payment bill could berghs nears its final phase. Condon sailed suddenly lost night SBE OUR FITTER NO IF/ JAN UARY board. of the Stats prison, has : Myrup of F i g s ............... 4 D C SHEETS and Sizes 7-14. not be obtained. for South America after a maga­ a dally habit for many yeara^j W» luT. SPRCIAI. IXPE IM 31.00 Chairman Harrison announced the State’s Attorney Wilentz zine began publication of "Jafzle sing when he gets out o f bad. TOITR llnatiirol ?7.98-$8.98 values reduced to Senate finance committee would N ujol .............................. O/C CLEARANCE SALE RUSSIA PLANS Telia All"—a series of articles by "It alwaya makes me feel I meet Monday to begin considera­ No C'hiirKO for Consijitatlon S0e.60e-31.20 Sal Hepatlea, Dr. Condon purporting to offer new ter,” he said today, "to ' PHILCO tion of the bonus bill passed by Knew of Plan, Gave His details of the case. Including hla and sing on arising. FUtet j In Votir Home. PILLOW CASES $5.98 the House. Here the measure wlU MIGUEL GOMEZ LEADING MAY MAKE SOIL belief that Hauptmann had a con­ 20c, 40c> SOc Wrapped In oellopliane. Laundered ready for your bed. No . A BIG INCREASE twenty minutes off brisk $6.98 values O Q Children’s Snow Suits meet Its most serious Congressional federate. thentlcs to the muale of my < Oni4f 'Pfuietr labels or stickers attached. hurdle. Consent; Condon Uncer­ The governor said ha would ask Arthur Drug Store making keeps me fit aad" ' reduced t o .......
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