CALENDAR LISTING GUIDELINES •Tolist an eventinPasa Week,sendanemail or press release to [email protected] or [email protected]. •Send material no less than twoweeks prior to the desired publication date. •For each event, provide the following information: time,day,date, venue/address,ticket prices,web address,phone number,and brief description of event(15 to 20 words). •All submissions arewelcome; however, events areincluded in Pasa Week as spaceallows. Thereisnocharge forlistings. • Returnofphotos and other materialscannot be guaranteed. • Pasatiempo reserves the righttopublish received information and photographs on The NewMexican's website. ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR •Toadd your eventtoThe New Mexican online calendar,visit santafenewmexican.com and click on the Calendar tab. November 18 -24, 2016 •For further information contactPamela Beach: [email protected], 202 E. MarcySt., Santa Fe,NM87501, phone: 505-986-3019, fax: 505-820-0803. CALENDAR COMPILED BY PAMELA BEACH FRIDAY 11/18 An Evening of Music and Notes &Words Digital Dome,InstituteofAmerican Indian Arts campus, Galleryand Museum Openings 83 Avan Nu Po Rd. Balzer ContemporaryEdge Galleryand Studentperformances,7p.m., no charge. Allan Houser Haozous SculptureGallery Twelfth Night InstituteofAmerican Indian Arts campus,83AvanNuPoRd. Greer Garson Theatre, SantaFeUniversityofArt &Design, Seniors' mixed-media exhibit; reception 6-8 p.m.; 1600 St.Michael’s Dr. through Dec. 7. SFUA&D Performing Arts Departmentpresents Casweck Galleries Shakespeare’scomedy,7p.m., $15, 505-988-1234, 713 Canyon Rd., 505-988-2966 ticketssantafe.org, Saturday, Sunday, and Fall Reflections,group show of worksbygallery Dec. 2and 3encores. artists; reception 5-7 p.m. Books/Talks Gerald Peters Gallery St.John’s College lecture 1005 Paseo de Peralta, 505-954-5700 Peterson StudentCenter,1160 Camino de Cruz Blanca Small Works,group showofpaintings, Money or Love?AnIntroduction to Xenophon drawings and photographs; through Jan. 16. and His Dialogue the “Oeconomicus,” Eric Buzzetti NambéTrading Post of Concordia Universityexamines the Socratic 20 Summer Rd.(County Road 113), Nambé, dialogue on household management, 7:30 p.m., 505-455-2819 no charge,505-984-6000. Work by jewelerJennifer Jesse Smith, receptions WaterRights SFAI140 run 11 a.m.-5 p.m. daily through Sunday. SantaFeArt Institute, SFUA&D campus, PalaceAvenueArts 1600 St.Michael’s Dr., 505-424-5050 DruryPlaza Hotel,228 E. PalaceAve.,505-333-8354 Twenty 140-second presentations by artists Landscapes by TimKenney,reception 5-7 p.m.; in residenceand communityleaders; 7p.m., through Nov. 28. no charge,details available online at sfai.org/ watersfai140. (See story, Page 32) Scottish Rite Center 463 Paseo de Peralta Outdoors Preview exhibit of worksbyFall Fiber Fiesta Gentle walks artists,reception 5p.m., $10 at the door; LosAlamos NatureCenter, 2600 Canyon Rd., LosAlamos the showopens Saturdayand Sunday. Easy trails under twomiles; the group meets at Vista Grande Public Library 8:30 a.m. everyFriday, no charge,505-662-0460. 14 Avenida Torreon, Eldorado,505-466-7323 Events Seasons,paintings by Tama Dumlao; reception 5-7 p.m.; through Nov. 29. School for Advanced Research collection tour 660 Garcia St., 505-954-7205 Classical Music Vivo Contemporary(725 Canyon Rd.) includes paintings by William Sayler in the group show Online/Offline. Tour SAR’s collection of SouthwesternNativeAmerican TGIF saxophone quartetrecital pottery, textiles,basketry, jewelry, and paintings,2p.m. First Presbyterian Church of SantaFe, 208 GrantAve. Nacha Mendez benefit concert Theater/Dance Fridays;$15; advancereservations required. Pianist Peggy Abbott, saxophonists/composers Warehouse 21, 1614 Paseo de Peralta, 505-989-4423 Aladdin Nightlife Sy Brandon, Robert Jones, and KarenStreet; Music by Tango Café, Melanie Monsour Trio, James A. Little Theatre, New MexicoSchool forthe Deaf, (See Page 51 foraddresses) 5:30 p.m., donations accepted,505-982-8544, and Frontera Bugalu; 7-10 p.m., $20 suggested 1060 CerrillosRd. Ext. 16, visit fpcsantafe.orgfor series schedule. donation goes to fund hospitalization costs; Pandemonium Productions (students ages 6-16) Boxcar Sports Bar &Grill In Concert visit facebook.com/events/386398248416431 presents its adaptation of the animatedDisney film, Rock band Texas Trash and the Train, 10 p.m., no cover. fordetails. 7p.m., $10, kids $6, 505-982-3327, final weekend. ¡Chispa! at El Mesón Claudia Villela TheThree FacesofJazz, with saxophonist LeeTaylor, Museum Hill Café,710 Camino Lejo Santa Fe High School Choir An Almost Holy Picture SFHS Theater, 2100 YuccaSt. 7:30 p.m., no cover. Brazilian vocalist, with accordionist/pianist Adobe Rose Theatre, 1213-B ParkwayDr. Selections from the Disney production High School VítorGonçalves,7p.m., $25, santafemusiccollective TheaterworkpresentsHeather McDonald’s drama, Cowgirl BBQ Musical Jr.,7:30 p.m.; $5, santafehigharts.com, .org, 505-983-6820. 7p.m., $15, 505-471-1799, pmolson@cybermesa Countryduo Connie Long andFast Patsy,8:30 p.m., proceeds go toward funding atriptosingat .com, runs through Sunday. (See story, Page 22) no cover. LiveAtThe Kitchen Sink studio series the Celebrate theHeroes concertatPearlHarbor, TheKitchen Sink Recording Studio,528 Jose St., contactMarilyn Barnes formoreinformation, Black Comedy El Farol Funk/soul band TheGruve, 8:30 p.m., call forcover. thekitchensinkstudio.com 505-467-2438,Saturdayencore. SantaFePreparatory School Theater, 1101 Camino de Cruz Bluegrass duos Blake &Grovesand Zickey and Blanca, 505-982-1829 La Fiesta Lounge at La Fonda TheKondor; 7p.m., $20 suggested donation; Acontemporarysocial farce set in London, CathyFaber’s Swinging CountryBand, 8p.m.,nocover. email [email protected] 7p.m., $8, students $5, tickets available Legal Tender forreservations. at thedoor, Saturdayand Sundayencores. Multi-instrumentalist GerryCarthy, 7-9:30 p.m., no cover. PASATIEMPOMAGAZINE.COM 49 Books/Talks La Fiesta Lounge at La Fonda French on the Santa Fe Trail CathyFaber’s Swinging CountryBand,8-11 p.m., Eldorado CommunityCenter, 1Hacienda Loop Rd., no cover. Eldorado Living Room Lounge at Loretto François-Marie Patornidiscusses early French Singer/songwriter Rene Reyes, 8-11 p.m., no cover. travelers,1:30 p.m., no charge,santafetrail.org. The Mine Shaft Tavern Friends of the Santa Fe Public Library Alternative-countryband ThePorterDraw, booksale 7p.m., no cover. La FargeBranch, 1730 Llano St., 505-955-4863 Osteria d’Assisi Piano Lounge Discountedbooks,10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Pianist/vocalist Tucker Binkley,6p.m., no cover. continues Sunday, santafelibraryfriends.org. The PalaceRestaurant &Saloon Heather Roan Robbins DancebandChango,10p.m., call forcover. ArkBookstore, 133 RomeroSt.,505-988-3709 PranzoItalian Grill Theauthor celebrates the release of Everyday Piano and vocalduo David Geist and Julie Trujillo, Palmistry: The KeytoCharacterIsinYour Hands, 6-9 p.m., call forcover. 3-5 p.m. (See Subtexts,Page 15) Second Street Brewery JoyceGroup Santa Fe Gypsy-jazz band Swing Soleil,6-9 p.m., no cover. WiniarskiSeminar Room, #201, St.John’sCollege, 1160 Camino de Cruz Blanca, 505-984-6000 Second Street Breweryatthe Railyard Weekly readings and discussions of worksby Greg Butera’sclassic-countryband,7p.m., no cover. James Joyce, 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m., no charge, Skylight joycegeek.com. So Sophisticated, with DJ 12 Tribe,9p.m.-close; Stargigazing at KhKasha-KTKatuwe Tente Rocks Trash Disco, with DJ Oona, 9p.m.; call forcover. Natioonal Monument Upper Crust Pizza in Eldorado South on Interstate 25 to Exit 259 onto State Route22 Multi-instrumentalist GerryCarthy, 5:30-8:30 p.m., Bluegrass duo Zickey and the Kondor perform FridayatThe Kitchen Sink Recording Studio (528 Jose St.). and foollowthe signs no cover. Jim GreenhouseGreenhouse ofof thethe NewNew MeMexixicoco MuseumM Vanessie Living Room Lounge at Loretto In Concert of Natural Historyand Sciencediscusses the At thePiano Bar:Doug Montgomery6-8 p.m., mythology and practical uses of constellations, Americana/jazz duo MaxHattand Edda Glass, Rock for Food Katy Stephan 8p.m.-close,nocover. 8-11 p.m., no cover. meet at the parkat6:30 p.m., $20 in advance, TheBridge at SantaFeBrewing Company, 37 Fire Place, ages 11 and under $5, ccasantafe.org/visual-arts/ Osteria d’Assisi Piano Lounge 505-424-3333 public-programs. SUNDAY 11/20 Pianist/vocalist Tucker Binkley,6p.m., no cover. Rock bands Pigmentand St. Rangeplayinsupport The PalaceRestaurant &Saloon of TheFood Depot; doors 6p.m., show7p.m.; Outdoors Classical Music Las Vegas-style lounge-actVanilla Pop, 10 p.m., $5 or free admission with nonperishable food Birdwalks Santa Fe Symphonyand Chorus call forcover. donations,personal-careproducts,babyfood, Randall DaveyAudubon Center, 1800 Upper Canyon Rd., TheLensic pet food,grains,and dried fruit; facebook.com/ 505-983-4609 Pizzeria &Trattoria da Lino Handel’s Messiah,4p.m., free lecturebyconductor pages/Pigment/32800980955. Guided by experienced birders,8:30 a.m. Saturdays, Gary Thor Wedow, 3p.m., $42-$80, 505-988-1234, Accordionist Dadou,6:30-9 p.m., no cover. Santa Fe High School Choir as weather permits. ticketssantafe.org. PranzoItalian Grill SFHS Theater, 2100 YuccaSt. Geist Cabaretwith David Geist, 6-9 p.m., Events Theater/Dance Selections from the Disney production High School call forcover. Aladdin Musical Jr.,3and7:30 p.m., concert$5, 5p.m. dinner ContemporaryClay Fair James A. Little Theatre, New MexicoSchool forthe Deaf, Second Street Brewery and show$10,santafehigharts.com, proceeds go SantaFeWoman’s
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