m encati. ELLSWORTH, MAINE, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 10, 1920. No. 10. LOCAL AFFAIRS Miss Myrtle Conary, who has been l3librrttBeinentB. spending a week in Bangor, the guest Liberty National Bank of Mrs. William Cobb, has returned NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. to Ellsworth. Buccacaor to the Eurrlll National Bank The ladies of the Catholic club will B. T. Sowle. give a St. Patrick's sociable in K. of OF ELLSWORTH J. A. Haynes. C. hall. Wednesday evening, March M. L. Adams. 17. at 8 o’clock. The entertainment Bijou theatre will consist of cards and a musical C. L. Moran#. Consult Us program, but the feature of the eve- Freely L. E. Treadwell. ning will be a lecture on St. Patrick, The officers and directors of this bank C. E. Alexander. are always at your dis- by Rev. Father Gorman, pastor of St. Sllvy & Linnehan. on all financial matters. Your affairs will be held Joseph's church. The is CSSbuTldER public posal strictly con- Classified Advertisements. fidential and our experience and advice may prove helpful. cordially invited. Rev. R. Have you established credit in this OFFICERS B. Mathews spoke at the your W. Fosc. Pre*., A. union young at the Orlando E. Farnsworth, Vice Pres., SCHEDULE OP MAILS. people’s meeting community? Edw. F. Small, Cashier, F. J. Baptist church evening, and Donleavy, Assistant Cashier, Ellsworth Poat office. Tuesday gave a review of choice of A bank account is one of the best builders of I>I RECTORS portions R. Hurrill MAILS the book of Romans and an interest- credit. Charles Chas. K. Foster RECEIVED ing exposition of the A. B. Crabtree Dr. From West—6.47 a. m.; 4.31 p. m. closing chap- Lewis Hodgkins which It to E. Farnsworth From East—11.11 a. ter, was highly appreciated by is financial a A. Harvard C. Jordan m.; 6.27 p. m your advantage to have the good number of yoimg folks Orlando W. Foas W.. MAILS CLOSE AT POSTOFFICE. Account with this Henry Sargent present. Checking institution. Going West—10.40 a. m.; 6.00 p. m. Going East—6.16 a. m.; 4.00 p. m. B. T. Sowle has announced that he Bank with us. will make a specialty of abstracting Registered mail should be at post- titles. Mr. Sowle is a member of the office half an hour before mail closes. Hancock county bar, and recently Capital, $100,000 Surplus and pro fits, $150,000 completed a term as assessor of taxes IT PAYS TO TRADE AT THIS in Ellsworth. He retired from the STORE WKATHKK IN ELLSWORTH. life insurance business some time ago, after twenty-five years of it, and Agrnt for Pictorial For Week F.mllns at Midnight Review Tuesday will now devote all his time to the Union IhusT Company Patterns anil Publication,. Mar. O. 1020. law and abstracting. Quality Service 1 From observations taken at the powei ty station of the Bar Harbor & Union River On account of the absence of the Ellsworth,Maine Power Co., in Ellsworth. Precipitation is pastor this week to attend the inter- given in inches for the hours tweuty-four church pastors’ conference at Ban- New Percales, best ending at midnight.J quality, per yard 39c gor, the prayer at the Weather Precip- meeting Bap- Temperature conditions itatlon tist church, Thursday evening, will New Silk Muslins, all colors, per yard 50c be in charge of lay workers. H. W. New Windsor Plisse in 4am 12 ra forenoon afternoon crepe pink, white and blue. Dunn will lead the meeting, and Wed 4- 28— snow.fair fair Fine for undeiwear, per yard Mrs. Donnell will have of the 59c Thurs 28— 36- fair charge WHY BE A DRIFTER? cloudy music. Mrs. Means is in Fri 36- 41- fair leading gn New Bungalow and Kimono Made cloudy a Aprons. either effort to secure an extra attendance Like flowing river, some follow the lines of least resistance with Hat 88 37— .58 people elastic or loose witlabelt. Extra value fill.ON and make new comers welcome. Hun 12— 20— snow.fair .05 and spend all their surplus cash for luxuries. is Extra sizes, f ire at the Drifting easy but $2.25 Mon —5 25 — fair Ellsworth green- accomplishment determination. Decide to save Tues 12- 35- houses, MlssM. A. Clark, proprietor, requires all you can. Hamburg Trimmed Hook Front Brassieres, all after shortly midnight Monday night, Start an account with the Hancock County Savings Bank. sizes, each 50c did damage estimated at from $300 New House Dresses in. to $DUU. The tire started in the just These are exception- The Thursday club will meet this Hancock County Bank well week with potting and shipping room, some dis- Savings ally made, of good material and guaran- Miss Alice H. Scott. A tance removed from the furnace, and Ellsworth, Maine teed to fit Priced at full attendance is desired as there is Jjia.40 and $3.09 from some cause unknown. Important sewing to be attended to. The building was gutted, and will practi- H. W. Dunn has arrived home cally have to be rebuilt, as may also Mend im your inn 11 we from a to orders, trip Massachusetts and the The contain fill side of the greenhouse adjoining To Daily papers articles relating to the them promptly and mrr- Rhode Island. Mrs. Dunn, who My Customers: business of Fire Insurance it. Some cut flowers, ma- particularly calling Value fully and on packing attention to the increased values pay pontage ail Growth went with him, will return this week. of buildings and stocks, owing to the abnormal prices of terials, etc., were destroyed, but u that amount to 91.00 or over. lding materials and the high cost of labor. It be that Mrs. Charles was may your insurance is not suffi- Merriam called practically no damage was done to cient to cover any possible if not I would like to to Boston last week the illness of loss, place additional insurance for you. by growing plants. There was no in- The 80 cent clause per does not affect any insurance policies issued on M. L. 95 her father, James E. Snow, who died surance. property outside of ADAMS, MAIN ST. hydrant protection, it will cost nothing to talk this over Saturday, at the age of sixty-six with me. Call me on the Phone or There are writ«*ne. Better still, call at office and we years. many cases of influenza my will talk it over. and grip colds in town. Eben War- Yours Respectfully, Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Tapley left to- ren has been seriously ill. suffering a O. W. day for Portland, and to be present TAPLEY. relapse after apparently being on the at ladies' night of Kora temple, Mys- road to recovery. Mrs. Warren also tic Snrine. Mr. is on the re- Tapley has been ill. James E. Lynch and ception committee. wife have both been 111, but are re- The motor and additional machin- ported as better. Harry C. Austin esy for F. S. Sawyer's lath mill, long has been confined to the house the delayed by the freight tie up, is now past week, but is better. Mrs. John and the mill will be run- arriving, Higgins is ill, and reported as im- We're To Start ning in a few days. proving this morning. Miss Martha Going Something J. Owing to the fuel shortage the Barron is ill at her home in Dol- We are going to break the back of this record-breaking Bee Brand can Unitarian school will close lardtown. Miss Persis E. Meader of Peaches, 39c Sunday winter by talkintr autos. It isn’t a bit too to the same early think Ounce Good Peaches for a short time. During the sus- community is reported as Quality of that new car. When want will pension of Sunday school the schol- recovering from an attack of influen- you it, you want it Garden Brand can za, and Mrs. Horace H. in a hurry. Get in order now. We Asparagus, 21c ars may obtain copies of The Beacon Meader. in the your have the California (frown. Quality (ruaranted from Miss Elizabeth A. Belcher. same home, Is ill. W. son Charles the Ellsworth Swiss can Clyde Mosley, of A. A. basket-ball Chard, .... Chalmers and 15c Mosley, formerly of Ellsworth, died team won claim to the county cham- Dort, Overland one can at Try this low price Tuesday of last week at Bar Harbor, pionship last Friday when evening, for * some immediate delivery. Be Brand can where he had lived for years. it "put it all over” the Radio team Pumpkin, He was of He from Bar 15c thirty-six years age. Harbor, which has issued Also agents for » i sy to make with canned pies pumpkin in the house leaves a wife and family. a challenge to Ellsworth or any team Smilax on Mt. Desert island. The Kadiosf 18 oz bottle Mrs. Assunta Luchini and son An- and Cadillac Catchup, 30c scored the first basket, and looked Dodge Natural flavor free drew are spending two weeks in Bos- from preservatives but it wasn't before ton and vicinity. On their return happy, long they Pure were sending out S. O. S. calls. The Several Fords, an Overland and a Chevrolet are Lard, pound tney win spend St. Patrick's day 21c final score, 55 to 22, tells the pitiful with their former pastor, Rev. P. F. among our good bargains in second-hand cars. We expect it to go higher story. Next Friday evening there Flanagan, in Rumford.
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