CN ^ V rUESDAT, SEPTEMBER T, 194S The Weather Manchester ^Evening Herald Average Daily Circulation Fbreeaet'ot U. A Weather Bureau For the Month of Angnst. 1949 Cooler tonight and eontinned Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grabowski moderately cnbi Thurwlmy morn­ of Hartford road and' Mr. and 8 ^ 5 8 ' About Town -To Study Nursing Calls Carnival ing- ‘ ' Mrs. Arthur E. Felber o f Oak Member of the Audit street are spending a few days in New York City., Mr. Felber will G. E. WILLIS & SO N JN d f - Bureau of Circulattons Temple CawpUr Ne. (M, O.E.8., leave Monday for Camp Devens. Great Success Manchesler~—‘A City of Village Charm will hold m fln t meeting of the Lumber of All Kind9 Extra Special! new MMOii tomorrow evening at Mrs. Edna Case- Parker who is (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS * algM ^deck In the Masonic Tem­ K. of C. pfficiiil Thanks (Claultled Adverttelng on Page-lt)^ MANCHESTER. CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 194.3 in charge of Red Cross sewing on 3|ason Supplies— Paint——Hardware VOL. LXII., NO. 289 ple. Robert Morris night will be Wednesdays at Center Church Seconds of 100% Wool All White observed. A social time will follow House, announces that all-day Those Responsible for Balsam Wool Insulation the meetlnjg. The officers will sessions will be resumed begin­ Conducting the Event. have a rehearsal In preparation ning, tomorrow at 10:30 a. m. Navy Officers' for the official visitation of Grand Worthy Matron Miss Laura O. Miss Eleanor Kowalski of 168 Lxrge crowds attended during COKE OIL Taylor flf NorValk, on Wednes­ Hilliard street, and Miss Lillian the Saturday and Labor day ses­ 2 Main St. Tel. 5125 day evening, September 22. Stevenson of Miadletown,- are sions of the annual Knights oif Co­ * spending the week in Buffalo, N. lumbus carnival at Main and Del- The Junior Luther League of the Y. ^ mont streets. The annual chil­ Emanuel Lutheran Church will dren’s day was held Saturday aft­ ~s -a hold its monthly meeting tonight The monthly meeting of .the ernoon with a throng of kiddies in at seven o'clock. A radio quiz pro­ Manchester Girl Scout Council attendance and the rides, which gram has been planned and re­ will be held this evening at 7:30 all were reduced for the occasion, Made for the Officers in ibe Navy freshmen,ts will ^ served. Mem­ at the ■ home of Commissioner did a land-office business. _ Keep Warm This Wliiter bers of tile Confirmation Classes of Miss Emily Smith, 55 East Mid­ Terming the carnival the most ’41, *42. and '43 are cordially in­ dle .Turnpike. successful Campbell Council ever < EAGLE MINERAL #OOL vited and urged to attend. has conducted. General Chairman Russians Mrs. Sarah Turklngton of 23 Fo.ster H. Williams today released INSULATION ©'•chard street has returned home the names of council members after spending a week with rela­ Firei^roof Water Repellent — Non Settling wno helped .make the carnival a \ A Iso Cu.stom Made Storm Sash. -* INCOME TAX SERVICE tives in Troy, N. Y. success and at the same time said Preliminary Ta» Returns Miss Lucille Barry that he was grateful for the as­ * Estimates Given Llnne Lodge No. 72, KnighU of la Guuda Nena!— Better News Today for Individuals sistance they had rendered him. Are Due September IS. Pythias, will hold its regular meet­ Mies Lucille Barrj', daughter of > Thoee Who Took Part OIL HEAT AND ENGINEERING, INC. ing tomorrow, night at eight fn 692 Maple Aye., Hartford. , Tel. 2-2149 Telephone Manchester 3308 Michael J. Barry. Sr., of Maple Council members who took an Orange hall. District Deputy active part during the past week Abram Alswanger, of Stamford, a street entered the St. Francis C. J. Sisk, Evenings, Tel. Hartford 8-4031 Big candidate for Grand Outer Guard, were: Joseph -Trimble, John Mc­ Hospital School of Nursing today. Carthy, Daniel Sullivan, John will be present at this meeting. Miss Barry graduated from Murphy, James Murphy, John F. AU CB CXIFRAR high school in June and will take Tierney, William Gorman, Charles (Known As Queen Alice) The lobby of the State Theater Mather, William Ferguson, Sam­ presents a new idea In decorations the three year course as required City in Donets Area SPIRITUAL MEDIUM uel Turcotte, Harold Donlon, A r­ Connected with the Third Bond by the U. S. Cadet Nurses’ Corps V Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son which, she has Joined. thur Keating, John Durande, Jo­ ^WILLIAM P. ' Bom With a Veil. Drive. An American flag, that seph Buaky, Edward Kosak, flutters in the breeze continually, Beadlngs Dally, iacinding Sunday, Thomas Carron, George Patton, t A M. to 9 P. M. Or By Appolnt- has been effectively draped so that by Russia John Rohan, Cornelius Foley, it calls sttention to the necessity The Asbury group of the South etenL In the Service of the Peo­ Methodist W.S.C.S. will meet Janies Dcarden, Edward Sweeney, If first quality the.s^would , be $14.98. A blanket Restored to Soviet ple (or SO Tears. of buying bonds during September. Anthony Choman, Paul Morlarty, Those attending the tBeater over Thursday afternoon at, 2 o’clock 199 Church Street, Hartford, Conn. in the. church parlors. “-There is Raymond -Fogarty, Frank Quish, that will wear foi* years and years and give real warmth. Phone 9-3024 the week-end commented favor­ considerably business to be trans­ John' Morlconl, John Tierney, Ber­ Course of. War liiiineasiirably Shorleiied" a8 ably'bn the unique design. ffkUN Si:, AANCHcsna Allied Troo|^s acted. and a good attendance Is nard Fogarty, Thomas Morlarty, Red Advance CroBaes Hitler’s ‘European Fortress’ Craeked and Way hoped for at this first fall meet­ Grand Knight Jatnes Tierney, Bond Drive Firm Refusal Ronald H. Ferguson, of The^er- ing. Theodore Zimmer, Theodore Rail Line to Mariupol, Opened for New Offensive^; Casablanca Ulti« ald. Is in Chicago this week at­ Grsybek, Philip Mahoney, Eklward Expand Hold ROOFING tending the annual convention of Plan Wit!^ Mr. Quish \ 65 Milea Southwest on Will Start On Argentine Mr. and Mrs: Richard De Mar­ F. Moriarty, EMward J. Mortarty, iiiatum Receives First Application; TerniB the Associated Press Managing Daniel Flynn,*^ Joseph Volz, Leo ^ASBESTOS SIDING Editors. He is accqntpanled by M. tin and son, Mr. and Mrs. Charles . .in advance of need. He is always ready Sea o f Azov; ' Other Approved by Governments of Britain, United Pickard and Mr. and Mrs, Colin Kwash, John Tynan, John Young On Italy Toe H. Williams, managing editor of and Luke D. Phillips. \ Unita Sever Main Rail­ With Plea Weapons Bid INSULATION the Worcester Telegram-Gazette. Davies, all of this town spent the to discuss arrangements and charges before States and Russia; Italy Binds Itself with No Labor Day weekend at the Coon- * ■ * * road from Baain to anessit club, Falmouth, Maas. Tbs the service. '. British and Canadians Reservations; Truce Actually Reached on Last Expert workmanship. All work Manchester -people had as their Dnieperopetrovsk, 115 Rop$evelt W ill Open No- Hull Flatly TuruB Down guaranteed. Reasonable Prices. Cosis Within Means No holes, cuts or tears— these blankets are made Occupy Bova Marina, Friday B eforf Invasion o f Mainland Begun* No obligation for an es^pate. guests while on the Cape, Major Milea Weat of Stalino. ! tion*$ Third War Loan Request for American IF YOU WANT and Mrs. Hart of Hartford, and 1st POOPIMC Push Up West Coast Lieut. William Wright of Pennsyl­ from two pieces— pieced together firmlv. Made from ' Campaign With 10- Lend-Lease Materials; e f\£.SIDIHC To Pelrace River. X Al|ied Headquarters iir North Africa, Sept. 8.— (/P)—Gen. vania, friends of the vacationers. the finest quality wool obtainable and woven to gesfprn- London, Sept. 8.— (d*)— Minute Radio Talk. Fears Brazil’s Power. Dwight D. Eisenhower today announced the unconditional Burton ^Insulating Co. Major Hart has recently returned • Esttmatea Freely Given. Capture of fiercely-defended surrender of Italy in the greatest victory fo r,Allied arms in to the United States following a ment regulations for the officers of the Navy. Allied Headquarters in North HELP Stalino by the Russiana was four ycai’vS of war. General Eisenhower announced he had . 189 Oxford St. ' Hartford long period of service In the South­ • Workmanship Goaranteed Washington, Sept. 8.— -P resi­ Washington, Sept. 8—(d»)—Pos­ Africa, Sept. 8.—(yp/—Brltish-Cs- west Pacific. acknowledged by the Ger- granted a military armistice— approved by Russia a.s well as " ’ • *( • Highest Quality blaterlala Also a-few in grey in the same fine quality. dent Roosevelt will open the 815,- sibly Jealous and fearful over the nsdian troops, expanding their in­ ^mans today, restoring the Britain and thfe United States— to the war-sick, tottering, for planning any sort 'AMBULAMCe 5E/ 000.000,000 Third War Loan drive growing power of Brazil, Argen­ vasion hold on Italy’s toe to more | • Time Payments Arrarged.— last of the great industrial junior Axis partner being chewed by invasion. Hitler’s tonight with a 10-minute radio ad. tina has asked for—and been than 70 miles, have occupied, cities of the Donets basin to firmly refused— American lease- “ European fortress” was cj-acked, the twfiy was opened'for ' o f banquet or catei^- DAY-NIGHT 4 3 4 0 ^Please Note— Navy Blankets do not have binding dress as part of an hour-long pro­ Bova Marina, 10 miles east of Me-i a A. A. DION, INC the Red Army which already leiid materials, including^ the im­ new offensives, the course of World wtht H immeasurably OLD gram be^nning at 9 p.
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