ETHEMedford, MA 02155 TUFTSTuesday, November 26,1991 DAILYJVol XXIII, Number 58 Faculty tables vote on Presidential search committee World Civ proposal meets, reviews upcoming work courses iUC to be intcrdiscipli by SCHAEF1cR nary. intcgr;ltblg disciplines fr()n by MAUREEN LENIHAN Senior Staff Writer Daily Editorial Board and PATRICK HEALY at leiist three of the five distribu The 19-member search com- Dally Edil(~r1alhtUd tion areas. mittee fonned to begin the pro- Although the proposed World Since 1986. threeteamsoffac cess of selecting anew university CivilizationsFoundation rcquire- ult y. including one professor frorr president met for the first time inent was briefly presented at the the School ofEngineering,devel yesterday, familiariz,ing them- Liberal Arts and Jackson facully oped three two-semester course: selves with their task and the meeting yesterday. the LAM fac- which were ultiinately opened tc committee‘s initial duties includ- ulty postponed further discussion students to take on a voluntce ing formali~inga Job description and voting on the prognun until basis. These courses, titled “P for the post. Dec. 11. Sense of Place.” “Time and Cal The committee. representing Dean of College of Liberal endars,“and “Memory and Iden trustees. administrators, faculty Arts and Jackson Mary Ella tity.“wereestablishedwith fincan members. staff members. stu- Fcinleibmoved tocrcate the Dec. cia1 support from ihe Davis Foun dents. and alumni, was fonncd in 1 I meeting since other meeting dation. the National Endowmen response toai miouiiccmcnt last topics preceding the World Civ for the Humimities, and the Uni May that University president presentation took up most of the versit y. JciUi Mayer would be moving to Photo by Karl Schatz scheduled meeting time. leaving Hirsch outlined the commoi the new1 y-created office of Chaw Tufts Trustee Brian O’Connell, chair of the Presidential Search only a half hour for the faculty to featurcsofeachofthe WorldCivi cellor in 1993. discuss the proposed requirement. lizations courses. Each course ha: Committee, yesterday outlined the duties of the new committee TuftsTrusteeBriiul O’Coluicll, charged with selecting the next University president. World Civ Program Director chair of the presidential search Steven Hirsch described past committee. said at aprcss confcr- Board of Trustees. Shelly record of supporting human rights, World Civ classes and past fac- ence Monday that the job of the Storbeck. ii representative from experience with the sciences, an ulty-approved legislation regard- committee “will be to initiate a KondFerry, estimated that the ability to relate to the students ing World Civ, as well as briefly world wide search for a person search committee will be able to ‘and faculty. ‘and a strong teaching outlining the proposal for imple- who can measure up to Jean choose from a pool of approxi- background. menting the requirement. He Mayer.“ mately 500-600 c‘didiites. The Other factors will also be ex- noted that the LA&J passed legis- In a press statement released consulting firm is also respon- amined,including the willingness lation in Fall 1986to create a two- Monday, Nelson Gifford. Chair- sible for creating a timetable for to live on canpus. “Because so semester requirement that “re- man of the Board of Trustees, the search committee, which will much emphasis is put on the un- flected thechanged circumstances stated “apresidential search serves serve as a guideline for the com- dergraduate college. we feel that of the world in whichour students as a time of self-assessment and mittee during its monthly meet- it is very important that the new will be living arid working in the renewal. We have ‘an outstcanding ings. presidentbe seen as someone who 21 SI century.” leader in Jecm Mayer, and we The university has repeatedly wants to be put on campus,” Several members of the Tufts must conduct a broad-ranging expressed the desire that the search O’Comell said. She added that Community Union Senate ‘and international search that focuses foranew president is made world- any advertisementswill imply that student representatives. on the on the special leadershipneeds of wide. Director of Communica- “if it is not your thing to live on Educational Policy Committee Tufts.” tions Rosemarie Van Camp said canpus, then this is not your situ- attended the faculty meeting yes- Photo by Julio Mol O’Comiell stressed the fact that yesterday thit this broad scope ation.” terday. planning to ask the LA&J Steven Hirsch the committee is made up of could be made possible through a O’Connell also discussed the facultv to delay the World Civ people of many different back- variety of sources. including The role of Mayer as Chancellor, say- vote. *The TCU Senate and the a “over-arching theme” that ex grounds and interests. including T14jis Crilu.ion. which has an in- ing his understanding of the posi- EPC student representativeshave plores both Western and lion six women and live members of ternational circulation of over tion was that the new post was maintained that Tufts‘ distribu- Western cultures from all areas o minority background. 60.0( 10. specificallycreated for Mayerand tion requirements should be re- the world in “various historica “We wanted to make sure that Developing a job description that the pcisition will no longer evaluated if the proposed World epochs,” using a “centerpiece u the coininittee was as represcnta- will be one of the first tasks of the exist when Mayer retires from the Civ Foundation rcquireinent is significant texts” with which th live as pc)ssible.”O’Coiuiellsaid. committee. Once the committee University. implemented. teaching professor “strives to cre Headded,however.that “thecoln- decides on a fonnal description. “It was created out of respect World Civilizations courses ate an interdisciplin‘uy integra inittee was iiot put together solely the statement will then be sent to for Mayer and an awareness that aim to examine hnportant cul- tion of different perspectives.” for the appearance of diversity.” the Board of Trustees for final the projects which he has initiated tural ideas aid historical influ- The program has since bee Thccoininilteewill be assisted approval. an: at a crucial stage in their de- ences in selected societies, in- evaluated by a variety of outsid by Korn/Fcrry. ai international O‘Connell said there are many velopment.” said O‘Connell. cluding Western and non-western evaluators who judged the pro consu I tirig firm, and w i I1 be desirable IriUts in a new prcsi- Further in fonnation regarding civilizations and their interac- chiuged with presenting three vi- dent, including a willingness to the committee will be available in tions. These faculty teamtaught see FACULTY, page 2 able presidential cmdidates to the participate in fundraising. a good tomorrow’s Duily. Rise in applicants for early decision to Tufts plicants] thus far.” Round I is the first of two opportunities in the early itdmis- sionsprocessin which high school Inside seniorswho have designatedTufts Features .......................... P. 5 as their first choice school may Fivelocalmysterywritersbraved wind apply to the Univcrsity.The dcuid- and rain last week to discuss detectives, line for first round applications novels, and murders most foul. was Nov. IS. The Admissions Office re- Arts ................................. P. 7 ceived over 330 i1pplicaIiolls to Abusynightlast~ursdayasLibana’s Tufts, with 88 percent of the ilp- Emotional music resonated in Goddard Photo by Julio Mota and Phish rocked in Somerville. While many Lewis Hall residents who were displaced Sunday night following a second-floor fire plications filed for the College of were able to occupy their rooms last night, some residents may not be able to move back into the Liberal Arts imd Jacksol1 d the Sports remaining 12 percent filed for the ............................. P. 9 dormitory until next semester. The Lewis Hall residential staff met last night to discuss options to The men’s basketball team stomped present to the students whose rooms were destroyed or damaged in the fire, which was reportedly School of Engineering. Once can- onDrewU.butwasstoppedshortoftota1 caused by “the careless disposal of smoking materials.” didates have been accepted to victory attheInvitationa1bv Stonevbmk. Tufts. the Admissions Office will Dage two THE TUFl’S DAILY Tuesdav, November 26,1991 THETUFTS DAILE Letters to the Editor the$me he arrived on scene, however, wandering in one of the smoke-filledhall- Geoffrey W. Lepper Alarms are serious . smoke had engulfed the hallway and he ways. Editor-in-Chief To the Editor: I . couldn’t see the end of the comdor:Tha& This fire should be a reminder to us all I’d like to take this opportunityto thank you tb these staff members who kept their that every time we hear a fire alarm it Managing Editor: David Saltzman all the Lewis Hall students and staff, heads and were able to handle this difficult should be treated seriously. Staying in ,I Associate Editor: Michele Pennell your room may seem like a harmless act - .Editorial Page Editor: Eric Hirsch Somerville fire fighters, and university ‘i ‘ ?‘ personnel that made Sunday night’s fire when your building has had severalalarms I would also like to thank two Tufts of “unknown” cause, but there is always Producdon. .. Managers: Michelle Frayman, free from incident and injury. Anne .L .. Julie Comdl Roggeveen is the resident assistant on the Policeofficers,ThomasMqhy andLinda the chance that it is a real fire. We should NEWS ” .- 1’. second floor wing where the fire&curred. U’Brian, who went to every room to make all be thank€ulthat no one was hurt. ! -;‘Editors: Patrick Healy, Janine Billy She was responsible for pulling?he fire Sure.everyone was out of the building. Assistant Editors: Christopher Bodeen, alarm and alerting nearby residents’of the While running up and down every hall- Amy Baker ,.. MaureenLenihan way, Officer Murphy found two students Area Director for downhill residences .
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