page 1 SERIES FILE LIST - S00181 Bruce W. Powe fonds Inventory #103 Call #: File: Title: Date(s): Note: 1995-018/003 (1) Sealed Correspondence with Joseph Amas. *SPEAK TO B.W. RE: DATE FOR OPENING* 1995-018/003 (2) Sealed Correspondence with J. *SPEAK TO B.W. Didier-Stewart. RE: OPENING* 1995-018/003 (3) "Banff, 1990, vol 1., correspondence, notes, cards, stuff, records" 1995-018/003 (4) "Banff, vol. 2" 1995-018/003 (5) Correspondence, both literary and personal: 1985, some ref. to "A Climate Charged". 1995-018/003 (6) Correspondence 1986 1995-018/003 (7) Correspondence 1988 1995-018/003 (8) Election 1988: Dennis Mills/ Anti-Free Trade Campaign 1995-018/004 (1) Correspondence 1994-1995 1995-018/004 (2) Correspondence 1993 1995-018/004 (3) Correspondence 1992 1995-018/004 (4) Correspondence 1989-1990 1995-018/004 (5) Correspondence 1991 1 of 2 1995-018/004 (6) Correspondence 1991 2 of 2 1995-018/004 (7) Letters and notes from Robin Leslie pictures included (Mackenzie) Powe, 1991 onward. 1995-018/004 (8) Letters and notes from and to Robin, 1989 onward. 1995-018/006 (1) Letters to: Premier David Peterson, Senator Keith Davey, Globe and Mail, Prof. Brian Rusted (U. of Calgary), and Douglas Pepper (Managing ed. of Random House). 1995-018/006 (2) Course proposals, Atkinson College Eng Dept, 1992. 1995-018/006 (3) "HumanLink: Proposal for a Thinktank", (for Jim Berry) 1995-018/006 (4) York University Creative Writing Exam. 1995-018/006 (5) Proposal: "The Global Village Program" (at Banff). 1995-018/006 (6) Abandoned collaberations: "The Moses Znaimer Project-Book", "Scenario for an episode of TV TV". 1995-018/007 (1) Correspondence: R. Murray Schafer. 1995-018/007 (2) Cor: Don DeLillo, Michael Redhill, David Homel, Jack Macleod, Garry Geddes, Allan Gould, Ed Carson, and Cynthia Good. 1995-018/007 (3) Cor: Susan Swan. 1995-018/007 (4) Cor: John Roberts Colombo. 1995-018/007 (5) Cor: John Ralston Saul. 1995-018/007 (6) Cor: John Metcalf. page 2 SERIES FILE LIST - S00181 Bruce W. Powe fonds Inventory #103 Call #: File: Title: Date(s): Note: 1995-018/007 (7) Cor: Diane Kealing. 1995-018/007 (8) Cor: Kenneth Sherman. 1995-018/007 (9) Cor: Branford Morrow. 1995-018/007 (10) Cor: Cross-Canada's Writer's Quarterly, Ted Plantos and Susan Ioannou. 1995-018/007 (11) Cor: Eric McLuhan. 1995-018/007 (12) Cor: George Sanderson (ed. Antigonish Rev.). 1995-018/007 (13) Cor: William Aide (CBC recording artist). 1995-018/007 (14) Cor: Lawrence Jeffery. Includes his play, "Clay". 1995-018/007 (15) Cor: Stan Colbert (The Colbert Agency). 1995-018/007 (16) Cor: Bronwyn Drainie. 1995-018/007 (17) Cor: C.J. Fox (ed. Wyndham Lewis Newsletter). 1995-018/007 (18) Cor: Andrew Danson (photographer). 1995-018/007 (19) Cor: Prof. Brian Rusted. 1995-018/007 (20) Cor: Joe Keogh (essayist, critic, one of Mcluhan's original collaberators), vol 1. 1995-018/007 (21) Cor: Joe Keogh, vol 2. 1995-018/008 (1) Correspondence: Pierre Trudeau 1995-018/008 (2) Cor: George Steiner (critic) 1995-018/008 (3) Cor: Moses Znaimer 1995-018/008 (4) Cor: Derrick de Kerkhove (dir: McLuhan Program 1995-018/008 (5) Cor: Barry Callaghan (author) 1995-018/008 (6) Cor: Irving Layton 1982-1988 1995-018/008 (7) Cor: Publishing Matters 1995-018/008 (8) Cor: letters from students of summer 1993, 1993-94. 1995-018/008 (9) Cor: academic concerns 1995-018/008 (10) Cor: "fan mail" 1995-018/008 (11) Cor: Prof. Alfredo Rizzardi (U of Bologna) 1995-018/008 (12) Cor: Marco Adria (author) 1995-018/008 (13) Political Cor: Jim Coutts, John Godfrey (MP), Dennis Mills (MP), Keith Davey (Senator), Royce Faith (Senator), Tom Axworthy (Princ. secretary to Trudeau) 1995-018/008 (14) Lectures, Readings, Contracts 1995-018/008 (15) Cor: Prof. David Pearce (U of California) 1995-018/008 (16) Cor: William Kuhns (author) 1995-018/008 (17) Cor: Prof. Matthew Corrigan (York) 1995-018/008 (18) Cor: Richard Sherbaniuk (author) page 3 SERIES FILE LIST - S00181 Bruce W. Powe fonds Inventory #103 Call #: File: Title: Date(s): Note: 1995-018/008 (19) Cor: Frank Manley (author, student) 1995-018/008 (20) Cor: Rafael Lozano-Hemmer (performance artist) 1995-018/008 (21) Cor: Prof. David Black (Wilfred Laurier) 1995-018/008 (22) Cor: Leo Furey (author, early reader) 1995-018/008 (23) Cor: "Art and the Cities", 1993 onward 1995-018/008 (24) Cor: Ed Wilson 1999-043/001 (1) Trudeau Era Conference, Invitation to 1998 celebrate the publication of The Essential Trudeau and Trudeau's Shadow 1999-043/001 (2) Trudeau Era Conference, Letter from Jean 1998 Chretien 1999-043/001 (3) Trudeau Era Conference, Name tags 1998 1999-043/001 (4) Trudeau Era Conference, Correspondence 1998 1999-043/001 (5) Trudeau Era Conference, Poster 1998 1999-043/001 (6) Trudeau Era Conference, Correspondence 1998 1999-043/001 (7) Trudeau Era Conference, Press Information, 1998 York University Gazette 1999-043/001 (8) Trudeau Era Conference, Letter to Margaret 1998 Atwood 1999-043/001 (9) Trudeau Era Conference, Correspondence 1998 (email) 1999-043/001 (10) Trudeau Era Conference, Correspondence 1998 from Michael Ignatieff, author/philosopher 1999-043/001 (11) Trudeau Era Conference, Notes/Addresses 1998 (handwritten) 1999-043/001 (12) Trudeau Era Conference, Notes/Ideas 1999-043/001 (13) Trudeau Era Conference, Correspondence 1998 from Stephen Clarkson 1999-043/001 (14) Trudeau Era Conference, Material 1999-043/001 (15) Trudeau Era Conference, Registration Form and Conference Program 1999-043/001 (16) Trudeau Era Conference, Press: The Globe 1998 and Mail; Trudeau -The Warrior King 1999-043/001 (27) Correspondence: National Symposium on 1997 Information , Literacy and the School in Canada 1999-043/001 (30) St. Boniface Conference Guides, Canada 1996 Horizons 2000 1999-043/001 (35) Material: Public Lending Rights 1998 1999-043/001 (38) Miscellaneous 1999-043/001 (41) Correspondence: Conference on the future of 1996 Canada 1999-043/001 (42) Correspondence, Couchiching Conference 1996 1999-043/001 (51) Various material: University of Toronto, 1998-1999 Coach House Festival page 4 SERIES FILE LIST - S00181 Bruce W. Powe fonds Inventory #103 Call #: File: Title: Date(s): Note: 1999-043/001 (52) Correspondence from Professor Arthur 1996 Kroker Concordia University 1999-043/001 (53) Collages by artist Yves Dore 1998 1999-043/002 (5) Historic Televisions and Memorabilia from the MZTV Museum 1999-043/002 (12) Correspondence, D.K. James Berry, friend 1998 1999-043/002 (14) Letters and notes, Alexandra Natasha Cilic, 1998- 1999-043/002 (15) Correspondence, Carole Corbeil, author 1995 1999-043/002 (16) Correspondence, Jody Didier, friend 1998 1999-043/002 (17) Correspondence (personal), Mary Young Leckie, 1997- 1999-043/002 (18) Correspondence (personal), Leah 1998-1999 Schlesinger, cousin 1999-043/002 (19) Correspondence (email), Michael Todd, friend; Ellen Case, former student 1999-043/002 (20) Correspondence, Maria McLean , former 1998 student 1999-043/002 (21) Correspondence, Everest Munro, former 1995 McLuhan student 1999-043/002 (23) First Christmas in Stouffville 1997 1999-043/002 (24) The twins school reports 1995 1999-043/002 (25) Arrival of the twins November 25, 1992 1999-043/002 (26) Photographs of Katie, by Andrew Danson, 1995 Christmas 1999-043/002 (30) Introduction to McLuhan Conference, original 1997 drafts 1999-043/002 (31) McLuhan Conference, York University 1997 1999-043/002 (32) York Authors/Award Holders Luncheon, 1997 Grant Recipients 1999-043/002 (33) Literary Matters 1999-043/003 (11) Correspondence, MZTV and Liss Jeffery, 1995 director of the museum and editor of the ROM catalogue 1999-043/003 (15) Correspondence, re: Harbourfront, Greg 1995 Gatenby 1999-043/003 (24) Silent Auction, Avenue Road Arts School 1996 1999-043/003 (25) Bravo! June 1997 1999-043/003 (28) Name tags, various events 1999-043/003 (34) Notes, post referendum 1999-043/003 (35) Outline, The Castle of the Human Beings A story for children; Gerard Kennedy Convention 1999-043/003 (36) Gerard Kennedy Convention, speech notes (3 speeches) 1999-043/003 (37) Kennedy Convention speech page 5 SERIES FILE LIST - S00181 Bruce W. Powe fonds Inventory #103 Call #: File: Title: Date(s): Note: 1999-043/003 (38) Kennedy speech, original 1999-043/003 (39) Speech, notes 1999-043/003 (40) Kennedy campaign, political notes, flyer 1999-043/003 (41) Victory speech notes Books with Inscriptions to B. Powe 1999-043/004 (11) Correspondence from John Atkin, professor, 1996 philosopher, McLuhan collaborator 1999-043/004 (12) Correspondence from William Aide, pianist, 1997 artist, author 1999-043/004 (13) Correspondence from Marco Adria, author of 1996 Peter Gzowski An Electric Life (inscription to B. Powe) 1999-043/004 (14) Correspondence from Tom Axworthy, former 1999 principal secretary to Pierre Trudeau 1999-043/004 (15) Correspondence from Isiah Berlin 1995 1999-043/004 (16) Correspondence from Professor David Black, Communication Studies Wilfred Laurier 1999-043/004 (17) Correspondence from Alice Boissonneau, poet/author 1999-043/004 (18) Correspondence from Aaron Bourgoin 1995 1999-043/004 (19) Correspondence from Julie Brickman, 1998 author/novelist 1999-043/004 (20) Correspondence from Catherine Bush, 1998 novelist/teacher 1999-043/004 (21) Correspondence from Fuluio Caceia, 1999 author/translator 1999-043/004 (22) Correspondence from Ed Casson, president 1996 of Harper Collins 1999-043/004 (23) Correspondence from Michael Centusy, composer/art organizer 1999-043/004 (24) Correspondence from Bruce Cockburn, 1997 singer/songwriter 1999-043/004 (25) Correspondence from Andrew Cohen, editor 1996 for Globe & Mail 1999-043/004 (26) Correspondence from Jim Coutts, Trudeau's 1997-1998 former principal secretary 1999-043/004 (27) Correspondence from Wilf Cude, author, 1996 critic, essayist and teacher 1999-043/004 (28) Correspondence from Andrew Dayson, 1996 photographer 1999-043/004 (29) Correspondence from Christopher Dewdney, 1998 poet/philosopher 1999-043/004 (30) Correspondence from David Evans, journalist/former student 1999-043/004 (31) Correspondence from Charlie Foran, 1996 novelist, critic, journalist 1999-043/004 (32) Correspondence from Gary Geddes, author 1999 page 6 SERIES FILE LIST - S00181 Bruce W.
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