All Uio News oi WE DO UED BAKK and Surrounding Town* Told Fearlessly and Without BlM. OUR PART tuned V/aklr, KnWred u Second-Own Manor «t lb« Port- Subscription Prices On» Year fi-O'J. VOLUME LVII, NO. 37. oOca at Bid Bank. N. J., under tha Act of March 8. 18711. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1935. SI* Month* S1.0O. Simla Copy «c. PAGES 1 Sea Bright Orders Mrs. Goodfellow LOCAL MAN HONORED, Pupils Attend New Deeper And Wider TINTON FAliS PET SHOW. Future Tasks For Thomas W. Head Accepts Invitation Pupils Aro Making Elaborate Prep- New Town Hall? Check-Up Of Taxes Addresses D. A. R. As Judge At Flower Show. York Music Concert Channel Sought arations For Event. Today's Children Thomas W. Head, superintendent The pupils-of Shrewsbury township WeMayHaveOne State Chairman of Real Daugh- of Mlddietown Farms . on Cooper Fifth and Sixth grades of Oak- The Mayor and Council of Red are making elaborate plans for a pet Circulariiation of BorouRh to be road In Middletown township, haa how to be given at the Tinton Falls Mrs. Marion F. McDowell of Officials Consider Proposal to Made Through State Auditor's ters Says Five Real Daughters been honored by being selected as a land Street School Hear Con- Bank Go on Record in Favor oolhuust: early in April. In ad- Rutgers University to Give Get One Free of Charge, but Office at Request of John P. I.cft_All Given National So- judge at the 22d International Flow- cert Conducted by Dr. Wal- of Congressman Sutphin'a Bill dition to the display of pets the show Address in Junior High School Male No Decision—Might Mulvihill, Auditor. ciety Pension. er show to be Uekl in tho Grand ter Damrosch. for River Improvement. will ha.ve many other features,includ- Building Next Thursday Night Central Palaco at New York, March ng prizes for the best hand-made Profit by Selling Present Hill The Shrewsbury 'l'owne chapter. A groun-of pupils from grades five At the regular meeting of the . The Sea Bright mayor and coun- IK to 23, Inclusive. posters, for the beijt hand-made bird- Mrs. Marion P. McDowell will be The mayor and council of B«d cil Friday night, by resolution au- D. A. R., met Monday afternoon at and six of the Oakland street school mayor and council of lied Bank houses, for the best compositions presented at the next meeting of the the home of Mrs. Walter P. Guptll attended ft mualc appreciation con- Monday night n resolution Intro- Bank have held several conference* thorized a circularlzation of delin- about animals and birds and for the Junior and Senior High School Par- recently to dlscuas projecta for pcr- quent taxpayers of that municipality at Shrewsbury, with Mrs. Raymond cert conducted by Dr. Walter Dam- duced liy Councilrn.-m Joseph Irwfn best nrtlclca about conserving bird ent-Teacher association Thursday, Guenther and Mrs, Guptll as hostess- advocating tho widening and deepen- nanont municipal improvements to through tho office of Walter R. Dar- rosch last Friday at the JJ.. B. C. ife. Awards will also be made for March 14, at eight o'clock in the jun- financed • with federal funds. by, state auditor. This was done at es. After the regular meeting was studio In Radio City. They made the ing of the North Shrewsbury river the best clay models and pictures of ior high school auditorium. Mrs. Mc- held a spehdld program waa given from the public dock at the foot of Whether or not the money -will be- the request of John P. MulvlhM, bor- trip by bus and wero accompanied animals and birds. The parents of Dowell's subject will be "Future come available depends upon tha f»te ough auultor, who declared .that the with Mrs. Raymond Goodfellow, by tho principal, Miss Mary A. Mc- Maple uvenuo to Highlands waa tho pupils and all other Interested Tasks For Today's Children." There state chairman of real daughters, as unanimously ndoptcd. Recently citizens will be Invited to attend. The of tho Works Relief bill now pend- finances oj tho borough have been Cue, and the music supervisor, Miss will t>e music and refreshments. ng in congress. Tho Red BanK-of- handled In a very "unsatisfactory guest speaker. Mrs. Goodfellow re- Emma J. Lafetra. Congressman William.H. Sutphin in- pupils, are hopeful of making the lated that only five real daughters ficials have exchanged Idoas about a manner." By oircularlsation, taxpay- In preparation for the trip the troduced a bill to have the river sur- show an annual event of large im- were left and these patriotic old la- veyed with ii view to having its chan- portance in the life of their school. ijimber ot proposed improvements In ers who are delinquent will receive pupils learned what a symphony or- order to be prepared to make appli- from the state auditor's office notices dies are given a pension by the Na- nel enlarged, and the resolution of- One feature of the show will be that tional society. She has visited all of chestra Is and the stories of the fered by Mr. Irwln wr.d Intended to cation for funds In tho event that giving the amount of delinquent music dramas —"Tho Rhclngold," all cats at the show must wear col- taxes, and the state auditor IB to bo the real daughters and flndB them In- show that this community Is solidly lars to which bells are attached. The he measure Is passed. Thoy oay that tensely interested In the work the The Valkyrie" and "Siegfried." A in fnvor of the proposed improve- object is to impress upon children £ it does becomo a law Red Bank advised immediately of any discrep- study was made of the life of Rich- ancies. 0. A. K. organizations are doing. ment, the necessity of protecting, birds. along with the rest of the United Photographs and fine pieces of hand- ard Wagner, who composed the Councilman Harry G. Degenring States will havo to pay taxes to covet" Mr. Mulvihill told tho mayor that work were displayed and a letter music which was played by Dr. Dam- ,made tho motion to pass the resolu- the appropriation and that It be- he was aiaklng no accusations from each one read. roBCh'a symphony orchestra for these JWon and Councilman Albert J. Van- hooves this community to receive Its against any officials. The accounts of Chapters often adopt one or all of dramas. A special lesson on the Bchoick seconded it. Mr. Degenring share of the money to be disbursed. the borough are over and not short, the real daughters and by so doing above work was prepared and given said the "town fathers" would tie re- Rumson Endorses They state that they would wclcomo tho auditor stated, but certain con- are able to make their last yeara for Miss Lafetra before tho trip waa creant to their duties if they failed HURjrpstions from Interested citizen*. • clitlons have not Improved and the happier by sending Barter and New made. Those takir- part were Mar- to support thin movement. He said Fishing Measure One suggestion which the mayor only way to straighten out matters Years cards and gifts for Chrlstmus jorle Moore, Mary Coloslmo, Rose jthe river waa the town's greatest and council have listened to with In- la to circularize tho borough. Ho sold and their birthdays. The Shrews- Wigdorwltz, Miriam Goidln, Betty jnatural asset and that no opportun- Council Approves Proposed Law terest is that of building a new town the commissioners that If they dont bury Towne Chapter adopted all five Magee and Dominic Trlmboli. ity to make it of larger service to Abolish Pound Fishing at hall cither on tho property on Chest- act tho state auditor will step In and of the real daughters and a letter The concert was most Interesting should be neglected. Mention' was nut street owned by the borough or tako charge. was sent to them telling them or to the children and they were great- made by Mr. lrwin and by Mr. Deg- Request of Local Residents in on the property on Shrewsbury ave- One of tho officials stated that com- their adoption and all about the new ly Impressed by Dr. Damrosch. This enring that the Chamber of Com- Boat Renting Business. nue owned by the board of. educa- plaints have been received that chapter. Mrs. M. T. Hazelton is merce had indorsed {neT widening tion. A plan of the proposed new THOMAS W. HEAD. week they aro writing letters and Endorsement of the bill Introduced Thomas W. Garland, collector, was chairman of the Real Daughters original poems telling him how much and deepening of the river. Mr. Ir- town hall or municipal building baa "not on the Job" when residents committee. The five remaining real wln said that other organizations by Senator Camp of Ocean county been mado without expense to the Mr. Head, who is one of the fore- they enjoyed seeing him and hear- in the state legislaturo to abolish wanted to pay their taxes. Mr. Gar- daughters are Mrs. Annie K. Greg- ing hia orchestra. should follow suit and that Individual taxpayers, but the "town fathers" land had been Instructed to bo at the ory of Wllliamsport, Pennsylvania, most horticulturallsts in this section, citizens should urge their represen- pound fishing was made at a meet- iay they want the fact stressed that hall certain days to receive taxes. Mrs. Angellne L. Avery of Willima- is an authority, and Charles H.
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