25C Volume 15, Issue 33 Lowell Area Readers Since 1893 Wednesday, June 26,1991 Showboat headliners create a special fan rapport Newton gives a 2 1/2 pain-relieving performance In Las Vegas, long lines the cozy, intimate Lowell countered once inside the with either moving the show fonn outside the showrooms Showboat Amphitheatre, but Fieldhouse. to the Fieldhouse or not hav- to see Wayne Newton because a steady rain that had arrived Lowell Showboat concert ing a show at all. Parsons' people consider him the overnight carried into the early promoter Brad Coombs stage crew, technical crew and greatest Las Vegas performer Saturday afternoon, forcing (Group I) was approached by Showboat volunteers spent the in history. the decision to move the show. Newton's production man- next 6 hours moving equip- Saturday, lines fonned for Newton's skills were ager, Lee Parsons, on Satur- ment from the Showboat Am- blocks outside the Gerald Ford tested, as his talents were day afternoon about 1:30. phitheatre to the Fieldhouse. Fieldhouse, as fans waited called on to help people forget Parsons told Coombs Showboat volunteers scurried again to get in to see the about the pre-show wait, and Newton's crew would not set around with fieldhouse offi- consumate entertainer. the seating confusion they en- up the equipment in the rain cials to coordinate Amphithe- It was quite a contrast from and inclement weather. Left Showboat, cont'd., pg. 7 li/miwa A f• Wayne Newton performed for nearly 2-1/2 hours Saturday night for Lowell Showboat fans at the Ford Field house. bbiBst ATTENTION LHS CLASS OF 1981 Puckett tamed back the clock with 69's rock. Morris' singing talents and wit entertained Friday It is not too late to make your reservations for our 10 year night's crowd. Class Reunion on August 3,1991. The following are classmates we've been unable to locate: Robin Hildenbrand, Tom Brown, Robert Amborski, Rebecca Music disagreement results in Hatcher, Debra Myers, Brian Spencer and Rick Wilson. If you know the whereabouts of anyone listed or have questions about August 3 reunion, please call Ruth Thomet at shooting of 19 year old Lowell man 868-2073. An argument over the 25, of Grand Rapids and other carrying a felony firearm, the Start said the case is still loudness of music at an open latter charge carrying an au- JAYCEES SPONSOR BLOOD DRIVE guests at the party. being reviewed with the pre- bouse/graduation party re- "During the fight, Whitney tomatic two-year sentence, if liminary exam set for July 3. sulted in a Lowell man getting produced a handgun and fired convicted. Gerkin's father. Rev. Joe The Lowell Area Jaycees in cooperation with the Grand shot in the abdomen Saturday The other three passengers Gerkin said his son was for- Valley Blood Program invite you to save a life by donating it into the air," Start said. "As night he then tried to get back into were retained, questioned and tunate in that the bullet missed blood on Wednesday, July 10 from 3 to 7 p.m. at the Look Pete Gerkin, I9-years old his car, Whitney felt it neces- released. Whitney's bail was all major organs. Memorial Fire Station on Hudson St., Lowell. If you have any of Lowell, was listed in good set at $5,000. questions, please call Noel Seif at 897-4395. sary to fire the gun once more, condition T uesday at Blodgett the second shot hitting Gerkin Memorial Hospital after being in the abdomen " shot by a Grand Rapids man ST. PATRICK S FESTIVAL • JUNE 30 Whitney and his three male Saturday. passengers then attempted to According to Kent County drive off. In doing so he hit The Annual St. Patrick s Pamell Festival is set for Sunday, Showboat Hoops story Sheriff's Department Detec- two others in attendance at the June 30. tive Bob Start, shortly after party and ran into a number of There will be a chicken barbeque from noon to 5 p.m. with four black Grand Rapids men other cars on his way out. Start and pictures inside take-outs available. Cost is $5 for adults and S3forchildrenl2 showed up at a graduation said. "Whimey and his pas- and under. Preschoolers are free. Homemade pies and cakes. party at 158 Bahala. a private sengers were invited by two drive off of Bailey Drive, an female members at the open argument over the loudness of Bingo will be played on Saturday, June 29,6 to 11 p.m. house/graduation party. See page 23 & 24 their music ensued. The ar- d Sunday from 12 to S. Live music on Saturday from 8 to 12 Whitney was arraigned gument led to a fist fight be- Monday on charges of carry- Main St. cont'd., pg. 7 tween James Russell Whitney, ing a concealed weapon and The l-owell Ledger - Wednesday, June 26,1991 - Page 2 TIM LowtU LTDGV - W«dM«iay9 JWM 26,1991 - PA^T 3 died June 21,1991. She was Amundsen officiating. En- preceded in death by his wife, neral Services were held preceded in death by her hus- tombment at Graceland Mau- Ruth. Survived by children, Tuesday at the Roth-Gersi band, John A. and daughter, soleum. Memorials may be Patricia(Dale)Kuen7.1i,James Chapel, Lowell, Rev. Robert Obituaries Judy Stebbins. Survived by made to the First United Trumble, Jerry (Eva) Nixon of United Congregn-^ Kemp reviews district's financial situation her son and daughter-in-law, Methodist Church of Lowell. Trumble, all of St. Johns, Ml, tional Church of Portland of. Peter and Dorothy Pasanen, Cheryl (Larry) Rogers of ficiating. Interment Oak wixkI Lowell Assistant Superin- The first total can be mea- have to shut its doors," Kemp half of their fall stale aid for- this year for Lowell Schools is approved, the school will BKRGY- Bruce W Bergy morials may be nude (o Alto of Rochester Hills, Ml; four Portland, 14 grandchildren Cemetery. Memorials may tendent Gary Kemp spelled sured in dollars. The school said. mula funds in August and the will be $4.2 milbon. collect all 26.1 mills in the aged 52, of Alio, died unex- Fire Dept. grandchildren, Tracy (Tom) TRUMBLE -John W. and nine great-grandchildren, be made lo the American out very clearly, at the Mon- lost through state aid and local Because of the difficulty other half in September. "People should be warned winter. peciedly June 16,1991. Sur- Stebbins-Butt of Static, MS, Trumble, DVM, aged 79, of Dr. Trumble was a retired Cancer Society. day night Board of Education taxes, $8.3 million. Of that the stale continues lo have fi- As a result of the lost mills that their summer tax bill will "Some would say, cut bus- vived by his children, Lori meeting, what the rejectioo of total, property taxes repre- Kirsteirs,en (Paul) Nestrs o oor f Portland, formerly of Lowell, veterinarian in Lowell and for nancially, the school received a the June millage renewal, be drastically low, so low in ing and cut athletics. Busing (James) Kauffman of DREW-Mis. Carolyn Drew, ^. .^"V , , A 0 died June 22,1991. He was j,e S(aie 0f Michigan. Fu- the recent school renewal sented $6.6 million. the second half of its stale aid Lowell Schools will get fact they might be tempted to only accounts for $500,000 J, ' ace 79 oLf Iwe11,016( owell died1 JunTimee CinanatU,OH, John and Amy Bremerton, WA, Linda Bergy . ri " 0f Rnrh-c,Pr Hitu millage will cost the school "If the renewal millage ef- formula monies for the sum- $ 1^73 per student as opposed ofOrlando R Purirk Rcrov 17. 1991 at Lowell Medical J^sanen of Rodiester Hills, - spend the money they had and athletics only accounts of f F 5 al and what a sccood rejection in fort in September fails, the mer on June 24. to the $3,752 it would have budgeted for taxes," Kemp $150,000," Kemp sad. ? i c'" - r 39 youths compete in September would cost the dis- school will be out of money at Schools have already been received had the millage said. He noted that if the Sep- Lowell Superintendent trict. the end of September and will informed that they will get passed. The gross stale aid tember millage renewal vote l.uwciLowelil anrUTu KUUi danJ n oif SlrikwctdaofValparaiso. IN; l;w.Mra. Alice Coles of School, cont'd^ pg. 9 Kissimmee FL. Mr Bergy nme grandchildren, 14 great- Greenville, nephew 5th annual "Andy Kooiman" was the owner of Bergy Bros grandchildren. Funeral Ser- Pasanen of Berkley, MI; Inc. of Alto and was the As- vlces werc held Friday-June J'na Early of Gal veston, sistant FireChiefwith the Alto 21 31 Roth-Gerst Chapel, TX, also sevend nieces and Kids Fishing Day Fire Dept Funeral Service Msgr. James P. Moran of St "ephews.Mrs.^sanenwasa was 2 Ora-rt Ofnci^, Satuiday, Junc8th,saw39 from area businesses and Winners in the 5-6 yr old Roth-Gerst Chapel, Rev. Interment Woodlawn Cem- ^ EsiherSte I^weM area youngsters at the Lowell merchants categor._ y. were: Timmy Todd Thompson of Alto- etery. Grand Rapids. S »!" Mk,dlc Sck»' Pond as the Tlie kids enjoyed them- Vezinolst,StaceyOnan2nd, Bowne Center United Metb- v^nJc riKC ancl g"6818 of ^ Lowe,, Area selves fishing with their Dads, and Benny Symmes 3rd; »7-9 , ,^ , ft- ' W J; /-M * V»*VMMV. O V«1UI/".. Craa UUVIO: Fishinl g Qub at 5lh Annual Granddads and some Moms yrs.
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