MICROWAVE SPECTROSCOPY INFORMATION LETTER VOL. LXII April 15, 2019 Compiled By: Garry S. Grubbs II Missouri University of Science and Technology 400 W. 11th St. Rolla, MO, 65409 MICROWAVE SPECTROSCOPY NEWSLETTER LXI List of Contributors / Table of Contents Contributor Institution Lab, Page No. Alonso, J. L. Universidad de Valladolid 1, 1 Arunan, E. India Institute of Science, Bangalore 2, 4 Bird, R. University of Pittsburgh, Johnstown 3, 5 Bizzocchi, L. Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics 6, 10 Blanco, S. Universidad de Valladolid 31, 94 Bohn, R. K. University of Connecticut 4, 6 Brown, G. South Carolina Governor’s School for Science and Mathematics 5, 8 Caselli, P. Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics 6, 10 Cocinero, E. Universidad del País Vasco 7, 12 Cooke, S. A. Purchase College SUNY 8, 15 Dore, L. Università di Bologna 40, 122 Douglass, K. O. National Institute of Standards and Technolo gy 32, 98 Drouin, B. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena 9, 18 Durig, J. R. University of Missouri, Kansas City 14, 43 Evangelisti, L. Università di Bologna 10, 20 Favero, L. B. Università di Bologna 10, 20 Feng, G. Chongqing University 12, 29 Fujitake, M. Kanazawa University 11, 26 Gou, Qian Chongqing University 12, 29 Grabow, J.-U. Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Universität, Institut für Physikalische Chemie & Elektrochemie Hannover 13, 34 Groner, P. University of Missouri-Kansas City 14, 43 Grubbs, G. Missouri University of Science & Technolog y 15, 44 Harada, K. Kyushu University 16, 49 Hirota, E. Grad. Univ. for Advanced Studies, Kanagawa 17, 53 Ilyushin, V. Institute of Radio Astronomy NASU, Kharkiv 18, 57 Jäger, W. University of Alberta 19, 60 Kang, L. Kennesaw State University 20, 63 Kawashima, Y. Kanagawa Institute of Technology 21, 64 Kisiel, Z. Polish Academy of Sciences 22, 68 Kleiner, I. LISA, Univ. of Paris-Est Creteil, U. Paris Diderot 35, 106 Kobayashi, K. Toyama University 23, 71 Kukolich, S. G. University of Arizona 24, 73 Kuze, N. Sophia University 25, 75 Legon, A. C. University of Bristol 26, 77 Leopold, K. R. University of Minnesota 27, 79 Lesarri, A. Universidad de Valladolid 28, 82 Leung, H. O. Amherst College 29, 87 Lin, W. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley 30, 92 Lopez, J. C. Universidad de Vallodolid 31, 94 Lovas, F. J. National Institute of Standards and Technology 32, 98 Maris, A. Università di Bologna 10, 20 Marshall, M. D. Amherst College 29, 87 Melandri, S. Università di Bologna 10, 20 Minei, A. College of Mount St. Vincent 8, 15 Müller, H. S. P. I. Physikalisches Institute, Köln 34, 102 Nemchick, D. J. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena 9, 18 Nguyen, L. LISA, Univ, of Paris-Est Creteil, U. Paris Diderot 35, 106 Novick, S. Wesleyan University 36, 109 Okabayashi, T. Shizuoka University 37, 113 Ozeki, H. Toho University 38, 115 Pearson, J. C. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena 9, 18 Peebles, R. A. Eastern Illinois University 39, 117 Peebles, S. Eastern Illinois University 39, 117 Plusquellic, D. National Institute of Standards and Technology 32, 98 Pratt, D. University of Vermont 3, 5 Pringle, W. C. Wesleyan University 36, 109 Puzzarini, C. Università di Bologna 40, 122 Sanz, M. E. King’s College, London 41, 126 Schlemmer, S. I. Physikalisches Institute, Köln 34, 102 Schnell,M. Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg, Germany and Institute for Physical Chemistry, Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel 42, 129 Sedo, G. University of Virginia-Wise 33, 101 Shipman, S. New College Florida 43, 139 Stahl, W. Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Aachen 44, 140 Tanaka, K. Kyushu University 16, 49 Tubergen, M. Kent State University 45, 142 van Wijngaarden, J. University of Manitoba 46, 143 Walker, N. J. Newcastle University 47, 145 Walters, A. Université de Toulouse 48, 148 Widicus Weaver, S. Emory University 49, 149 Wlodarczak, G. Université de Lille 50, 150 Xu, Y. University of Alberta 51, 154 Yu, S. Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena 9, 18 Ziurys, L. University of Arizona 52, 158 Formula Index After Lab 52, i In Memoriam After Index Jon T. Hougen (Written by Angela Hight Walker) Walt Lafferty (Written by Wallace “Pete” Pringle and Bill Kirchhoff) Li-Hong Xu (Written by Yunjie Xu, Jens-Uwe Grabow, and Shui-Ming Hu) Interesting and Informative Websites Maintained by Our Colleagues and Funding Acknowledgement 1. The J. P. L. Submillimeter, Millimeter, and Microwave Spectral Line Catalog is accessible via anonymous ftp at spec.jpl.nasa.gov or via our home page at http://spec.jpl.nasa.gov Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Lab 9. 2. A database “Programs for ROtational SPEctroscopy (PROSPE)” is available at: http://info.ifpan.edu.pl/~kisiel/prospe.htm A new database on "History of Rotational Spectroscopy" is being constructed at: http://info.ifpan.edu.pl/~kisiel/rothist/rothist.html A subpage on this Newsletter is at: http://info.ifpan.edu.pl/~kisiel/rothist/newsletter.html This database depends critically on contributions, which are solicited and accepted at (preferably): [email protected], Lab 22 3. Recommended Rest Frequency Table. F. J. Lovas, J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data, 1-181 (2004). See: http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/micro/html/contents.html For diatomics, triatomics, and hydrocarbons, see: http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/MolSpec/index.html A graphic, interactive fitting program, jb95, is available at http://physics.nist.gov/Divisions/Div844/facilities/uvs/jb95userguide.htm An application and description of the program is found in D. F. Plusquellic et al., J. Chem. Phys., 115 (2001) 3057. National Institute of Standards and Technology, Lab 32. 4. A bibliography of high resolution studies of weakly bound complexes is maintained on the Web at http://www.Wesleyan.edu/chem/faculty/novick/vdw.html Wesleyan University, Lab 36. 5. The Cologne Database for Molecular Spectroscopy is available online at http://www.astro.uni-koeln.de/cdms/ I. Physikalisches Institut, Köln, Lab 34. 6. The Hannover FTMW spectrometer control & analysis software is available at http://www.pci.uni-hannover.de/~lgpca/spectroscopy/ftmw Institut für Physikalische Chemie, Hannover, Lab 13. Garry Grubbs II would like to thank the Missouri University of Science and Technology Chemistry Department and College of Arts, Sciences, and Business for covering the cost of all printing and shipping of this volume of the Microwave Spectroscopy Information Letter. Lab 1 Name to whom queries should be addressed: Jose L. Alonso Mailing address Grupo Espectroscopia Molecular GEM. Centro de Investigación Quifima. Laboratorios de Espectroscopia y Bioespectroscopia. Parque Científico Uva. Unidad Asociada C.S.I.C. Universidad de Valladolid. Valladolid 47011 Spain Telephone: 34-983-186348/45/49 E- mail: [email protected] Website: www.gem.uva.es NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE FORMULA COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS b,d C2H6N2O Glycinamide ApJ 861:70 (7pp), 2018 a,b,d C2H3NO Methyl isocyanate mmw-sub wave spectrum C2H4O2 Vinyl Alcohol mmw-sub wave spectrum C2H3NO Propynal mmw-sub wave spectrum d C3H3NO Propiolamide mmw-sub wave spectrum C3H3NO2 Cyanoacetic acid spectrum assigned a C3H5NO Ethylisocyanide A&A 616, A173 (2018) a C3H6O2 Metoxyacetaldehyde A&A 619, A67 (2018) C3H6O2 Lactaldehyde ms. in preparation C3H3NO3 2,5-oxazolidinedione JPCL,10,1325(2019) C3H6N2O3 Hydantoic Acid JPCL,10,1325(2019) C3H7N3O2 Glycociamine LA-MBFT spectrum C3H9NO2 N-methyl alanine PCCP 20, 29159 (2018) C4H2O4 Squaric acid ms. in preparation C4H4O6 Malic acid ms. In preparation C4H6O6 Tartaric Acid ms. in preparation 1 Lab 1 NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE FORMULA COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS e,f C4H7N3O Creatinine ms. in preparation C4H7N3O3 Cytosine-water ms. in preparation C4H9NO2 Aminoisobutyric Acid Chem. E.J., 25, 2288 (2019) C4H9NO2 3-Aminobutyric Acid PCCP 20,15574 (2018) C4H9NO2S Homocysteine ms. in preparation C4H9NO3 Homoserine LA-CPFT/LA-MBFT spectrum C4H10O4 Erythritol LA-CPFT spectrum C5H10N2O2 Glutamine ms. in preparation C5H10O5 Arabinose ms. in preparation C5H10O5 Lixose ms. in preparation C5H10N2O3 Alanine-Glycine LA-CPFT spectrum C5H11NO Norvaline LA-CPFT spectrum C5H11NO2 Isovaline ms. in preparation C5H11NO2S Methionine ms. in preparation c C5H12O5 Ribitol Chem. Eur.J., 25,2288 (2019) C5H12O5 Arabitol LA-CPFT spectrum C5H12O5 Xylitol LA-CPFT spectrum C6H10NO2 Pipecolic Acid PCCP 21, 4155 (2019) C6H12O6 Mannose ms. in preparation C6H14O6 Dulcitol ChemPhysChem 2018,19,3334 C6H12O6 Sorbitol ChemPhysChem 2018,19,3334 C6H12O6 Manitol LA-CPFT spectrum 2 Lab 1 NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE FORMULA COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS C6H12O6 Inositol LA-CPFT spectrum C6H12N2O3 Alanyl alanine LA-CPFT spectrum C7H5NO3S Saccharin JPCA (2019) C7H12N2O3 Prolylglycine LA-CPFT spectrum C7H12N2O3 Glycylproline Comm. Chemistry (2019) C8H8O3 Mandelic acid LA-CPFT spectrum C8H8O4 Dopac LA-CPFT spectrum C8H9NO3 Pyridoxal (Vit. B6) ms. In preparation C8H11NO3 Pyridoxine (Vit. B6) ms. In preparation C8H11NO3 Noradrenaline LA-MB-FTMW spectrum C9H12N2O2 Dulcine LA-CPFT spectrum C9H12N2O5 Deoxyuridine LA-MB-FTMW spectrum C9H13NO3 Adrenaline ms. In preparation C12H16N2 N,N-Dimethyltryptamine LA-CPFT spectrum C12H22O11 Sucrose LA-CPFT spectrum C12H22O11 Lactose LA-CPFT spectrum C19H28O2 Testosterone LA-CPFT spectrum ________________________________________ In collaboration with: a J. Cernicharo. CSIC.Madrid b Z. Kisiel. Warszawa c M.E.Sanz. King´s College d J-C Guillemin. Rennes e Barone Pisa f Puzzarini. Bologna 3 Lab 2 Name to whom queries should be addressed: Prof. E. Arunan Mailing Address Department of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry Indian Institute of Science Bangalore. 560012 INDIA Telephone:+91-80-2293-2828 FAX:+91-80-2360-0282 E-Mail: [email protected] Website:http://ipc.iisc.ac.in/arunan.php NAME OF NAME OF PRESENT STAGE FORMULA COMPOUND INVESTIGATOR OF PROGRESS CH5FO Methylfluoride-H2O Sharon Priya Gnanasekar Assigned transitions for Manuel Goubet, Robert hydrogen bond structure. Georges Carbon bonded structure? CH3ArF Argon-methylfluoride Sharon Priya Gnanasekar Assigned transitions for Manuel Goubet, Robert a T-shaped structure. Georges Several unassigned lines C--Ar and F--Ar structures? H4S2 H2S dimer Arijit Das, Chris Medcarft Angew.
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