OBSERVING PLANETARY SYSTEMS Table of Contents Program and Abstract Book SOC, LOC and Contact Address ... 3 Scientific Program ... 4 An ESO Workshop Abstracts of Talks ... 9 Santiago de Chile, March 5-8, 2007 Abstracts of Posters ... 62 List of Participants and Authors Index ... 104 1 2 Scientific Organizing Committee PROGRAM Christophe Dumas (co-Chair), ESO Michael Sterzik (co-Chair), ESO Isabelle Baraffe, ENS Lyon, France Antonella Barucci, Observatoire Paris-Meudon, France Hermann Boehnhardt, MPI for Solar System Research Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany Dale Cruikshank, NASA-AMES, USA Wolfgang Gieren, Universidad de Concepci´on, Chile Anne-Marie Lagrange, CNRS, France Dante Minniti, Universidad Cat´olica de Chile, Chile Andreas Quirrenbach, ZAH, Landessternwarte Heidelberg-Knigstuhl, Germany St´ephane Udry, Observatoire de Gen`eve, Switzerland Benjamin Zuckerman, University of California in Los Angeles, USA Local Organizing Committee Christophe Dumas (co-Chair) Michael Sterzik (co-Chair) St´ephane Brillant Ga¨el Chauvin Olivier Hainaut Markus Hartung Valentin D. Ivanov Emmanu¨el Jehin Daniel Kubas Claudio Melo Dominique Naef Oliver Schuetz Martin Vannier Mar´ıa Eugenia G´omez (logistic) Contact Address European Southern Observatory Alonso de Cordova 3107 Vitacura, Casilla 19001 Santiago 19, CHILE Phone: (+56 2) 463 3000 Fax: (+56 2) 463 3001 URL: http://www.sc.eso.org/santiago/science/OPSWorkshop/ E-mail: ops [email protected] 3 4 March the 4th, Sunday March the 6th, Tuesday 18:00 - 21:00 Registration and Welcome cocktail 08:00 - 09:00 Registration March 5th, Monday Session 1 (continued): From Disks to Planets Chairs: Pierre-Olivier Lagage & Hans Ulrich Kaeufl 08:00 - 09:00 Registration 09:00 - 09:20 A. Wootten ”ALMA’s View of Planetary Systems” 09:20 - 09:40 E. Pantin ”Flaring Disk around HD97048” Session 1: From Disks to Planets Chairs: Pierre-Olivier Lagage & Hans Ulrich Kaeufl Session 2 (continued): Search for Planets 09:00 - 09:15 Welcome (F. Mirabel) Chairs: St´ephane Udry & Rita Schultz 09:15 - 10:00 F. M´enard ”Observations and Models of Circumstellar Disks” (Invited Review) 09:40 - 10:25 D. Queloz ”Status and Prospect of RV Surveys” 10:00 - 10:20 O. Absil ”Exozodiacal Disks with IR Interferometry” (Invited Review) 10:20 - 10:40 D. Barrado y Navascu´es ”Transition Disks in Lambda Orionis” Coffee Break Coffee Break 11:00 - 11:20 J. Setiawan ”Planets around Nearby, Young Stars” 11:10 - 11:30 A. Hales ”Protoplanetary Disks around A-stars” 11:20 - 11:40 A. Sozzetti ”Planets around Metal-Poor Dwarfs” 11:30 - 11:50 O. Mousis ”Formation Conditions of Planetesimals” 11:40 - 12:00 X. Bonfils ”Planets around M-dwarfs” 12:00 - 12:20 A. Quirrenbach ”Planets around Giants” Lunch Lunch 13:30 - 14:15 C. Telesco ”Observing Planetesimal Collisions in Disks” (Invited Review) 14:00 - 14:20 B. Enoch/D. Wilson ”SuperWASP” 14:15 - 14:35 A. Lecavelier ”The Beta Pic Disk and its Comets” 14:20 - 14:40 G. Piotto ”Transits in Super-Metal-Rich Clusters” 14:35 - 14:55 C. Snodgrass ”Properties of Short Period Cometary Nuclei” 14:40 - 15:00 S. Vauclair ”Astroseismology of Host Stars” 15:00 - 15:20 C. Melo/C. Torres ”Search for Young Associations” Coffee Break Coffee Break 15:30 - 16:15 A. Morbidelli ”Dynamical Processes in the Early Solar System” (Invited Review) 16:00 - 16:45 D. Mouillet ”Direct Detections of Exoplanets: 16:15 - 16:35 C. Fuentes ”The Edge of the Kuiper Belt” Planetfinder” (Invited Review) 16:45 - 17:05 G. Chauvin ”Companions of Exoplanet Host Stars” 17:05 - 18:00 Discussion Day 2 / Session 2: Search for Planets Poster PopUps Chairs: St´ephane Udry & Rita Schultz 16:35 - 17:20 O. Hainaut ”Finding the Big Outer Solar System 20:00 Buses leave from ESO Bodies” (Invited Review) 20:30 Conference dinner ≈23:00 Buses are back to ESO 17:20 - 17:35 G. Tancredi ”Who are the dwarfs in the Solar System?” 17:35 - 18:00 Discussion Day 1 / Poster PopUps 5 6 March the 7th, Wednesday March the 8th, Thursday 08:00 - 09:00 Registration 08:00 - 09:00 Registration Session 2 (continued): Search for Planets Session 4: Towards Other Earths Chairs: St´ephane Udry & Rita Schultz Chairs: Wolfgang Gieren & Hermann Boehnhardt 09:00 - 09:20 H. Zinnecker ”Substellar Companions of WD” 09:00 - 09:45 L. Kaltenegger ”Biomarkers of Other Earths” (Invited Review) 09:20 - 09:40 S. Mohanty ”Planets around BDs” 09:45 - 10:05 G. Villanueva ”IR Signatures of Biomarkers” 09:40 - 10:00 A. Seifahrt ”Astrometric and photometric monitoring 10:05 - 10:25 H. Boehnhardt ”Comets and Life” of the GQ Lup companion” 10:00 - 10:20 E. Mamajek ”Mid-IR Imaging of Cool Companions” Coffee Break Coffee Break 11:00 - 11:20 M. Hartung ”Titan” 11:20 - 11:40 E. Palle ”Atmospheric Signatures of Earthlike Planets” 10:50 - 11:10 S. Metchev ”BD Companions to Young Solar Analogs” 11:40 - 12:00 M. Sterzik ”Chiral Signatures in the Earthshine” 11:10 - 11:30 G. Montagnier ”BD Desert with NACO-SDI” 11:30 - 11:50 M. Schoeller/M. Vannier ”Planets with the VLTI” Lunch 13:30 - 14:15 M. Fridlund ”Transits from COROT and the Darwin Session 3: Planet Chemistry Mission” (Invited Review) Chairs: Andreas Quirrenbach & Olivier Mousis 14:15 - 14:35 D. Minniti ”mmag Photometry of Transits” 11:50 - 12:35 I. Kamp ”Astrochemistry: From Disks to 14:35 - 14:55 J.P. Beaulieu ”Microlensing” Protoplanets” (Invited Review) 14:55 - 15:15 D. Kubas/A. Cassan ”Planet frequencies from Microlensing” Lunch Coffee Break 14:00 - 14:45 M. Mumma ”Comets as Messengers” (Invited Review) 15:45 - 16:30 P. Lawson ”NASA’s Roadmap to Other Earths” 14:45 - 15:05 R. Schulz ”Comet Composition and Chemistry: (Invited Review) Promise of ROSETTA” 16:30 - 16:50 G. Tinetti ”Super-Earth Explorer” 15:05 - 15:25 E. Jehin ”What do Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope 16:50 - 17:30 Poster PopUps / Abundance Ratios tell us on comets origin?” Concluding remarks 15:25 - 15:45 C. Dumas ”What are Dwarf Planets made of?” 17:30 Good-Bye Cocktail Coffee Break 16:15 - 17:00 D. Charbonneau ”Probing Atmospheres of Exoplanets” March the 9th, Friday (Invited Review) 17:00 - 17:20 G. Tinetti ”Transmission Spectra of Hot Jupiters” 6:00 - 22:00 Full Day Excursion to the VLT/Paranal Observatory 17:20 - 17:40 G. H´ebrard ”Evaporation of Hot Jupiters” 17:40 - 18:00 Discussion Day 3 / Poster PopUp 7 8 ABSTRACTS OF TALK Observation and models of proto-planetary disks – Invited Review – M´enard, Fran¸cois (Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Grenoble, France) TBA 9 10 Exozodiacal discs with infrared interferometry: first results and Transition disks in Lambda Orionis low mass members perspectives Barrado y Navascu´es, David (LAEFF-INTA, Spain) Absil, Olivier (Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Grenoble, France) We present multi-wavelength optical and infrared photometry of 170 previously known low The detection of the warm inner part of debris discs—the extrasolar counterparts of the mass stars and brown dwarfs of the 5 Myr Collinder 69 cluster (λ Orionis). The near infrared zodiacal cloud—is of prime importance to characterise the global architecture of planetary photometry allows us to identify stars with IR excesses, and we find that the Class II pop- systems. Because of the high contrast and small angular separation between the star and ulation is very large, around 25% for stars and 40% for brown dwarfs, despite the fact that the exozodiacal light, high-precision infrared interferometry is the best-suited tool to carry the Hα equivalent width is low for a significant fraction of them. In addition, there are a out such observations. In this paper, we review the first detection of an exozodiacal disc by number of substellar objects, classified as Class III, that have optically thin disks. The Class this method recently reported around Vega by Absil et al. (2006), and discuss the currently II members are distributed in an inhomogenous way, lying preferently in a filament running on-going observing efforts in this domain. We show how interferometric data can give access toward the south-east. The IR excesses for the Collinder 69 members range from pure Class to the composition and the dynamics (including LHB-like events) of extrasolar planetary II (flat or nearly flat spectra longward of 1 micron), to transition disks with no near-IR ex- systems, and thereby put useful constraints on the presence of small bodies and/or giant cess but excesses beginning within the IRAC wavelength range, to two stars with excess only planets. This statement is illustrated with new data obtained on various bright Vega-type detected at 24 micron. Collinder 69 thus appears to be at an age where it provides a natural stars, including Vega itself. Finally, we show how the new generation of interferometric laboratory for the study of primordial disks and their dissipation. instruments will change our view of debris discs: with their increased sensitivity and imaging capabilities, they will constrain the morphology of bright exozodiacal discs and push the detection limit towards meaningful density levels in the context of future life-finding missions such as Darwin/TPF. 11 12 Galactic searches for protoplanetary disks around A-type stars Formation conditions of planetesimals in disks and implications for the composition of exoplanets Hales, Antonio (NRAO, USA) Mousis, Olivier (Observatoire de Besan¸con, France) I will present results from a search for dusty early A-type stars in the northern galactic plane. Photometric data from the IPHAS Hα survey is first used to select a sample of galactic A-type We examine the formation conditions of icy planetesimals produced in protoplanetary disks. stars. This sample is then correlated with data from the Spitzer Space Telescope in order to Assuming that these solids are made from hydrates,clathrate hydrates and pure condensates search for 8 microns and 24 microns excesses associated with warm dust orbiting the stars.
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