September 22, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2329 friend and former colleague, Wesley ‘‘Wes’’ On September 24, 2009, Cragin & Pike In- Mechanics and Business at Ferris State Uni- Watkins. H.R. 1713 would name the United surance celebrates 100 years of continuously versity. In 1999, he married his wife, Barbara. States Department of Agriculture’s South Cen- doing business in Southern Nevada. I urge my Mike co-owned a number of small busi- tral Research Laboratory in Lane, Oklahoma, colleagues to join me in celebrating Cragin nesses throughout Owosso, including Fuoss and the facility of the U.S. Postal Service in and Pike Insurance on their 100th Anniver- Gravel Co. and Eddie O’Flynns. Bennington, Oklahoma, in honor of the former sary. He was a member of the Owosso Home Congressman Wes Watkins, who represented f Builders Association, and the Shiawassee Oklahoma for 20 years. County Chamber of Commerce. Throughout Congressman Watkins’s career, TRIBUTE TO MR. JOHN LINDSAY Mike loved restoring old cars and hot rods, he devoted his life to the people of Oklahoma. enjoyed riding his Harley, and was a fan of He began his career of public service in 1974 HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON NASCAR. when he was elected to serve in the Okla- OF IDAHO Fuoss was a good American who died trag- homa State Senate. After U.S. House Speaker IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ically. The people whose lives he touched Carl Albert announced his retirement after 30 through his contributions to the community will Tuesday, September 22, 2009 years in office, Congressman Watkins was miss him dearly. elected to Congress in 1976. During his time Mr. SIMPSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today f in office, Wes would become the only Okla- to acknowledge the outstanding contributions homa Congressman to serve on all three of John Lindsay and to wish him well in his STUDENT AID AND FISCAL major House financial committees, including next endeavors. RESPONSIBILITY ACT OF 2009 Appropriations, Budget, and Ways and Means, For the past four years, John Lindsay has where he used his influence to increase fund- directed the communications activities of Idaho SPEECH OF ing for rural economic development and edu- National Laboratory, INL. During that time, INL HON. JAMES R. LANGEVIN cation programs in the Third District of Okla- has achieved great success as the lead lab- OF RHODE ISLAND homa. oratory for the Department of Energy’s Office IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wes is a man of principal. I am honored to of Nuclear Energy. INL has increased the size know him and to have worked with him in of its research portfolio, achieved success in Wednesday, September 16, 2009 Congress. He served the great state of Okla- its pursuit and receipt of R&D 100 awards, The House in Committee of the Whole homa and America proudly. I ask that you all and played a leading role communicating the House on the State of the Union had under join me in supporting H.R. 1713 which recog- technical facts behind the growing nuclear ren- consideration of the bill (H.R. 3221) to amend nizes and honors a great public servant to aissance we see developing in the U.S. and the Higher Education Act of 1965, and for Oklahoma and our Nation. especially around the world. John Lindsay has other purposes: f had a steady hand communicating the lab’s Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Chair, I rise in sup- success, and he has assembled a strong team port of H.R. 3221, the Student Aid and Fiscal CELEBRATING THE 100TH ANNI- that will continue on after he departs. Responsibility Act. This legislation makes ur- VERSARY OF CRAGIN AND PIKE John’s most important contribution to Idaho gently-needed investments in our education INSURANCE may have been his leading role in the forma- system by helping students and their families tion of a public organization known as the pay for college, modernizing schools and cur- HON. SHELLEY BERKLEY Partnership for Science and Technology, ricula, and training our future workforce for the OF NEVADA which seeks to bring balance and facts into 21st Century. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the discussion of science and energy matters. H.R. 3221 will provide reliable, affordable, Tuesday, September 22, 2009 The Partnership has become an effective and high-quality federal student loans for all fami- Ms. BERKLEY. Madam Speaker, today I trusted resource that can respond quickly to lies. Beginning July 1, 2010, all new federal urge my colleagues to join me in recognizing misrepresentations and misstatements regard- student loans will be originated through the Di- the centennial anniversary of Cragin and Pike ing nuclear power and any other clean energy rect Loan Program, which is insulated from Insurance in Las Vegas. source. Indeed, the Partnership mobilized the market swings and can guarantee students In 1909, the first insurance company in Las citizens of Idaho to express their views of nu- access to low-cost federal loans in any econ- Vegas opened its doors in newly incorporated clear issues to such an extent that this visible omy. Clark County, Nevada. Peter Buol, the original public support became a major factor in the I am also pleased that $40 billion of the owner, provided real estate and insurance decision by AREVA to site its next uranium money saved from switching all loans to the services to the citizens of the newly estab- enrichment plant in Idaho. Direct Loan Program will go to boosting Pell lished City of Las Vegas. The business philos- John Lindsay is a true professional and a Grants. Over the next ten years, this measure ophy established by Peter Buol was carried on valued member of the communities of eastern will invest more than $154.6 million in Rhode by partners Ernie Cragin and William Pike. Idaho. John is recognized and respected as a Island to increase the maximum annual Pell Their combined dedication to and vision for true gentleman—he always treats everyone he Grant scholarships to $5,550 in 2010 and to our community contributed immensely to the meets with respect and dignity, and he has $6,900 by 2019. In the 2010–2011 academic political, economical, and environmental devel- brought great respect to Idaho National Lab as school year, this will help nearly 12,000 eligi- opment and history of Southern Nevada. one of its most visible leaders. ble students in my congressional district. Ernie Cragin served as Las Vegas Mayor While we will miss them, on behalf of east- Far too many students face unnecessary for 25 years and was instrumental in estab- ern Idaho, I want to wish John and Terri all barriers when it comes to pursuing a college lishing the Helldorado Days celebration and the best in their future endeavors. degree. This measure will make it easier to parade downtown. He also worked to bring the f apply for financial aid by simplifying the U.S. Army’s Aerial Gunnery School, which is FAFSA form, which many families find con- now known as the world famous Nellis Air IN HONOR OF MIKE FUOSS fusing and overly burdensome, and allowing Force Base to Southern Nevada. applicants to use the information on their tax William Pike, who began as an assistant to HON. MIKE ROGERS returns. Meanwhile, under this bill, Rhode Is- Peter Buol and would later own the company, OF MICHIGAN land will receive $3.8 million over the next five witnessed the construction of the Hoover Dam IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES years for the College Access Challenge Grant and helped many of the workers meet their fi- program, which will bolster college access and Tuesday, September 22, 2009 nancial and insurance needs. completion support programs, increase finan- After the passing of Ernie Cragin and Wil- Mr. ROGERS of Michigan. Madam Speaker, cial literacy education, and help retain and liam Pike, Paul McDermott and Frank I rise today in memoriam of Mike Fuoss, who graduate students. Kerestesi continued the name of Cragin & was shot and killed on Friday, September 11, H.R. 3221 also strengthens our state’s Pike Insurance. The current partners—Tom 2009. Mike was a small business owner, fa- seven community colleges that teach more Kerestesi, Mark McKinley, Greg McKinley and ther, brother and friend to many in the greater than 15,000 students each year. Community Tom Burns continue the Cragin & Pike tradi- Owosso community. colleges excel at meeting the needs of stu- tion of personal service by providing insur- Mike was born February 7, 1948, in dents from all backgrounds and work with ance, risk management and surety products to Owosso. He graduated from Corunna High businesses to ensure students have the skills Southern Nevadans. School in 1966. He went on to study Diesel they need to fulfill local workforce needs. This VerDate Nov 24 2008 04:23 Nov 11, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\RECORD09\RECFILES\E22SE9.REC E22SE9 mmaher on DSK69SOYB1PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE E2330 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 22, 2009 measure will establish a competitive grant pro- discuss common issues. The group is also a mission statement of ‘‘enhancing the quality of gram for community colleges to raise gradua- member of the Pennsylvania State Association life for all of the people of Kern County by en- tion rates, modernize facilities, and create new of Township Officials. couraging philanthropy, by providing services online learning opportunities. Madam Speaker, I conclude my remarks by to donors, and by assisting those who serve to This legislation not only invests in our col- commending the Cambria County Association meet the needs of the community.’’ I applaud lege students, but also focuses on the next of Township Officials, as well as the townships KCF’s admirable service to Kern County and generation of students by ensuring that all themselves, for their hard work and dedication will continue to do so for years to come.
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