iuai'sriaxx ouo niB iiui-xua x oJ.^ v 215 "Vest Garro St. Plymouth, Ind .... Monthly "FARM and HOME" Section With This Week's Edition THE CULVER CITIZEN ON LAKE MAXINKUCKEE • INDIANA'S MOST BEAUTIFUL LAKE 68TH YEAR, NO. 42 CULVER, INDIANA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1962 TEN CENTS Lion Sponsored GOP Showboat In Culver Lions Den World Community Halloween Parade Thursday, Oct. 25, 6:30 P.M. Day Set For Is October Friday, Nov. 2 The Culver Lions Club will World Community Day, a serv- again sponsor their annual Hal­ j ice sponsored by the Culver-Union loween parade to be held Hallowe-i Township Council of Churches, en night. The parade will form on; will be observed at Fellowship •West Washington Street, between; Hall in the Methodist Church the Nipsco building and the Stand-. from 9 to 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 2, &rd Station at 6:30 p.m. when rolls and coffee will be serv­ The parade route is as follows: ed at a charge of 2 5 cents. A South from Washington Street on. nursery will be provided for chil­ South Ohio Street to West Jeffer­ dren. son Street; Bast on West Jeffer­ A film, "On the Rim of the To- son to Main Street; North on Main Morrow," will be shown and all Street to Lake Shore Dr.; West to women of the community are the Community Building. urged to join in learning of the Following the parade, judge;* problems and work to be done in will make their selections for priz­ Southeast Asia where a shortage es. Contests and games will be of cloth and a dearth of clothing held at the Community Building. create an urgent need. Apples and Candy will be served Among the articles needed are as part of the festivities. sewing bags equipped with thread, The judging of the masquerad- needles, scissors, thimble, and ers will be different this year. other supplies. Children's and wo­ There will be no special categories men's clothing are also needed. this year. Prizes will be awarded to the best and most original cos­ For details of articles needed, tume. Special consideration is to please contact members of the be given for the time and effort committee in charge who are Mrs. l>ut into the costume. Wayne Kline, Mrs. Samuel Med- The Lions are planning for a bourn, Mrs. Irvin L. Overmyer, gala event. They urge that as Mrs. Forrest Curtis; and Mrs. many participate as can. Who Paul Snyder, Sr. knoWjR, you might win a prize and •it will be fan. Capenart & Ainlay Tri Kappa IViakes Will Talk On Local Biood Donor Calls TV Stations For October 22 Senator Homer E. Capehart will Thursday evening, October 25, call house-to-house throughout, Miss Judy Price, daughter of be heard over WSI1T-TV. Channel Last year members of Tri Kap­ at 6:30 p.m., at the Lions Den the area, soliciting support and Mr. and 'Mrs. Roy Price, is the 22, at 10:30 to 10:45 a.m. Tues­ pa Sorority called everyone listed here in Culver, will mark the affording the opportunity to get Union Township Page Girl and is day, October 23. in the Culver telephone directory next-to-last port of call for the. ucquainted. The campaign news­ also a member of the singing in an appeal to the public, to do­ famous "Marshall County GOP paper, "The Republican Proof" group. Mrs. Dorothy Thews and nate blood to the local blood pro­ Showboat." The meeting will be­ will be delivered to each home in Mrs. Ruth Lennen are also in the gram. A record was kept of those gin with a free supper, prepared; the township prior to the rally. singing group. persons who were unable to give and served by the workers of This method of presenting the Leroy the Great, noted televis­ blood. Union Township; introduction of candidates enables the Republican ion ventriloquist, is a great favor­ Again this year, Tri Kappa the Republican candidates wjill Central Committee to present an ite of the small fry. As an added called all persons able to give follow; and the presentation of entertaining program Cor t lie citi­ attraction to his performance, he blood reminding them that the the Showboat will climax the gath­ zens, one where the whole family .demonstrates the technique of ering. Bloodmobile will be in Culver on is welcome and sure to be pleas­ fashioning a hand-puppet from Monday. Oct. 22, at the Commun­ The township food committee antly entertained. household articles and skillful use ity Building from 12 noon until will be headed by Mrs. Dewey Heading the program will IK* of cosmetics. fi p.m. Overmyer, assisted by Mrs. Ches­ the "Showboaters," the best, in Republicans active in Union ter W. Cleveland, Mrs. Orville Dixieland music, starring Johnny Township expect a crowd of 300 If anyone has been missed who Phelps, Mrs. Larry Lindvall, Mrs. Keck. Marshall County's own for the meeting in the Culver can give a pint of blood, please Walter Gollnick, Mrs. Roy Price, "Music Man." on I he banjo I nI er- Lions Den. Townshi" chairman phone Mrs. Allin Westcott at Vi­ Mrs. Thurlow E. Tennis and many locutor will be Mike Boys, and Wilber Taylor says. "We cordially king 2-22 4 6. Serving with Mrs. willing workers. principals in the cast include invite every citizen of Union Westcott as chairmen of the donor Township to attend. Enjoy a good Charles W. Ainlay, Republican Nancy Gross, Lacquie Goshorn. program are James McAllister Bob Slack, Anita Stackhouse, supper, meet your GOP candidat­ and Mrs. Lloyd W. Ilolifield. candidate for Congress, and the Carol Johnson and Patty McDan- es and treat yourself to a showing An urgent appeal is made to Marshall County GOP slate, will iel. of enthusiastic entertainment." the public to support this very worthwhile community project, Fire Department which has a quota of 125 pints of blood to be collected during next Called For Grass Monday's visit of the Bloodmobile. Fire Thursday unday TRI KAPPA PLANS BRIDGE-A-RAMA The Culver Fire Department iax C. Fechner The Culver chapter of Tri Kap­ was called last, Thursday after­ pa announces their Bridge-A- noon, about 1:35 to extinguish a The GOP (Showboat with its big, Max C. Fechner, age 79, of 530 Rama plans and schedule, starting grass fire, which was burning near variety show will be in Argos S. Main St., Culver, died early Fri­ Thursday, Nov. 1. and ending itho Don-Marie restaurant, north Thursday evening, Oct. IS. at day morning at the Miller Nurs­ April 30. of Culver on Highway 17. The fire- 6:30 p.m. at the Argos Commun­ ing Home in Rochester after an All proceeds are used for local •men were able to extinguish the ity School. County candidates will illness of several years. charitable and scholastic projects. blaze before it spread to the sur­ also be present. Mr. Fechner was born Dec. 23, For complete details see page 2 rounding bean fields. No damage The program calls for free sup­ 1882, in South Bend and came to 1 of this paper. i was done. per for those attending. Following the Culver community with his the supper, the county candidates family at an early age. On Aug. will be (formerly introduced, and 18, 1917, he was married to the showboat's variety show fol­ Agnes Jordan who survives. lows. Voters of Walnut and Green Surviving with his wife are two NEWSPAPER Townships are urged to attend and; sons, Max E. Fechner, Griffith, meet your candidates and enjoy an and Carl Fechner, Los Angeles, evening of fine entertainment. Calif.; a daughter, Mrs. Mona Pearl Ault, Rochester; a brother, DON TRONE UNDERGOES Otto Fechner, Fort Wayne; three EYE SURGERY sisters, Mrs. Olga Krause, South Don G. Trone, proprietor of Bend, Mrs. Bertha Zechiel, Cul­ Trone's Shop, 118 N. Main St., ver, and Mrs. Laura Seehase, Roy­ Culver, underwent eye surgery al Center; and eight grandchil­ last Friday, Oct. 12, at the Me­ dren. morial Clinic in Indianapolis. Mr. Fechner was a member of The Citizen is pleased to report the Grace United Church of Christ CHARLES W. AINLAY that he is recovering satisfactor­ in Culver, the Culver Masonic Charles W. Ainlay, Republican National Newspaper Week, Oct. 14-20 ily. Lodge, and the Culver Eastern Tomorrow, Oct. 18, Mr. Trone candidate for Congressman from Star. Eastern Star services were the 3rd District, will greet you will be dismissed to the home of held at 8 p.m. Saturday at the his sister, Mrs. Frank Severns, at from WSJV-TV, Channel 2 8 at Easterday Funeral Home. 10:00 7474 Holiday Drive, West, in In­ a.m. on Friday. October 26. dianapolis where he will further Funeral services were held at Many of the ladies over the dis­ recuperate before returning to his the Grace United Church of Christ trict are holding Capehart and East Shore home. at 2 p.m. Sunday. Rev. Harold Ainlay Coffees during the time the two candidates will speak on Mrs. Trone and son, Peter, mo­ Hohman, pastor of the church, the TV channels. tored to Indianapolis Sunday and officiated and Masonic burial was spent the day with their husband at the Culver Masonic Cemetery. and father. THE GIFT that lasts for 365 Mr. Trone would be happy and The chains of habit are too happy days — a year's subscrip­ pleased to hear from his friends weak to be felt until they are too tion to The Culver Citizen. Gift during his convalescence at his strong to be liroken.
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