UK Macro-moth Verification Grade Guidelines These grades refer to the adult life stage only. 1. Species that can be relatively easily identified even by inexperienced recorders with the use of up-to- date field guides. Such records would be accepted without the need for additional evidence as long as they conform to the normal flight period and geographical range of the species. 2. Species where care is needed for identification. Should not present any difficulty for experienced recorders, but inexperienced recorders may be expected to provide additional evidence in the form of photographs of reasonable quality that show as many of the identification features as possible or, alternatively, a specimen. Even experienced recorders may be expected to provide additional evidence if the record is outside of the normal flight period or geographical range of the species. 3. Species that are difficult to identify. Even experienced recorders may be expected to provide additional evidence, for example a specimen, particularly if the record is outside of the normal flight period or geographical range of the species. 4. Species that can only be identified following critical assessment, often involving dissection and examination of genitalia. A specimen should be retained for confirmation. 5. Ungraded. Errors and omissions, please notify Les Evans-Hill, email [email protected]. Page 1. V0.0.1 (2019-02-01) UK Macro-moth Verification Grade Guidelines Hepialidae 3.001 Triodia sylvina Orange Swift 1 3.002 Korscheltellus lupulina Common Swift 1 3.003 Korscheltellus fusconebulosa Map-winged Swift 2 3.004 Phymatopus hecta Gold Swift 1 3.005 Hepialus humuli Ghost Moth 1 Cossidae Cossinae 50.001 Cossus cossus Goat Moth 1 Zeuzerinae 50.002 Zeuzera pyrina Leopard Moth 1 50.003 Phragmataecia castaneae Reed Leopard 1 Sesiidae Tinthiinae 52.001 Pennisetia hylaeiformis Raspberry Clearwing 1 Sesiinae 52.002 Sesia apiformis Hornet Moth 2 52.003 Sesia bembeciformis Lunar Hornet Moth 2 52.004 Paranthrene tabaniformis Dusky Clearwing 1 52.005 Synanthedon scoliaeformis Welsh Clearwing 1 52.006 Synanthedon spheciformis White-barred Clearwing 1 52.007 Synanthedon culiciformis Large Red-belted Clearwing 1 52.008 Synanthedon formicaeformis Red-tipped Clearwing 1 52.009 Synanthedon flaviventris Sallow Clearwing 1 52.010 Synanthedon andrenaeformis Orange-tailed Clearwing 1 52.011 Synanthedon myopaeformis Red-belted Clearwing 1 52.012 Synanthedon vespiformis Yellow-legged Clearwing 1 52.013 Synanthedon tipuliformis Currant Clearwing 1 52.014 Bembecia ichneumoniformis Six-belted Clearwing 1 52.015 Pyropteron chrysidiformis Fiery Clearwing 1 52.016 Pyropteron muscaeformis Thrift Clearwing 1 Limacodidae 53.001 Apoda limacodes Festoon 1 53.002 Heterogenea asella Triangle 1 Zygaenidae Procridinae 54.001 Jordanita globulariae Scarce Forester 3 54.002 Adscita statices Forester 3 54.003 Adscita geryon Cistus Forester 3 Zygaeninae 54.004 Zygaena purpuralis Transparent Burnet 1 54.005 Zygaena loti Slender Scotch Burnet 2 54.006 Zygaena exulans Scotch Burnet or Mountain Burnet 2 Page 2. V0.0.1 (2019-02-01) UK Macro-moth Verification Grade Guidelines 54.007 Zygaena viciae New Forest Burnet 3 54.008 Zygaena filipendulae Six-spot Burnet 1 54.009 Zygaena lonicerae Narrow-bordered Five-spot Burnet 3 54.010 Zygaena trifolii Five-spot Burnet 3 Drepanidae Drepaninae 65.001 Falcaria lacertinaria Scalloped Hook-tip 1 65.002 Watsonalla binaria Oak Hook-tip 2 65.003 Watsonalla cultraria Barred Hook-tip 2 65.004 Drepana curvatula Dusky Hook-tip 3 65.005 Drepana falcataria Pebble Hook-tip 1 65.006 Sabra harpagula Scarce Hook-tip 1 65.007 Cilix glaucata Chinese Character 1 Thyatirinae 65.008 Thyatira batis Peach Blossom 1 65.009 Habrosyne pyritoides Buff Arches 1 65.010 Tethea ocularis Figure of Eighty 1 65.011 Tethea or Poplar Lutestring 2 65.012 Tetheella fluctuosa Satin Lutestring 2 65.013 Ochropacha duplaris Common Lutestring 2 65.014 Cymatophorina diluta Oak Lutestring 1 65.015 Polyploca ridens Frosted Green 1 65.016 Achlya flavicornis Yellow Horned 1 Lasiocampidae Poecilocampinae 66.001 Poecilocampa populi December Moth 1 66.002 Trichiura crataegi Pale Eggar 1 Malacosomatinae 66.003 Malacosoma neustria Lackey 1 66.004 Malacosoma castrensis Ground Lackey 2 Lasiocampinae 66.005 Eriogaster lanestris Small Eggar 1 66.006 Lasiocampa trifolii Grass Eggar 1 =Lasiocampa trifolii flava Pale Grass Eggar 2 66.007 Lasiocampa quercus Oak Eggar 1 =Lasiocampa quercus callunae Northern Eggar 2 66.008 Macrothylacia rubi Fox Moth 1 Pinarinae 66.009 Dendrolimus pini Pine-tree Lappet 1 66.010 Euthrix potatoria Drinker 1 66.011 Phyllodesma ilicifolia Small Lappet 1 66.012 Gastropacha quercifolia Lappet 1 Endromidae 67.001 Endromis versicolora Kentish Glory 1 Page 3. V0.0.1 (2019-02-01) UK Macro-moth Verification Grade Guidelines Saturniidae Saturniinae 68.001 Saturnia pavonia Emperor Moth 1 68.0011 Saturnia pyri Great Peacock Moth 5 Sphingidae Smerinthinae 69.001 Mimas tiliae Lime Hawk-moth 1 69.002 Smerinthus ocellata Eyed Hawk-moth 1 69.003 Laothoe populi Poplar Hawk-moth 1 Sphinginae 69.004 Agrius convolvuli Convolvulus Hawk-moth 1 69.0041 Agrius cingulata Pink-spotted Hawk-moth 5 69.005 Acherontia atropos Death's-head Hawk-moth 1 69.0051 Manduca quinquemaculatus Five-spotted Hawk-moth 5 69.0052 Manduca rustica Rustic Sphinx 5 69.006 Sphinx ligustri Privet Hawk-moth 1 69.007 Sphinx pinastri Pine Hawk-moth 1 Macroglossinae 69.008 Hemaris tityus Narrow-bordered Bee Hawk-moth 2 69.009 Hemaris fuciformis Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-moth 2 69.010 Macroglossum stellatarum Humming-bird Hawk-moth 1 69.011 Daphnis nerii Oleander Hawk-moth 1 69.012 Proserpinus proserpina Willowherb Hawk-moth 1 69.013 Hyles euphorbiae Spurge Hawk-moth 2 69.014 Hyles gallii Bedstraw Hawk-moth 2 69.0141 Hyles nicaea Mediterranean Hawk-moth 5 69.015 Hyles livornica Striped Hawk-moth 1 69.0151 Hyles lineata White-lined Hawk-moth 5 69.016 Deilephila elpenor Elephant Hawk-moth 1 69.017 Deilephila porcellus Small Elephant Hawk-moth 1 69.018 Hippotion celerio Silver-striped Hawk-moth 1 Geometridae Sterrhinae 70.001 Idaea serpentata Ochraceous Wave 2 70.002 Idaea muricata Purple-bordered Gold 2 70.003 Idaea ochrata Bright Wave 2 70.004 Idaea rusticata Least Carpet 1 70.0042 Idaea inquinata Rusty Wave 5 70.0043 Idaea laevigata Strange Wave 5 70.005 Idaea dilutaria Silky Wave 3 70.006 Idaea fuscovenosa Dwarf Cream Wave 2 70.007 Idaea humiliata Isle of Wight Wave 3 70.008 Idaea seriata Small Dusty Wave 2 70.009 Idaea subsericeata Satin Wave 2 Page 4. V0.0.1 (2019-02-01) UK Macro-moth Verification Grade Guidelines 70.010 Idaea sylvestraria Dotted Border Wave 2 70.011 Idaea dimidiata Single-dotted Wave 2 70.012 Idaea trigeminata Treble Brown Spot 2 70.013 Idaea biselata Small Fan-footed Wave 2 70.014 Idaea contiguaria Weaver's Wave 2 70.015 Idaea emarginata Small Scallop 1 70.016 Idaea aversata Riband Wave 1 70.017 Idaea degeneraria Portland Ribbon Wave 2 70.018 Idaea straminata Plain Wave 2 70.019 Scopula immorata Lewes Wave 1 70.020 Scopula nigropunctata Sub-angled Wave 2 70.021 Scopula ornata Lace Border 1 70.022 Scopula rubiginata Tawny Wave 1 70.023 Scopula marginepunctata Mullein Wave 1 70.024 Scopula imitaria Small Blood-vein 1 70.025 Scopula immutata Lesser Cream Wave 2 70.026 Scopula ternata Smoky Wave 2 70.027 Scopula floslactata Cream Wave 2 70.028 Scopula emutaria Rosy Wave 1 70.029 Timandra comae Blood-Vein 1 70.030 Cyclophora pendularia Dingy Mocha 2 70.031 Cyclophora annularia Mocha 1 70.032 Cyclophora albipunctata Birch Mocha 1 70.033 Cyclophora puppillaria Blair's Mocha 2 70.034 Cyclophora ruficiliaria Jersey Mocha 3 70.035 Cyclophora porata False Mocha 3 70.036 Cyclophora punctaria Maiden's Blush 2 70.037 Cyclophora linearia Clay Triple-lines 2 70.038 Rhodometra sacraria Vestal 1 Larentiinae 70.039 Phibalapteryx virgata Oblique Striped 1 70.040 Scotopteryx mucronata Lead Belle 3 70.041 Scotopteryx luridata July Belle 3 70.042 Scotopteryx peribolata Spanish Carpet 1 70.043 Scotopteryx bipunctaria Chalk Carpet 1 70.044 Scotopteryx moeniata Fortified Carpet 5 70.045 Scotopteryx chenopodiata Shaded Broad-bar 1 70.046 Orthonama vittata Oblique Carpet 1 70.047 Nycterosea obstipata Gem 1 70.048 Xanthorhoe decoloraria Red Carpet 1 70.049 Xanthorhoe fluctuata Garden Carpet 1 70.050 Xanthorhoe biriviata Balsam Carpet 2 70.051 Xanthorhoe spadicearia Red Twin-spot Carpet 2 70.052 Xanthorhoe ferrugata Dark-barred Twin-spot Carpet 2 70.053 Xanthorhoe designata Flame Carpet 1 Page 5. V0.0.1 (2019-02-01) UK Macro-moth Verification Grade Guidelines 70.054 Xanthorhoe montanata Silver-ground Carpet 1 70.055 Xanthorhoe quadrifasiata Large Twin-spot Carpet 2 70.056 Catarhoe cuculata Royal Mantle 1 70.057 Catarhoe rubidata Ruddy Carpet 1 70.058 Costaconvexa polygrammata Many-lined 2 70.0581 Costaconvexa centrostrigaria Traveller 3 70.059 Camptogramma bilineata Yellow Shell 1 70.060 Epirrhoe tristata Small Argent and Sable 2 70.061 Epirrhoe alternata Common Carpet 1 70.062 Epirrhoe rivata Wood Carpet 2 70.063 Epirrhoe galiata Galium Carpet 1 70.064 Euphyia biangulata Cloaked Carpet 2 70.065 Euphyia unangulata Sharp-angled Carpet 2 70.066 Earophila badiata Shoulder Stripe 1 70.067 Anticlea derivata Streamer 1 70.068 Mesoleuca albicillata Beautiful Carpet 1 70.069 Pelurga comitata Dark Spinach 1 70.070 Larentia clavaria Mallow 1 70.071 Entephria flavicinctata Yellow-ringed Carpet 2 70.072 Entephria caesiata Grey Mountain Carpet 1 70.073 Spargania luctuata White-banded Carpet 2 70.074 Hydriomena furcata July Highflyer 1 70.075
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